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Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr at CHoP

Lift your voice and give glory to God this morning. Give Him the praise that is due to His name for those awesome testimonies. They’re the doings of the Lord. Only God can turn stagnation to promotion. Only God can heal that condition of hyperthyroidism and bring a miracle as people obey Him. Let’s give Him the glory that is due unto his name. Let’s celebrate Him. Don’t mutter your words now, give Him thanks. Give qualitative thanks unto God. Give glory and give honour to His name and celebrate His faithfulness. Thank Him, He is worthy of all the praise. Blessed be Your holy name.

Why not also thank Him for the answers to your prayers, all of your intercessions, He has heard you and He has converted all your appreciations into testimonies. Will you give Him the glory due unto Him. Celebrate Him, He is worthy of all the praise. Give Him thanks expressly this morning. Lord we give You the praise.

Now ask Him to speak to you this morning. Lord I’ve come to hear from You today, speak to me by Your Word. Let Your Word establish my change of story. I’ve come here for an encounter with you by Your Word. Thank You mighty God in Jesus precious name we have prayed.

Lord we have come this morning to thank You and to give You the praise for all that You have done. Thank You Lord for the testimonies we have heard. They’re Your doings and they’re marvelous in our eyes. Thank You Lord for the answers You have given to our prayers and for turning our thanksgiving into testimonies. We give You all the praise and the glory.

This morning our eyes are upon You asking that You speak to us again. By Your Word let every one of us experience a change of story. We give You the praise and glory for it in Jesus precious name we have prayed.

Our line of exhortation for this week has been titled


We have come to recognize from Scriptures that only God can be recognized as the builder of the Church. Matthew 16:18

That simply means that untill God is involved we cannot experience growth and multiplication in the Church. Specifically this morning we are looking at the fact that our God is the God of multiplication and that means that behind every experience of multiplication in the Church of Christ there can be only one source and that is God. Jeremiah 30:19

So God makes it clear that when it comes to multiplication, it can only come from one source and that is God.Deuteronomy 1:11

God makes it very clear that when it comes to the growth, to the advancement and the multiplication of the Church it can only be executed by His hand and that simply means that if we’re going to see multiplication then it is only from one source and that source is God. God is the God of multiplication.

Say with me, my God is the God of multiplication. It is important that we recognize the God that we serve so that when we see His acts in our midst we can identify them. One of the reasons why people are not quick to give glory to God is because they’re not familiar with the nature of God.

Everytime God is involved among other things you see is the multiplication of His people. Acts 2:6

It is God at work not man at all and that is why it’s important we recognize His nature. They started with 120 and by the end of the day 3000 were added to the Church. We see all through the Scripture, 5000 was added. Our God is the God of multiplication. There is no human skill that can multiply the hand of God. The building of the Church of Christ can only take place by the hand of God. This is so important and that is why when we see the Church being built up, we see the Church multiplying, let us give the glory to the one who is the builder. “I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”. It is God the builder that is God the multiplier. It is not human effort, not human strategy, it is simply God at work. Shout hallelujah.So behind the multiplication of the Church is God at work.

More specifically we discover that He is the sender of the Word and it’s that Word that stirs and sustains Church growth. Who gives the Word? Psalms 68:11

The Word is given by God and as a commission, if there is one thing that we testify of is that we have never had a famine of the Word. You have never arrived in Church one day and the pastor is looking for what to say. At every point in time there has always been a rain of the Word of God. The good Word of God and who is it that gives the Word? It is God. Somebody might say God’s servant has to position himself to hear what God says. Yes that is true. Even the hearing of the ear is opened by God. The Word that is released is given by God. So everything about the Word coming our way day after day, it is always God at work. There is what the Bible refers to as utterance. 2nd Thessalonians 3:1

The release of the Word is of God, the receiving of the Word is of God, the transformative effect of the Word is of God so from start to finish everything is God. Everything with the Word is God and this is so important, it’s that Word that we see that brings about the sustaining of the growth of the Church. Acts 6:7

God’s Word is the one that stairs the growth and sustains the growth.The Word is not just the influx of the diligence of men but the faithfulness of God. It is God that gives the Word. Think about it, you’ll never come to any service where there is no specific Word for that day. Six days of every week we have the Covenant Hour of Prayer, every week we have our midweek service, every week we have four Sunday services and each one of them there is a Word allocation that comes from Heaven without fail on a daily basis. There is no day in this Church, Monday to Sunday where there is no fresh Word from Heaven and He does that 52 weeks every year. There is no day that God says oh I’ve already tried, I’ve given them enough Word, no need for a new Word today. He openeth our ears morning by morning, He opens our lives to be transformed by the Word and as a result of that He gathers the multitudes over and over again. It is God that gives the Word. Acts 19:20

Territories have been conquered by the Word of the Lord. Territories have been taken over by the Word of the Lord. This is the doing of the Lord and it must be continuously appreciated. It is that Word that gathers them, it is that Word that sustains them.

My prayer for each one of us is that the lifestyle of gratitude and thanksgiving that will keep sustaining the release of the Word, may it become our portion in Jesus name.

As we begin to conclude please take note of this that through praise among others God adds to the Church daily. God is the multiplier, God is the giver of the Word and as we keep praising Him, He keeps ensuring that the Church keeps growing from glory to glory.Acts 2:47

So you and I as we keep giving glory to God, God keeps building His Church. He keeps decorating His Church, He keeps advancing His Church and the beauty is this, God does not build His Church without decorating His Saints. The building of the Church always culminates in the decoration of the Saints. Jeremiah 30:19

As He keeps multiplying the Church in response to our thanksgiving, He keeps glorifying us, decorating us, changing our stories, advancing us. That will be somebody’s experience here.That is why we have been told over and again that in the growth of the Church is the glory of the Saints. As God multiplies, God always glorifies therefore get set. As God continues to multiply His Church, your glory shall be on the increase.

– You will never know a better yesterday.

– Everyday shall be an improvement on the last.

-Every week an improvement on the last.

– Every month an improvement on the last.

– Every year an improvement on the last.

What a joy, we’re now in our Promised Land which is our season of unusual occurrences. That means what we have seen in the past is our wilderness.

Welcome to your season of distinctive testimonies. The king of testimonies that will make you a living testimony for people to behold. I see it becoming your portion.

Lift your voice to Heaven and give glory to God. Lord You’re the multiplier thank You. Lord You’re the giver of the Word, thank You. Give Him thanks, give Him praise from the depth of your heart. Give thanks to God and give praise to His name. You’re the builder, You’re the multiplier, thank You. We have come to say thank You. We have come to glorify You, we have come to honour You. Every soul added, Your hand brought. What we have seen is your hand. You have taken us from the days of little beginnings and brought us to this place of unusual occurrences. We have come with a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving to say that were grateful. Blessed be Your holy name in Jesus precious name we have prayed.

Make your declaration concerning this day because what you declare God is sure to deliver. Speak to the day right now. Do so in faith, do so with confidence.

This day is declared blessed, a day of testimonies, a day of visitations in Jesus precious name we have given thanks.

It will be a day of good news for you in the name of Jesus Christ. So shall it be in Jesus name.




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