Populated by young people, it is evident that the City Church Calabar has a propelling factor that calls the younger generation. It could be from her powerful sermons to her comfortable church set up. The City Church Calabar, a life development church, was founded on the 18th of July 2010 as led by Pastor Tony Aleogena Raphael who is also an entrepreneur, coach and personal development strategist. The ministry’s philosophy ‘Christianity is a lifestyle’, is guided by the Scripture John 10:10 ‘I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly’.
Her purpose is to bring people to Jesus Christ, to connect them with other members of the Christian family, help them grow in their faith, equip them to serve others and celebrate God, and her vision is to raise change agents. It outlines basic needs people should live for and with, the need to support others, the need for self expression, the need for stability and the need for significance, as life without impact is a life of one just existing.
The church has the Bridge of Hope Ministry which provides an emergency response system for vulnerable individuals and families in the church and in the communities experiencing situational challenges by offering love, concern and unconditional material and/or financial intervention as a practical bridge to their breakthrough.
One of her attractions is her Church theatre productions led by a team of professionals, the recent being ‘MO’ and her other youth programs. The church is strategically positioned at one of the bustling places in town. The ministry has used its strategy to gather youths and lead more people to Christ.