Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche at International Music Ministers Conference
Day 2
*The target of the Ministry of Songs is NOT for ACCOLADES and APPLAUSES, but to pull people’s hearts for God.
*A Taxi Driver in Europe came in contact with one of our songs and though he didn’t understand it, he enjoyed it because it was Spirit-filled.
What is the Target of the Ministry of Songs:
- To create a passion and hunger for God on the Earth.
One thing the devil has always tried to do successfully is to make you satisfied without God. When you are okay with mundane things that have no eternal value – Immorality, drugs, movies and other things. The ministry of songs kills these fleshly desires and creates in you hunger more for something deeper and more profitable. It creates an insatiable hunger inside of you. One day I was inside a flight and I was deeply worshipping in the spirit, in tongues and songs, I didn’t know my voice was loud and had exceeded me. One woman who sat beside me was enjoying the songs and her husband too was already captivated. Suddenly my wife tapped me to lower my voice that I was disturbing others, but the woman said ” No, leave him, don’t let him stop the songs” Obviously, she was already captured by the flow of the spirit that period of time. I said to myself ” I might not make an Altar call here today, but I will saturate this climate with God’s presence.”
A Taxi driver somewhere in Europe came in contact with some of our songs and he was asked if he understood what he listened to, he said: ” No, but I enjoyed it”.
A white Man played a popular Yoruba worship song – ‘Iba Re, Jesu’.
I asked him, ‘do you understand it?’
He said, ‘No, but I feel it.’ Church Gist. That’s the Target of it. Not just the applause and accolades, Whatever you are singing must pull and mobilize people’s hearts towards God.