Bishop David Oyedepo at Liberation Hour Service || 2nd July 2024 || Youth Chapel Canaanland ||

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo at Liberation Hour Service || 2nd July 2024 || Youth Chapel Canaanland ||

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Today is your day! God has not asked you to come for nought. He has a package for you, you will get it today. Many people only know how to ask, very few know how to seek. Church Gist. If you ask, you receive, if you ask by faith without any doubt in your heart. But you can’t find until you seek. The door cannot be opened until you knock.

  • Today, may all seekers become finders.
  • May all knockers experience their open door in the name of Jesus.

Thank you, Father. Blessed be your name in the name of Jesus.

Can I have you say with me “I’m redeemed to be far from oppression”? We are not redeemed to be oppressed, we are redeemed to be set free. Church Gist. Our redemption is our escape from the pit of oppression. Isaiah 54:14,15.

  • Today is declared the day of the fall of all your attackers.
  • All spiritual forces that may be arrayed against you, that show up in the night, follow you as a jinx in the course of the day, today is declared the day of their fall!

Isaiah 54:17. One more time, say with me “I’m redeemed to be far from oppression” At new birth, we were translated from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of His own dear Son. Colossians 1:18. Church Gist. Our redemption is a translation from the kingdom of darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth into the Kingdom of light where there is joy unspeakable, full of glory. Matthew 25:30. 1 Peter 1:8. So, we have changed citizenry. We have left Japan, we’re back in Nigeria. So, the security forces in Japan cannot arrest you here. America is a strong nation, but their soldiers can’t arrest me here. I’m off their domain. In the same vein, you have left the kingdom of darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth into the Kingdom of light where there is joy and rejoicing and laughter forever. So, the authorities of your yesterday kingdom have no more power on you today. It doesn’t take time to leave one territory and go to another. From my house to my hotel in Benin Republic is two and the half hours maximum. Church Gist. In the split of a second, through salvation, you’re off that Kingdom. If you don’t know these things, you’ll be begging. You’ll be begging the forces of the former kingdom where you used to belong because you’re not conscious that you have left that kingdom. That’s the background of our liberty from the oppression of the powers of darkness.

Ephesians 2:6-9. So at new birth, we have left the terrestrial realm into that celestial realm and that is located far above. Ephesians 1:20,21. Church Gist. So, by redemption, we have been repositioned far above all the forces of oppression from hell. You can’t be begging something you are far above to respond to you. You command it. Far above.

Please note that medical science has no solution to satanic oppression. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) can’t catch it. Surgeons can’t locate it. They are spiritual entities and they are invisible to the eyes, yet they keep tormenting people. Church Gist. You find a young man just walking in the street, he just ran mad. The head is still the same, the hands the same, he drove out in the morning by himself, yet, where is the thing? They can’t find it.

  • All invisible battles against your destiny will be sorted out today.

Acts 10:38. As ordinary as fever may appear, it has killed too many people. It’s still killing people till now. Jesus stood to minister to Peter’s mother-in-law and rebuked the fever. There was a spirit behind that fever that won’t go. Luke 4:38,39. Church Gist. Somebody testified here in that paper that had one typhoid fever that resisted all treatment, just continued. But by the power of the communion table, liberated forever. That’s not…it won’t respond to any tablet, no. It’s an oppression. Church Gist. What they call the spirit of infirmity is the spirit of sickness. Some sicknesses are raw direct oppressions of the devil.

  • But today is your day of liberty!

A woman had issue of blood for 12 years and had spent all that she had and was no better. She came to the Great Physician and she was delivered from that oppression. Church Gist. No medical solution but there’s always a Jesus solution.

  • You will get your own today.

By redemption also, we are now children of light. 1 John 1:5. Because like beget like, if upon salvation we are now children of God and because God is Light, then we are children of light. Church Gist. Can darkness molest light? Can darkness torment light?

