Apostle Joshua Selman

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  • Apostle Joshua Selman at Koinonia on ‘THE DOCTRINE OF RESURRECTION’
    (PART B).

Hebrews 2:14-17.
The gate that opens up the physical realm to the spiritual realm open for Jesus and the Bible says, when Jesus was going to join all those who are gone before Him, whilst He went there, He was in hell and something began to happen seriously there. Satan was shocked to find out that, although Jesus was there, he tried to force Him to bow. Bowing talks of acknowledging of authority. Jesus now went in the strength of man, Adam, and all the cohorts of hell were forcing him to bow to the authority of satan. Church Gist. Paul said, that He made a public show of them. So, Jesus now comes, representing the entire creation and went through the punishment that man should go through. When the legal claim of justice was paid for, the Father’s heart was satisfied; Jesus made a public show of them, triumphing over them in it.

Now, the final battle; He goes to satan, Jesus collected the key he took from Adam through deception and Apostle Peter teaches us that He now went somewhere that is called the bosom of Abraham and preached the Gospel to them and they believed. After the defeat that happened in hell, Jesus led captivity captive (Ephesians 4:6-10). If Jesus did not resurrect, that means that death still had power because the last enemy to be destroyed is death and it means that He was trapped in hell.

When Jesus resurrected, the Bible tells us that Mary saw Him and she wanted to come and touch Him. She said, “Rabbonai” He said, “don’t touch me.” That means, I’m not yet done with my assignment. I just came out of the grave but there’s something I need to settle; He now went to Heaven. Paul was shown this when he taught the Hebrew church, that Jesus now went to Heaven, He was no longer a Saviour in Heaven, He was a High priest and the Lamb. He carried His blood into that tabernacle and now poured that blood upon the altar, to atone for the sin of man, once and for all. The moment He finished, triumphantly, a coronation service was held in Heaven for Him; “the LORD said to my Lord, sit down at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool” (Philippians 2:5-10). Satan was surprised because he found out that there was a possibility that had come from the resurrection, that man will not be able to have; that because Jesus rose again, Man is not only saved, but man also will rise like Him; not just spiritually but that physically.

Every time you receive the eternal life into your spirit, there are many things that you receive:
i). The life of God.
ii). You receive the power of resurrection. The power of resurrection, part of it is for this age but part of it will be activated when the trumpet sounds.

Hebrews 9:27
When Jesus returns, He’s not going to find an empty earth, there will still be people there. But those who are alive physically and those who have gone before us, the Bible says, honour will be given to them to rise up first (resurrection) and the possibility of that resurrection is because, Jesus now led the way and because we were in Him when He died, if He resurrected, there’s authorization for us to also resurrect. Church Gist. When He paid the price of justice; He resurrected by the power of God, He conquered the grave, sin and death and with that victory, He now handed it to the believer.

John 11:25
The blessed hope is the hope of resurrection, not just the hope of conquering sin and satan. So, as we sojourn in this life, on one hand we thank God for the victory that we now enjoy in this life, but there’s a blessed hope, that no matter what happens, whether in life or in death, we have already received that software that makes for resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

A day is going to come on earth, I’m sure it will not be very long from now; we’ll wake one morning like every other day, don’t you think you are just going to hear the trumpet sound; if you didn’t hear it and you are remaining, it means you didn’t make it (1 Corinthians 15:52). The greatest catastrophe, more than World War II is what will be happening coincidentally, because when about 2.6 billion people, professing Christians exit this earth in a moment, that moment, you’ll see Bibles on earth, hymns left in churches; unfortunately, there’ll still be many people in those buildings and they will say, what has suddenly happened?

At that point, death will no longer have power over us; we’ll not live by blood again. The reign of living by blood ends. The moment that trumpet sounds, the ministry of blood in our lives would have come to an end. We’ll live by another life. It is that catastrophe on earth that will lead to the ministry of the anti- Christ. The resurrection is God’s determination to see that we never end up in eternal damnation
Celebrating Easter by just eating chicken and jumping and saying, oh I’m a happy” is a complete waste of that event. The ceremony of it is not where the power comes from; it is the commemoration of it. It means that you take to heart, the significance of it.

Someday, Jesus is going to come. Here is my question; when we all rise and this life is over as we know it; no more banks, university, oil and gas, certificate, no more going to the mall to buy anything, all the terrorists, we’ll leave them here, I don’t who they will attack. Everything you’ve been trying to hide in your house, you are about to go and leave it; the pit you dug in your house to hide money, you will leave it there as you go. Can I tell you; I hate to be a bearer of bad news, but some of you as you are now, you are not going. Church Gist. I am not a Prophet of doom. It is by the integrity of God’s Word. There are people who will laugh at us when they hear us say these things, as though we are just doing some spiritual gibberish. Can I tell you; everybody in hell is a believer. The only difference is that they believe too late. I don’t want to scare you with all the eschatological realities that will happen, after this first flight, that all those who do not make this first flight, the Bible says because of the torture and the persecution that will happen, that people will go to the mountain and beg death, this death that you are running away from now, people will look for it and dare to say, my ministry is over. People will beg death when hell and everything to be unleashed will be unleashed.

