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-Pastor E A Adeboye at RCCG Special Sunday Service|| Going Higher (65)|| 10th July.

🎼My Lord, you’re good (X3)

You’re good to me, you’re good. 🎼

Father, almighty you’re good, King of Kings, Lord of Lords you’re good, saviour of my kind you’re good, the one with the healing stripes you’re good, our deliverer, our provider, our promoter, the lifter of our heads, our defence, our support, our joy, our strength, you’re good, please accept our worship in Jesus’ name. Today in a very miraculous way, visit all your children, touch each and every one of us, command your blessings into our lives and let all be well with us, take all the glory Lord. In Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.


We are continuing our series on Going Higher and we are now in part 65, Going Higher (65). 1st Kings 19:15-19. The first thing we want to note here in verse 29 as we go higher in the Lord, we need to consider the issue of time. ChurchGist. God has a time table for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. There is time for everything, a time to be born, a time to die, a time to sow, a time to reap, a time to sing, a time to stop singing, a time to embrace, a time to refrain from embrace and so and so forth. Everything has a time. Romans 9:14-16. God said He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy on, compassion on whom He will have compassion on. Psalm 102:13. God’s mercy and compassion is time bound.

I believe very deeply that the time for someone has come. ChurchGist. How do I know when my time has come? In the passage we read, Elijah woke up one morning, he wasn’t expecting anything other than to do his business as a farmer and some meetings were held behind his back and that meeting is about to disrupt his entire plan.

How do I know when my time has come?

When your time comes, two major things will happen and as you’re growing take note of these important things.

  1. Certain things will happen beyond your control, that will affect you profoundly. Certain things will happen to some people that are not connected to you whatsoever but will spill over into your life. For example, Genesis 41:1-44. Joseph had known long ago that if he was going to be a great man, the people that would be coming to bow down to him were his brothers even his father and mother, but when his time came, it was a King that had a dream, two sets of dreams. ChurchGist. Joseph was having a nice sleep, the kind of the sleep you can have in the prison, particularly when you’re in charge of the prison. Yet, somebody was dreaming, two frightening dreams, by the time the dreamer woke up from his dream, things started happening in the life of Joseph. ChurchGist. The man who has been forgotten, even by the fellow he had helped was suddenly remembered, why? His time had come.

By the end of the day, the prisoner had become the second in command to the king, knees began to bow, the man who was in prison was now riding the second to the best chariot in the whole of Egypt. Why? His time had come. ChurchGist. When your time for promotion comes. Daniel 2:1-49. The one that is going to be used to bring about your promotion will have a dream and forget the dream; the King had a dream and he forgot the dream. He called the wise men together, come and interpret my dream, they said we can’t interpret your dream unless you tell us your dream. He said I have forgotten the dream. Why? Because there is one person, just one person called Daniel, a prisoner, a slave, who was going to be promoted before the day was over, it wasn’t Daniel that dreamt, it was the King that dreamt and forgot the dream. ChurchGist. When your day comes, something will happen beyond your control to someone who will be a vessel in the Hand of God to bring you to where you are going.

1st Samuel 9: 1-27. When the time for promotion came for Saul, his father lost some animals, it wasn’t the fault of Saul, he didn’t know how the animal got lost and incidentally, while Saul was about looking for the lost animal, the animal was found but, in the meantime, in searching for the lost animal, he came in contact with Samuel, the man who was going to anoint him to be a King. 1st Samuel 10:1.

Consider David, 1st Samuel 15:1-29, David was doing his own job, minding his own business, he had nothing to do with somebody called King Saul, he didn’t know that King Saul had disobeyed God and therefore God had told King Saul, you’re Kingdom is over, I’m taking the Kingdom away from you, I’m handing over to someone else, David did not know, he had nothing to do with it. When you move to 1st Samuel 16:1-13, God spoke to Samuel, fill your horn with oil, I’m sending you to the house of Jesse, a new King is about to be anointed. ChurchGist. When your day comes, the one the almighty God is going to use to bring your promotion to take you to a height you’re not even dreaming about, will do something that will lead you into the fulfillment of the purpose of God for your life.

I don’t know who God is talking to today, but the one that will help you, will not even be able to do anything, until they come to you to help.

