Bishop David Oyedepo at SHILOH 2022 Impartation Service || Shiloh 2022|| COVENANT HIGHWAYS||

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–    Bishop David Oyedepo at SHILOH 2022 Impartation Service || Shiloh 2022|| COVENANT HIGHWAYS|| 

Every aspect of this service is vital.

Thank you Jesus, you alone are my strength and shield. To you alone will my spirit yield. Church Gist. You alone are my heart’s desire, I long to worship you. In Jesus’ precious name we have prayed.

Holy Spirit, manifest yourself in our midst today in the name of Jesus.

The greatest need of every believer are his spiritual needs. When our spiritual life is in place every thing comes under our command. To be spiritually minded engenders life and peace, to be carnally minded is death. We Charismatics have promoted materialism above spirituality. We began to lose command without recognizing it. A hunger and thirst after things will lead to a wreck. A hunger and thirst after God will lead to fulfilment. Church Gist. I stopped before the Lord to write my expectations and I couldn’t. I began to worship. 🎶Just a closer walk with thee, precious Saviour this is my plea. Daily walking close to there. Let it be, Lord let it be🎶

I wrote them down, my expectations.  if you can read my writing.

BISHOP ABIOYE: (reads) Just a closer walk with you Jesus this is my plea.

🎶Just a closer walk with thee, precious Saviour this is my plea. Daily walking close to there. Lee it be, Lord, let it be🎶

PASTOR DAVID OYEDEPO JNR: (reads) as the hart pants after the water brooks so let my soul continue to long after you all my days on the earth.

PASTOR DAVID IBIYEOMIE: (reads) Jesus help me to continue to walk to please you.

You know I write shorthand so young men like this may not be able to read it. You don’t mind your spiritual needs, you will be grounded. Beware of the Laodicean syndrome. They said we have need for nothing. Why? We have bank accounts. Our spiritual needs are our capital needs. 2 Timothy 2:19-21. Pant for an upgrade of your spiritual life today. We have access to the help of the Holy Spirit in His diverse manifestations. Pant for the Spirit of holiness which manifests us as sons of God. Christ was declared as the son of God by the Spirit of Holiness. Pant for the Spirit of obedience. Jesus was obedient unto death even the death of the cross. Ezekiel 36:27. Pant for the Spirit of delightsome obedience. Church Gist. You are not obeying God under stress. Pant for the Spirit of love. A new level of love for God that makes a believer a wonder to his world. Romans 5:5. That my daughter said it was in my heart to build God a church, I had nothing in my hand but because I heard my father say “if it is in your heart, God will put it in your hand”. God did. The Spirit of love, you are just all out for God. It is as strong as death. It was working in Daniel, it was working in Shedrack, Meshach and Abednego. They despised death because love is as strong as death. Songs of Solomon 8:6. Ask for the Spirit of love that makes God occupy the centre of your life. You are organizing your life for sweatless breakthrough. Sweatless triumph.

I am not perfect that’s why I’m crying. I am just pressing. I’m pressing not to go back to where I’ve found myself, but to go forward. Paul said I am not perfect and I am less than perfect than the Paul I know.

Please, mind your spiritual needs!

This is what the devil is attacking today. People are running spiritually bankrupt. Spiritually bankrupt!

Churches are beginning to preach what people like to hear.

You can’t, I can’t walk with God on my own terms. Can two walk together except they be agreed?

Our spiritual needs are our greatest needs.

As pastors, members, leaders in various areas, founders of ministries, our greatest needs are our spiritual needs. I know many things you have heard and many things will come down today, if you need to, pen down your spiritual needs. Church Gist. Do another list for yourself!

This is vital, we have diverse helps of the Holy Ghost available to us.

🎵For as the deer panteth for the waters/So my soul longeth after thee/You alone are my hearts desire and I long to worship you🎶

🎵For you alone are my strength and shield/To you alone may my spirit yield/You alone art my heart and I long to worship you🎶

Romans 8:6.

Strive to maintain the fear of God as a lifestyle for the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. And wisdom is what enthroned and puts us in command. Proverbs 8:13,15.

It gives believers command over life’s situations and circumstances.

Across the nations today no matter who teaches what, the content of this Book is settled in Heaven forever!

There will never be a new generation Bible! Settled in Heaven forever!

It’s very risky to add to it. It’s dangerous to subtract from it. Matthew 24:35.

There is no new age revelation if it’s not settled here, it’s not the truth.

If it’s not seated here, it’s not the truth.

Young people, listen to me, there is no young people Bible. I was young like you when I met Jesus. I got saved at 15. Church Gist. That’s not an old man. And I followed this old path till date without a one day regret. Let’s play small is not in the Bible. It’s good for a young man to bear his yoke in his youth. All this watered down thing people are doing around in the name of young people and small people, is it not now that they started separating youths from central church? We were all together.

But now they will sing and shout for 40 minutes to 1 hour, they will say they are young people. You are wasting them away! Get them here! What is this?

Life is so interesting!

I began catching revelations of Jesus from the age of 16. Live and direct. Beware of modern Christianity! People mourn at the end of it. You ask your son, Where are you going? He said, Why are you asking me? Your son? Sir down! Where do you think you are? I cast out that devil of disobedience. Church Gist. On the spot! You say they are nowadays children, is there nowadays heaven?

