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Praise the Lord!
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Welcome to Morning Glow, welcome to another time in the presence of the Lord. Trust the Lord that you will be blessed, you will be highly favoured beyond measure in the name of Jesus.

I believe God that you will be blessed today, your life will never be the same, the hand of the Lord will touch you and you will be full of testimonies in the name of Jesus.

Let us welcome the presence of the Lord this morning:
Jesus, King of all kings, Lord of lords, Alpha, Omega, the Beginning and the End, we welcome You this morning. Saviour, master, healer, deliverer; minister to Your people, let Your name be glorified. Church Gist. Let Your hand be stretched today, let Your people know that You are with them. We thank You in Jesus name.

Praise the Lord. I know that you will be blessed today, today will be special in your life and your life will never be the same in the name of Jesus.

We will like to welcome all those who are joining us from around the world, wherever you have joined from, get ready to be blessed, get ready for God to touch you. Get ready for this hour of visitation in your life.

We want to continue this morning on crying to God to visit us in this season that we wait on God in fasting and praying. We asking God to visit us with power, with His anointing, with His grace. It’s a time of visitation, it’s a time of meeting God and it is a time of experiencing God. It is a time of Him bringing His presence to us and we bringing our challenges to Him and bringing our persons to Him.

Divine visitation refers to when heaven and earth meet together. Praise the Lord. So it is when heaven decides mercy for earth. It is when showers come upon the earth. Glory to God.

Divine visitation can bring a total change to your life, a reconstruction to your life and somebody on this altar today, get ready because by divine visitation, God will reconstruct your life, totally change things about you in the name of Jesus and visit you in a powerful way in the mighty name of Jesus.

Jeremiah 4:23-24
When there is no form, no shape, no movement, no breakthrough, testimony; God will visit you.

  • May the Lord visit you today. All your wilderness will become a forest. All your barren land will become fruitful.
  • When there was no light (Jeremiah 4:23-24), there will be light. Where there was void, the will be fullness. Where there was no form, no shape, there will be direction, there will be purpose in the name of Jesus.
  • I declare and decree today that where there were mountains, there will be breakthrough; the mountains will shift for you in the name of Jesus.

A visitation from God is one of the lovely things we can ever experience and it is one of the greatest blessings we can ever experience. Glory to God. Church Gist. In the book of Luke 1, Zachariah said; God brought light by allowing the days spring from on high. So when there is a visitation, light shines. “Arise and shine for your light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.” So in the hour of your visitation, light shines in your way, light shines in your journey, light shines in your deliberations, tangible results are seen.

When God visits, past promises and prophecies are turned to reality. When God visits, things change. Jesus visited the earth by His birth, the prophecy that were given for many years and He forgave sins, He delivered people. When God visits, there are results that follow. When God visits, difficult situations, they turnaround. When God visits, the impossible becomes cheaply possible. He said to Abraham and His wife, is there anything too hard for God? I’m glad they did not answer because they don’t have all the answers. He is the One who knows that to make a 100 year old man have a baby is possible and a 90 year old woman to have a child is possible. They had not seen one before, they have to say well; You said it, You are God from beginning to the end. You are the only one who can make it happen.

  • Somebody is at this altar this morning, something you have put a label on and said impossible, God will surprise you. Your impossibility will become your possibility.
  • I pray for you as you go to work this morning, as you go to your various meeting places, as you stretch out and reach out to the things you want to do today, may the Heaven visit your life with the presence of the Lord. May you experience His divine visitation.

When God visits the earth, there is a supernatural manifestation (Isaiah 64:1).

  • May God tear the Heavens and come down for you and the impossible becomes possible. Signs, wonders, miracles to follow you!

That is what happens when God visits. There is a difference between God’s divine visitation and people’s regular visitation to your life. Church Gist. When God visits, change happens, testimony follows, glory is revealed, satan is defeated, joy is released, blessing is released. So may God visit you!

  • In this hour of our waiting on God in fasting and prayer, may God visit you. In this season of our trusting God to do the impossible in our lives, may God visit you.

When God visits, wonders never cease. He does amazing wonders.

  • I pray for you again that you will know and experience this amazing wonders.

Genesis 3:8 – they heard the voice of the Lord walking in the garden in the cool of the day. In the season of your visitation, you will hear His voice, you will know His presence, you will feel His glory in the name of Jesus.

Divine visitation is the time also when supernatural things happen in your life. This morning, I want to pray specifically for certain supernatural things to happen in your life and after that I want you to see the results, the things you will begin to manifest.

The first thing I pray for someone at this altar today is that in this hour of visitation, God in His visit will restore everything you have lost; lost years, lost favours, lost blessings shall come back to you, lost opportunities shall become your portion in the name of Jesus. God will visit you with power, with glory.

