- Bishop David Oyedepo on ENGAGING THE WONDERS OF PRAYER AND FASTING 2A at Special Monthly Anointing Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || First Sunday Service|| 12th January 2024.
Please know what to watch out for in this season and reach out for them. Fasting among other things is a platform for empowerment. Empowerment is mainly for victorious living. Luke 10:19.

- It is your year of triumph
- No one shall be a victim of any battle.
Know what to watch out for. Watch out for light. Church Gist. There is no realm of darkness that can challenge the authority of light, light shows up and darkness backs out. Watch out for an outbreak of light. It is part of the goodies ordained for us on the platform of prayer and fasting.
Lord Jesus, thank you again. We are all looking up to you. By your light shall we have light, show us light. Move us forward. Draw us closer, do the unusual today. Heal the sick in this service, set free the captives in this service. Church Gist. Deliver them that are appointed to death in this service. Restore the joy of people in this service, bring an end to confusion. By this anointing service, destroy every spiritual yoke in Jesus name.
What are the wonders embedded in the mystery of prayer and fasting? Maybe it is important for me to mention here that adventure in prayer begins with new birth. Jesus said when you pray, say “our Father which art in heaven” (Matthew 6:9). That connotes this prayer is for those who have a Father in heaven. John 1:12. I can say this because I was fasting before I was saved. Church Gist. There is the Lent. Lent is long and fast – 40 days. As little ones we don’t have to go the full length to 6pm but there is a fasting culture that comes along in the church system. Did God hear me? I don’t know. I am not sure He heard. That’s where the adventure in fasting begins. Otherwise it will be mere religious punishment. New birth is fundamental for access to prayers. Matthew 6:9.
Now for us in the faith, listen. For anyone that is not in the faith, today is your day. There is something I found that is so intriguing to me. Jesus hung on the tree to draw all men onto Himself. He went to the Cross as an expression of God’s Will, He doesn’t want anyone to perish, He wants all to come to repentance but it is left to our choice. God will never choose for a man. It is man’s choice that defines his destiny. Redemption makes every one of us creatures of choice. Satan can’t choose for you because the Almighty God can’t choose for you. Church Gist. How can the poor devil be the one choosing for you? If he were, where was he when you galloped, you stepped out of darkness into light? He wouldn’t let anybody step out if he had the power. The power of your choice is superior to whatever the devil poses to have as power. You made the choice and you got saved. It is so important.
- May your choice to engage in this fast open new chapters to your life.
Fasting is not a burden but a blessing of unfathomable dimension. Jeremiah 23:33-40. There is no commandment of scriptures that is not a blessing, when you see it as a burden you incur the anger of God. Fasting is not a blessing but a burden of unfathomable dimension. Church Gist. The cost of prayer and fasting cannot be compared with the amazing weight of glory in return. Psalm 63:1-3. My soul thirst, my flesh longeth… That defines fasting. And what happened? It is my access to your power and glory. 2 Corinthians 4:17. So it is light when compared with the weight of glory that comes in return. If you believe, you will see the glory of God.
- This will mark the end of every trace of shame and reproach in your life.
Among others, prayer and fasting is a platform for spiritual empowerment for victorious living. Isaiah 58:6. It breaks off the hold of the wicked off our lives. Church Gist. Prayer and fasting empowers believers for victorious living. You won’t record defeats again as you tap into light through this fasting season in the name of Jesus.

When your Word comes on any subject, your dominion is established. The dominion of light over darkness is instant and unquestionable. Joseph was struggling until the time that his Word came. When his Word came, new chapters opened. So reach out for your Word. Church Gist. For instance, fasting is ordained for victorious living. So you are not struggling to do something, you are investing into destiny. Victorious living! Why? By the outbreak of light, faith comes alive. This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith (1 John 5:4). So watch out for it.
When I found that He has raised us up together with Him, Ephesians 2:6. Ephesians 1:21, every devil looks like grasshopper since I found it. Church Gist. When your Word comes, your dominion is established. That far back ’79. You find me say, “one billion witches can’t stop my way”. My Word came, I caught it because He cannot lie, He confirms it.
- somebody’s story is changing.