I bind the spirit of rebellion in all our youths and young adults in the name of Jesus!

🎵Just a closer walk with thee/Precious Jesus this my plea/Daily walking close to thee/ Let it be Dear Lord/Let it  be🎶

🎵And just a closer walk with thee/Precious savior this my plea/Daily walking close to thee/let it be dear Lord/let it be🎶

I began hearing the voice of God very distinctly from the age of 22.

🎵Just a closer walk with thee/Precious savior this my plea/I’m daily walking close to thee/let it be dear lord/let it be🎶

None of our children will be lost to the devil!

All this education without consecration will lead to crisis! Wake up, wake up, wake up!

I’m sending my son somewhere. Your son that has not obeyed you at home, you are sending him somewhere, he will show you! You couldn’t handle him at home. Church Gist. You think teacher will parent them! No!

🎵Just a closer walk with thee/Precious savior this my plea/daily walking close to thee/let it be dear lord/let it be🎶

There’s a lot of prophetic unction about in the house today and I want you to plug into it because every thing that you have carried as baggage, it must drop!

They must drop today sir.

You can be a pastor and be most carnal.

No touch with Heaven. You can be a frontline settled, long time member and just be disconnected!

But today, this recovery prophetic intervention will restore everyone on the way to anywhere.

So whatever despises the fear of God is to disconnect believers from God. Church Gist. And make them vulnerable to vices that will stop their way to Heaven.

No one’s way shall be stopped to Heaven!

Unveiling the covenant highways of life:

By the fear of God, a prisoner was catapulted to become a Prime Minister. After some long trek of 13 years, sold into slavery at 17, but emerged on the throne at 30.

Life is a journey. Numbers 9:15-23.

Destiny is a process. Our light shining more and more and more until the ultimate agenda of God is delivered.

Stop being in a hurry! Stop being in a hurry! Life is a journey and we journey there!

They were on their way to the Promised land, anytime the clouds settled, we settle. When the cloud moved, we journeyed. Church Gist. Life to a Promised land in Heaven is a journey. Destiny is in phases. If you don’t go at His pace, you will lose your peace. Destiny is in phases. Proverbs 4:18. Progress is in phases. There is no product that does not go through a process in the factory.

No man is born a giant in the natural. You don’t give birth to a child 3 meters tall. The mother will run, the doctors will run, the father will run. It’s not done. Even Christ came as a babe in swaddling cloth. And the child grew. The child didn’t jump, the child grew.

No matter how a great destiny you carry, you will need to grow into it. People are in a hurry, people are deadly in a hurry. They play all kinds of game to jump the queue.

Progress is in phases. Life is in journey. Destiny is a process, one step after another. I was the first sanctuary keeper of this church. The first! I would sweep and dust the benches and pray over them that people will come.

My wife and I lived in the office building with our son. One toilet for everybody. Life is a journey. Church Gist. Jumping around the world won’t change the phases, won’t change it.

It’s like not having a foundation and building a tower. It will crash! Receive the grace for patience today.

Somebody saw the Ark project on the video yesterday, don’t go and be perspiring, it’s not your turn yet, start walking your way, step by step to God’s ultimate agenda for your life, don’t kill yourself. Church Gist. If they put that on your head today, you will die, the capacity to bear it is not there. Put a bag of cement on a toddler, because it’s very mighty, he will die naturally without any satanic oppression. Church Gist. There are things you can’t carry now, may you not try to carry it!

Please hear me, because they have been a generation that is in a hurry, so they end up in horror. Church Gist. They will bow to any devil to jump the queue. They won’t put the Church sticker on their car because of where they’re going. He wants a contract, he’s despising God, who will it give it to you? If you get it, who will bless it? Stop that!

You better wake up, you don’t get results spiritually, you will lose it satanically.

– it’s your turn for a change of story.

I gave a stop to the devil’s intrusion by saying, “whatever my God cannot do, let it remain undone. Whatever my God cannot give me, may I never have it. Wherever my God cannot take me to, may I never get there!”

– you’re going somewhere!

Watch, as our spiritual life is resettled, our command level will rise higher. Ton of us there, we’re all pressing our way forward but we must not be found at the same point again, there must be obvious change of story in our walk with God.

The covenant of Scriptures will deliver under all circumstances. Church Gist. Doing what God says will always work and always deliver any day, any time, anywhere.

There was famine in Egypt, it was so bad, money failed, economy crunched, people were offering their bodies for sale but under the same circumstances, covenant people began to flourish. Church Gist. Genesis 47:27. A clear description of the supremacy of the covenant above prevailing circumstances.

– The present economic woes of the world will not reach you!

Biblical covenants are the highways of life, you’re just set above them. You don’t live under normal circumstances with the covenant. Church Gist. You’re above only. We have never commanded Heaven’s resource than as the economy of this nation began to run, God’s supply began to mess it up, “it doesn’t matter, what I want to do, I will do”, and so, under this economic horror where they are crying, “dollar is increasing”. I said many years ago, “there’s no devalued currency, just have enough”. I was saying that when dollar was three naira, not that naira is now going up. Just have enough. There’s no amount of dollar you cannot acquire if you have enough. Church Gist. We have a US company here now who are responsible for the roof manufacturing. They shipped their machine here, so we are funding their economy.

