- Dr Pastor Paul Enenche on “LEADERSHIP FROM THE LIFE OF ELIJAH” at the Kenya Healing and Deliverance Crusade Day 3, Morning Session
This morning we shall look at something very important and it is titled, “LEADERSHIP FROM THE LIFE OF ELIJAH.” Church Gist. We’ve been seeing the God who answers by fire and this is meant to be the Leadership session for this conference. In 1 Kings 17:1.
Our objective this morning is to understand what real leadership is about from the life of Elijah. I want to start by saying that the world is in dire need of leadership today. Whether it is leadership over nations, institutions, leadership in the Church, there is a dire need for leaders. Church Gist. Followers are plenty but leaders are few. Position occupiers are plenty but leaders are few. Title carriers are plenty but leaders are few.
There are 2 things that make leadership important:
- God does His work in the Earth through the agency of His proven leaders. Church Gist. He found a man by the name, Moses, a leader. He found another by the name, David, a leader.
- Change happens in the hands of leaders. If anything must change, leaders are change agents. If you are tired of where you are and you want things to change, you need to invoke the forces of leadership. You need to take your leadership to the next level. Your leadership capacity, potentiality, you need to take it to the next level. Church Gist. The leadership expert, John Maxwell said, “Things rise or fall on leadership.” If anything is rising, it is because of the leader. If anything is falling, it is because of the leader.
Let me use pastoring as an example: if you give a pastor 1,000 members to pastor and his leadership capacity is for the pastoring of 100 members, that 1,000 membership will drop until it becomes 100 to meet his level of leadership. It is not the fault of the people; an eagle can fly 10,000 feet above sea level; a vulture can’t near that. Church Gist. The problem is not the sky; the problem is the capacity. On the other hand, if you gave a pastor a membership of 100, and his leadership capacity is a 1,000, he will grow it until they become a 1,000. They may stay there; if he wants them to move beyond a 1,000, his own capacity must shift.
So, these truths are parallel everywhere. As it is for nations, it is for institutions, it is for Churches. From the life of Elijah, it is also in business. There are people no matter what you do they can never manage a business of one billion shillings. Church Gist. They don’t have the capacity for such management. When they come to a certain level they remain there. From the life of Elijah, what leadership things do we see?
Who is a real leader?
- Real leaders have a stand with God. 1 Kings 17:1. They function in the fear of God. They are more interested in pleasing God than pleasing anybody else. Real leaders have the fear of God; they have the conscience that is alive. Church Gist. Abraham Lincoln said that nobody can really lead without a copy of the Bible. Whether as a President of a nation or whoever you are, real leaders live with consequence consciousness. What I do today I will account for it tomorrow. Real leaders have a stand with God.
- Real leaders stand out from the crowd. They are not victims of the crowd control. They don’t surrender their lives to the consensus. They are men of the conviction not men of the consensus. They are not human opinion dependent. Church Gist. They are ready to take a stand even if they stand alone. Ordinary people are too bordered about what people feel especially when they are in the right direction. They are not victims of peer pressure. “This is what everybody is doing” doesn’t move them. What moves them is what they think is right, what they think God is saying, what they think this is the right thing to do. They may run the opposite direction to where the whole people are running. That is why real leaders are scarce because those who want to go against the crowd are not many. Church Gist. A lot of people are human approval addicted so they are unable to do the right thing. They are addicted to applause not knowing that applause is not a plus. People can clap for you in error; they can clap you into destruction.
You know most times the Eagle flies solo; vultures are in pack. Until you are ready to take a stand, you are not ready to take the lead. If you look at Joseph, he was different from his brothers. He brought the evil report of his brethren to his father. Church Gist. Genesis 37:2. If you look at David, David was different from his brothers. All the 7 sons were at home only he was in the bush. Leaders stand out from the crowd.
- Real leaders accept responsibility for needed change in their jurisdiction. They don’t wait for who will do the job; they get the job done. Church Gist. You know a leader by finding out who is the one who considers it his duty to answer the question of everybody. I’ll give you an example:
The first place our Church was in Abuja city, the area one, when we got in there, there was no water, no pipe borne water, no electricity and no road. Everybody was there; and we were all there. So the first thing we did (is that) we brought water. The water we brought, serviced everybody. Church Gist. Then we brought electricity – 2 transformers: one dedicated to the Church and one dedicated to the community. Then we did road: paved road, dual carriage; and everybody enjoyed it. Later somebody continued the road. I am not saying this to impress you; examples communicate principles. You don’t get it done, it doesn’t get done. Ordinary people look for who to blame; leaders accept the responsibility. Church Gist. Ordinary people look for who will get the job done; leaders hold themselves responsible for getting the job done.