- It’s a platform for spiritual empowerment, outbreak of Revelation leading to supernatural breakthroughs. Isaiah 58:8. Isaiah 60:1-3. Church Gist. Every revelation is revolutionary in nature. It breaks through impossible barriers. Outbreak of light is not just to feel good, no. It’s for breakthroughs, not a feeling.
- this season will mark the end of breakdowns in your life and the end of backward trend in your life in the name of Jesus.
We were in a fast when the Lord said to me, “my son, you have two eyes, can you make one to look up and one to look down?” I tried, it didn’t work. “Anytime you’re looking up to man, never claim to be looking up to me. But if you fix your eyes on me, you’ll never be ashamed”. Church Gist. That’s some years back, 42 years ago. My eyes went off every man including myself because God speaks and does what He can do, not what I can do or what you can do. And I can tell you this, Psalm 125:1-3. Church Gist. You focus your eyes on Jesus, you keep winning all your ways. That came from the platform of prayer and fasting.
- something is hitting you this week.
Can I tell you why we miss it? Sometimes, light break forth, we just ignore it. There was a time I did a teaching on the lifespan of light, you have daybreak, you have nightfall. Church Gist
It’s not daybreak all day. Daybreak and nightfall, after daybreak, night will fall if you don’t do anything. You can imagine plants that are asleep while the sun is shining, it’ll wither away because it can’t bear fruits outside sunlight. So, when light comes, boom, you move. Church Gist. Abraham our father, prompt response. “Get out of thy country”, boom! “Circumcise all the male borns in your house”, boom! “Take your only son Isaac”, boom! Walk while you have the light, lest it be turned to darkness. John 12:35-36. So, every revelation you’re catching, grab it and run with it.
I was in a fast when the Lord said, “I’m blessing you as I’ve promised you. You shall lend to many nations but you shall not borrow”. I wrote a covenant against borrowing that day. October 4, 1981. Church Gist. Grab it and run with it! He said, “don’t stop at writing oh, write and run. Write what I say and run”. Not write and keep, write and run. When the Lord showed me the mystery of Church growth, same week, we printed ‘come and see’ tracts. People just leave their seed on the shelf. No seed will grow on your shelf, you plant in the ground. I have a lot of mustard seed, I think I got it from somewhere, it’s in my shelf. It’s been there for long, it’ll never grow, it has to see the soil to grow. I don’t know whether it’s spoiled now or not. Church Gist. It’ll never grow on the shelf, nothing will grow from your note. From your system, nothing will grow there.
Unfathomable blessings in fasting but trashed by many.
- in the precious name of Jesus, spiritual carelessness is over!
Some of us have never seen mustard seed before, I’ve seen it but it hasn’t added anything to me, I didn’t plant it. Church Gist. When it is sown, it grows up and throws out great branches and begins to offer covering for others. There are many things in your note that if only they’re planted, they would have grown oh, throw out great branches and offer covering for many. Now, that you’re teaching doesn’t mean that it’ll grow, it is when it is planted not when it is taught. Church Gist. I’ve been talking about mustard seed now for some time, has it grown? No. So, don’t mistake what you teach as Pastors and Ministers for what you sow. It is your doing it that they call sowing. Why am I hard on this? Church Gist. There’s no treasure of revelation that does not secure a future when run with.
- In the precious name of Jesus, no one will trash any treasure of revelation again!
Isaiah 58:8.
- Therefore, I curse the root of any sickness and disease tormenting anyone in this place under the sound of my voice around the world in the name of Jesus.
- this season marks the end of that plague in your life!
- somebody’s healing just dropped now!
- somebody is just being set free now!
- that oppression of the devil is just over now!
Isaiah 58:8. Prayer and fasting is a platform for sanctification. You’re bringing the flesh under subjection and creating a platform for the spirit to dominate your life.
“This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” Certain d€mons holding you bound in one area or another. As you engage in prayer and fasting with your faith in place, they clear the way. “Why could we not cast out d€mons now?” Church Gist. He said: “Because of your unbelief. Howbeit, this can go out but by prayer and fasting.” Too many unclean spirits all over. Too many unclean spirits holding people hostage, holding them by the throat but prayer and fasting break such holds. Can I hear your Amen?
-Sir, every unwanted habit of your life drops off here today. Every habit militating against your walk with God drops here today.