When I speak to government, I’m not speaking to them as going to defend the Church, I’m speaking to them for the wellbeing of the nation. Church Gist. We delivered nearly 2,000 Churches last year and you heard the good report this year, 843 already delivered in Nigeria. The covenant is superior to prevailing circumstances, any day, any time, anywhere. You get angry, you break your head and die. Church Gist. I will like the sons and daughters of God to become aware of their content, become conscious of your redemptive content and see how much command you’ll start having. Have respect to the covenant of Scriptures, it’s the stabilizer of destiny, it’s the security of posterity. Church Gist. Biblical covenants are the highways of life.

Isaiah 55:8-11. “My Highways are as contained in my Word”. Doing what God says puts you in command of what is happening around the world.

– receive that grace today!

Walking in the highways of God can make a nation out of a man.

– so, I see men and women like nations rising in the body of Christ.

That’s why the devil wants to disconnect us from access to those highways through careless, ungodly living that will not let anybody have access, “for the secret of God is only with them that fear Him and He will show them His covenants” – Psalm 25:14. Church Gist. So, you find philosophy and psychology filling the pulpits around the world. You will find applaud gathering statements. We have more speakers now than ministers. Anybody can be a speaker, all your lecturers in school are speakers, but we are called to be ministers.

– Many men like nations, not by crooked schemings, will begin to rise in the body of Christ.

– men and women that nations will need them, need their input, wisdom and their kind of results will start rising in the body of Christ.

– if you see yourself as one, let me hear your loudest Amen.

They will be young, some will middle-aged, some will be old, but by the touch of God on their life and the quality of their walk with God, they shall become men to be consulted, women to be sort after. Don’t let no devil rob you of this awesome heritage.

Engaging the covenant highways as obtained in Scriptures will empower any believer for dominion, race or colour not withstanding. Church Gist. He has made all nations of one blood. He has redeemed us from all nations of tribe and has made us kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth. Walking in the covenant highways of Scriptures will empower any believer for dominion, race or colour, not withstanding. God is not a racist, God is God. God is not Nigerian, God is not African, God is American, God is not European, God is God. He has made all nations of one blood, we only divided it into blocks. Blood groups are the same anywhere, there’s no white blood group and Asian blood group and African blood group, it’s one blood. Church Gist. Your colour is not a disadvantage. Ignorance is the main disadvantage to anybody, black or white or yellow. Romans 10:12. He was talking with Saul before he finally poured oil on him, “I’m talking to you on how to make the oil work. If you don’t have this, you’re just applying pomade, no effect. Church Gist. But look out for spiritual repositioning that will be evident in your daily walk”. You’re either conferred with dominion or your struggle continues.

– Today, in the name of Jesus, by this prophetic Word going, which is entering into your Spirit right now, your story has changed!

There are many such high flyers coming up by the LORD, it said the LORD not the people, the LORD shall set you on high above all nations, the LORD! When the LORD sets you up, nobody can pull you down. The LORD will set you on high above all nations of the earth. The LORD! Every body pushed Joseph away, the LORD picked him out and the one that pushed him away came and now before him. Church Gist. The LORD! After this impartation, by your choice to walk in the fear of God, the LORD will pick you up against the will of your enemy and put you where you belong. We are redeemed as mountain top personalities, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. We are redeemed as the light of the world, as pacesetters, pathfinders and trailblazers. Don’t let the devil scout through your destiny, let it be precious in your sight. You know Esau said “I am hungry, what will this birthright do to you? Give me please pottage. It’s smelling good.” He ate the pottage and lost his destiny. No one here will lose their destiny. He despised his birthright, you will not despise your birthright. Church Gist. Acts 17:26. One blood! People, don’t let inferiority complex sell you into slavery, one blood! A time is coming when the nations people are running to will be running to you where you are. One blood!

Stay in your place, let God lead you so you won’t miss your place in life. Among others, you shall be receiving this morning, the fresh enduement of the Spirit of faith. Amen? Now, let me humble you with this, organizations don’t carry unction, it’s individuals that carry it.  Organizations don’t carry unction, it’s individuals that carry it and that’s where meekness comes when it comes to impartation. You don’t receive the carrier as a carrier, you can’t partake of what he carries. Paul said “Ye are all partakers of my grace not of the Philippians’ church grace, of my grace and such as I have, I am releasing to you freely.  I carry by grace the Spirit of faith that’s set to lead a generation. Not by skill, not by experience. I heard God say to me, we heard that in the Power house, Bishop Ebhohimen, “The destiny of this age” You don’t talk like that when you are not drunk. Abi, Apostle Joe (Bishop Joseph Ebohimen)? You wrote it down. The destiny of this age has been committed into our hands. Are you mad? Church Gist. A word comes up here and it resonates round the entire world. I took it not from Kenneth Hagin’s Ministries, I took it from Hagin. Somebody is taking something here today!