The second thing that will happen when your time comes is that wherever you may be when your day comes, the favour of God will locate you. Particularly if you’re in God’s plan. ChurchGist. For example, consider Isaac. Genesis 26:1-14. Isaac was not at home, he was in another Nation and there was famine in the Nation not caused by Isaac and Isaac wanted to run away and God located him and said; hey, I brought you here to prosper you. Isaac you might have forgotten, Genesis 22:15-18, I promised and I swore that I will bless your father, that I will multiply you; your multiplication is about to begin, God located him there, He told him, don’t go anywhere this is your land of multiplication, by the time God was done with him, even the King of the Country said sir, please go away from us, you have become mightier than us, one man became a threat to a Nation.

Consider Jacob, He was running away from his brother Esau, because he had just claimed the first-born blessing and then in Genesis 28:10-16. Because God’s plan includes Jacob, he was sleeping in the bush, using a rock for his pillow, he wasn’t in a synagogue, he wasn’t anywhere where you could have an encounter with God but God located him. He had a dream and God visited him. He said I am the God of your father Abraham. ChurchGist. Every promise I made to your grandfather Abraham, I will fulfil everything in you, the favour of God located him there.

When he woke up from his dream, he said God is here and I didn’t know it, God is everywhere. In the same case of Jacob, when you read Genesis 32: 24-28. ChurchGist. The Bible tells us that when Jacob was returning home after several years in exile, self-exile; and his brother was coming with 400 men to come and deal with him, when he was alone, God came again, the favour of God located him again and a man became a Nation, God changed his name from Jacob to Israel. When your day comes, it doesn’t matter where you are, the favour of God will locate you.

Exodus 3:1-5. Moses was at the back side of a desert, not just a desert, it was at the very back side but God had a purpose for Moses and God located him there, he wasn’t even praying, he wasn’t listening to a sermon like you’re doing, but his day came and God located him, from time to time you have heard me say as God speaks to me, there is someone here and before the day is out, that person will truly know, glory be to God, my time has come at last. I’m praying for someone who is listening now, your time will come now. ChurchGist. I have never forgotten the story of one of my pastors, he was married for 26 years and he was barren, there was nowhere to go, he was already in the Lord, he is even a pastor and then during the Holy Ghost service, the Word of the Lord came that there is someone here, your waiting was over, because God has promised I will make you fruitful. He jumped for joy, where the wife was, the wife said amen too. After 26 years their time came and it wasn’t long after that, we began to hear their testimony, not only have they gotten a child now they have gotten the second child.

There is something else I need to touch very quickly and that is something you would call the issue of priority. 1st Kings 18:15-17. God told Elijah what He wants him to do, go anoint Hazael to be King over Syria, appointment 1. Anoint Jehu King over Israel, assignment 2, then anoint Elisha as prophet in your place, that is 3 different assignments.

If you know anything about Elijah, he is the original yes man, when God speaks, he obeys, but here in verse 19, we found Elijah, going straight to Elisha. Hazael you can wait, Jehu sit down I’m coming. Let me deal with my successor, I can’t finish this sermon today, so we will pick it up next Sunday. But this is telling you that your son, your legacy is very crucial, we are talking about the issue of priority, Charity must begin at home, are you a child of God? ChurchGist. Are you already going higher? Are you leaving your children behind? Your child, your family is your first priority, God himself said, anyone who is going to be a pastor, a minister of God must first of all qualify from home, he must have his home in order. Kings are for the Nation; your children are for you. Don’t forget that when Absalom died, who dethroned his father, when he died and the whole Nation was rejoicing that rebellion is over, what was David doing? He was weeping, Absalom my son, because the Nation is for everybody, your family is your own.

Beginning from this moment, pay any price that will bring your children into the Kingdom of God, because they represent your tomorrow. ChurchGist. We will continue from there next week if Jesus tarries, as for those of you who are not yet born again, your priority according to Matthew 6:33, is to seek first the Kingdom of God and is righteousness, every other thing will then be added to it. In other words, if you’re seeking money, if you’re seeking position and you’ve not yet sought the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, you’re wasting your time. So, I’m appealing to you today, to come over to the Lord, surrender your life to Him, get everything in the right priority and then your future will be alright.






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