We celebrate with you on this special day of yours, you have been a source of blessing to many across the world. We thank God for how far he has brought you.
We pray that you will always be a source of blessing to us.
God’s favour shall perpetually be upon you and your family. God’s blessing upon your life shall keep abounding.
We pray you experience joy unspeakable in this new season and that God grants you all your heart desires this birthday. We wish you a year of greater and greater works than the past years.
We wish you many more years of impact and exploits in the Kingdom. May God bless your days with joy and peace. May the days ahead be better than the days past. We love you from the depth of our hearts.
Congratulations Sir and God’s multiplied blessing
From all of us at Church Gist.
Wow!!!! Happy birthday to you, Pastor Tunde Joda. I thank God for the great blessing you’ve been to me. You gave me a good foundation of faith n prayer, which has made it possible for me to carry on with my God given assignment. I pray that God will reward you richly for what you have done to the body of christ n myself. God bless you richly in this your birthday n cause His face to shine on you in Jesus Name. Happy birthday.