There are people in this Church who are not partakers of this grace because they don’t recognize the carrier, they just admire the carrier and there are those across the Atlantic who are flowing in it. Set your heart right. You are all partakers of my grace! Men are carriers of grace not organizations. Church Gist. Go to my servant Adeboye, I will have him lay hands on you and you shall be filled with the Spirit of wisdom. Not go to Redeemed Christian Church. I was in Asaba many years ago and I said ” Last night Kenneth Hagin spoke to you, this morning Copeland will speak to you.” I am a carrier of the grace upon him. This is where meekness comes in sir. Water never flows uphill, water flows downhill, without all contradictions, the less is blessed of the better. Until the carrier is considered, recognised as above you, nothing from him can flow to you. There shall be a flow this morning! There shall be a great flow this morning into every life in the name of Jesus!

The Spirit of faith is the same for all generations, 2 Corinthians 4:13. The same Spirit of faith! Hagin got it from somewhere, I got it from Hagin, several are getting it from me, several will get it from you! Church Gist. Hagin has gone to heaven since 2003, I have maintained the connectivity and the flow has continued. This generation needs to be careful, be careful, a disconnect at any point will stop the flow. A disconnect from where any grace flows to will disconnect the flow at any stage of your life sir. This is not human worship. This is spiritual law. It keeps flowing. There are sometimes I shout, I see Benson Idahosa shouting. No matter how old your water bearing pipe has been, when it’s disconnected from the mains, it runs dry. Like a disconnect from Jesus has written off your salvation.

My prayer today is that whatever flows to you will keep flowing all the days of your life in the name of Jesus! In the name of Jesus! I want to believe that what the Bible refers to as the shield of faith is the Spirit of faith wherewith you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the devil. Church Gist. There are four categories of faith recognized in scriptures.

1. A measure of faith, that comes along with our salvation. The faith that brought us to Christ is as by given by God. Many people heard what we heard, it didn’t move them but the measure of faith brought us to Christ. Romans 12:3. You invest little into that faith, it becomes little faith. You invest much to that faith, it becomes great faith.

So there is little faith or weak faith, it can’t stand the storms of life. O ye of little faith, why did you fear? Why did you fear when you saw the storm? Little faith can’t stand the storm and then great faith, you may call that strong faith, the kind that Abraham operated with. It has capacity to withstand the rough weathers. He considered not his own body which is now as good as dead but was strong in faith, giving glory to God and then you have Supernatural faith.

Supernatural faith which we call the Spirit of faith. But listen to me, every category of faith requires a good conscience to work. Every category of faith requires a good conscience to deliver. Holding faith and a good conscience which some have ignored concerning faith, they have made a shipwreck on their life. Faith without a good conscience equals a shipwreck, a crash on the journey. Good conscience! That’s why faith does not work for liars. Faith never works for hypocrites. Faith will never work for thieves. Ouuhhhh! The curse of the LORD is in the house of the thief. Psalms 101:7. Faith requires good conscience to work.

The rod of Elisha didn’t work in the hand of Gehazi. He laid it on the dead who was on the bed of the anointed. He didn’t rise! He was wondering, ‘What are we going to gain from this woman’? Inside his heart was the money! It won’t work! There are many money sick people in Church, Faith won’t work! Church Gist. Yes! Oh God! Bad converts! They are praying Kingdom advancement prayers, but no! What is the matter? Money contract! And they speak in tongues and say, ‘When I say Amen! Say Amen!’ Hypocrites!

He is just praying that prayer, he is not connected to it! Hold the Faith and a good conscience whom some have ignored concerning Faith and they have made a shipwreck of their lives! Can you now see how the fear of God is foundational to everything that works in the Kingdom! ‘Papa, lay hands on me’! It won’t change it! No good conscience, no delivery! ‘I meet him everyday’! Church Gist. Judas was with Jesus everyday! How did he lose his place?

Somebody was anointing Jesus on His feet. He said, ‘Ah! This should have been sold for money’! You would have given it to the poor! Church Gist. It’s a lie! Jesus said, ‘It’s a lie, because he was a thief’! There was nowhere they said Judas said something! Or have you read it in the Bible? That they said that Judas said something! No! Judas neither prayed nor said! His conscience was defiled! It was seared with hot iron!

Faith never works with you in the morning with Jesus! And in the evening with native doctor! It never works! With you leaving what the Word of God says, to that your grandfather said! It never works without Supernatural Faith or Superlative Faith! Faith without a good conscience never delivers! There are many with a dead conscience. He is no longer sensitive to anything! It is seared with hot iron! The cells are dead!

-There will be recovery this morning!

1 Timothy 4:2, there are many with defiled conscience! All these things that Papa is saying, ‘I don’t believe it’! ‘Don’t believe it’! And yet now, they say, ‘Let’s pass the mantle, you say, ‘Yes, I believe in the mantle’! It won’t work! You go behind the scene and you are casting aspersions on the anointed? Church Gist. It won’t work! You will try to work it for all your life, it won’t work! God’s Word is settled in Heaven forever! To the defiled? Nothing is pure! Titus 1:15.

And then we have weak consciences! It falls for anything around it! Whatever others are saying, he is saying it! Nothing is working in Nigeria! What about you? ‘Well! In our Church, they said that we shouldn’t say that’! Church Gist. But eh! ‘To be very factual, things are hard’! And then we come to Church, we say your case is different! You say Amen! It never works!

