- Pastor John Izebere at International Youth Alive Convention.
Day 3 Morning Session
Lift up your hands and celebrate God for the light that you have received so far. Give Him praise, give Him thanks and ask Him; Lord, I am set for another light. I have space, Oh Lord speak to me again, I am set for another light.
Father thank You, blessed be Your name in Jesus Holy name we have prayed.
Our Father this morning we are before You and Your word. Church Gist. Thank You for what You have been doing on this mountain, indeed our lives are becoming testimonials. You are the Doer, there is no deputy doer. Again this moment, we submit ourselves to You, show us more light. Lord visit everyone this morning under the sound of my voice. Wherever they are, let Your light shatter every form of darkness. Let mediocrity give way to excellence and let Your name alone be glorified. Father thank You because this session shall be another blessing and Your name shall be exalted. Take all the glory. Holy Spirit have Your way in this place, in Jesus Holy name we have prayed.
Give Jesus a shout!!!
I want to appreciate God and my Father for this awesome privilege to bring the Word this moment. It is a privilege I will not take for granted, I’m so grateful. I want to also appreciate my Resident Pastor, thank You very much Sir for this privilege.
We have been looking at Gateways to Excellence with our running theme; In Pursuit of Excellence. The word pursuit means action. Church Gist. Thank God for the emblem that was seen in the fliers, somebody ready to run and the way we run is the way the Word of God has been coming and we heed to it; line upon line, precept upon precept and that’s what God has been doing on this mountain. Yet again this moment, another line shall be added to us.
In this part six, we are looking at:
Let me dazzle the fear about stewardship. It is not so much as hard labour without reward but you are walking into already created reward and what a privilege, we are all youth. Ecclesiastes 12:1 – Remember now in the days of youth… Because some days will come when you can no longer do what you must do and what you desire to do. Church Gist. If you do remember God, the world will remember you. Now why must you remember God? 1 John 2:14, so service requires strength and that’s why we are speaking to ourselves this morning, remember God now in the days of your youth because there is still strength to serve God; physical strength, mental strength, emotional strength, spiritual strength. Remember now before the days come that you will regret.
Service to God is requirement for godly living. Please note this morning that Kingdom stewardship is all about serving God and the interest of His Kingdom. In Genesis 1:26, God said let us create man in our image and in Genesis 2:15 – the man He created, He puts the man in the garden. So man was created to serve. Church Gist. If you are not serving you are a misfit. Man originally by God was created to serve and if you return to God in Christ Jesus, you come into the service, that’s where destines are moulded. Thank God for the words we have heard, everything anchored in service. Many people are dedicated to the wrong things and they see wrong results but for you to be profitable, it is anchored in service (Matthew 6:33). Seek first, serve first.
Please know that man was created to serve and to serve God’s interest on the earth. Man must serve something, it’s a must. Anyone living must serve. Jesus showing us the pattern prayer in Matthew 6:10, “thy will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven”. So it means we are here as God’s representative on this earth to do His will, serving Him, serving His interest, serving what pleases Him. Church Gist. Doing this, our lives becoming reflectors of what God desires, that’s why man must serve something and every wise man knows that he must serve the living God. More importantly for every child of God, serving God is a requirement.
Now, this service involves all of ourselves (Haggai 1:5-14). Your service to God must involve your time, energy and your resources. The reason you are not having it is because you are not serving Him. Many people are serving their interest but until you serve the interest of God, the goodness and the blessing of God doesn’t come. Church Gist. My brethren please know this; genuine servants of God know themselves. If you are serving God, you’ll know. Our Father in the faith will always say, it is service that brought me to this level. He told us there are growing up days. They said to him; don’t take it too fast, this is too much, we don’t serve God like this. He said okay. God said if you serve Me hard, I will take you high and today, if he never told us we will never know where those people are. Those who are serving God know themselves.
- I pray this morning that from this mountain, your service to God will begin to yield rewards.
Psalm 102:13-15
Servants are the ones that enjoy the mercy, the favour of God. It is not just crying for favour but working it out. I’m sure we have heard many times our father do say we do not beg in this Kingdom to be favoured, to be promoted, to enjoy fruitfulness, for enthronement; we serve our way into them. Matthew 20:21 – Everybody wants greatness, everybody loves to be favoured. Church Gist. We don’t lobby in this Kingdom for greatness, we serve our way into the heart of God and once you serve your way into God’s heart, you’ll become the darling of God.
- I pray again this morning that the joy in serving God will rest upon your life.
Steadfastness in stewardship is gateway to maximize destiny. Yes you are serving; not serving when it is comfortable, not when it is conducive, not serving because you are appointed as a leader – steadfastness in stewardship is the gateway to maximize destiny. You want your destiny to be at the fullest blessing – steadfastness. What is steadfastness? It is loyalty in the face of trouble and difficulties. You are still loyal as a servant. It is continuity in your service in the face of challenges (Romans 8:35).
Galatians 2:20 – that is, it is in serving God that made my life to be like this; my own original life has expired. Advancement in this Kingdom, excellence in this Kingdom doesn’t answer to lazy people (Galatians 6:9). So it means service makes you do well in life. There is no man that serves God that men will not serve.
Luke 22:28-30
Everyone that stays continuing in service will always end up glorified, enthroned.
- After this mountain experience, your next testimony shall be testimony of enthronement.
As you make up your mind steadfastly to serve God (1 Corinthians 15:58), do you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain, your service to God is for your decoration it makes you a household name in your generation? Serving God will clear barriers for me, it will give me beyond my heart desires.
Our father said, God interpreted Matthew 6:33 to him, but you seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things that others are dieing to get, joining cult to get; honour, fame, strength of men – all of them shall be added to you. Church Gist. Where you are seated is where they will come to you. That shall be your testimony. But you must be steadfast. Don’t let any form of discouragement take you off. Your service group leader may not notice you but God sees you. It is God that lifts and not man.
- You shall be lifted in the name of Jesus Christ.
Quickly let’s look at the example of our father, Abraham.
Psalm 105:42 – God described Abraham by his function as His servant. Not by his age, his bank account but by his function. Church Gist. As blessed as he was, he was still diligent in serving God and the Bible says God remembered him.
Genesis 14:14-20
You see what service can do for you? It will lift your name to the most High God. Who knew Abraham before he met God? A 75 year old man still living with his parent, he couldn’t rent a house so he puts his wife in their family house. But immediately God called him, he followed and God turned his story around.
- Somebody’s story here this morning shall be greater than this one.
Genesis 24:1
The Lord blessed Abraham in all things. That’s somebody’s testimony. As you serve God, your testimony shall be brighter.
In this Kingdom, service is the pathway to honour. You want to serve, then you are set for honour. God brought you and I into this earth to serve Him, to serve His interest and everyone of us that is born again, we are here to represent His interest. God has interest that’s why He has made you and I to be ambassadors; go to that your locality, decree what my interest is and begin to make them see what I want them to become. Church Gist. You and I are ambassadors of Christ to serve His interest and so, if you are not serving God’s interest you are not a complete ambassador.
- I see the God of Heaven do you good from this mountain in the name of Jesus Christ.