  • (Jeremiah 27:22) Father in heaven we stand on the Word which you spoke to us today this morning and I pray for your people on this altar that there will be divine restoration of joy, of favour, of blessing, of breakthrough. Church Gist. Divine restoration of things that belong to them that were stolen. A restoration of glory, a restoration of power, a restoration of the anointing. Lord we release restoration, restoration, restoration. We cry to you for restoration; everything lost, every opportunity, every favour, every breakthrough. Let there be a restoration of lost grounds, restoration of lost joy, restoration of lost favours, restoration of lost blessings in the name of Jesus.
  • I speak into your life today that God restores your glory, restore your joy, He restores your blessings, He restores your dignity, He restores His power in your life in the name of Jesus.
  • Everyone who have lost ground, lost things, lost favours, lost opportunities, lost connections; receive it back, receive it back, receive it back in the name of Jesus.
  • (Jeremiah 29:10) Every prophetic word that God has given you and you haven’t see their manifestation; He told you you will prosper, you couldn’t see it, He told you you will be healed, you have not yet seen it. He told you you will be blessed, you have not seen it. This morning I join my faith with yours, I declare and decree that you will testify!
  • The Lord will perform His good work towards you and causing you to return to this place. The Lord will open heaven and give you an uncommon testimony in the name of Jesus.
  • Everything you’ve lost, by the visitation of God, receive a restoration in the name of Jesus.
  • In the day of God’s visitation, you will experience fruitfulness. I speak into your life today that this will be the season of fruitfulness. Every area of your life, God will cause you to be fruitful. God will cause His hand to be upon your life, it will be amazing, it will be awesome in the name of Jesus. You will be fruitful in the land, you will be fruitful in every area.

In the hour of God’s visitation to Sarah and Abraham, barrenness disappeared. Their mockery disappeared, people were mocking them and laughing at them particularly because in their age they were still saying, one God that cannot be seen with the eyes said He will bless them.

  • Everyone who have laughed at you, who have mocked you shall come to your celebration.
  • Everyone who have laughed at you, you will have the last laugh, you will have the last Isaac, the last laugh in the name of Jesus.
  • For God will turn in the hour of visitation the place of your pain to the place of your praise, the place of your tears to the place of your testimony. Lingering issues, lingering matters, matter that have been on the table for long; God will turn it around and give you uncommon breakthrough, uncommon testimony.
  • God will fill your mouth with laughter in the place where you were mocked and in the place where you were stretched, the Lord will stretch His hand.
  • Every prayer you prayed in your language, in English, in any language you know, in tongues that having been pending, I declare and decree the results follow, the testimonies follow. From today, the Lord will cause you to be fruitful in the land. May you be fruitful in the land in the name of Jesus.
  • Genesis 21:1 – and the Lord visited Sarah, I put your name there, …and the Lord visited (Put your name) as He had said and the Lord did unto (Put your name) as He had spoken. May this word, may this rhema for this morning become the testimony of your family, the testimony of your household. Your sons and daughters growing, becoming great around you, you also prospering in the things you lay your hands on. The days of your tears are over in the name of Jesus.

…for Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken. Somebody’s time has come. Somebody’s season is breaking forth from this morning. God will visit you!

  • This morning I declare into your life that what God started, He will perfect in the name of Jesus. You will be fruitful in the land and God will fill your mouth with such laughter and such celebration in the name of Jesus.
  • (1 Samuel 2:21) May God visit you, exceed your expectations in the mighty name of Jesus. God will tear down every wall of limitation, restriction in the realm of the spirit, fill you with laughter, fill you with joy and fill you with celebration.
  • May you be fruitful in the land. By way of God’s divine visitation, may you be fruitful. When a bee visit the flower on a tree, it pollinates the flower, the flower becomes fruitful and becomes fruit. May God visit you.

One time I watched a documentary of the California valley where they plant almond, where they have almond trees, full of flowers, ready to be pollinated but they don’t have enough bees, so they imported, they go to people who have a bee farm, they will rent their bees to come and visit the flowers. We are not renting today. Church Gist. The Lord is going to visit you. You’ve waited in fasting and praying, the Heavens are open (Isaiah 64:1). We are believing, we are expectant, there will be visitation, there will be a mighty, massive visitation of your life. Every area of your life that needs pollinating, that needs to be fruitful, you shall be fruitful in the land to the glory of God.

  • (Daniel 3:14) By God’s visitation there shall be deliverance. Everything that have held you down must let you go!
  • I speak into somebody’s life this morning, what have destroyed others, what have brought down homes, lives, marriages, businesses; God delivers your life, your business, your home, your destiny from it in the name of Jesus. Every arrow of darkness fails for your sake. From today, victory belongs to you, favour belongs to you, testimony belongs to you, glory belongs to you in the name that is above all names.
  • I release deliverance. By way of God’s visitation, receive your deliverance!
  • (Acts 12:1-9) You will not die but live to declare the glory of the Lord. This morning by a visitation of God, God brings you out of every prison, every chain, every demonic entity that has been sent to guard you in the prison of the demonic; we chase them out by the power of the Lord.
  • (Matthew 8:14-15) Somebody at this altar today, God will visit you with healing and you will have a testimony. You will live long, you will live strong in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord visit someone in their situation today, heal them totally. I speak into your life today, you are coming out of that cancerous experience, out of that kidney problem. I lay hands on you today, I rebuke the hand of the enemy. I cursed the finger of satan. I set you free in the name of Jesus.
  • This morning also, we pray for everyone at this altar for victory, total victory. God will visit you with absolute, complete, total victory.
  • (2 Chronicles 20:20-25) I pray that God turns the place of your battle to the place of your blessing. By a divine visitation, God visit you. Where they said you will be destroyed, God turns it to a place of testimony, to a place of glory, a place of the outstretching of His hand, a place of victory in the name of Jesus.





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