Every book is made up of letters but this Book of the Bible is made up of wonders. Many people only see the letters, very few see the wonders. It is the wonders that we call mysteries and it is given to us who are all redeemed. Every child of God is an entitled asset to the mysteries of God.
One encounter with the mystery of the Kingdom is worth much more than a life time of labour. A hidden treasure which we call mystery of the Kingdom through His word is worth much more than a lifetime of effort.
Tonight the Lord will open each one up to the mysteries so that you can maximize His agenda for our lives as individuals this year.
You know every Kingdom package delivers by force. He said the Kingdom of God seffereth violence and the violent taketh it by force and that force is not that of energy display, it is the force of faith. Just like Bartimaeus cried after Jesus and Jesus said ‘You are made whole by your faith’ not by your cry. It was the faith content of his cry that gave him back his sight.
The paralytic man became violent and when they said there is no way in he said ‘please is there a roof? They said yes. He said ‘Open the roof we will pay them later’. ‘Let me down through the roof’ Jesus saw their faith, He didn’t see the open roof, He saw their faith. He said ‘Son your sins are forgiven, you go home’.The force of faith, the violence of faith.
I once did a teaching here on spiritual glass of wine that gets you intoxicated to do the things you do and you begin to wonder what the matter is. The wine is the matter. When you take a very refined wine, it endures for a long time.
You know that well refined wine can stay two hundred years. In some of those places in Europe you can ask for wine of two hundred years. They will sell it to you very very costly but the taste is sustained because it is well refined. So instead of taking the juice of the Word , go for the wine. Get the wine, it turns you violent. Some things are under some severe resistances, you need some violence to get them down.
You need some level of violence to kick some adversaries off your territory.
We are up in the last of the series today and I felt prompted by the Holy Ghost to examine the foundations that keeps your faith building secure. The future of any physical building lies in the strength of it’s foundation. If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? For us to build our faith we must have a foundation that secures our building.
Many years ago in Kaduna there was this Federal Government project in our estate and then cracks began to show up in most of the buildings, they did the test and discovered that the foundation was faulty and so they asked everybody to leave the place and pull down the building because it’s better to pull down the building than pull down human life. So there is no future for any building without a sure foundation.
Many believe God but nothing is happening because the foundation is not there or where it is is faulty.
1st Corinthians 3:11
Jesus Christ is simply the living Word.
2nd Timothy 2:19-21.
Not everybody in the body of Christ enjoys honour. It depends on how much each one purges himself of what makes the foundation faulty. But if a man purges himself from fear, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified and made for the master’s use and prepared unto every good work. That is the sure foundation in building our faith.
Now for instance you believe in your heritage of prosperity. You believe in the covenant that generates it, covenant practice becomes futile when stealing becomes a lifestyle. Now it is not stealing that makes a thief, it is the act of stealing. You steal from your wife you are a thief, you steal from your husband you are a thief, you steal from your father you are a thief, you steal from church you are a thief. Somebody stood up to go to the toilet before he comes back you have carried his Bible. You are stealing the Word of God. And not that you don’t have one or maybe you like the leather cover so you pick the Bible and in our kind of Church you just move from Faith wing to Hope wing, they can’t find you. There is no way. No usher in this Church can find you. And when you see them moving around you go to the gallery.
The foundations of God are sure, sealed and delivered by God. Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. If he doesn’t want to be reduced to wood and earth, he wants to be a vessel of gold let him depart from iniquity
Paul a man of great faith, unusual faith. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
1st Thessalonians 2:10
2nd Corinthians 5:1-2
So it takes a sure foundation for faith to work.
Acts 14:11
Our access to the deep things of God demands consecration.
Mark 4:11
And it takes access to build faith. We must wake up and take responsibility. We need a sure foundation to secure our future in the Kingdom. Anybody can return at anytime to say ‘Jesus I am back home’. You don’t have a future without a sure foundation.
There are covenant companions of faith that make it work.
2nd Peter 1:5-10
You want your faith to work? Add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity.
There are things that must be added to our faith for our faith to deliver and they are all outlined here.
There is nothing God says to put us in trouble. Every commandment of the Lord is within our reach to comply if you’re interested. For His commandments are not grievous.
1st John 5:3
There is no sorting for the foundation of a building if you cannot secure the foundation of the building. The sure foundation.
I pray that no ones labour here shall be in vain in the name of Jesus and beginning from now you will see the efficacy of faith in your life in Jesus name.