Before we got our own house, we were still renting houses like everybody. And in one of those places we rented a house electricity challenge happened so there was power failure and something technical. Church Gist. Everybody who was living in the house, tenants and all of that, nobody moved. Nobody thought it was necessary. They could all remain in darkness, no challenge. I told my wife and said, “If we don’t get it done, it will never get done.” Church Gist. We didn’t even need to ask the Landlord to do it. We got it done and everybody was happy.
One day, a house where we lived, the house opposite our house was dilapidated, the fence was peeling flaky paint and all of that. Those who lived in the house didn’t care, I told my wife, “it is not correct for this kind of house to be near our house”, so we went and did the fence, painted the wall and repaired the house for the people. Later on, they came to say thank you. But, if they won’t get it done, we won’t wait forever. Church Gist. That is what makes a leader, the capacity to take the initiative, capacity for proactivity, you’re proactive, not reactive. You don’t wait for things to happen then you react, if things don’t happen, you happen to them. Church Gist. You don’t wait for things to happen for you, you happen to things.
If you’re a Pastor, Church leader, community leader, take this leadership Word, you’ll be amazed at the extent which God will take you.
Where our Church is now, Glory Dome on the airport road. So, we went to the government and said, “we need a flyover”, after we waited for a longtime and they won’t do the flyover, we told them, “we will pay and do it, just give us the permission”. That airport road is the most crucial road in the country. Church Gist. I mean, the international airport, the president’s road, visiting presidents pass there and you’re saying you want to do a flyover for the government there. It has been agreed and approved, what we’re waiting for now is for the contractor to do it. They brought two contractors and gave us too much bill and we said since we’re the ones paying for it, we want to determine the contractor. We don’t want anybody to determine any contractor for us and make any deal with any contractor. Church Gist. Since, we’re the ones to pay for it, we will determine the contractor. If government will pay for it, government can determine the contractor.
There can be no possibility without responsibility. Things are possible when people are responsible. Church Gist. You may not like this, but this is the truth, those who don’t accept responsibility end as liabilities, generational liabilities, just a burden to their world. Real leaders accept responsibility. I wish that the whole of Kenya’s leadership was listening to this and I pray that this message will get to them. Church Gist. Real leaders accept responsibility.
- Real leaders see the danger that others can’t see. They see the problems that others can’t see, especially the people of the land. They see the danger and the problem the people can’t see. Real leaders see many steps ahead. Church Gist. They’re many steps ahead of their generation. When Elijah saw the problems of the prophets of Baal, how the whole land was going in a direction of disaster, there were other prophets in the land but none of them saw or felt it. Because when Elijah told God, “I’m the only prophet”, God said, “no, you’re not, there 8000 others that have not bowed to Baal”, but 8000 irrelevant, inconsequential and impact-less prophets. Obadiah told Elijah, he said there are 100 prophets he hid in caves, I’m sure you remember that. Church Gist. That is, 100 prophets that are like dogs that can’t bite. Lions that cannot run. They were in the land and the land was going into destruction and they said and did nothing till one man by the name Elijah arose. If Elijah did not see the danger, the land will perish, if he could discern the problem, everybody was gone. I see some “Elijahs” arising out of here. Church Gist. Elijahs in Kenya, for Uganda and for East Africa, I see them rise out of here.
- if you’re among them, shout the loudest Amen.