In God’s agenda, ‘he that doeth righteousness is righteous’ not ye that is teaching righteousness. Ye that doeth righteousness is righteous. Church Gist. So it goes to securing eternity because without that, no access to Heaven. Thank You Jesus! So we access sanctification that keeps the believer fit for Heaven.
- Express answers to prayers.
While sin clears the way, prayer channel opens up. Isaiah 58:9. Church Gist. The sin barrier clears and then prayer channel opens up. Praise God!
-No prayer returns unanswered in your life. You’ll remember this season for many years to come because certain things will open up that will never be shut down again.
Prayer and fasting also opens access to divine guidance through the Ministry of the Holy Spirit. And when the Lord lives, no barrier can stand on the way. Isaiah 48:41. Nothing can stop the way against one being led by God. Church Gist. So you find the way to go on the altar of prayers and He shows it. They waited upon the Lord for 3 days in Ezra 8:1-3, 21-23. The altar of prayer and fasting provides access to clear divine guidance and divine direction. You know where you’re going.

- It’s a gateway to supernatural flourishing life.
Isaiah 58:11-14. Ever flourishing life. Fasting keeps life flourishing in season and out of season. Now, what that means is:
-Dry season ends in anyone’s life this time. Spiritual dry season ends now. Social dry season ends now in the name of Jesus!
Furthermore, we discovered from Scriptures that the last days are the days of great revelations but that is facilitated by prayer and fasting. Jeremiah 31:34. There’s an agenda in God’s program that a time is coming when the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the seas. Isaiah 11:9. It’s an Endtime agenda, that time is here. Church Gist. People are now breaking forth into a new depth of God, Amen! The kind of revelation that will make nations out of ordinary men. Isaiah 60:22. Isaiah 60:1. This light is coming that will distinguish the Church of Christ in this Endtime. Unusual insight leading to unusual unexplainable but reliable breakthroughs is coming! It has started. You won’t miss your place in it. Isaiah 60:22. Not just men like nations, not women like nations; women like strong nations. People that strong nations reckon with, strong nations consults with. By virtue of impact as a result of insight!
-That’s where you’re going! So enjoy! Enjoy it!
Daniel was a fasting man, enjoy it. He was preferred above all other presidents, enjoy it! The secrets of men are in their stories, enjoy it. And now watch, the Bible says: “The least in the Kingdom shall be greater than the greatest in the Old Testament.” Church Gist. So, greater than Daniels are here, Amen! By taking on Daniel’s order of responsibility. “I understood by books, I waited for 3 weeks to find a particular solution.” Understanding! We have to do what they did to get what they got and go beyond it. Fasting for light!
You heard the story, I went 3 days in a fast: “Show me the secret of Kingdom prosperity!” See the impact around the World today. 3 days fa! Only! Show me the secret… I started fasting for light, I went 3 days out. “Lord! Show me the secret of the Book of Ezekiel.” Church Gist. Third day He said: “Behold, I have touched your tongue with coal of fire. From henceforth, as you say it you will see it.” Don’t play with this mouth oo, don’t play with it. Somebody misbehaved one time I said: “Tell him, that was the last thing he will do.” That was the last thing. Fasting for light. Not fasting for who to know, who not to know. Fasting for light. Light is superior to any man, to any organization, to any nation. Light!
We arrived in a nation like this and a notor1ous w1tch disappeared, vanished. I spoke a Word there, an idol disappeared in Ghana. Fasting for light. That’s the wisdom we’re going to. Church Gist. He said through that wisdom, we’ll teach principalities and powers lessons, evil spirits will bow, they’ll even be crying. When Daniel was here, he was head of the Chaldeans, astrologers, magicians, he was head. Not that one w1tch is coming, you are running around.
- We’re getting there!
So, let it start from now. Whatever question seems to be void of answers, take it on now. This week. This is day number one of the third 3 day module. Church Gist. Take it on. “Jesus, you have the answer to this. I need to hear from you”. Praise God! And He will do it in Jesus name.
- The good news is, the remaining days of this fast will be loaded for you. It will be loaded for you!
- We are in the days of outbreak of revelation of strange orders. You are getting there in Jesus name.
The last days are the days of the manifold wisdom of God, but wisdom from above is also facilitated by prayer and fasting. We saw that in Daniel, we saw it in Paul the Apostle. 2 Corinthians 11:27. We saw the mysteries that he gained access to. Church Gist. Ephesians 3:1-5,8-11. Even Peter said that the things he said were too hard to be understood. 2 Corinthians 6:5. 2 Corinthians 11:27. You’ve heard me say before, nothing of value is free. Nothing of value is ever free. Hallelujah!