  • I therefore declare, all the torments of the wicked, I declare them illegal in your life in the name of Jesus.

Ephesians 5:8. Walk as children of light and darkness will keep clearing the way for you. John 12:35,36. So, you have to keep walking in the light to remain children of light. It’s not only having the light or being called the child of light, it is walking in the light that gives that position relevance. Church Gist. We get illuminated by spiritual insight, we continue to dominate the forces of darkness. So, when that demoniac saw Jesus, “Have you come to destroy us before the time?” Luke 4:34. You know Jesus said “I am the Light of the World” John 8:12. Every time light is coming, darkness is smart enough to clear the way because light will torment it, light will destroy it. In the same vein, when we’re walking in the light, darkness stays clear our path.

  • In the name of Jesus Christ, I decree a new dawn in your life today.

There was this French Woman, she was being followed by a jinx, she would feel somebody following her, she won’t find anybody. It was a siege of misfortune. When she’s about getting at a result in any endeavour, it goes. Church Gist. She was reading the Book “Winning Invisible Battles” According to her testimony, before she got to the middle of that Book, she saw a figure like a human size walking out of her body, that was the end of it. Light came, darkness went.

  • Light is entering you today and darkness must go!

As we all know, no power of darkness can stand in the way of the power of light. Church Gist. The dominion of light over darkness is unquestionable, is instant, no debate.

  • Therefore, every force of darkness tormenting anyone under the sound of my voice, today, I command you out and never to enter again in the name of Jesus.

All we need is to put on the armour of light in our journey, darkness is wise enough to stay clear our environment. Romans 13:12. No right word can be resisted by any devil in hell. Church Gist. Jesus came forth with the right word, “It is written” Wow! “It is written” What? “It is written” “Then satan leaveth Him” Matthew 4:4-11. 2 Timothy 2:15. Job 6:25. “How forcible are right words?” It’s not just quoting Scriptures, it’s coming forth with the right Word against any attack that may be launched at us.

The reason we read those testimonies on the communion is one of the spiritual forces embedded in Scriptures for our liberation from all oppressions of the devil.
-Therefore today, anything molesting anyone’s life will be laid to rest!

We’ve heard series of testimonies. Someone will vomit and re-eat it again, regurgitation. Took the communion, loosed from the chains.
-The chains on any area of your life that tamper with your human dignity must clear off today.

The Olusoga testimony that was read, that was delivered or healed from bone marrow cancer. Church Gist. He still stood one year after to testify by himself. “I was the man Jesus healed through online communion and I’m still hale and hearty”

  • You will testify today!

This is what the Lord revealed to Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26,30. When you take it (the communion) with faith, you are delivered from weakness and sickness and untimely death. Church Gist. So the Holy Communion is Heaven’s toast for our strength, our health and our longevity.

  • So everything out to terminate your life will be swallowed up today!
  • Every sickness inflicted on you by the devil shall clear off today in the name of Jesus.

The Holy Communion is prescribed to empower believers to live like Jesus. John 6:57. What that means is, because He said earlier “Whosoever has seen me has seen my Father” Now, that means, “The Father sent me and I live like the Father. Church Gist. Through the mystery of the Communion, you are empowered to live like me” Can that siege be upon Christ? Can Jesus be buffeted with stroke? Can He be tormented with HIV AIDS? Can He be under the attack of sickle cell anaemia? Can He be partially blind? Totally deaf? Now, we’re empowered to live like Jesus through the Communion table. Church Gist. So whatever you cannot imagine tormenting His flesh, when you take His flesh by faith through the communion table, it liberates your flesh and my flesh from such assaults.

  • Today is your day!

