HEAVENLY REWARDS || Pastor E. A. Adeboye at September 2024 Special Holy Ghost Service || RCCG || 6th September 2024

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  • Pastor E. A. Adeboye on “HEAVENLY REWARDS” || September 2024 Special Holy Ghost Service || RCCG || 6th September 2024

Psalm 127:3; Hebrews 11:6. God is rewarder and one of his rewards is fruit of the womb. To start with, to me it is really interesting that God is a rewarder because everything we have comes from him. 1 Chronicles 29:16. We are not just talking about silver, gold and money, even our wisdom. Church Gist. Daniel 2:20-22. Our strength, energy, we get from him. Isaiah 40:29-30. Anything you can think of including the ability to breathe. Do you know what? All the things that are probably most essential, most important, he gives it to us free. Imagine if you have to pay for the air you breathe, only rich people will be alive because you have to breathe in 24/7. You know how funny it is, you know all the companies that operate this mobile phone, what do they tell you they are selling? Air time. They’re selling air but God gives it to us free.

Now, if he gives us everything free and then we have an opportunity to serve him, I think that should be a privilege because everything we say we are serving him with belongs to him – to start with. So why should he then say he is rewarding us for serving him with what he gave us? I think God is just a wonderful father. Church Gist. I still remember that Christmas several years ago when Christmas was approaching and all my little children gathered together in their elder brother’s room and then they sent out the youngest of them – he’s a big boy now, at that time he was a little puppy dog – and he came to me and said, “Daddy, what do you want for Christmas?” I looked at him, “what do you have that you want to give me?”
“What do you want for Christmas?”
I said anything – anything you can afford.
He ran back into the room, told those people, came back and said, tell us exactly what do you want.
I said anything
He said what us anything?
I said okay, buy me a jet.
So he ran back into the room, told the others and he came back and he said, that’s not the kind of anything we are asking.
After they’ve been going up and down for sometime I said, okay okay, buy me a pen. Then he went back, told them and came back and said, Daddy, I want you to borrow me 10 Naira. Church Gist. I gave them 10 Naira and then came Christmas Day and they came with a parcel. I already know what is in the parcel – it was bought with my money, but I still hugged them, I still blessed them, because they even thought about it at all. Do you know if you praise God at all, he rewards you?

We can’t fully understand God – Bible makes it clear – you can’t understand him. He does as he pleases in Heaven, he loves cheerful givers. That’s probably the only way that we can explain the fact that he rewards us. If you serve him with your skill, he will make your home Heaven on Earth. Exodus 1:15-21. Church Gist. The midwives in Egypt served God with their skill and the Bible says, “because the midwives did that, God made homes for them.” There’s a difference between a house and a home. There are many people who live in houses and in the house, there are quarrels, anger, fighting, all kinds of problems and there are those who by the special grace of God live in homes where there is joy, peace, harmony.

  • I am decreeing for someone here tonight, in a way that only God can do it, your house will become a home!

When you serve him with your mouth, he guarantees your legacy, your future. Psalm 34:1, How did God respond? 2 Samuel 7:1-16. You know what happened in Mark 10:46-52, when Jesus was passing by Bartimaeus said, Jesus thou son of David, the one who lives forever is sitting on the throne of David today because David said, I will bless the Lord at all times, his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Church Gist. That’s why people who just look for something to criticise and say, “why is this man always saying, let somebody shout hallelujah?” How many of you will bless the Lord at all times? How many of you will use your mouth to praise him all the days of your life? Those of you who already have children, your children will be great!
Those of you who are being regarded as barren now, get ready for your multitude of children!

Some of you will remember the story of one of my daughters – with her husband, they went on Government scholarship to America. When they got there, they had a set of twins and in those days it was military government – there was a change in government and the new government cancelled scholarships. So they were over there, no money, nothing. Church Gist. The husband was schooling, the wife was at home taking care of children and they ran out of food. When the husband couldn’t take the cry of the babies, he ran to the library to go and be studying. I’m not sure he was actually studying, he was trying to avoid the problem at home.

