Bishop David Oyedepo at Shiloh Hour Day 3 || Shiloh 2022 Covenant Highways

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-Bishop David Oyedepo
Shiloh Hour Day 3
Shiloh 2022
Covenant Highways

Thank you Jesus
Can we all say as individuals
Good Morning Jesus
Good Morning Lord
Give the Lord a big hand of praise and get seated.

I like us to recognize this morning that no prayer ever secured attention in Heaven without transmitting same through the name.
It is at that name that everything bows.
Things in Heaven, things in earth and things underneath the earth 🌏
Therefore the name is not a conjunction in prayer to connect one item to the other or one statement to another. It is the code that provides access to the Throne of Grace.
When we stand in prayer we are ascending the Throne of Grace.
Hebrews 4:16
That is our spiritual access to the Throne of Grace.
Whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you.
Heaven is his throne and it is called the Throne of Grace and he is the prayer answering God.
Jesus said to ask the Father in my name if you want answers

What is in the Name?
The power and the authority of God.
He gave him a name-Authority
His name is Christ the anointed one-Power

So Jesus carries the Fathers authority and anointed with the HolyGhost by the Father
And at his name, every knee shall now..Phillipians 2:10

Don’t let the name become a syllable without knowing what it carries.
No prayer on earth will gain attention in Heaven without the name.
So we invoke the name in faith.
I don’t have the power he has and I don’t have the authority he has.
The Father has committed all judgement to the Son.
So I pray in his name to secure Heaven’s attention and intervention to stop the devil from attacking my life.
‘In my name you will do signs’
You cast out devils in the name of Jesus.
The power and authority required for that to happen is vested in that name.
His name is as ointment poured forth.
When we invoke the name in faith, you are spraying the anointing upon Christ on that situation. Church Gist. In the name of Jesus Christ….(spray sound)
Like mosquito flit.
You find all the mosquito just falling down and Boeing to the authority of the flit.
In the name of Jesus Christ
All the satanic mosquitoes begin to fall.

Because you are spraying the name in faith.
The reason why it won’t work is that it requires faith to deliver.
Why look on us as if it’s by our own power we did this?
It’s by the name of Jesus and faith in him that this man has been made whole.
Faith in the name is vital in securing answers to prayers
Therefore whatever has been standing on the path of destiny of anyone must bow this morning as we approach the Throne of Grace engaging the authority and the power in the name of Jesus.

That wonderful name Jesus… 🎵

Your name is as ointment poured forth 🎼

Stand to your feet and go with the name, with the authority and power in the name to subdue whatever is standing on your path this morning.

Would you thank him first
Give thanks to God for the gift of the name and the authority embedded in that name.


Every prayer must conclude with praise.
Thine is the glory and honour and power.
That is the pattern.
Celebrate him to the level you believe he has heard you.
Celebrate him for the confidence you have in him answering your prayers


As God’s privileged Setman over this Commission, whatever you have demanded with faith in that name is delivered.

Multiples shall testify.

Good Morning
Lift up your hands.
Give God thanks.








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