The first book I wrote was, ‘The Law of Faith’! What makes Faith work! If you don’t keep the Law, it won’t work!

And then we have a good conscience and then we have a pure conscience! May we graduate from good conscience to pure conscience today! Holding the mystery of the Faith which is the Spirit of Faith with a pure conscience! I say, ‘We are not under stress’! ‘Well, I don’t believe that’! And yet I pray for you and you say, Amen! It won’t answer! It won’t!

Paul said, I exercise my conscience to be void of offence towards man and towards men! You are a financial schemer! It won’t work! Change in book! Change in figures! You are a computer scammer, it won’t work! You are pushing drugs, it won’t work! Faith is not a magic wand! It is a Spiritual Force! It can fail! Jesus said, ‘I pray for you, Peter that your Faith faileth not’! Luke 22:32. Church Gist. These are what causes Faith failure! A defiled conscience! A dead conscience! Hypocrisy here and there!

🎶 There is a River of Life, flowing out to me!🎶

-Somebody is getting healed! Somebody’s Spiritual life is getting resettled! Hold the Faith and a good conscience! If I’m angry with you, you will know, it’s not that somebody will come and tell you! No prophecy, you will know! Church Gist. And if I see you, I’ll call you and say, this is it!’ That is the little level that I have reached!

I was told that somebody was sick and it would be good if I pray for him, I said ask him if he needs my prayer! I don’t pray nonsense prayers! Abi? I told you! Ask him if he needs my prayers! No! Ask him! But for me to lay hands and be jumping when I know that you are off, I won’t do that! There are those who are saying, ‘My father! Church Gist. My father! It’s a lie’! There is nothing in it sir! Nothing in it! Please, to thyself! Be true!

This thing is not magical, they are mysteries of the Kingdom! My prayer is that every single prophetic release today will impact your life! Thank you Jesus!

-May everything that grace has endowed me in the school of faith find full blown expression in your life!

What are the characteristics of the Spirit of faith?

1.The Spirit of Faith puts believers on auto-Faith frequency with capacity to respond spontaneously to the challenges of life! It speaks through you, what naturally you cannot utter! It responds spontaneously to challenges to bring them under control! Church Gist. He said, ‘Don’t mind what you will say, it is the Spirit of your Father that shall be speaking in you! Matthew 10:20. Prompt response of faith to challenges confronting us!

Those three Hebrew boys were not speaking on their own Daniel 3:16. We are not careful to answer you in this matter! It’s a Spirit speaking in them! Nobody dares a fiery furnace that way! And they were not premeditated! No! It spoke out through them! And all the devils in hell were crushed! God spoke to Caleb by the Spirit of Faith! You are able to take the land, let’s go up at once! As He has fully followed Me, there was a help of the Spirit of Faith that came alive in him! Prompt response! To instructions from the father? Prompt response! Church Gist. To challenges from the pit of hell! Prompt response! That’s why the Spirit of Faith speaks the unspeakable!

You think that they are drunk? It was at work inside David! 1 Samuel 17:36. That’s one tiny David speaking that way! Spirit of Faith! It was God who threw the sling, not David! 1 Samuel 17:38. If you measure that force, in the Physics laboratory, it won’t generate what we saw! The stone entered the skull of Goliath.

He fell down dead on his face! When it hears the voice of Faith, it will jitter! I was not in control, the Spirit of Faith! Not organised! It speaks the unspeakable in your defence, for your progress, for your advancement! Suddenly, it came! Davidl has slain his ten thousand and Saul his one thousand, then the battle between him and Saul. Church Gist. But he arrives at the throne at the age of thirty! It’s a journey!

-Today! Receive a fresh endowment of the Spirit of Faith!

We are looking at the Characteristics of the Spirit of Faith before we begin to minister because all of them will manifest in your life from today!

The Spirit of Faith empowers believers to believe all things. Acts 24:4. The Spirit of Faith empowers us to believe everything in the world without argument or debate! Everything God says in His Word! We are empowered to believe them! The Spirit of Faith is a gift! It’s not an achievement! It’s not an accomplishment! It is not a mark of experience! It’s a gift! And every believer is entitled to it! He said earnestly covet the best of the gifts of the Spirit! 1 Corinthians 12:31. Church Gist. It’s every believer’s right to carry the Spirit of Faith! And then we need that in these thorny days and these dark ages!

The Spirit of Faith triggers incredible moves! Through Faith, Noah, a farmer, moved and began to build the Ark. Hebrews 11:7. Through faith they crossed the Red Sea. Church Gist. How? “Get down to go forward!” and the sea saw them and it fled. It makes incredible moves!

He believes all things so He makes incredible moves to authenticate it. This sanctuary shall be built and dedicated in one year. Yes Sir! The following day we moved down there. Arise!  get down to Lagos, unprepared, unmeditated. Church Gist. The following day we moved. The harvest of Africa is now overripe,  the Friday that followed the Wednesday, we moved to dedicate the Map of Africa to Jesus. It makes incredible moves. From today no circumstances will dislodge you from making the moves that will advance your life. It makes incredible moves.

