Over 400 (new) churches are being planted right now.
484 New Churches Planted Last Sunday (11th October 2020)
We are getting closer by the day to the 10,000 mark!
*We planted only 5 Churches as a Mission in 1987!
* Now we are planting Churches like buying loaves of bread.
Examining the virtues in love that engender breakthrough; virtues in love that are inherent in love.
What is love?
1. In our own context, love can be defined as a ‘God First’ lifestyle (Matthew 22:36-40).
2. Loving whatever God loves is a proof that you love Him. God’s greatest love on the earth is the salvation of the souls of men. When you love what God loves, then you are truly in love with Him. Go after my sheep, it’s not about explanation, it’s about action (John 21:15-17)
3. A Kingdom first lifestyle: seek ye first the growth, expansion, wellbeing of the Kingdom of God and all these things that others are dying to get shall be added to you (Matthew 6:33).
That’s the foundation of this ministry, we have been enjoying additions upon additions, seeking first and only the growth, expansion and the wellbeing of the Church of Christ. That you can see reflected in our prayer points:
“O Lord, gbemi soke (O Lord, lift me up)”… Do what He says you should do, He knows where to lift you to
“O Lord, anybody resisting our expansion; resisting my growth and breakthroughs”… Whatever He tells you to do, do it. He will clear all the barriers. Awesome God.
You heard the testimony of the Lord this morning: 484 new churches planted last Sunday. People are on the field right now, planting hundreds of churches this morning. Give the Lord praise.
Running after God and the interest of His Kingdom, you will never run out of favour; such individuals never run out of favour.
*That’s why I know that the favour of God will perform wonders in the lives of God’s people in this Church.
The way many of us have chosen, many of us have vowed to keep pursuing God and the interest of His Kingdom: You may look like playing the fool today but tomorrow you will become the envy of your mockers.
*Every one of you will emerge the envy of your mockers. Don’t look back, don’t give up. Just keep pressing!!! Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord (Hosea 6:3, Malachi 3:18).
*You just keep pressing, the difference will start showing in clearer terms day after day. It will come little by little, but it’s coming!!!
Our first number of Churches planted in this Mission was 5. It was heavy, Heaven on earth, the whole Heaven came down: 1987. Now we are planting Churches like buying loaves of bread. I’m trying to still remember how much we gave those individuals when they were going, you won’t believe it. I got to where some of our missions were staying in Biu (Borno State), sir, there was no bathroom. They turned one room to bathroom. But that’s not where we are anymore. It’s coming!!!
Giants are not born overnight, they keep developing: developing their muscles, developing in age, in maturity and then the giants in such individuals surges. Somebody’s story is changing.
*Your family will soon be known as a family of giants just like the lineage of Abraham is today a lineage of giants. Many families of members this Church will emerge as families of giants. Mediocrity will never be identified with your lineage forever
You’ll serve God to a point where He swears a blessing upon your generations after you. You are getting to that point where God will swear a blessing upon your generations after you. There are things that you will do that God will establish the destiny of your generations after you, thousand of years.
*In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, no family here will ever become a proverb and a byword.
These are facts of scriptures that secure the future of the believer (1 Corinthians 2:9).
1. Love stirs up our spirit to keep serving the Lord in season and out of season. Daniel kept serving the Lord in the face of death. Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego ignored the fiery furnace by reason of the love burning in their souls that kept them on God’s side in spite of the threat to their lives. Praise God.
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it (Song of Solomon 8:7).
Love is as strong as death (Song of Solomon 8:6).
Love keeps us on God’s side in season and out of season.
Somebody once asked me, “Brother David, have you ever had problems?”
I said: Maybe it came, I didn’t know.
It makes you despise distractions; keeps you focused in serving the Lord.
It’s okay serving God in season: things are groovy, things are working but when things are not so working and you are still serving Him, then there is something on your inside that keeps you going: it is the love of God.
Paul said, “who shall separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:35).
