LIFTING THE LIMITATIONS OF THE MIND – Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche || Midweek Service || Glory Dome, Abuja.

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– Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche on “LIFTING THE LIMITATIONS OF THE MIND” || Midweek Service || Glory Dome, Abuja.

Before we celebrate God into a new month, I’m speaking very quickly on the subject, “Lifting the Limitations of the Mind”. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.

We have three objectives tonight:

1. To understand the effect of the limitations of the mind. When the mind is limited, there are effects of it.

2. Understanding the source of the limitations of the mind. Church Gist. Where do we get limited from in our minds?

3. Understanding the cure for the limitations of the mind.

Why are we dealing with this subject? Because existence at the top is our place in our discussion the whole of this month and one of the greatest limitations for the top is the mind. Church Gist. The mind plays a very critical role in the lives and destinies of people. It plays very critical role in limiting the destinies of people. I’m sure you have heard the story of the circus elephant. Church Gist. That elephant that was caught and had rope tied to the leg and then made to move in a circus and everytime it wants to go forward, the rope pulls it back. After a while, they removed the rope from the leg and the elephant does not move beyond that circle anymore because in its mind, it’s not supposed to move beyond that circle. Church Gist. The rope left the leg and it’s transferred to the brain. It’s not physically limited anymore, it’s mentally limited.

There are many people today who have limitations that are not physical but mental. Church Gist. I believe that this month is not complete until we deal with the forces that hinder our rise to the top and the major force there is the force of the mind. That is why we are dealing with this subject.

There are four things that we need to know:

1. Life and destiny are processed out of the heart or mind. Proverbs 4:23. Church Gist. That is, life and destiny literally issue out of the heart.

2. The reality of the mind becomes the reality of life. Proverbs 23:7. I have many ways to say it and I would like you to note all of them. Church Gist. It also means that mentality places a limit on destiny. That is, the limit of the mind is the limit of destiny.

3. The captivity of the mind is the captivity of destiny. 2 Corinthians 10:5. The captivity of the mind is the captivity of life and destiny. Church Gist. Whatever captures the mind has captured life and destiny. Another way to say it is, strongholds of the mind become the strongholds of life and destiny. Whatever holds your mind strong has held your destiny strong.

4. Life is upgraded when the mind is renovated. Romans 12:1-2. The renewal of the mind is the transformation of life. Church Gist. If your life is not transformed, it means your mind is not renewed.

Do we have examples in Scripture where people’s lives and destinies were limited because of their mind? Yes. I will give you four examples.

1. The children of Israel and the report of the spies. Numbers 13:33. Numbers 14:1. They got a limitation because ten people painted a picture of captivity. Church Gist. All those congregation that wept and cried died in the wilderness. Only Caleb and Joshua entered the Promised Land. They were limited, not by the devil but by their minds. Church Gist. They couldn’t enter their destiny because of the limitation of the mind.

– I prophesy to you, you will enter your destiny!

– I prophesy to our Nation, Nigeria; Nigeria would enter her destiny!

– your family would enter into your destiny!

2. Philip and multiplication of the bread. John 6:5-7.  I’ll like you to see two mentalities. Jesus is saying, “where can we buy bread?” Philip is saying, “do you have enough money?” That is the meaning of the question. Church Gist. So, mentality is the real determinant of destiny. You don’t have a problem until your mind says you have it. If you say you can, you’re right; if you say you can’t, you’re also right. Proverbs 23:7. Jesus is thinking of where to get the bread, Philip is thinking of where to get the money. Church Gist. And for Jesus, both the money and the bread are available anytime He wants and actually He could get the bread without using the money and He got that.

– look at your neighbour, say, “change your mind so you can change your life. Don’t consult your situation to determine your destination. Decide your destination first, then rearrange your situation”.

“Where is the money to build this place?” was not the first thing that came to mind. “What do we need?” A covered mega stadium that can accommodate tens of thousands of people. Church Gist. That was the first thing in the mind. The vision came first, then the provision later. There are those who are struggling for provision first before thinking the vision.

– it’s changing today! If you believe that, shout the loudest Amen.

