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  • Don’t let your challenges disconnect you from God, it will dry you up forever.
  • Stay hooked unto God, that is the only security of your future.
  • Job stayed on and God restored him.
  • God’s plan will never fail concerning you!
    *We now have 12,320 new Home Cells in this year.
  • The week is declared your week of Restoration Order of Testimonies.

Today is our Covenant Day of Restoration. From Joel chapter 2, we saw that God is a God of restoration and He carries out His restoration agenda in a revival. I have given you the former rain moderately, but I have caused to come down for you the rain, the former rain and the latter rain in the first month (Joel 2:23)
Joel 2:24 – every revival time is a blessing time. It is a time of blessings. Blessings are embedded in a revival. You can’t see those blessings and shy away from them.
Joel 2:25 – I will restore to you the years. Where? In the course of the move of the Spirit. I have a restoration agenda for my people. I will restore to you the years that the cankerworm has eaten. In case you don’t know what that means, did he restore the years lost in the life of Joseph? Overnight!
He was 17 when he was thrown into slavery. He was in that wilderness. From slavery to imprisonment for only 17 (13) years. Even if you are a professional politician, to emerge a prime minister takes time and then from behind the prison bars, God restored the years of Joseph.
And guess what? Joseph was there from 30 to 110: 80 years. God restored the years of Joseph.
-My God will restore your lost years.
-My God will restore your lost years.
My people shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord and my people shall never…(Joel 2:26). My God.
The word ‘never’ means it will be the final end of every issue of shame and reproach.
My people shall never be ashamed (Joel 2:26)
That is repeated, again in verse 27 (Joel 2:27). My people shall never be ashamed.

God’s restoration plan also covers our health.
Jeremiah 30:17
This is Zion (the Church), whom no man seeketh after – they are dummies.
Get your faith on the line, you are returning with full restoration of your health from this Service.
Thank You Jesus.

We also know that revival is a celebration of divine visitation and it is always validated by the restoration of glory in the lives of all faithfully engaging believers (Zephaniah 3:17).
Zephaniah 3:19
-Every scattered marriage shall be restored.
Just like my daughter’s testimony, she came out of the Service, in that heat of Wonder Double Agenda, having spent her time in prayers and engagement. Called the husband, families have met, people have tried, everybody has spoken. 9 years stalemate.
“Hello, is that my husband, come and pick me in Church”
Response: Heyyy. He said, “Yes, I am coming” and that ended it.
“I will gather her that was driven back”
-Every broken home here shall be restored.
-Everyone driven out shall be colourfully welcomed back.
-Every run-away husband will return before they know it.
-Run-away wife, will return like a dream of the night.
“And I will get them praise in every land where they have been put to shame”: That is restoration of glory.
-Every form of glory you may have lost to the challenges of life, God will restore them back today.

That applies to every faithfully engaging believer. Let me tell you this Sir, God is not a taskmaster, He has room for everyone in His Kingdom to serve if He chooses to. He has room for everyone to serve if such individuals choose to.
For instance: we can labour on the prayer altar, it holds as much returns as getting on the field. Epaphras was labouring fervently in prayers for you to be made perfect in all the will of God (Colossians 4:12).
God who sees your labour in secret will reward you openly. So what’s your problem? You can engage with your heart in praying Kingdom Advancement prayers and you are rewarded as Papa who is jumping around everywhere. Same!
You can stand here to see people gathered into Church as your mission:
“Hello Zonal Minister, let me know how many people are coming into Church today.”
With joy, not that somebody is telling you, “come and do something.” You are just doing it with joy.
I have been on various prayer mountains in my life, I have never had one personal prayer.
“Oh God, give me a car” – I have never, in my life. Ask God when you meet Him.
“Oh God, give me a house” – I am already living in one, whether I own it or not, it doesn’t matter, but I am not on the streets.
My God, these things are simple so He keeps blessing. When I am not going out, I am praying, so He keeps blessing you.
My wife and I sponsored transportation for one year in this Church. Our level just changed for ever! It’s in multiplied millions. Forever.
Anybody can serve if he chooses to but self has been the major challenge of believers.
Everything: I, me, I always…
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you (Matthew 6:33): it is the truth. It works like fire. It’s the truth.
I don’t know whether our sons and daughters like it but that I went to pray that God will make you pass, I didn’t do it. No. You went there to go and pass, so what’s my problem. I didn’t. Not once sir.
I didn’t. Not once. I don’t even know when they write exams so how will I know when to pray. To now set table and say, “Oh God!”
I called one of our daughters, “look, tell me what area did you get your PhD?” Can you imagine how far I am from it? I said, “Okay, send the paper to me.” If I was the one who planned it, won’t I know? I’ve never planned one course for anybody. I took on His thing and He took over my things.
That is the way God behaves. It is not because somebody is someone. You are not anything. Everybody is equally accepted in the Beloved. Please engage. This is not a make-believe stuff, you have seen many people in this Church who are just flowing on this frequency.
-You are the next.
There are those here today who have zero concern. You say, “it is not true”, that is why you are still there. But you are getting out of that place.