He said, “all these things I’m going through, I’m more than a conqueror ohhh, you may not know” (Romans 8:37).
You despise distractions in pursuit of God, in season and out of season. That’s how giants emerge.
You don’t win every battle as a world wrestling champion. You win some, you lose some: they beat you; your eyes with wounds, your mouth bent, sometimes they help you panel beat it and then you’ll still go back there.
First round, they threw you down.
Second round: you threw him down.
Third round: he floored you.
You shook your head. Fourth round, you beat him. Fifth time, you beat him: they say, “You are the champion.” Praise God.
There are no stars without a scar. You better wake up. Tomorrow is groovy, tomorrow is gorgeous, just be determined to keep going and that’s made easy with his love burning in your soul.
As you keep serving, God keeps blessing (Exodus 23:25). You keep blessing, I (God) shall bless.
As long as you are in the service of any organisation, you’ll keep earning your pay. It’s when you are out of service, that you’ll have to be going round the same office begging for help. When you are in service, your pay continues.
Grace to remain in the service of the Lord with utmost delight, in season and out of season, receive it now.
You are not entitled to promotion except you are in service. Are you? No!
Staying in service sustains the blessing, guarantees continuous change of levels. All salaries, allowances and privileges are accorded you because you are in service.
Love stirs the spirit of believers to keep serving their God in season and out of season.
*Expect your continuous change of level as you keep serving the Lord.
That’s what love does: it keeps you on the move with God; it keeps you on God’s side; it establishes your partnership with God (Haggai 1:14).
2. Love engenders access to divine strength that empower believers for exploits. Remember those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:32). Love enhances our access to deeper insight in the knowledge of God. The more insight we gain, the more strength we acquire and exploit is a function of strength.
That means, the hotter our love, the greater our access to the deep things of God, the greater strength we imbibe and the greater exploits we command.
Love is the cord of friendship (John 15:15). When you are in love, you have committed God to open up to you the treasures of His house: unusual insight that builds unusual strength which empower us for exploits (Daniel 11:32).
If your strength fails on the day of adversity, then your strength is small (Proverbs 24:10). We build strength by the revelation knowledge of the truth (Proverbs 24:3-5).
– Your strength will not fail. As long as your love for God remains in place, your strength will remain on the increase, He will keep showing you and me, more and more of His deep things (1 Corinthians 2:9-10). The deep, deep things of God and this is unveiled to all his lovers.
– Your era of exploits is here finally in the name of Jesus.
3. Love keep great things happening in our lives on their own accord. You are not struggling to make them happen: you are just in love and believing in what He says to do and doing it; leaving Him to confirm His Word.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). It takes love to let anything be first before yourself.
Great things happening to his lovers on their own accord (Romans 8:28). You saw the drama in Acts chapter 12, how Peter got out of the prison and the iron gates opened on its own accord. You are in love, you are in command of supernatural breakthroughs.
*Every barricade of hell will just open on its own accord. That’s the era you are being ushered into right now: where every iron gates, impossible gates will be opening up to you on their own accord.
Remember Peter answered the love question, Peter proved his love at the risk of his life again and again; so the iron gates must open to him on its own accord.
Our love for God empowers us to break through impossible barriers in life.
*Watch out: you are just being ushered into a new season of your life and you’ll never come out of it for life in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. Love will turn any child of God to a living wonder. Just have a heart, a functional heart for God and for the interest of His Kingdom (1 Corinthians 2:9). Every true lover, every proven lover of Jesus is ordained a pace setter, a path finder and a trail blazer. Things never heard, things never thought of: they become the natural events of his life.
*In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will not miss your place in this awesome move of the Spirit of God.
Everyone’s space will only be secured by a genuine heart for God.
1. Every gate is bound to lift up his head whenever the King of glory appears. When we are in partnership with Jesus, anytime we appear, He appears because we are in partnership with Him and the gates lift up their heads on their own accord.
Open door demands an established, active partnership with Jesus.