  • I decree to somebody, that problem in your home that made home difficult to stay in, my God will remove it today!
    The mother couldn’t run away, she had to stay with the children and the children were crying because they were hungry and after sometime the mother remembered that I taught them sometimes that when prayer fails, praise will succeed. So she took her tambourine and began to sing praises to God. Church Gist. Suddenly there was a group of people who had been going round from house to house witnessing – they’ve been there since morning and they said, well it is time now, let’s go home. But their leader said, just one more house and they came to the house of my daughter. When they opened the door to him and the children saw a huge white man, they kept quiet for a while and the man said, I’ve come to talk to you about Jesus Christ. My daughter said, come in, come in, we know about him. As the man was settling down to begin to preach, my daughter told him, “sorry Sir we would have entertained you but there’s nothing in the house to give you.” The man said, “what do you mean nothing? At least there will be Coke in the fridge.” He went, opened the fridge and the fridge was empty. Church Gist. He looked everywhere – no food. The man said, wait for me. He went to the shop and brought a load of food.
  • I decree to somebody today, even as you begin to use your mouth to praise God, from a direction you’re not expecting God will send help to you. To cut a long story short, the white man didn’t just provide enough food for the family, he got a job for the husband. Church Gist. That’s why the baby they had after that miracle happened they named the baby, “He careth.” There’s a God who cares. That God is here today. He is about to prove to someone that he cares.

When you serve him with your house, he will reward you with blessings that everybody will hear about. 2 Samuel 6:5-12; Luke 5:1-7. You’ve heard it said before that there are boat sinking kind of blessing. As a matter of fact, the blessings were so surprising that Peter was afraid. Church Gist. Join your faith with mine even as I decree tonight that as you allow God to use your properties for his glory – your house for house fellowship, your car for bringing people to the Church, whatever it is you have for his glory, before the end of this year, the kind of blessing that will frighten you will come your way in Jesus’ name.

When you serve him with a sacrificial giving, he will see to it that your blessings will overflow. That’s how he rewards sacrificial giving. 1 Kings 17:8-16; John 6:5-13 – the boy gave a lunch; what he got in return required 12 hefty apostles to carry. Church Gist. I don’t know who I am talking to, but I know there is someone who is planning to give something sacrificially to God; don’t hesitate because he will reward you!

I remember several years ago when we started what we call, Christ Redeemer’s Congress, we were in desperate need of money, we wanted to feed all those who will come and when I was thinking of the program, all I had was my salary as a lecturer in the University – couldn’t go far. Two of my daughters collected their December Salary and brought the salary to me. Church Gist. I said, “ah, this is December; what about your Christmas?”
They said eh eh, we will wear the dress we had last year, the work of God must come first.
I thank God for their lives; today, each of them has a house at Redemption Camp and when I say, house, I am not talking of a two bedroom flat, I’m talking of mansions because God is a rewarder and he is about to reward somebody for their sacrifices tonight.

When you serve God with your anointing, you know anointing just like anything else only comes from God, but there are those who are anointed who are just anointed for fun. But when you serve God with your anointing, he will give you special divine promotion. We have the example of Philip in Acts 6:1-7, there were 7 people who were anointed as deacons the same day but he distinguished himself by doing something with the anointing – Acts 8:5-8. Church Gist. It wasn’t long before in Acts 21:8, the deacon was referred to as the Evangelist. The journey from Deacon to Evangelist is a very long journey. He has gone beyond pastor to become an Evangelist. Like I used to say to you, one of my little kids asked me,
Daddy, do you know the Bible?
I said, yes I do
You really know the Bible?
I said I do. Ah! I know the Bible now
He said, in that case, who is Prochorus?
I said I don’t know Prochorus.
Who is Nicanor?
Ah ah! I don’t know Nicanor
Who is Timon?
I said you mean Simon?
He said no, Timon
I said I don’t know Timon
He said, and you said you know the Bible…because these are the names of the 7 original deacons.
I said I know Stephen and I know Philip. God have mercy on Prochorus. He just got the anointing and did nothing with it.

You know there are many of us, we’ve been anointed again and again and there’s not a branch of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in our village. Church Gist. We are rejoicing because we know the Lord, annoying is working miracles in our lives, but we have not done anything with it.

  • I’m praying for everyone of us listening to me now, that before the end of the year, you will do something about bringing the Gospel to your village in Jesus’ name!

When you serve him with your anointing, he will give you special divine promotion. Do you know that Philip was one of the people that got spiritual transportation. He was seen in one spot at a time, the next time we saw him, he was in another spot – kilometres away. I’ve always looked forward to the day I will get that kind of transportation. Church Gist. I’ve looked forward to the day when on Wednesday I will be in Japan; by the time it is Holy Communion Service on Thursday, I will already be here – transported by the Holy Spirit. I’m looking forward to that day. Is anybody looking for that kind of miracle? It had happened before, it can happen again!