In the multitude of people is the King’s honour and he that honours Me, I will honour (Proverbs 14:28; 1 Samuel 2:30). Everyone involved in drafting people to the Kingdom is honouring the Father, so you are committing God to honouring you in return for engagement in ingathering of souls. Nothing is wasted, in all labour, there is profit, but spiritual labour has much more to offer than any other kind of labour (Proverbs 14:23). So every aspect of seeing people saved, seeing them established in the faith will always win you the favour of God.
-You will not see shame again!!

As we conclude, what must I do to secure and sustain the restoration of my glory?

  1. One must be born-again and remain so.
    John 3:3
    These are part of the things that the Kingdom offers.
    Romans 8:29 – we cannot access God’s restoration agenda without being born again. So if you are in Church this morning, you are not born-again yet, you don’t have a definite experience of new birth, you have a chance this morning to do so. Remember, Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10; 1 John 5:11-12).
    To have that life, you must have the Son of God. You can’t experience restoration without having the Son of God.
    -It’s your turn!!
  2. We must receive and believe the Word for our restoration (John 1:12).
    We have to receive and believe before we can experience our restoration.
    Job 14:7-9
    It is never over until it is over. You stay on with Jesus: it looks dry, it looks finished, but life will bounce back. Life will bounce back!! There is hope for a tree if it be cut down, as long as the root is there, there is hope and through the supply of water, it will grow and shoot out great branches. It will grow. Church Gist. No matter where you are today, if you stay hooked on to God, the root of Jesse, to Jesus, you will sprout again. You will sprout again!
    Job remained there. Though he slays me, I will yet trust Him (Job 13:15).
    Then the Lord turned again the captivity of Job when he was down to below zero and Job was restored and had twice as much as he had before (Job 42:10). Not only that, He restored to him the years that the locust had eaten and he lived 140 years more after his restoration (Job 42:16).
    Stay hooked unto God Sir, that is the only security of your future. If you run somewhere else, who can do what God cannot do? Nobody can. Job stayed on and God restored him.
    Job stayed on and God restored the years, restored the losses. It’s your turn.
    -It’s your turn.
    Don’t let your challenges disconnect you from God, it will dry you up forever. Stay on!
    God’s plan will never fail concerning you!

Job 42:10-16
His mockers, God said, “pray for them.” He prayed for his friends.
“So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning” – that is somebody’s story here.
Everything got back in grand style.
How? He stayed hooked on to God in spite of the challenges of life and God restored his beauty, restored his colour and set him up.


  1. We must remain committed to serving God and the interest of His Kingdom as our priority for living.
    Just keep doing it and enjoy doing it. Don’t get coerced to doing it, just take delight in doing it and all these things shall be added to you. All these things that others are dying to get shall be added to you.
  2. We must engage the Blood of the Covenant against all satanic resistances to enforce our restoration.
    Today, by the blood of the Lamb – Zechariah 9:12
    The blood covenant is our stronghold. We overcame him by the blood and by the word of their testimony (Revelation 12:11).
    -By the blood of Jesus, I decree full scale restoration for everyone in this House today.
    If you read that Zechariah chapter 9 beginning from verse 9, you will see the blood and verses 11 and 12, He said, “turn to the blood.” That is God’s last card. Every resistance must bow to the blood. When He introduced the blood in Egypt, Pharaoh gave up, “go, we can’t keep you anymore” (Exodus 12:31, 33).
    -By the blood of the lamb, any devil holding back anything that pertains to you must release it today.