Can I tell you this? Long before the teachings of prosperity came to the Church, the Church was giving. I’m talking about the Church of Christ. There’s no Church where they don’t take offerings on Sunday, but they don’t know the meaning, so, it doesn’t add value to them because every Scripture produces according to our level of understanding of it. Church Gist. It’s not just doing a thing that matters, it’s understanding what is backing up what you are doing. Matthew 13:23. So, it’s not about taking communion, what is in the communion? What is it ordained to deliver? How do I partake of what it’s ordained to deliver? So, you find people who don’t care about anything, “Let’s serve the table, let’s go” You’ll just be taking snacks. Church Gist. Somebody took communion and cancer went, then you came with headache and nothing goes because you didn’t understand it.

  • I am praying that today will be your day!

So, the communion is made up of both the flesh and the blood of Jesus which is the bread that we take and the drink that we take. It doesn’t have to be anything special from Israel, from Hebron. Matthew 26:28,29. Church Gist. As they were eating, He took from the bread that they were eating, He took from the drink that they were drinking, so it’s not specially made somewhere. That’s why it says “As often as ye do” Because it’s not one thing that was manufactured from somewhere.

John 6:48-52. So, it stops the way against death. This seemingly simple mystery stops the way against the assault of death.
-So, whatever is dying or dead in your system, as you partake of the communion today, the way shall be stopped against them.

Everyone hearing me around the World today, put a little bread and drink when it’s time. The same power here will go through the waves as it did from Faith Tabernacle to India and deliver you from any part of the World where you are now. Church Gist. The Communion is a mystery with inestimable power. “If you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have eternal life, divine life, an upgrade of life”

What is in the flesh?
1: The bread can be likened to the rod of God that swallowed up all the rods of the magicians. Exodus 7:11. We saw how Aaron cast down the rod and it became a serpent. The magicians did the same, it became serpents in like manner. Exodus 7:12.

  • As you partake of this flesh by faith, it is turned to a miracle rod on your inside and swallowing up every rod of the stranger.
    -Every strange movement in your body, everything ravaging your inside, walking in your brain, it goes in to swallow them up.

As if nothing happened, Aaron took the rod, it was not heavier. Church Gist. There is nothing in the devil, his magicians became rodless in the first round.
-Today, God will molest the enemies of your soul.

2: A miracle meal. As the sons of the Prophet went to get vegetables and they collected some poisonous ones by mistake. 2 Kings 4:39-41. After they had cooked it, “Alas master, there is death in the pot” He said “Bring me a meal, leftover bread. Cast it into the pot, pour it again” and there was no more harm.

  • As you swallow this flesh today, every poison tormenting your life shall be totally neutralised.
  • Their effect will be rendered null and void in the name of Jesus.

So, see the bread as the rod of life and see the bread as the bread of life ordained to quicken our mortal body, give it life back again.

3: The bread is the manna of life that destroys all forms of weakness and feebleness. Psalm 105:37. Church Gist. For 40 years, their legs were not swollen, they knew no sickness and they were feeding on that old manna and Jesus said “This is superior to the manna your fathers took in the wilderness”. If that one kept them strong and healthy, then this one will get us stronger and healthier.

  • The days of weakness and feebleness, up today, down tomorrow, they’re over in your life today.

4: In that bread lies the eye opening miracle. Luke 24:31. So, it delivers spiritual sight. Church Gist. It delivers from spiritual blindness.
-As you partake of the communion, expect every trace of spiritual blindness to be healed in your life.

Some sit down in Church, they only look at the Preacher, “That looks okay, I think they are speaking well” He has no iota of understanding of anything. Church Gist. But today, Luke 24:30,31 will be replayed in your life!

Now, it was 1976 that I caught this light on the communion. I began taking it as my meal. I can now trace that some of the insight He gave me must have been facilitated by this. He gave them the bread and their eyes were opened and they knew Him. Church Gist. Daniel 1:32. So, we have these dimensions of miracles in the bread. Please, open up your heart. God can’t reach you without your faith. Miracles can’t drop for you without your faith. God cannot bypass your faith to intervene in your affairs.

Now, what is in the blood?
1: Leviticus 17:11. So, the dominion nature of Christ that is immune to sickness and disease is in His blood. Church Gist. John 6:54. That’s dominion.