Now, what are some of the profitable approach to fasting. How do we make the most of fasting? Church Gist. What are the things we should know? What are the protocols that make fasting profitable?
- We must come thanking God, praising and worshiping Him for access to the Throne of Grace. It’s not something you do (with force). People do a lot of things without finding out, why is it not working? Matthew 6:9. You say, what does that mean? Psalm 100:4. Church Gist. Many are shouting behind the office building, it’s an air conditioned room, they don’t hear you. You need access to have communication. You don’t have access complaining, you have access thanking. You gain access thanking God. “Lord, I’m back. I’m here again oh. Hear me today oh. Hear me today. Today na today. You must hear me”.
E se nibi te ti bere, E se nibi te ba de
Modupe o Jesu, Ibi te mu mi lo
(Thank you for where you have begun
Thank you for how far you have done it
I’m grateful oh Jesus for where you are taking me to)
You better mind the protocol, Sir. Mind it oh. You don’t go to the Airport and just go and line up. They say, where are you going? You say I’m going to Kano. Where’s your ticket? I don’t have ticket. No, they’ll arrest you. There’s a protocol. You’ll get boarding pass, then you move on. You have no boarding pass, you have no ticket, (walking confidently) “I’m a winner” Winner where? Church Gist. Or you have no visa, you just go to the Airport, you say, “Which plane is there?” They say ‘that’s one kind of plane. It’s going to Germany.’ “Okay, Germany, that’s where I want to go”. What of your passport? You say, is it passport photograph? He doesn’t know. He has no respect for the protocols, he won’t move an inch. Thank Him! Anytime you come with your complain, no access. “God, I’ve come again oh. See the way you treated me last year. Church Gist. This is another year. I prayed 21 days of prayer. In fact, my own extended to 42 days. I’ve come again this year. Are you there? God, are you there?” It’s not by shouting, no, the protocol is well defined. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving.

E seun, E seun, E seun Baba
Jesu Olurapada, E seun Baba
Modupe, Modupe, Modupe Baba
(Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Father
Jesus the Restorer, Thank you Father.
I’m grateful, I’m grateful, I’m grateful Father)
My wife is here. When I get up, “Thank you, Jesus”. I’m going to my study table, “Thank you, Jesus”. I’m going to the bathroom, “Thank you, Jesus”. Church Gist. I’m coming out of the bathroom, “Thank you, Jesus”. It’s an addiction. I can’t do anything about it.
- Somebody’s story is changing.
Don’t break protocols and expect access. Stop breaking protocols.
-In the name of Jesus, no one will lack access this time.
-You will not lack access to the Throne of Grace this time in the name of Jesus.
- For profitable fasting, engage the force of faith, because only faith filled prayers guarantee answers. Only faith filled prayers guarantee answers. Church Gist. Matthew 21:22. Mark 11:24. Believe that you receive, then it shall arrive. So, without faith, prayer cannot deliver.
- We must come boldly and not beggarly. Hezekiah went boldly, “Remember now, oh God” God said, “Now, I remember” He was there boldly and God responded openly. Hebrews 4:16. Beggarly prayer does not fly with God. Come boldly. All those who came after Jesus crying boldly, He answered them openly. Church Gist. They said, “Bartimeaus, stop” “Stop what? Jesus” “He said, wait a minute. Come. He got me. Come. What do you want?” He got it. Two blind men, “Jesus, have mercy” “Do you believe that I can do it? Get it”. Hebrews 4:16. You can’t have your lion’s share without a lion’s heart.
- Finally, we must be committed to Kingdom advancement prayers in our fast. This is very important. The pattern remains “our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come – number one; thy will be done on Earth as it is done in Heaven – number two.” Church Gist. And the two of them are about God’s agenda on the Earth. He wants all men to be saved and that’s His will. He doesn’t want anyone to perish – that’s His will. Amen!
Thy Kingdom come; that won’t come until this Gospel is preached among all nations – that’s His will. Kingdom expansion, Kingdom advancement must be pivotal in our prayer and fasting for maximum results. Matthew 6:17-18, Zechariah 7:5.