I believe the deed is done. I am here to say, “RESTORE” to every thief that is holding what belongs to you.
Isaiah 42:22-24
“…And none saith restore” – that is the ministry of prophets: restore, let them go!
That my little daughter said, God of Oyedepo help me here. He said okay, stand up. Take your bag, move.
-I decree restoration of your lost years.
-Restoration of your lost years.
Someone here lost his job for 2 years, life was difficult. He got engaging in Kingdom advancement endeavours and they called him back; called back, promoted. With a car, official car and a driver. Called back a celebrity.
Where they throw you out, they called him back.
-Whatever the devil has stolen from you, you will get it back in grand style.

Thank God for your own restoration. Whatever it is, thank God for it.


Israel was in servitude until the Blood was introduced. You are partaking of the Blood in this Communion table today and in the name of Jesus Christ, your restoration will be sealed.
-Any resistance to your restoration shall be met with divine judgement.
-Any agent of the devil that won’t let you go must go for you today.
After they left, Pharaoh and the host of Egypt pursued after them, what! He got them drowned in the Red Sea.
-Any agent of the devil that wants to pursue after you, after this Service, will go down finally for you.

Whatever restoration area you desire, lift up your two hands and call for it:
Restore my years; Restore my glory; Restore my redemptive dignity; Restore.
Restore my home; restore my business; restore my spiritual life: come on now, pray.
Restore my health: you partake of this Communion, you start living like Jesus; spirit, soul and body. In the name of Jesus precious name we have prayed.
According to the Word that cannot lie, you partake of this, you are empowered to live like Jesus.
-This Communion sets a seal on your full-scale restoration today.
Every covenant is ratified by the Blood. The prophetic Word that has gone forth which you bought into, in the name of Jesus, will be established with speed in your life.
Every terminal disease is terminated.
Every oppression of the devil is ended in the name of Jesus.
Every mark of the devil on any aspect of your life is erased today, never to return forever in the name of Jesus.
Your spirit man comes alive, afresh today. You will never toy with sin anymore.
You will live to please God naturally. No more struggling to please God in your life, in Jesus precious name.

This is declared the Flesh and the Blood of Jesus. As you take it, be empowered to live like Him, spirit, soul and body. The same applies to all the tables set in this Sanctuary today, it is declared the Flesh and the Blood of Jesus. The table set at our Children’s Department, it is declared the Flesh and the Blood of Jesus, so shall it be in Jesus name.

Now, please listen by the election of grace upon my life. God said to me, “I have touched your tongue with the coal of fire, from henceforth as you say it, you will see it.”
-Whatever has been declared over your life today becomes a testimony this week.

Somebody was taken by kidnappers and I said, “I decree her release in 2 hours.” 5 minutes to 2 hours, she was released. Because I am the Lord that confirmeth the Word of my servant and performeth the counsel of my messengers.

Good news: By the grace of God, we have crossed 12,320 new Home Cells. Give the Lord a big hand of praise. 12,320 Home Cells this year. Isn’t God awesome? That will tell you how many blessed homes we now have, added to those that have been there before.
-Every home in this Church is declared a blessed home.
Get excited at hosting this Ark because the testimonies are on their way coming and you will not miss your portion in it.
-Everyone involved in this drive, you will never get stranded in your life in Jesus name.
The race has begun, endeavour to be sure there are no barren weeks. He has appointed to us, appointed weeks of harvest. You will not miss your place in it.
-You will not suffer disappointment in this season.
You are honouring God by your obedience, He will honour you back in return and so shall it be.
The week is flagged off as our ‘Operation Andrew’ Week where everybody is telling somebody else, “come and see the Messiah, come and meet with Jesus.” As they come in here, those who are not saved, shall be saved. Those who are saved shall be established in the faith and the name of the Lord shall be glorified.

Go in peace.
-The week is declared your week of Restoration Order of Testimonies.





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