I didn’t come to scare you, nor did I come to flatter you and lie to you. Paul said that, “I may know Him and the power of His resurrection.” The question I want to ask is; some of you will be on your way going and you’ll look down and you’ll see biological mother behind. Some of you will get up and that power of resurrection is already in you, but you will turn and see all your siblings; they will say, what is happening and you have to leave? Church Gist. For many people, it will be a service like this; maybe it will even be. Koinonia service, just when I’m about to pick the mic and say Hallelujah, the only thing you’ll see is your mic dropping on the ground. The fact that you can see it means that you are in trouble. By the privilege of God’s grace and by the privilege of what I do, I’m not a medical doctor but I have stood before many dead bodies in my life. I’ve been in a mortuary, I’ve been locked in a mortuary; every time I look at a dead body, two things come to my mind;
a). Every dead body also saw a dead body in his life time and now, he’s that dead body that others are looking at. Can I tell you this; money, education, tithes and offerings will not resurrect you. There’s only one basis for the resurrection; because He resurrected, He’s giving me the basis to know that in life and in death, death has been defeated spiritually and will be perfected at that last trump.

Ladies and gentlemen, for a long time we heard that Jesus is coming soon and for many people, they are laughing; “Coming soon, 2000 years.” There are two ways Jesus come soon; He comes or you go. The day you leave, Jesus has come for you. Now you have a chance, a cheap chance towards Jesus. My call for you tonight is, are you going to allow the work of the cross, His death, burial and resurrection to just waste like that because of stubbornness and rebellion? Church Gist. Do not allow a combination of rebellion and disobedience to separate you from Him eternally. Those who die, few minutes before their actual death, they don’t feel any physical pain again. You are the only one sympathizing with the pain of the body. The power of this body and pain thereof does not hold to their body again, no matter how deteriorated the body is, that transition is happening. Anybody who dies without Jesus, there’s no repentance again, there’s no forgiveness again. Don’t sit back there and say, I’m happy, I belong to Jesus. If you are the only one who lives out of a family of two hundred people and you are the only one who lives, you never got to tell them about Jesus, let me tell you this; the lake of fire, even hell is real.

Believers, at Easter, God mandate that:
a). We take a review of our lives and destinies.
b). We become active intercessors for those who are not saved. The catastrophe that happens when the Church leaves, even your archenemy, you will not want him to go through that kind of thing.

What then is the significance of Easter?
1). It is a time of gratitude to God, for using His blood and His sacrifice on the cross to bring for us this eternal escape from damnation; translating us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of His eternal Son.

2). A moment of reflection; to think deeply, so that you continue to walk in the truth that you have received and so that you continue to guard jealously.

3). Easter should be a moment of active soul winning, active evangelism. One of the greatest ways to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ is to be sure to declare it to someone.

Let me tell you, church of the Lord Jesus Christ, I am both old and new school. We have to be careful at some of these things we have thrown out. The average believer today is not soul winning conscious; we are receiving conscious. Don’t get me wrong, God wants to give us all things freely to enjoy, but the average believer is not evangelical in his thinking, especially Pentecostals and Charismatics; soul winning, zero. Church Gist. Our idea of soul winning, sadly and respectfully, for most people is just a strategy for addition of church membership and there’s nothing wrong with that because, until you have membership, you cannot pray and mentor them. The institution of the Church is the only platform that is able to mentor and raise believers. If everyone seated here looking at me now, covenant with God that to honour this Easter; Lord, I’ll bring you the gift of 2 – 3 souls, think of how many people will be saved just during this period?

It’s not enough to be saved, you must ensure that through your life; imagine how many people will walk up to you in Heaven and look at you and tap you and you’ll say, “who are you?” He’ll say, “you may not remember but thank you for giving to the Lord. I am so glad you came.” May it not be that, that day, you will turn and see your roommate or somebody in your office in hell and you’ve never told the person about Jesus. Can I tell you, nobody will be spared who does not have that software of the resurrection power of Jesus.

We’ll not be here forever, whether we like it or not. Our goal is to live as long as our assignments demand; serving the purposes of God and living victoriously. You can have assurance today of salvation and you can tap into that resurrection power; there’s such a doctrine of the resurrection. Our hope is not only in this life; I’ll pray for you to prosper, increase and do well always, but my greatest joy is not that you receive these things. My consolation should be at the back of your prosperity and increase, you have settled with God and that power of resurrection dwells within you and you know that whether in life or in death, you are victorious.

I remember many years ago, watching Reinhard Bonnke on that crusade ground, I was already saved but I watched him; I followed his ministry carefully and I saw times when he started getting old; I remember the last time he came for his crusade in Lagos, as though he knew it will be his last. The day they said he had gone, I said, “My God, this man was once alive and now, he’s gone.” Here me, there are people who were alive as at January this year, some have gone. In fact, there were those who were alive yesterday. Church Gist. I will never mean you evil and as far as my assignment is concerned, I’ll keep speaking life, so that you will have that body healthy and prepared to live your assignment. But can I tell you, it is not a wise way to fear death. The purpose of longevity is not the fear of death; the purpose of longevity is the time and the enablement to fulfill the purposes of God given to you. I want you to kill the fear of death this night; to be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord and if He comes, 🎶Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Hallelujah! Amen.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Revive us again.🎶

(Altar Call)







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