- Real leaders bear the burden of their generation. They carry the weight of their generation. They’re practically restless and almost sleepless because of the challenges of their generation. Church Gist. Others are comfortable and at ease, but a leader that is a real leader, something makes him want to cry and weep concerning the challenges and problems of his generation. The reason why many are at ease is because they can’t see anything, they can’t see any challenge, problem or the danger that is in the air. Church Gist. Everyday in our Church, prayer is on against terrorism in Nigeria and against bad leadership, every single day. In the year of 2017, we started every single day for a whole year, because we saw danger ahead. If we hadn’t prayed, and others prayed too like Papas in the Lord, all on the line concerning the situation of our country. Meanwhile, there are some Churches that don’t even care whether anything is going, business as usual, in the midst of danger. Church Gist. How many of you know that Church can only happen when there’s peace and preaching can only happen when there’s security and stability. It is a disaster for somebody to be sleeping when a house is on fire. There are times people would be wondering what is wrong with this man, “are you in your senses, why can’t you calm down?”, but you’re seeing what they can’t see. Church Gist. You’re carrying a burden on your head, carrying the burden on your life, carrying the burden on your shoulder.
I preached one day, very brutal against wickedness, terrorism and all manner of things, somebody sent me a message and said, “don’t risk yourself, it’s okay, you have been talking but calm down small, these people are bad”, but I told myself ‘in the realm of the Spirit, we’re badder than them”. They may be bad spiritually but they’re terrors in the realm of the spirit.
- somebody say the loudest Amen.
The question I want to ask you is, “what is the burden on your heart right now? Is there anything about Kenya that is weighing you down? Church Gist. Is there anything about your community, the ministry that is a concern to you, that makes you restless, that almost makes you sleepless?” It’s a determinant of the level of impact you’re going to make.
- Real leaders exhibit uncommon courage. They confront what others avoid, they face what others fear – uncommon courage. Church Gist. Who is he that can confront Ahab and Prophets of Baal, who is he that can confront the evil in the land? Courage is the backbone of leadership. Leadership is not for cowards. Cowardice cannot produce leadership. Show me a man and a woman who is a literal coward, afraid of everything, he will never go far in impact. You have to be courageous enough to dare the opposition and the “undareable”. Church Gist. You have to be courageous enough, and there can be no change without courage. We learnt from Elijah that if things must change, leaders must be courageous.
- Real leaders thrive in the midst of risk. They thrive in the arena of risk, they’re not afraid to take risk. Church Gist. Personally, I discovered that the potential of leaders rises in the midst of risk. There’s an anointing reserved for risk takers. David went against Goliath, that was a very brutal risk and he slang a stone and the Lord assisted the stone to hit the right spot.
Judges 14:5. If it was today, the testimony would be, Praise the Lord, brethren! I met a lion, he didn’t kill me, I was able to successfully escape! Church Gist. In fact all of you praise God for me! If not for the intervention of God today, I would have been nobody! God is Faithful, is He not? He can deliver you from a lion! Just the way He delivered me! That was not the testimony of Samson.
The Spirit of God didn’t come Mightily upon him until he confronted danger Judges 14:6. I told you that there was an anointing reserved for risk takers, there is an oil for danger! Church Gist. Especially when it is in the course of God, when you are on the assignment of God, there is a dimension of function you will never be able to experience until you begin to confront danger on the behalf of God. It is happening!
And he tore that lion into two, maybe Samson’s mother was from the Maasai tribe. Do you know the worst part? There was nothing in his hand! He told not his father or mother because it is not a testimony, it is a normal life Judges 14:6. Why should I tell my father about this? This is kindergarten! Church Gist.There are more things to deal with in front! This is a nursery school operation! This is not something to scream about! This is not something to testify about!
See, you are over testifying about what you have seen, you have stayed too long with your last testimony. Church Gist. You have overshared that particular testimony for too long. It is time to see something more bigger, aggressive and massive! If you believe that, say a big clap of hands!
If you didn’t hear anything this morning, hear this, that there is an anointing reserved for those who confront danger and face risks in the behalf of God!
From Psalm 89:19-20, in verse 19, you will see the word, ‘Mighty’. And I searched for the Hebrew word for that word, ‘Mighty’ and it means, ‘I am realising Help for the fighter’, My Help is reserved for the fighter! I am laying down Help for the one that is rugged, one that is a risk taker and for one that can confront Goliath!! Church Gist. It is the word, ‘Gibbor’, from where we got, ‘El-Gibbor- The Mighty Man of War, The Fighter’!
If you have decide to be a fighter for God, you don’t need to beg, pray, ask and apply for help- I have laid Help on the risk taker, I am laying Help on the fighter! This Light drives me many times Psalm 89:20. All is rooted in his fightability. Church Gist. Your anointability is determined by your fightability! Anointability is connected to fightability! Are you fightable, then you’re anointed- that is real leaders!