3.  The man at the pool of Bethesda John 5:5-7

Can you see question and answer? Do you want to be made whole? What is the answer? Yes or no. What was the man’s answer? I have no man. For 37 years he has been waiting for a man. There are many people today, you are not waiting for your miracle, your miracle is waiting for you. Let it be said without the guilt of overstatement that the real situation of everyone lies with their decision. Will you be made whole? Yes Sir, I’m ready. His reply was, he went to town (Laughing). I have no man!! You see, I don’t have any connection and like you know it’s a new Government so I don’t really know anybody. Church Gist. I don’t have any connection, I have no contact, I have no man, I stopped school when my father died, my uncle that brought me to Abuja has changed his mind, I have no man. He said, ‘Who is talking man here’? Mary almost committed the same abomination, ‘You shall bring forth a child’! She said, ‘I don’t know a man’! We are not talking of man here, God wants to bypass man, God wants to bypass systems, He wants to bypass certain processes and give you a solution you cannot imagine.

-Is there anybody here today that God will bypass something to give you a solution? If you are that one, shout the loudest Amen.

Declarations: I am changing my mind today, I cannot wait on man and waste my life. Under God, I am taking my destiny in my hands. Church Gist. Under God, I must become what God wants me to become. If you believe that, shout the loudest Amen.

What you are willing to do for yourself is far more important than what any man can do for you. Church Gist. That was a man limited at the pool.

4.  The Prodigal Son Luke 15:17

For as long as that man doesn’t come to his senses he doesn’t come to his changes. There is a connection between your sense and your change. A change of reasoning will bring a change of season. This man’s season changed when his reasoning changed. Church Gist. For as long as he thought that his life was over, because he had already gotten his father’s inheritance so he couldn’t go anywhere back to his father anymore. For as long as he thought that everything was over with his life and his father, it was over. Church Gist. When he came to his senses, ‘If my father can employ strangers that he didn’t know! At least I am his son, after I had collected my inheritance. Father, employ me to be like one of these servants, I need a job’! When you come to your senses, you come to your changes! When you have a change of reasoning, you have a change of season.

Declarations: Father, in the Name of Jesus, every limitation in my mind, today is your end. Church Gist. I command you to be dissolved and be demolished now Jesus’ Precious Name!

What are the sources of limitations in the mind?

-I pray that this will bring therapy and healing to somebody.

1.  Negative words and treatment from childhood

Those kinds of children that their father, their mother never found anything good in. They kept on speaking negative words to them – You can’t do well, you can’t amount to anything! Church Gist. Those words grew with them, as they grew, the word grew with them. Children who never experienced the love of a father or the love of a mother, they never found any affirmation. All they ever heard was condemnation, it brings mental limitation.

I’m saying this so that parents can learn. Don’t destroy the future of your children with your words today. Some of these words also come from school teachers. That’s why you should beware of the kind of school that you put your children in. That’s why School Proprietors must be strict, any teacher who is fond of using negative words on children should be immediately given a sack letter. Church Gist. Go and born your own children and use any word you want to use on them if you want.

The child may fail an exam but he is not a failure. The failure of an exam does not make a failure, your action is different from yourself. Am I communicating? Very very important, the growing up period of children are very very sensitive periods where you condemn the action but commend the child. And in most times, intentions are perfect, actions may be imperfect. Church Gist. Maybe you are seated here tonight and all you received from childhood whether from school, parents or whoever or maybe senior brother or sister or elderly people around you were negative words.

-Tonight, I speak by the authority of Jesus, I declared them cleansed out of your life by the preaching of the Word in the Name of Jesus!

Let your mouth be filled with blessings for your children – You will do well, you will succeed, you will be better than us! Church Gist. You will go where we haven’t gone, let it be full of positive pronouncements.

2.  Recurrent negative patterns and cycles

When there are patterns that are negative for example: Everyone is receiving favour and when it became your turn, the line stopped. And then this kind of thing begins to repeat here and there. All of a sudden, the devil will begin to tell you, ‘That is your own life’s pattern! That is how your life is meant to be. Church Gist.  Recurrent negative patterns and cycles! When it is time for your favour, something else happens! Maybe you’ve been in a relationship and then when it’s time to get married something happens.

-Today, those patterns are arrested!