5. The Spirit of faith dares the undareable.

The three Hebrew boys dared the fiery furnace and the fiery furnace surrendered. It dares the undareable as found in scriptures. The Spirit of faith accomplishes impossible feats. Out of this world order of results. Daniel said give us time we will tell you the dream, we are not guessing. Daniel 2:34. It accomplishes the impossible. Church Gist. The spirit of faith is the master key to a world of exploits to deliver the kind of results that eyes have never seen nor ears heard. Not has passed through the hearts of man. All the kingdom heroes listed in Hebrews 11, they are all beneficiaries and receptors of faith. It is your turn.

To partake of the Spirit of faith, recognise that God Himself is the Umpire of transference. I will take and I will give. Because man is man he may not want to give to you because you don’t look like it but God knows the heart. So He takes from you and puts it in them. So no gate crashing if your heart is not right you can’t access it. Acts 8:35. Church Gist. Today God will judge your heart right and you will go home with your portion. God I desire this, check his heart. Okay. I take this and put it on you. You will experience that today.

I heard God say to me “my son David, the baton has been passed over to you”. I took the baton spiritually and visibly it began to show on arrival. The sweat in ministry was gone. The effects were there. You are taking your portion from Him today.  Church Gist. Paul said, “I long to see you that I may impact on you some spiritual gifts to the end that you may be established”. God knows my heart. I came this morning to ask Him to take all that He gave me called the Spirit of faith and put it into everyone He wants to. May you be one of them.

To access the Spirit of faith:

1.    Identify a carrier.

Matthew 25:9. I saw the Spirit of faith resident in Hagin. I saw the ease of command. I saw the impact without struggle. I said Jesus I want this. Whatever makes Hagin, Hagin I want it. But listen to me. I have been following Hagin since 1976, I got the mantle in 1986. It doesn’t have to be that long if I knew what you know now. I will get it online. It is just to set your heart for it. But I saw that he has what I needed, I don’t have to be told. I saw it with my eyes. You know the way I prayed? Whatever makes Hagin, Hagin I want it. He took it and gave it to me. I was so blinded to everything, I couldn’t tell who sat down on my right and on my left and I was in the gallery. Church Gist. I can’t remember the hotel and I remember things a lot by grace. Till tomorrow, I can’t remember the name of the hotel. I knew what I wanted and I was going for it. As he was ministering power went forth from that altar and hit me in the gallery and I burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. Then the voice from heaven came “my son David, the baton has been passed over to you”. Concentration! High level concentration! It is your portion today.

Wherever they see you from now, they will know the Spirit upon Hagin which came upon David has come upon you. You will gain sweatless command over the affairs of life. All that bows to Hagin which now bows to David will start bowing to you. Church Gist. You belong to a genealogy of faith. A lineage of faith of men that command dominion. Today you will not miss your portion to a careless approach. How will you dare believe that it is time to get the aircraft? You set up a committee first.

Otherwise how will you dare believe that it’s time to get the aircraft? And I told you that Saturday morning God just told me: Now, it’s time to get the aircraft.

You say, Praise the Lord!

We are going to the service right now and you know I will mention it. God tells me something right now and you’re coming to see me, you know I will tell you. Church Gist. I said God just told me after the meeting that it’s time to get the aircraft, it’s time to leave. That was it.

The plane landed 6 months after. 6 months after. Without any foreign input. That’s was it.

When God tells you something, you won’t belive it, because the capacity to believe it is not there. It’s not in great faith, it’s in the Spirit of faith.

Therefore, in the name of Jesus, after this service, your command will be unquestionable!

Thank you Father.

Somebody blessed give the Lord a big hand!

Identify the carrier, receive the carrier. Matthew 10:41.

Receive the person and ministry of the carrier which Elisha did and he got it.

Crave for what he carries!

Genesis 32:26.

Engage a sonship tie with the carrier. Proverbs 13:22.

Humility! The king of Israel said, My father, my father. Humility, Humility!

Stay connected for continuous flow, we said that.

Now keep feeding your faith with the word.

The word is the fruit of the spirit. You feed little faith to grow into great faith. Church Gist. You pant and crave for the Spirit of faith, it comes. You have to feed that spirit for it to stay actively alive. The Holy Spirit is a spiritual personality, He needs to be fed! You keep feeding the Spirit of faith or it will die. You feed it on the Word. Not I got it, you have to feed! It is those who stay on the word that keeps the Spirit of faith alive in them. Church Gist. You stay on the word to keep the spirit of faith alive in you. You keep feeding on the word, the word of faith. To keep the Spirit of faith alive in you.

Again, we come back to the same point: when we stop walking in the fear of God, you have no access to the word that fills the spirit. So you still crash. You have to keep living in the fear of God to keep accessing the word that will feed your spirit back there.

That’s why today, the wave of the dearth of the fear of God that is coming upon the church, I command it cast out in the name of Jesus!

Whatever makes a man see sin as holiness, is a trap! It’s a trap of the devil!

My friends and co-laborers who are ministers of the gospel, don’t get trapped! Romans 6:1.

Everything that works in the kingdom has the fear of God at the foundation.

Everything! No matter how much of a giver you are, if you are a schemer, you can’t prosper, forget it! When you steal and give, you are reporting yourself to God, this is what I stole. It doesn’t work!

But from today, everything you touch, with the operation of the Spirit of faith in you will begin to deliver!