2: We share the same blood group with Christ through the mystery of the Holy Communion. “This is my blood” That’s what He said. John 6:55. Church Gist. It’s the ultimate drink for life, for godliness, for triumph. “Drink indeed” It’s next to no other. As you partake of this blood tonight, the dominion nature of Christ takes hold of your life!

There is what the Biologist will call the white blood corpuscles. They are the soldiers of the body. They help to fight against intruders. Now, the blood of Jesus is the stainless blood of the Lamb. Church Gist. It’s as white as snow. When we take it in, we have received the spiritual white blood corpuscles, whatever attack may come from anywhere, it stands up against it.

1 Corinthians 11:26. So, it (the blood of Jesus) shows, it manifests itself. It does show that Jesus died for these – to rescue me from weakness, sickness and untimely death. It does show my purpose for this provision. It shows that you have fighting soldiers in your system that makes you more than conquerors under any form of attack. That’s the blood. What that means is this. Church Gist. All oppressions of the devil are the rods of the magicians that the rod of life has capacity to swallow. All the attacks of men are the poisons, they put it in your tea, in your vegetable, whichever way. The communion table is ordained the security of our lives on earth.

  • Therefore, it’s your turn!
  • The good news is, your case can never be hopeless. Church Gist. There is no irreversible case with Jesus. Every unwanted issue of your life shall be openly reversed today!

We have been redeemed to a lively hope. Our hope can never be hopeless. The hope that maketh not ashamed. Church Gist. Romans 5:5. 🎼🎼 Atinileyin koju matini mo yin o (The Support that does not make one ashamed, I praise you) 🎼🎼

  • Everything that causes shame around your life shall be swallowed up today!


Interestingly, the blood of Jesus is God’s last card in every warfare. That’s the ultimate weapon in spiritual battles. It’s what the World will call nuclear power. Revelation 12:11. It was the last card in Egypt. Church Gist. When the Passover blood showed up, Pharoah and all the gods of Egypt bowed out. 1 John 5:7. Last card. Hebrews 12:22-24. “…and the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things” Last one. It’s the one listed last. So, whatever attack from hell, as you partake of this blood, they must surrender!

  • Today, SS must go. HIV AIDS must go. Stroke must vanish. Church Gist. Blindness must clear off. Cancer must die. Thank you, Jesus.

One of our daughters travelled by night bus from Jos, a student of UNIJOS (University of Jos). Church Gist. Attacked by cancer of the breast, took the communion and that was it, cleared off forever. Now, no matter your situation, if you believe in the efficacy of the blood, that’s the same blood. Thank you, Jesus.

  • How many are sure of their encounter today? Give the Lord another big hand of praise. Amen!

Very quickly right now. Healing, deliverance, they are all children’s bread. 1 John 5:4. Don’t fake it. Be real. Am I saved? Where are the proofs of salvation in my life? Matthew 7:20. What has changed since I claimed to meet Jesus? There are too many social members of the Church of Christ today. Church Gist. “Because it’s the in thing” That’s where your colleagues are, that’s where your friends are, that’s where your son is, that’s where your daughter is, that’s where your son-in-law is and so, “I’m a believer”. What an equation. Victorious living is one of the vital proofs of redemption. Access to the Word of God is one of the vital proofs of salvation. Mark 4:11.

—Altar Call and Communion Administration—

Now, refuse to be an onlooker. Let your eyes be focused on the things you have received and the things you’ve taken as keys to your expected rescue and keep thanking God from the depth of your heart. “I thank you, the siege is over. I thank you, the battle is won. I thank you, I’m free at last. Church Gist. I thank you, this siege is over. I thank you, I’m rescued finally. I thank you, my health is restored. I thank you because the threat of death is over. I thank you because I’m free forever” Now, put your faith on the line. Only those who will take it will have it. Thank you, Jesus.






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