Therefore on building our faith we must beware of an evil conscience because it will not work. Faith will always suffer a shipwreck without a good conscience.
1st Timothy 1:19
2nd Chronicles 16:9
Without a pure conscience faith cannot deliver.
1st Timothy 3:9
Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience .
Acts 24:16
Jeremiah 17:10
We all know that God cannot stand a double dealing. Somebody is in in Church, instead of going home he branches to see one old man that is seeing things for him. After taking communion they give him something to chew. It won’t work.
You cannot serve two masters.
Psalms 62:5
Maybe the reason you cannot put the sticker of the Church on your car is where you go to. In case a proper Winner comes by, ‘I will wait for him till when he comes out, Maybe somebody stole the car because his car cannot be in this place’. And then you come out with an old man following you. So how can you put the sticker there? You can’t.
When God becomes your only source, your supplies can never seize.
Psalms 121:1-2
That word changed my life in September 6th 1983. You have two eyes, can you make one to look up and one to look down? If you fix your eyes on Me you will never be ashamed.
Psalms 34:5
Those who look to the sun don’t see the shadows.
It is time to make your choice. If it be God serve Him. If it be man follow him.
Vain Is the help of man.
Matthew 6:22
You heard me say by covenant with Jesus whatever You cannot do let it remain undone. Whatever You cannot give me may I never have it. Wherever You cannot take me to may I never reach there. I have found my final bus stop, I have never checked on any other source for power or help in forty years. Jesus has kept me and His supplies have never seized
Enough of double dealings. It takes no man anywhere. God father, God mother, God uncle, plenty of problems. They look so simple but they block your way forward. There is no plan any man will have for you that will ever match God’s plan for your life. Every man is limited in capacity, authority, power and resources but your unlimited Father and all knowing Father, His name is Jehovah Jireh. He is more than enough for you. When the outstretched arm of God locates you from the back seat there now, that tells you how far He can take you. There is no mortal man that has that kind of hand.
Trust in the Lord always, He is more than enough for anything that you and I will ever need. Our double mindedness have been blocking our way forward without our knowing. Fix your eyes on Him.
You must beware of serving other gods. There are those who claim to be believers and when they are dead you find their real household show up. ‘Well he is one of us, we have to do our own custom before you can bury him’. ‘He has eaten the tongue of other people, we will eat his tongue’. God forbid, it can’t be. By the time they show you the picture, the day of his coronation, he has done ordination in Church o, he has gone to do coronation somewhere else. A notable Christian but a hidden cultist.
Psalms 16:4
So you find people struggling and struggling because there is no spiritual diagnoses center where they will put a machine on him and say ahhh oga how many cults are you in?
You are your own laboratory, you can tell where you are standing per time. There is no point carrying any equipment around.
2nd Corinthians 13:15
Examine yourself.
Exodus 20:4-5
You can’t serve Jesus with any other god and prosper. You have to make your choice and make it very fast.
You are going places.
This God is more than enough for anything you will need on earth, healing, health, peace , joy, protection, preservation. Jesus died to obtain for us a seven fold redemption package.
Revelation 5:12
What else do you need? All packaged in one man, in one source.
Psalms 84:11
Simply following God made an emperor of an ordinary man called Abraham who left his father’s house without any fun fare. They saw him as a frustrated man. He had no child so why won’t he say God told him to go somewhere.
Suddenly by the hand of God he had an army to himself. Three hundred and eighteen solid men. You may not look like anything, Just keep following everything God says then they will find you where no man imagined, where no one of your generation finds himself.
Only serious approach guarantees serious results. People are just too playful about life and there is no spare. There is no return match. So let’s wake up.
John 8:29
John 8:46
Grace to please Him in all our ways is very crucial in making the most of our lives and that grace is available for demand as you call for it today. It must answer to you.
Ask for grace to please God in all your ways.
No matter how you pray over an uprooted Cocoa tree, it has lost its future. The good news is that anybody can get replanted if he chooses to. A believer is helpess without being dedicated to God and to the interest of His Kingdom.
Romans 11:17-23
Please get dedicated, it is for your own good. Stay dedicated to God and to the interest of His Kingdom and you will find your life flourishing without sweat.
Dedication is not a gift, it is not a calling, it is simply a choice. Stay dedicated. Keep growing in your dedication to God and you will find God’s Word opening new chapters in your life day after day, year after year in the name of Jesus Christ.