We fast unto self a lot. Fasting unto God’s Kingdom and its advancement brings those things to us on a platter of gold. “Did you fast unto me or all the day fasted unto yourself? Church Gist. Did you fast to please me? Did you fast to seek the way to live a righteous life? Or you just fast – God, I need a car. I need a vehicle. I need a tricycle. Did you fast unto me?”
So I found myself singing “I’m fasting unto the Lord, fasting hallelujah” (I sing a lot of kinds of songs). Fasting unto God – people don’t know the meaning. Fasting unto God! Church Gist. So, ensure that in this fasting period, God occupies a strategic place in your prayer content. And as you seek first the Kingdom of God, all these things shall be added to you. How many are set for that?
- That’s your portion!
Now very importantly before we have the Anointing Session, watching out for answers in prayer is a vital missing link in the prayer life of many today. We know how to pray but we have never bothered ourselves on how do I get answers to my prayers. Are answers real? Church Gist. They are very real. He hears prayers and He answers prayers. Psalm 65:2,5…so He hears and answers. How do I get to know or access His answers?
The two missing links are:
- The listening link; listening. “Let he that has ears let him hear what the Spirit is saying. Let him position himself to hear; let him set himself to hear.” When we pray according to His will, He hears us. Church Gist. If we know that He hears us then we should expect to get His response.
In Acts 12:12-17, they were praying in the house of Mary for Peter (he was locked up in the prison). Peter came out, right? He was knocking. They said, “no, it can’t be Peter. Peter is still in the prison. We are still praying.” They knew how to pray; they didn’t know how to watch out for answers. Rhoda began to insist “it is Peter.” When they opened, they saw him “hey, Peter.” Some are praying forever. Church Gist. The answer came knocking; they are not watchful. So the prayer continues as if Heaven is blank. Habakkuk 2:1-3. We watch to see, we also watch to hear what He will say.
We must therefore watch to see what He will say unto us. Revelation 1:10. So we are in the spirit praying so we can hear when He’s speaking to us. Church Gist. Revelation 4:1. So we have to leave the valley, come to the mountaintop to see what He wants to show us.
Let’s get spiritual, God will be delivering answers to you in this season! There are people here who have received answers from God. Church Gist. You don’t wait till when the substance (the practical thing) drops. You hear from God “this is it” and that is it.
- No more wasted prayers!
- Can I have you say with me? “I serve a prayer answering God. I also serve a question answering God. Help me Jesus to maintain a life in the spirit that will help me to see what you are showing me and to hear what you are saying to me.”
So in conclusion, God answers our prayers in two ways:
- Through what He shows. Jeremiah 33:3…through what He shows us mainly from His Word. John 5:19-20. So He (Jesus) was working by what He (God) shows Him. God is still showing people today. He said, “stand up and follow me and I did and then He said turn back here – I did. Church Gist. Then He showed me a layer of thick darkness on the roof of the Church. That is the blindfolding weapon the devil uses to misinterpret what I’m doing in this Church.” God is still showing people today.
My wife and I were praying; He said, “stand up” and I did. “Take your Bible” and I did. Then He showed me the answer, ‘Acts 22:10’ and I said, what shall I do Lord? He said, “arise, get down to Damascus.” He still shows people today. I said, “Jesus, there must be a way out when our last daughter was dying and He said…” He shows people today. Church Gist. I picked a little booklet in my drawer as He led me. I opened it, He said, “when fear knocks on the door, send faith to open. You will discover no one is there.” He still shows people today.
- Something will break forth in your life!
Now watch Jesus, I can of my own self do nothing as I hear. So Jesus was seeing, He was hearing. It is the cheapest way to triumphant living. Being able to see and hear what God is saying and showing at any time. A particular response to your prayers. The good thing here is this. After this, prayer and fasting season, God will turn each one to surprise, himself. Because, no more guess work. You are breaking forth into new realms. Church Gist. Give the Lord a big hand of praise. Thank you Jesus.
Abraham was praying and God was answering him. If you find 50 people there, will you still destroy? I will not destroy. Real communion. Look at verse 33 please. Genesis 18:33. He defined prayer as communion. It is a 2 way communication platform. Church Gist. And the Lord went his way as soon as he had left communing with Abraham and Abraham returned unto his place. Communion. They were communing, it is not one way traffic. They were communing. You see that prayer thing,
that Abraham got involved in from verse 18, the intercession, the response, that is the point you are going to. That is where you are going to. You are speaking to God and He is speaking back to you. Thank you Jesus.