Two can not walk together except they be agreed (Amos 3:3).
He has only one mission on the earth: to see souls saved and established in the faith whether you go through the Prayer Altar or you are on the go on the streets.
He guarantees you and me his partnership with us when we are in agreement with His core mission on the earth (Matthew 28:20).
You can’t be on the go and I leave you alone (Matthew 28:18-20). If you’ll embrace this mandate, reaching out to the lost with passion, “I am with you always.”
The reason why the devil has had me as an impossible case is the partnership that I belong: ‘Olodumare’, Jesus is with me 24/7. He can knock down anybody at any time for his dove’ sake (Zechariah 2:8). Your partnership with Jesus is your security in life.
I’ve never needed any security in my outreaches. This is not making mouth, this is for years.
…even demons were subject to us in your name. I went with you, you know I told you I was coming. I was right there, how can the devil mess you up?
*You will never suffer a mess up anymore in any area of your life.
You want to enjoy an adventure of open doors: stay in partnership with Jesus. Be committed to His mandate over your life. I chose you to go bring forth fruits, not to sit down consuming all the time (John 15:16). It means your bringing forth fruits will bring you into favour with God. You won’t miss your place.
We saw when God was in the midst of Israel on their way out of Egypt, the sea them and it fled (Psalm 114:3). Open doors become automatic with God’s presence. God’s presence guarantees open doors 24/7. (Psalm 114:3-7).
Every trouble, every barrier, every barricade trembles at God’s presence.
When you are in partnership with Jesus, all troubles tremble at your instance: demons tremble, witches tremble, wizards tremble, occultic powers tremble.
That’s your guarantee for open doors in the adventure of life. Any devil can know that what’s happening to us as a Commission across this nation in particular is supernatural open doors.
You mean under lock down; people are struggling to keep things working and then you are planting Churches every day!
What is the matter? Supernatural open doors. Over 400 (new) churches are being planted right now. We are getting closer by the day to the 10,000 mark!
Let’s jealously guard our partnership with God by our invested interests in advancing His Kingdom both on the altar of prayer and in our passionate pursuit after souls. When that partnership is sustained, let me see that will be shut against you.
*Every door that might have been shut against your family is declared re-opened today.
When we are in pursuit of souls for their salvation, we secure partnership with Christ which compel doors to be opened to us supernaturally.
Whatever door Jesus opens, no man can shut (Revelation 3:7-8).
In response to your work, I’m setting before you an open door. I know how you have laboured and how you are labouring to advance my Kingdom; in response, I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it.
There is nothing God does without us initiating it with our obedience.
…ye have little strength: Here you are with rheumatism or elephantiasis leg and you carry those legs out with an ugly boil on the nose – “Jesus loves you.” You return with excruciating pains, your Zonal Pastor or District Pastor anointed you. You went to bed: the elephantiasis disappeared, the boil on the nose gave way, you beauty is restored.
Ye have little strength but you have kept My Word. I have set before you an open door that shall not be shut: praying day and night.
It’s not that the doors are just opening, there is something you have done to commit God to open the doors. Please do that thing. That’s what this season represents. Do what will keep the doors of life opened to you perpetually.
There are quite a number of people that are enjoying it now. Keep at it so that the doors will not be closed!!
We’ve never appealed to one man or woman as a Commission to get things going. We will be 40 years in this by May next year. Because He knows your little strength, He knows how you have kept His word with your little strength. He knows your genuineness, He knows your sincerity, He knows that what you are saying with your mouth is what is going on in your mouth. He knows it.
You have cancer in the mouth, you went, “Jesus loves you” (documented testimony).
Response: Papa will kill all of you.
The God of Papa showed up. I believe 3 angels appeared to her in the night and ripped out that lump; cancer was gone.
Little strength.
You can’t preach but you can invite anybody: “will you come to Church with me this Sunday. It’s our ‘Showers of Blessing’ service and when the Prophet of God proclaims this blessing, God confirms it. Come under this blessing.”
