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-Opening Charge by Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo at ‘Empowerment Day of Health and Wholeness’
Morning Session, 7 Days of Glory.

Father we thank You. We bless You and we appreciate You. Thank You for those mind-blowing testimonies. Who will not love a God like You? Thank You Father in Jesus name.

3 John 2, the Bible says I wish above all things, it says above all things that you should prosper and be in health even as your prospers. So prosperity here doesn’t mean money alone. I told you, I checked the Greek word for prosperity, the best translation I found was an Igbo word, Ijeoma, it means you get to the intended end. Church Gist. The things you thought about when you started, will actually be fructified. I wish above all things that you prosper, not in somethings, in all things, that is wholeness in all things. You are not a billionaire and your kids are running helter-skelter. All round victory, all round, that is God’s intent for you and I.

While Jesus was on the cross, He could call down legions of angels, He could say Father, I am not doing again. He said glorify me with the glory I had before the world began. He had it, it wasn’t the cross that gave it to Him. But He did not choose to stay there because He wanted you to prosper in all things and be in health.

Healing is good, but healing is an advert for unbelievers to come in. Health is the portion of the sons and daughters of the Kingdom of God, that we swim in health. Do you know that your sleep is a therapy for you to be in health? Some of the times you sleep with pain in your body, headache and before you wake up, God has healed you. Church Gist. Do you know that our food is our medicine? When we are eating, we are taking a medicine. Are you following what I am trying to say to you? Because the portion of the Lord for us is health.

Now how do you apply faith for what no one told you? There are people who preach like us and they just want to sound contemporary, they just want to sound acceptable, they want to sound politically correct and they don’t tell you somethings. How can you say somebody should not be sick? I am telling you the truth, you can walk in total health, particularly if you are not told, there is no seed for your faith, faith comes by hearing. Words are seeds for faith and if no one told you what you have as your inheritance, there is no way you will go for it. It doesn’t matter the situation you’ve dealt with, I grew up in life very sickly. Church Gist. I’ve told you here a couple of times because of my blood type, AA. There is no two months without malaria, all through my life but when I accepted this truth as a child of God, I attended a Church where they pumped new creation realities into us. I said wow, like Paul shook the beast into the fire, I made up my mind that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. But you see some people who speak plenty English, they will fight to stay in bondage, that should not be your portion.

The Bible says, Himself took your infirmity. Infirmity is another deadly spirit. There are people listening to me now, when you are sick and then you are healed, your wife picks it up. When your wife is healed, your children pick it up and that’s how that spirit rolls round in your family and you have explanation, “yeah, in my bloodline this happens, that happens”. How can you even be validating that? There are two things in this life; the way things are and the way things ought to be. We go for the way things ought to be.

In 1 Timothy 6:20, look at what Apostle Paul has to say, the Bible says, O Timothy, guard what was committed to you. Look at the KJV, you must guard it, it says guard what was committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babbling, and oppositions of science falsely so called, oppositions of science. The preoccupation of science is not real to solve problems, it is to impeach the credibility of God’s counsel, to take God out of the equation.

The Bible talked about the king because in a community, the king, the president should have the best health care, that’s why you see the Queen of England, she is not even planning to die at all.

In 2 Chronicles 16:12, this man had so much science, so much technology around him. The Bible says in the 39th year of his reign, Asa became diseased in his feet, and his malady was severe; yet in his disease he did not seek the Lord, but he sought the physicians. He rested on medical science and I am not saying medical science is not great. I mean once in a while when my kids are under the weather, we call on pharmacy here, doctors here to help us, because they are still building their faith. The Bible says in verse 13, so Asa died and rested with his fathers because he did not seek the Lord.

Guys, I am not saying throw away your tablets but if you have to take it while you are operating on your faith, pray on your tablet and say in the name of Jesus Christ, I take the benefits of this and very soon I will not need you. It’s all your mindset, I’m telling you the truth. You can shake that beast into the fire. There is nobody you see doing well today that was not once at your level, but don’t stay there.

This guy (Asa) did not seek the Lord, the explanation of science was just too much for him and he embraced bondage.

  • I pray today in the name of Jesus, nobody under the sound of my voice will round up this service a normal person.

Today I want you to make up your mind, there’s a day something comes to an end, and Isaac began to prosper. He was not prospering before, it started a day. Don’t embrace your life based on the past and say, well, this is the way I’ve always been. No, that is why there is Jesus Christ. If you couldn’t break it then why do you come to Jesus? You can break every vicious cycle.

  • Therefore in the name of Jesus, as the man of God comes up stage today, your case, the testimony we are going to have about you, will make all of us to run out and run back inside.

Yesterday, he was a blessing to us. This morning the Lord will use Him mightily again. Ladies and gentlemen, we don’t need video this morning because we need to save every minute. Let’s receive with COZA honour protocol, Bishop Taiwo Adelakun, let’s celebrate grace.





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