Zambia Healing and Deliverance Crusade 2022|| Day 2 Evening Session
Blessed be your name, glorify your name tonight, in Jesus name we have prayed.
Exodus 2:23-27. Tonight I am speaking on the subject; THE LORD OF HOSTS IN JUDGEMENT. Tonight, I believe judgement is about to be released on the agent of darkness, on the forces of hell. I’m going to say only five things tonight and we shall quickly move, you and I shall experience the manifestations of the judgement of the Lord of Hosts. Genesis 11:1-8. The people of the Tower of Babel were a people that were literally going to confront God. ChurchGist. They had an agenda that was an Anti-God agenda and God moved to confront that agenda. There are a few things I want you to understand here about the Lord of Hosts in judgement.
- He is the God who cannot be confronted.
His plans and purposes cannot be resisted by mortal man, no human being can tackle with the Lord, no force of hell can confront God. No evil society can confront God, no counsellors of witches and wizards can ever confront God, no ancestral power can ever confront God. ChurchGist. No spell of darkness can ever confront God, we serve a God who cannot be confronted.
- He is the God who scatters the contrary agenda of the enemy.
He scatters the contrary plot of the enemy, wherever there is a gang up against God or against His people, they only gather to scatter.
- Tonight I prophesy, anyone in the name of Jesus, anyone confronting the purpose of God for your life, for your destiny, for this Nation, for your family and your community, that confrontation is nullified right now. Every gathering against the plan of God, against the purpose of God, today I decree they are scattered.
- He is the God who destroys the altars and deity of darkness to set His people free
Exodus 12:12-13. God is saying that He will go through this land tonight and execute judgement. He’s the Lord.
- I prophesy tonight, every altar of darkness, every demonic shrine, every witchcraft coven, every Occultic practice over this Nation, over your family, over your destiny, against this crusade, against everyone connected or related to what God is doing here, I declare those altars on fire now.
Say with me; oh you altars of evil, your end has come today in the name of Jesus.
Something is happening from the Lusaka area to the Copperbelt area, something is happening in this Country.
- He’s the God who lays to rest the wicked, so that His people can have liberty.
Those who do not want to let you go, He makes them go for you, those who will not let His people rest, He makes them rest, so that the people can be free.
- I announce today in the name of Jesus, everyone who will not let you go, who will not let you rest, everyone who will not let Zambia rest, everyone who will not let the Church in this Nation rest, in the name of Jesus in this season they shall be laid to rest. ChurchGist. The agenda of evil, the agenda of wickedness shall be laid to rest.
So, don’t be surprised if after this crusade, you begin to hear of the demise of those who have sworn against God and against the gospel in your family, in your community and in your Nation.
- He’s the God who moves everything out of the way in order to move His people to their destiny.
He moves everything out of the way, He moves the red sea out of the way, He moves everything out of the way in order to move His people to their destiny.
- Tonight, I stand to announce and prophesy, everything that is standing in your way tonight, in the way of His purposes for your life, for my life, His purposes and will for this crusade and in this Nation, I announce tonight, they are moved out of the way.
- The God of judgement moves in response to His covenant. The Bible says God remembered His covenant with Abraham and because He remembered His covenant, He moved in the dimension of judgement in the land of Egypt. Covenant people provoke the judgement of God on the enemy people who have a covenant relationship with God, people who have decided to take God serious with their lives, people who have decided to live for God and His purpose, those people will see the purpose of God, they will see the judgement of God, those people will see the move of God. He moves in respect of His covenant.
- The God of Judgement also moves in the defence of His plan and purpose.
If God has a plan for your life, for your Nation and you’re aware of that plan and there is any devil that attempts to stand in the way of that plan, that devil is moved out of the way. ChurchGist. That witch is moved out of the way.
How many of you know that God has a plan for you? He says I know the thought I think towards you, the thought of good and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Something is happening to you right now.
Lift up your right hand and say; oh God of judgement move on my behalf tonight. Do your will in my life tonight, fulfil your purpose in my life tonight.
- Lord, I make demands on your fire upon my life, on every altar of wickedness fighting my life fighting my destiny, we command the altars to catch fire now.
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