When you serve him with your child, then he will make your children special. I’m sure you know the story of Hannah – 1 Samuel 1:9-20. 1 Samuel 2:18-21 – The Almighty God looked down on the woman and said, alright, I gave you a child, you serve me with that child, I will give you 5 extra and that one that you gave to me will become a prophet. 1 Samuel 3:19-21. There are prophets and there are prophets. Church Gist. Samuel was a very special prophet. The Bible tells us that when he speaks, before the saliva in his mouth can reach the ground, whatever he says has already come to pass. There are all kinds of prophets, we have them all over the world. Anybody listening carefully will say, this is not a prophecy; this is speculation.

  • But that kind of gift that when you say, “thus saith the Lord,” that kind of ability that when you say, “there is someone here” and even before you finish it has happened, receive it tonight in Jesus’ name!

I wish we had enough time during the last convention, I would have called forward those people that God said were healed. You would have been amazed at the number of them. Church Gist. But God is not asleep and he hasn’t changed yet and I am believing him tonight that any kind of sickness that has to do with the womb or with the belly shall be healed tonight!

Now, when you now decide to serve him with all your life, not just your money, your property, you anointing but your entire life, he will reward you with long life and good health. Church Gist. Deuteronomy 34:7 – the Bible says his natural force was not abated that means he was still strong enough if he wanted to take a brand new wife. He was healthy. As many of you as are willing to serve God wholeheartedly, any appointment you have with death is cancelled! You will live long and you will be healthy!

Luke 1:1-25 – Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth served God in purity and the Almighty God rewarded them even in their old age not only with a son, but a son that in Matthew 11:11, is called the Greatest of all born of women in the Old Testament. Church Gist. You choose to serve God with your life, you will live long. You will be healthy and even if the world has lost hope that you can ever have a child, God will give you a very special one.

Let me conclude: the prayer of tonight is not going to be for 10 minutes because actually as far as God is concerned, the minimum time of prayer he expects from us is one hour. That’s why he said to the disciples when he said, “watch with me” and he came back and found them sleeping. He said, “ah ah! Can’t you watch with me for one hour?” Considering what we want to ask God for tonight, even if we pray for one hour, it is not too much because I am believing God and I believe you will join your faith with mine, that before the end of this year, barrenness will be completely terminated in our Church. Church Gist. Like I’ve explained before in the past, when we talk about barrenness, some of us think of a woman expecting a child. Number one: Do you know many at times when they say a woman is barren the fault is not that of the woman? The fault may be that of the man.

  1. Barrenness is not just having a baby, it means you’re working hard but there is nothing to show for it. You’re working like an elephant and you’re eating like an ant. That’s coming to an end tonight!
  2. Barrenness could even apply to a pastor. Church Gist. He prays, he studies the Bible, he preaches well, but after one year, there is nothing to show for it. That’s called barrenness.

When I was a lecturer in the University, promotion is based on how many papers you can produce. So you have your degree – alright, but you’re not producing papers and because you are not producing papers, no promotion. When they want to describe you they will say, he is mentally barren, that the brain is not producing result. Church Gist. It doesn’t mean that the brain is dead, it’s that we are not seeing results.

  • Whatever in your life that could cause people to say, “ehh you say you are serving God. We even understand that your God is the God of one small pastor somewhere called Adeboye. We are hearing the testimony of others; what about your own?” Whatever is causing people to say, “where is your God?” – is a form of barrenness and it will be terminated tonight!
    But you must be ready to pray. That’s why I’ve made the sermon short so you can have enough time to pray. Do you know it doesn’t take God time? Many of us who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb, we can be pregnant before the end of this month! Church Gist. Or shall I say it in faith and say, you shall be pregnant before the end of the month!
    Those of you who have been on the same spot for years, who have not been promoted in your place of work, they all call you hardworking, they say you are honest. They say, oh we know you are a Christian, you’re reliable. But when the time for promotion comes, they dodge you. Church Gist. Ah! Get ready for double promotion! Because we are going to cry to God tonight that anything called barrenness in his Church must be permanently terminated!

Salvation Call:







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