March 2024 Leadership Empowerment Summit – Bishop David Oyedepo || Youth Chapel, Canaanland || 2nd March 2024.

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– Bishop David Oyedepo at March 2024 Leadership Empowerment Summit || Youth Chapel, Canaanland || 2nd March 2024.

As we are all aware, every change of story in life is triggered by an encounter with the Word on something revealed that you applied yourself to that brought about the change. Church Gist. There are no miracles by chance, every miracle is a product of our obedience of faith to the Word revealed and engaged with.

-In the precious name of Jesus, this Summit shall be another turning point in everyone’s life as we receive grace to put to work the things that are being passed down to us in the name of Jesus Christ. Church Gist. Thank You Heavenly Father, take all the praise in the name of Jesus Christ.

The Lord called this special Leadership Summit to give us a great kick-off into the month of March.

-Every grave shall be opened this month. It’s our resurrection month. Church Gist. So every grave that may have closed in anyone shall be opened this month.

Jesus, the resurrection and life has the Key of David, He opens and no man shuts and He shuts and no man opens. Revelation 3:8. When we engage with the light of the Word, our door shall be continually open. That’s what He said. Church Gist. Continually open! We shall be flowing in favour as we open up to the light of the Word. Isaiah 60:19. Favour! So, watch out! He keeps our gates continually open as we walk in the light of His Word. Continually open!

-No door of favour shall be shut against anyone anymore in the name of Jesus Christ.

So we go through a few clips here this morning for the time that we have.

1.  Kingdom stewardship is God’s number one business on the earth.

Matthew 6:33. Seek ye first the advancement, the enlightenment, the expansion of My Kingdom and all these things that others are dying to get, all these things! Far beyond the glory that was upon Solomon. All these things others are trying to get shall be added to you. Christ recognizes His mission on earth as business. ‘Why are you looking for Me? Don’t you know I must be about My Father’s business’? Church Gist. Luke 2:49. He saw His mission on earth as business and He did approach it as business. He saw it as business and approached it as business. He called the twelve to follow Him in the pursuit of this Kingdom business. Mark 3:34. This business is only about to seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19:10. It’s to reach out with the Gospel to the poor, open the prison gates, set free the oppressed among others. Luke 4:18. Every soul has equal value with God!!! So you don’t have a problem, you are not looking for their high and lofty; ‘To preach the Gospel to the poor’.

They are waiting for someone to say: ‘Jesus loves you’. They wanted you to say that: ‘I love you, I came by you this morning to share this good news with you. You don’t have to remain in that condition’. ‘To preach the Gospel to the poor’. Mark 12:37. I’ve been running after souls for quite some years now, maybe 48 years, consciously so. I’ve never had to knock on anybody’s door in my life, anybody’s office: ‘Excuse me, can I preach to you’? No! The ones I’m preaching to are on the street, they don’t have offices, they don’t have doors. Church Gist. And God kept decorating them, increasing them, refurbishing their lives for He specializes in raising the poor out of the dunghill, to make them sit among the princes. That’s God’s specialization! So you don’t have any reason sir to say you don’t see anybody (to preach to), my God! They are all on the street!! ‘All souls are mine’! Same value! Ezekiel 18:4. ‘There is joy in Heaven over one soul’ not the soul of the rich or the mighty. One soul that repents!

-Somebody will follow you gladly from your neighborhood to Church tomorrow.

Has (anyone) ever asked anybody saying: ‘Come’! They think it is the Church of the rich, no! We are the Church of the poor made rich! We are the Church of the poor made rich by Christ and He wants to enrich others. Someone said: ‘I, a bus conductor, I now have complex in Europe, I have in America! Bus conductor! Stepped (in) here as a bus conductor, Jesus refurbished his life. So, forget about somebody is speaking grammar to you, go look for those who speak am (for) vernacular: ‘Jesus loves you. Church Gist. You dey hear’? That’s simple! “I’m by the mechanic workshop, they are not speaking grammar. I’m by the rice market, they are just blowing their vernacular everywhere”. But God saved somebody, rescued somebody from those sides; from rice market. He was only passing by and as he came to the spot where I was, I just spoke a word concerning him. The business is to bear witness to the truth so as to lead many out of the kingdom of darkness to light. John 18:37. We are witnesses that the truth works, that God’s Word works. To turn them from darkness to light. Acts 26:17-18.