3.  Past failures, mistakes or errors

You failed at a time, you made mistakes or you committed some blunders or errors and the devil wants it to remain with you forever. The devil makes you think and feel like a failure. Church Gist. You didn’t graduate with your classmates, you failed WAEC (West African Examinations Council), you failed your degree exams or whatever it was. You failed in a marriage, maybe or failed in something and the devil wants to say, ‘Look! You are just a failure, there is nothing that you are good at’! That devil is a bastard liar!

Jonah failed so badly when God sent him on an assignment that they threw him inside the water, the fish swallowed him and not that he swallowed the fish. Like somebody talked sometimes that how can a fish swallow a person, it must have been a person who swallowed the fish and he concluded and said there was a swallow, something swallowed something (Laughing). Church Gist. And God took Jonah and still vomited him out in the place of his destination and he continued to fulfill his assignment there. I don’t know what you have failed. I don’t know any man under Heaven who has not failed in one thing or the other, maybe in school or maybe an exam.

-But I announce to you today, your failure is not you! In the Name of Jesus, the bend of the road is not the end of the road.

When you reach the bend, the road continues. Church Gist. It may be the end of the day but it may not be the end of the game, the game can continue tomorrow.

-Every failure that the devil has attached to your life as your identity, I declare it cleaned and detached from your life. Church Gist. I declare that God gives you a breakthrough and a success until your failures will not be remembered.

That was what happened to Naaman the Syrian, he was a leper yet he was the Chief of Defence Staff because he performs so well that his setback could not resist his impact.

4. Wrong company or association

They can give you a negative mindset. I’m talking about those who never valued your potentials yet you call them friends. Church Gist. They keep pointing out to you what you can’t do. They are never excited in your potential, they are never excited in your possibility. Those are not friends, if you have such people in your life, you don’t need a second devil. Friends who talk negatively to you or talk negatively about you, please stay away from those kind of people so that you can keep your mind clearly. Church Gist. People who talk “small small” and petty talks, they are fixated on people, keep talking of people – talk down on this and that, gossip and all those kind of people, never see anything good in anybody, so they won’t see anything good in you. They slander and slander and when they come close to you, they flatter and flatter. In your presence, they flatter you, in your absence, they slander. Church Gist. Please run away so that you can keep your mind clear. I don’t have any individual in my life who talk negative, who doesn’t believe in the possibility of great things. I don’t have any one person like that in my life.

5. Societal conditions and expectations. What the society has placed as a bar. Maybe it’s even your own family, “this is where we normally reach”. “Under this kind of condition, this is what is possible and achievable”. Church Gist. This is the established norm in the society. Please, don’t let society limit you and don’t let society set the standard for you. Let Jehovah God set the standard for you. How many of you know that if you follow society today, you may actually run mad. Because there’s a lot of madness going on in the society now. Church Gist. Somebody is saying he’s a man outside but inside him, he feels like a woman. So, he starts taking female hormones and want them to do him a surgery to construct a female reproductive system for him.

I saw a horrible picture of a woman the other day who said she’s meant to be a man but she’s a woman. They did her radical mastectomy – removed the two breasts so she can be a man. But they left the nipple area, it was very ugly. We saw the other one the other day where a young girl went back to the doctor, she changed into a man at age 15. Church Gist. She sued the doctor, “why didn’t you advice me not to change? You know I made the decision when I was less than 18, why didn’t you advice me contrary?” That’s the madness of the society today. We are hearing that some people say that they think they should be old, why are they young? If you follow the society, you will run crazy. Church Gist. Somebody said that very soon, somebody would be transcanine, “I feel like I’m meant to be a dog”.

– I decree to you today, every limitation placed on your life and destiny is lifted right here now!

6. Negative pictures and suggestions. This is the situation where the devil shows you people all around you, maybe from your family or where you came from and nobody amounted to anything, and he shows the picture – negative pictures and suggestions. Church Gist. This also is in the realm of negative prophecies, somebody giving you a prophecy that is not in line with the reality of what your life should be. This goes to the realm of dreams as well where the devil is showing you things in the dream that are opposite what the reality should be. Church Gist. Negative pictures and suggestions, when you accept them, they can become your limitations.

7. Negative, self-limiting belief. These are the kind of people who say, “all fingers are not equal”. They are unable to see themselves the way God sees them. They themselves tell themselves that they can’t be anything. Self limiting. Church Gist. If all fingers are not equal, why don’t you choose to be the long finger? Self-limiting belief. But there’s a solution and that solution is coming your way tonight!