Keep feeding! Matthew 4:4.

It’s your turn! It’s your turn!

May everyone that choose to line up with this prophetic warnings from Scriptures return with testimonies!

🎵The things I used to do/I do the no more/The things I used to do/I do them no more/The things I used to do/I do them no more/there’s a great change since I met the Lord🎵

🎵Great change since I met the Lord/there’s a change since I met the Lord/there’s a great change since I met the Lord/there’s a great change since I met the Lord🎶

Now watch: 🎵Great change since I choose to change/there’s a great change since I choose to change/there’s a great change since I chose to change/there’s a great change since I chose to change🎶

It’s a choice to make! I see an army rising that no devil can stop their way forward!

🎵The place I used to go/I go there no more/ the place I used to go/I go there no more/the place I used to go/I go there no more /there’s a great change since I chose to change🎶

🎵There’s a great change since I chose to change/there’s a great change since I chose to change/there’s a great change since I chose to change/there’s a great change since I chose to change 🎶

🎵the things I used to think/I think them no more/the things I used to think/I think them no more/ the things I used to think/ I think them no more/there’s a great change since I chose to change🎶

Everybody sing!

🎵Great change since I chose to change/Great change since I chose to change/great change since I chose to change/there’s a great change since I chose to change/there’s a great change since I chose to change 🎶

Father thank You, for Your visitation this morning. Thank You for the massive changes taking place in our lives. Receive our thanks in Jesus name.


Acts 19:11-12. We have these Shiloh mantles across the nations of the world at this time, already blessed, but as you watch on the screen, the same way I’m laying hands on the ones here, I’m laying hands on the ones they send to you and as the Lord lives, with that mantle in your hand;

– whatever works in my hand begins to work in your hand.

– whatever appears a special problem, God’s special miracles through this prophetic mantles will turn them to testimony.

– any long standing issue of your life will disappear as if they never existed!

– as Elisha smote the waters and parted hither and tither and Elisha went over, the same Elijah did, Elisha followed and the same answer came. Church Gist. In the precious name of Jesus, as this mantle of the Prophet touch the one in your hand, the same unction on this begins to manifest in the one in your hand.

You will say, ‘what is in this mantle?’ My son, called Dallas, was involved in that Ethiopian air crash in 1996, he had his mantle tied around his neck, the plane broke into two in his presence, the only survivor without a scratch. Church Gist. You better know where you’re standing. That woman waved the mantle to the door of the kidnappers, the door opened on its own accord and she went to liberty.

– in the Precious name of Jesus, what is in your hand now will no longer be called a handkerchief but a Prophetic mantle in the name of Jesus!

Somebody died and they sent the mantle to him. While they were waiting for the ambulance, the woman came back with a mantle, said, “give me space”, rubbed the body of the dead with the mantle, he sneezed and came back to life.

– In the Precious name of Jesus Christ, the unction upon Jesus was in His garment, so the unction upon any of His anointed is in whatever they touch. Therefore, by this impartation today, every unction upon my life begins to answer in your life!

One of us got a job and when they were having the first board meeting, he saw them, they were trying to pinch their fingers and were putting the blood in the water in a calabash. He said, “what?” He took his mantle and a wind blew the mantle and it landed on the calabash and the house caught fire, everybody fled. Church Gist. This is not paper, this is not a handkerchief, this is Power!

– every attack of the devil against your life will fizzle away like they never existed. So shall it be!

– I release Shiloh 2022 mantle for raw transference. As it touches you, every evil spirit hanging around anywhere, tormenting your destiny, they will fly out of your life, in Jesus’ name!

Let’s be up standing, whatever miracles you experience, the Word says and God wrought [not a Prophet] special miracles by the hands, just a channel. Acts 19:11-12. Everything hindering your advancement in your walk with God, everything hindering the fulfillment of your glorious destiny clears off your life today! Every unclean spirit out to get anyone derailed from following the LORD, those forces get off your life today. Church Gist. Every tormenting spirit over anyone’s body or conscience, that spirit is cast out today! I decree that this mantle will keep emitting fire between now and the next Shiloh that will make everybody know you are a partaker of the grace at work in His Prophet. A mad man came up one day and met my son, Pastor David Ibiyeomie and said “I know you. You are Bishop Oyedepo.” Mad person! I know who you are! Freely I got it, I never paid for it and freely you receive it today.

Please, take your bottles of oil, satan is in trouble. All these forces happening at the same time, satan is in trouble. Every nation of the earth where we are gathered today, every nation connected with this ongoing service, in the name of Jesus, every activity of the devil in those nations come to an end today! Church Gist. Every minister of the Gospel comes under fresh fire today. The same ease that I enjoy in ministry, every devil knows that I am at ease. I know in my knowing that I am at ease. I am not faking it. I decree every trace of tension in every ministry, every Church to get off finally today in the name of Jesus!