We celebrated Nelson Mandela in South Africa because he fought and fought and fought! We celebrated George Washington because he led America in the war of Independence to emancipation of that Nation. Church Gist. We celebrate Abraham Lincoln because he fought and fought for that Nation to be one. I’m I communicating?
Leadership is an ability to exhibit unusual courage and take risks. Let me round up with three things and then we will close.
- Real leaders offer equal opportunity to everyone even those who may not be on their side. They offer a level playing ground for everyone. When Elijah wanted the fire to fall, the altar was equal for everybody! Church Gist. The qualification was equal, the condition was equal! You call fire, I will also call fire! I won’t make it harder for you, it’s the same for all of us 1 Kings 18:24.
I wish that political leaders were here to hear this, it is possible that you have people that you prefer to win the election, but let the playing ground be levelled. Let everybody go to the polls equally, let the vote be casted equally and let the true winner emerge! Church Gist. Don’t manipulate any process in your own favour or in the favour of your candidate, that’s real leadership!
- Real leaders think of others first. Elijah said, ‘You, go first, call the fire first. After you’re done, I will come later’! What is uppermost in their hearts is not their own considerations? Ordinary people think of ‘self’ first. How much money can I make out of this! How much can I achieve out of this! Church Gist. What can I achieve with this! But real leaders ask, ‘How can I affect and impact my generation?’ When we arrived at the airport, the journalists asked me, ‘What advice do you have for the new leadership in our Nation?’ I said I have three advice to counsel:
1.They should lead in the fear of God. - They should lead with the heart for the people.
- They should lead with posterity in mind so that when they have come and gone, let there be tangible impact that they can be remembered for.
Because, to consider your life a valuable life, your presence must be felt, so that your absence can be noticed. But this is the worst part, if your presence is not felt and your absence was not noticed, then your presence was never needed in the first place! Church Gist. One of our young men asked me,’Sir, you answered these people as if you prepared for their question’ Did you prepare? It is natural, I answered!
All this is possible, if you put others first! Don’t think income, think impact! Impact will bring income later! Impact first! Make a difference first, don’t struggle to make a living!
- Finally, real leaders deal decisively and brutally with the enemy of both God and the people! Elijah solved the problem in Israel by eliminating the prophets of Baal. He deleted them, and it was considered as righteousness. The God who says, ‘Suffer not the witch to live, he that diggeth a pit for another man to fall and who says he that sheddeth blood by a man, his blood is shed’ is still the same God.
Prophets of Baal sacrifice human beings, they shed the blood of babies to their altars. The Baal is an open dragon with a mouth, 850 decapitation in a day! Church Gist. And it was righteous! When it comes to dealing with the enemy of God and the people, no sentiment should be exercised!
Stand up to your feet! I’ll round off with this! Some day ago, God showed me that every leader must have two things that must be together in equal proportion, they are: Kindness and toughness! It is almost like kindness and ruthlessness in an equal proportion. I saw it in Romans 11:22. The God who created Heaven created hell. Goodness! Church Gist. Toughness! Most people have only one of these qualities and one of them dominates.
When the leader is good, soft, so kind and is not tough and not severe, we call him a weak leader! Goodness without toughness equals weakness! Are you ready for the opposite? Toughness without goodness equals wickedness! Church Gist. The man is punishing everybody, he doesn’t smile at anybody! Those who do well, he can’t even commend them, he is a weak leader! The man is smiling for everybody, he is jolly good to everybody, those who do wrong, he can’t even discipline them, is a weak leader! It’s a matter of choice!
But when you combine toughness, goodness and kindness, that is correctness! And if you have one proportion that is a bit higher than the other, trust God to balance it up! It is a new day! It is that order of ruthlessness that Elijah exercised, that brutal, toughness and aggressive part! Church Gist. You who want this people to finish, you have stopped the rain in this land, hardship everywhere. It is better for all of you to die than for the whole nation to perish! He deleted them!
If we stop here this morning, it is enough! No one will say this meeting is a waste. I am aware that someone has been thoroughly blessed!
-Prayer: Father, we love, honour and adore you! Church Gist. Thank you Jesus! Let pray these two prayers:
- Lord, I’m in your Hands, help me to serve, do Your Will and live for You.
- Drop off upon me a fresh leadership mantle!
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