There are people who beat themselves more than anybody beat them. It can be a cumulation of all these things; “stand in the mirror, look at you, at your age”. Church Gist. They hate what they see. My wife and children know that I’m the opposite of that kind of person. I look at the mirror and say, “wow, yo men!” Permanently. I speak to myself, I say, “you know what? The world is waiting for you. You are impacting your generation. You are making a mark”. I am demonstrating how you should stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself and like what you see. Like who you see. Commend who you see. Church Gist. Prophesy on who you’re seeing; “I must make a mark in my generation. I am a voice to my generation. No devil can silence me. I matter to this generation!”

There’s a connection between confidence and competence. If you’re confident, anything you do, you would be competent. Church Gist. Lack of confidence is lack of competence. “I’m not sure of this kind of dress I’m wearing”, my wife would say, “then you better pull it and wear another one”. Because she knows that I have to be sure of how I’m looking. Church Gist. I don’t want any condition of “am I okay?” to distract my release.

– stand up your feet, say, “in the name of Jesus, I am a chosen generation. A royal priesthood. I matter to this generation. No devil can sit on my destiny. I am going somewhere to fulfill destiny. I shall become, I must become everything God wants me to become!”

– shout the loudest Amen!

– say after me, “our nation Nigeria shall become, must become everything God wants her to become”.

When you go home tonight or before you wake up and go out in the morning, just look at yourself, talk to yourself, prophesy to yourself, affirm yourself. I don’t care what people think about, think good about yourself. Church Gist. When the lizard falls from a tall iroko tree, lands on the floor, it waits a little bit to see if anybody would commend it and nobody commends it, it nods its head and say, “I don’t care what you feel, I think I have tried”. If you wait for external encouragement, you may die of discouragement. Human beings are so preoccupied with themselves most times that they don’t have the time for any other person. So, you must make the time for yourself. If people don’t have time for you, have time for yourself.

You know many of you, it is only when visitors come to your house that you bring out that “china” plate, the one that has a golden rim and must not break. Then, you bring a bottle of wine. But whenever visitors didn’t come, you treat yourself anyhow. You know what I want you to do? One of these days, entertain yourself. Bring out the best plate, the best bottle of wine, not alcohol. Don’t Nicodemusly put say, 1 percent, zero percent. So that you’re not walking on the road and your leg is missing, saying, “Pastor said we should entertain ourselves”. You know that that is not what I’m talking about, your conscience bear you witness that it’s not what I’m talking about (laughs). Hallelujah! Because the way you see yourself is the way you have been treating and handling yourself. There’s no plate or anything that can be used to serve anybody where I am that is not used to serve me consistently. None. That a visitor came and this is the way the visitor is treated, separate from how I have been treated continuously, none. No Christmas dress, it arrives today, it can be out tomorrow. The way you think is the way you behave, it’s the way you act and function. That is the way you handle your life. Bathroom slippers for me is only in the bathroom. Why do they call it bathroom slippers and you’re wearing it in the parlour?

– somebody shout Power!

This is why I like God and this is why I like Church because whatever happens around in the society, there is life in Church, there is joy in Church, there is hope in Church and there is excitement in Church. Church Gist. Is there anybody with hope here tonight? Is there anybody with joy here tonight? Is there anybody with excitement here tonight? Shout the loudest Amen!

What is the cure for the limitations of the mind?

1.  Renew the mind continually I’mwith the Word of God Romans 12:1-2.

Renew your mind continually with the Word of God. Just keep on washing your mind. Church Gist. This kind of Message is good for the mind, this type: ‘The existence at the top’. Keep on washing your mind with those Messages that deal with mediocrity and inferiority.

2.  Allow the Holy Spirit to uncover the possibilities of your destiny to your mind.

Allow the Holy Spirit, walk with the Holy Spirit and pray in the Spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to uncover for you the possibilities of your destiny to you 1 Corinthians 2:9. Church Gist. There are many many things that are possible for your life. It is the Holy Ghost that will show you – As you pray in the Spirit, He unveils.