Every tension in every family, every business, every career comes to an end here today! May everyone’s choice for a change be established by the empowerment of the Spirit today! Church Gist. Take your bottles of oil, no king reigns in Israel until he is anointed. To reign means to be in power, to reign means to command dominion. The content of your bottles, lift them up, is hereby declared the holy anointing oil! It shall be upon your head, the anointing of a king!!! It shall terminate every form of slavery, including slavery to sin, slavery to sickness and disease, slavery to satanic oppression in the name Jesus! You are returning from here with the anointing of a king on your head. Every place you step your soles of the feet shall be given to you! In the name of Jesus! My God! Church Gist. How we entered 83 additional nations, I don’t know.  The anointing that paved the way that no man can understand comes upon you here today. How the home cells here multiplied and added 21,000 within one year, I don’t know, 21,000 homes joyfully received the ark of God in their homes, I don’t know. From henceforth, because by the anointing Saul was turned to another man and those signs began to come to pass in his life from that day, therefore, by this anointing be turned i to another man! May this anointing turn you to a surprise to yourself. It’s one thing for others to be surprised at you, it’s another for you to be surprised at yourself, you wake up and say is this me? 🎶Is this me LORD? Is this me LORD? I have come to thank You for Your goodness over the years. I have come to thank You for Your goodness over the months,  I have come to thank You for Your goodness at all times. Is this me LORD?🎶 Church Gist. I have said many times, who dashed monkey banana? That’s my story. Who dashed monkey banana? By this anointing, my God will turn you to a surprise to yourself! When you anoint the dead, they shall come back to life! You anoint the insane, they shall become normal. You anoint the barren, they shall be fruitful! You anoint the sick and the buffeted, they shall be healed and delivered.

I am not sending you with the oil to consume but the oil to distribute, to impart on others, yes it will impart first on you, then from you it will flow to others. That shall be your testimony. Thank You heavenly Father! All that believe in the efficacy of the anointing of a king, put a little of this oil on your finger tips and place that on your forehead and begin to appropriate the prophetic word on your life, I receive afresh today the anointing of a king, wherever the word of a king is, there is power. I receive afresh on my life today, the anointing of a king and wherever the word of a king is, there is power! There is power! My authority level changes today, I receive upon my life today afresh the anointing of a king and wherever the word of a king is, there is power! In Jesus precious name!

Overtime, we have been receiving the anointing for our blessings, today in addition we are receiving that anointing for our distribution. Somebody is challenged in your office, oh yes! I came back with the anointing from Shiloh, come down here, in the name of Jesus be made whole! Church Gist. Jesus healed many before they came to follow Him. He healed them first, go forth and be an extension of the hand of Jesus! He said, you shall lay your hand upon the sick and they shall recover. Go forth and be an extension of Jesus! Be an extension of the hand of Jesus, be an extension of the hand of Jesus! For wherever the word of a king is, there is power. In the name of Jesus, you tell the man, I command that situation to cease now!  He said “please, I want to follow you to Church.” Many will be converted as the power flows through you. Receive it in the name of Jesus! I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus, it’s the power of God unto repentance to every one that believes. We are going to be taking the shot of the oil based on Matthew 3:11-12. Somebody was anointed here, took a shot of the oil and vomited all kinds, hidden things in the spirit world, tormenting people without knowing. As you take a shot of this oil, it will clean you inside out, preserve every organ of your body,  reactivate every organ of your body and burn off every chaff in your system with His unquestionable fire and so shall it be! Church Gist. All that believe in the efficacy of this mystery, take a shot of the oil and celebrate God. Cover your bottles.

Lift up your two hands and give God glory for Shiloh 2022! Give God glory for the impartation of the hour! Give God praise! Give Him a shout of Hosanna! Give Jesus a shout of Hosanna! Give the LORD a shout of Hosanna! It’s a dawning of a new day!!! In Jesus name! Amen! As the LORD liveth, every one under the sound of my voice today,  you will be alive and well at Shiloh 2023! You will be alive and well in your God ordained new status by 2023! No one under the sound of my voice today will be in the grave! You will be a partaker of the impartation service of Shiloh 2023! Except Jesus returns before then and together we will be in Heaven. No one shall miss the rapture flight. Church Gist. No one under the sound of my voice today shall miss the rapture flight. We shall be there together on the street of glory in the name of Jesus!

I want to appreciate all that worked to make this event peaceful and orderly, the LORD bless you in return. I am talking to all our Church officials around the nations of the world, every service unit that stood there to serve, be blessed in return because in all labour there is profit. The Choir, the Security, the Car park unit, the Traffic control, be blessed in the name of Jesus! For all my co-labourers, ministers of the Gospel, new level! New level of ministry! Because greatness is a product of meekness, you sat at the feet of Jesus, you will rise by the hand of Jesus. Church Gist. For all our elders, you are not as old as Abraham! So, you are here next year! You will be alive next year! A good old age is the portion of everyone today! In the name of Jesus! All that have made their journeys from various places, to be on ground Shiloh or any of the viewing centers around the world, you are arriving back safely!

My joy is that the grace endowed me is being replicated! May you be a bonafide open testimony of this day. We are invading the nations and our territories for Jesus with the same grace of dominion at work here, you are invading your business concern with the same dominion unction that is here, go forth and manifest it! I will see you again at Shiloh 2023. Amen! Halleluyah! Amen! The date of Shiloh 2023 is December 5 – 10. You being in God’s presence as a bundle of testimony in the name of Jesus! Date again, everybody, December 5 – 10, 2023!

See you there in the name of Jesus!








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