You know what he said. Produce your cause saith the Lord and bring forth your strong reasons. Isaiah 41:21. Produce your cause, bring forth your strong reasons saith the King of Jacob. Isaiah 43:26, put him in remembrance, come and let us plead together. Declare now that thou mayest be justified. Church Gist. So you see prayer is a communion, it is not a one way traffic, it is a two way system.
From this time on, you will enjoy the 2 way system of prayer in your life. You speak to God, He speaks back to you and then you never get defeated anymore. You will never get defeated in any battle anymore. Let me hear your loudest Amen. In this anointing service, whatever you know is covered by faith, prayer and fasting, will deliver in your life. Church Gist. This kind going up by prayer and fasting, that is the highest kind. So, when faith is coupled with prayer and fasting, the worst of devil’s in hell will bow.

Therefore, every hold of the wicked one in anyone’s life by this anointing service, it is broken off. As that oil comes on your head, the battle over your destiny is declared over. Any agent of the devil that will not let you go must go for you. Secondly, every yoke of spiritual disconnect that is holding some individuals in bondage today in their walk with God by this anointing, such yokes are destroyed. Church Gist. The yoke of Spiritual carelessness, prayerlessness is declared destroyed. I now command everyone’s head under the sound of my voice to spring forth right now. By this anointing, you are declared healed every week. You are made perfectly whole this day. You will testify.
Now, in the Name of Jesus, the yoke of Spiritual blindness, that won’t let you see what God is showing is destroyed. The yoke of Spiritual deafness that won’t let you hear what God is saying is destroyed. Brand new day for you, in the Name of Jesus. Church Gist. Give the Lord a big hand of praise, everybody.
It shall come to pass in that day, that the burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder and his yoke from off thy neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. In that day, not in those days is a weapon of instant delivery. Therefore, after this is blessed and it touches your forehead, every yoke clears from your system, destroyed from the root. Church Gist. Terminal disease destroyed from the root. Appointment with death, swallowed up in victory. Confusion clears off your life. Spiritual laxity and carelessness stops in your life in the precious Name of Jesus.
This day marks the dawning of a new day in your life. I also declare the healing of every spiritual blindness and deafness. I decree your access to the realm of two way channel prayer. You won’t miss the answer God is showing you again. Church Gist. You won’t miss the answer he is speaking to you again in the Name of Jesus.
This upon your head shall be to you the oil of favour. You will be smelling favour from now. Wherever your name is mentioned, favour will answer in the Name of Jesus. The good news is, no sickness will survive. As this oil comes on your head, sickness disappears. Church Gist. Now listen to me, empty shouts don’t make any meaning, but when understanding comes to anything we do, it shows. Understanding is the outcome of our engagement.
After this anointing, you are going to shout Hosanna. I was sharing with my team yesterday, that was where my word on praise came. Matthew 21, as they were shouting hosanna, Jesus invaded the temple and flushed out everything buying and selling. The Lord said to me, you are the temple of the Holy Ghost, as you shout Hosanna, I step in and clear off everything that is out of place in your life.
So after this anointing, we are buying into that testimony, as you put this oil in your head and I finish making this declaration, you will shout the highest hosanna. As you shout that hosanna, every buying and selling in you will clear the way. Church Gist. Every unending medication will clear the way. Every nightmare will end. Every misfortune will disappear in the Name of Jesus.
Now the content of your bottle is hereby declared the holy anointing oil. As this anointing oil comes on your head, every prophetic word that has given forth delivers you. And delivers right now. Church Gist. Growth will disappear right now. Cancer will bow right now. Sickle cell anaemia will disappear right now. Every blood disease will clear your body in the Name of Jesus. The seed of bareness will be destroyed now. Marital spell will be destroyed now in the Name of Jesus.

Now it is done, whatever you stood for at this time, delivers as a testimony. So shall it be. There shall be no man without a testimony this week and it is starting right now. There shall be amazing miracle calls. Amazing miracle messages in the Name of Jesus. May your spiritual renewal this season be sustained for life in Jesus Name.