Book of the Month Success Strategies

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Authored by Bishop David Oyedepo, Success Strategies is an insightful guide to succeeding without strain, stress, or strife.

It depicts success as something beyond possession and position, rather as inclusive of other life transforming blessings such as joy unspeakable, long life, and all-round blessedness.

It says that success starts when you discover your divine purpose.

The book, in each chapter breaks down various strategies for living a successful life.

It discusses interesting topics and evokes intriguing thoughts concerning the place of faith, the place of work, the place of endowment, the place of planning, the place of character and the place of commitment in achieving success.

One of the chapters I found really interesting was, the place of work in achieving success. The author cites the following instance:

“Can you imagine a student in school that does nothing but read the Bible, pray and fast, when his textbooks are there? He will be the most fantastic charismatic failure!

That is why the Bible emphasises in James 2:17, that faith without works is dead.

Unfortunately, this is where many charismatics have crashed, they have substituted work for faith.

But faith is fake without work.”

The chapter goes further to say,

“Whatever you own that you cannot legitimately account for does not secure a future for you.

There is no substitute for hard work. No one succeeds by accident. Success is not a product of luck.

You can unlock your great destiny by embracing the cost of success.”

The author perfectly creates a balance between the place of work and the place of faith, accurately differentiating them and pointing out when to apply one or the other.

Success Strategies is a great book for anyone who wants to discover Kingdom principles for long lasting success and keys to a life of affluence.




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