3.  Keep company with positive, high flying and high-thinking people 1 Corinthians 15:33.

Communicating with the wrong people will change your behaviour negatively Proverbs 13:20. Don’t hate people but avoid anyone whose presence in your life pulls you down, avoid them. Church Gist. Don’t communicate to them that you hate them, just avoid them. And if you need to persistently pursue the right company, pursue it. And a man that has friends must show himself to be friendly.

4.  Reject negative enemy’s pictures and suggestions by the Word 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Reject them! See yourself where God sees you. Whether the devil is showing you a bad dream of where you are riding bicycle, tell the devil, ‘It is you and your generation that are on the bicycle’! Stop putting me on a bicycle (Long John)!! – Riding and climbing a hill. When last did you see me in the physical riding such a bicycle? You are giving me what I am not doing in the physical, it is you and your generation, your fathers – All of you, ride the bicycle’! Driving a car, Peugeot, the type that does not exist anymore – Satan, where did you see this car now? Church Gist. Old coin they have stopped printing, the coin, the one that has hole inside, you see yourself carrying it in the dream. Say, ‘Devil, it is you that will have this generational poverty’!

The devil is very very excited with people who are patient with him. He’s not a gentleman, you don’t deal with him gently, talk to him angrily – ‘Get out! Thou art an offence unto me’! That was how Jesus talked to the devil. In fact, He was talking to Peter who was possessed with satan, ‘Get thee behind me, satan for you savourest not the things that are of God but the things that are of flesh’! That’s how to behave. Church Gist. Am I communicating at all? Refuse to be patient with anything the devil is giving you. There are times you wake up in the night with a sufficient dose of anger, deal with that devil and go back to sleep. One day I dreamt a dream and then I woke up and dealt with the devil angrily and said, ‘If you are a devil enough, return the dream’! If he’s powerful, he could have returned the dream, isn’t it?

-In the Name that is above every name, everyone that is a victim of negative satanic suggestions, I declare, it is over!

5.  Finally, always see and place yourself where God sees and placed you 1 Peter 2:9.

You are a royalty, you are a queen! One day, my wife and I went somewhere for a service, so the person who was attending to me saw how she followed me and helped me to sit down and those kinds of things. Said, you know what? ‘I’m going to treat you like a queen because your wife treats you like that’! (Laughing). Church Gist. But I’m not a queen, he doesn’t know the difference, it’s limited English. The Bible says, ‘You are a royal priesthood, you are royalty’! Do royalty appear like this?

One day, I cut one of the clothes my wife likes a lot, she used to wear it at home. I cut it! I said, ‘If I catch this dress next time, I will either burn it, bury it or do something to it if I catch the clothes’! The moment we come home, she will just hang the clothes. There are some clothes that look like hanger. One woman told me here that every woman has that clothes. Who told you that there are such clothes where you totally abandon yourself? Only potatoes have the right to wear some clothes even at home! Church Gist. Many of you, your husband is working in the office where the Secretary is well polished – Polished body, polished face and she’s just dangling herself in front of him like carrots. ‘Can I have a glass of tea there’? Yes Sir! And she dangles to him! And the man finishes seeing that thing in the office and he’s returning home to rest, only to see Madam in hanger. The worst of it is that on top of the hanger, there is this shower cap that enters the head. All those things need to be burnt or buried. I think I have arrested one of your clothes before, even Deborah, I have arrested one of her clothes before.

Praise the Lord! Life is practical, not mystical, you can make life easy for yourself. Church Gist. There is a man who gave his wife instructions, he said that before he wakes up in the morning, the woman must be totally dressed and sharply polished. That is the first thing he should meet on waking up, that is so that he can calm his head down and look straight!

I’m sure many of you have seen some of those dresses before, you can’t tell whether it’s a T-Shirt or a gown. Church Gist. And then the other one is the wrapper (Laughing).

Declarations: You are royalty! Behave like royalty! Everywhere you are, you are royalty!

Now, I want us to celebrate two things:

Number one thing to celebrate is your royalty! Celebrate the blasting off of every wrong mentality. Church Gist. And celebrate the fact that God has a place for you at the top. The second thing to celebrate is that the path of the Just is a shining light that shines more and more until the perfect day.

-June must be better than May, we are crossing over from May into June. Church Gist. It is more and more until the perfect day. When men say there is a casting down, you shall be saying, ‘There is a lifting up’!











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