Simple: you have not preached to him John chapter 3 verse 16. You don’t know it but you can invite him, come to church. Join me, we will go together; I will pick you if you see that his eyes look long.
You are just using your little strength to keep His Word: don’t sit down tight, keep His Word.
Find out how He will open the windows of Heaven Not
…Now, open the windows of Heaven. The time is 7:20, open these windows by 7:25 latest.
He said, “bring ye all the tithes.”
You didn’t read it; you said, “God, You must break Your Word. 7:25 latest if I don’t see alert on my phone, I will leave this service.”
There is no way to be saved if you will not repent. You know why some people’s salvation is in question, they have never repented:
“O Lord, I thank you God. You are so great; God You are so merciful”
Repent: all these accolades won’t help you. If you don’t repent, you can’t be saved.
“Oh God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God of Esther…”
Repent and bring forth fruits worthy of repentance (Matthew 3;8). It’s not make up sir.
That’s the only way to get saved, it can’t be appropriated:
“My father is a big time Christian” – that doesn’t make you one.
Ensure that your sons and daughters are saved. No assumption. That they are living the life that portrays salvation, no guess work.
Whatever door Jesus opens, no devil can shut it because at His name, every knee bows.

“Thus saith the LORD to his ANOINTED…” (Isaiah 45:1-3).
The anointing open two leaved gates that shall never be shut.
*By the anointing today, the gates resisting your advancement in life, whatever they are made up of, they shall be cleared off your path and never shall they be shut against you anymore.
Isaiah 45:2
That’s the power in the anointing. When you follow what God says, the anointing open impossible doors to you and I see such doors open to everyone of us in this service, this morning.
Think of it, these thousand of acres of land did not demand prayer for us to have access and to acquire. Just to imagine how God open doors. The Church didn’t know that we are buying this property until we received the Certificate of Occupancy.
There was no prayer force raised: “as we go forth, give us favour with the people. They must be willing to sell. They must sell at good price.” No.
They were willing to sell to their bedrooms. We said, “no, give it space so you can have where to come out from.”
When God opens the door, it is always strange. He brought us here, He paid the bills, not one individual came under any pressure sir, from Leadership to the least. We didn’t know how He paid it but He paid.
Isaiah 45:3
By this anointing, God will direct you to where your treasures of rewards are waiting.
What to expect from today’s Anointing?
Expect supernatural open doors that shall never be shut again!!!!
This anointing will be a seal on your forehead, evil shall not come near you in the name of Jesus Christ. So shall it be.
Take up your bottles of Oil:
– This is the Oil of Open Doors.
– The Oil of unending change of levels.
– A seal of protection over your forehead.
– A seal of protection over your family in the name of Jesus Christ.
– Every sickness is declared healed.
– Every terminal disease, terminated.
– This Oil shall be upon your forehead, the Oil of love. Your love for God shall remain intact. You will never fall back anytime from following your Master in the name of Jesus Christ.
The content of your bottles is hereby declared the Holy Anointing Oil in the name of Jesus Christ!
Put a little of that Oil on your fingertips, straight to your forehead and begin to appropriate the Prophetic Word over your life:
– Welcome to your era of open doors.
– You will never be stranded or stagnated anymore!!!
– It’s your anointing for unending change of levels: the two leaved gates are opened and it shall never be shut.
That my daughter took a shot of the Oil in London. They did the pre-procedure checks and could not find Cervical Cancer any more.
– Every planting of the devil that is programmed to terminate anyone’s life, to stagnate anyone’s life; as you take a shot of this Oil, I declare them destroyed and so shall it be.
As the Oil gets inside, there is a vacuum cleaning of your inside, the gathering of the chaff, the preservation of the grains and the burning of the chaff with unquenchable fire (Matthew 3:12).
– As you partake of this shot, any disease hidden in any part of your body is burnt off unquenchably.
We have the fliers for Next Sunday: SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS BANQUET. It will be an awesome time in God’s presence.