We saw Paul also define serving God as business. Romans 12:11. So, it’s business. So, every time, every resource, every energy expended or invested is sure to have dividends, returns, amazing returns, it’s business. Romans 12:12. Church Gist. Serving God is business. Soul-winning and soul abiding endeavours entitles believers to divine wages that cover all areas of our need. It’s not wages in 10 kobo, 20 kobo. Luke 22:35. So, the wage covers all of our needs. It’s not 10 naira, 10 kobo, one dollar, 10 dollars. Wages that cover all our needs. John 4:35-36. Church Gist. So, soul-winning and soul-abiding endeavours entitles believers to wages that cover all of our needs. Luke 10:19. That’s part of the wages. “Nothing shall by any means hurt you”. Luke 10:1-2,17-19. “You’re on my mission, nothing is permitted to hurt you. You’re on my assignment, nothing is permitted to hurt you”. Church Gist. Money can’t buy that Sir. Money can’t buy that. If you see it as business, you’ll have a different approach. I’ve seen this so, longest time.

Soul-winning among others eradicate shame and reproach. Can skill eradicate shame? Are there not highly skilled people who are in the prison right now? Proverbs 11:30. Proverbs 3:35. Church Gist. There shall be no more trace of shame around your life as you commit yourself to the business of soul-winning and soul-abidding business.

Furthermore, turning men to righteousness make stars of believers. Stars are not raised on the basis of strength or skill. No. Every Kingdom star is obedience-made. Deuteronomy 28:1. Church Gist. So, Kingdom stars are not made by strength, skill or capacity, they are made by raw obedience, raw obedience to God’s instructions as contained in His Word. John 15:8. Daniel 12:3. You emerge a star as you commit to bearing much fruit.

Interestingly and it is very important, Kingdom advancement stewardship has the highest rate of returns on investment compared with any other kind of business on the earth. Church Gist. Peter said, “we have left all and we have followed thee. What shall we have?” He said, “there’s no man who has left all the way you did and shall not have 100-fold in return and top of it, everlasting life”. 100-fold means 100 by 100, that equals 10,000. 10,000 percent dividend, where’s that kind of investment in the world? 10,000 percent return rate or interest rate, which bank will you get that in the world? It’s so real. Church Gist. I have so many sons around the world today that I don’t know. “You’re my father”. I say, I agree. What will I do? (Laughs). And it’s producing fruits after the same other thing. 100-fold, 10,000 returns. 10,000 percent interest rate. Mark 10:28-30. See it as business. Let Cell Ministers see that they’re responsible for the healthy growth of that Cell. Let the Assistant see that he’s a co-responsible person over that Cell. Let the Secretary know there’s nothing to secretary if there’s nobody in the Cell. Let the team come together and say, “we’ll make it happen”. This is why only true servants emerge stars in the Kingdom as we saw in the following examples: “Abraham my servant” Psalm 104:42. We saw him emerge a business emperor with an army to himself that will take on another army of a nation. Church Gist. He was a man of prompt and delightsome obedience as we saw all through Scriptures. Then we have Moses, a great servant of God. He emerged as the greatest Prophet in all of Scriptures, next only to Christ. Deuteronomy 34:5. He wasn’t a political leader, he was a servant of the Lord, he was responsive to the bidding of the Lord and there was no prophet in all of Israel like unto Moses since the world began. From Scripture we understand that he’s the greatest of all Prophets in Scriptures next only in the Christ. Deuteronomy 34:10. That was Moses, a servant of God. Church Gist. Job is a celebrated servant. “Have you considered my servant Job?” Until God calls you a servant, you’re not a servant. What people call you is accolade, what you call yourself is nickname. Only what God calls you and me holds value. Stop commending yourself, let God commend you. 2 Corinthians 10:18. When God commends you, He changes your level. When you’re commended, it imparts on your life. “Well done thou good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over very few things, now have thou authority over 10 cities”. When God says “well done”, then it’s done.

– may each one of us earn God’s well-done this month. May you as a person earn God’s well-done this time!

–  God who sees your engagement in secret and vowed to reward you openly, may you earn God’s well-done this month!

–  may this resurrection month be a month of new beginnings for everyone of us.

–  can I hear your loudest Amen?

When Jesus came out of the grave, all the dead of the saints came up. Church Gist. So, all dying saints and all dead saints will come out this month by taking steps right where you are.

Paul, the Gospel celebrity, was an all out servant of Christ. Romans 1:1. Titus 1:1. He was sold out to cause of Christ and we saw it clearly and now God demonstrated His mighty hand upon him. Church Gist. He had uncheckered  dominion over life’s situations. He survived impossible hazards in his life, death was under his feet. 1 Corinthians 15:26. Death was under the feet of the man called Paul. Philippians 1:23-25. Church Gist. Death just said, “leave the man alone, there’s nothing to do about it, just leave him”. Death was firmly under his feet. He was a core servant, an unrepentant servant of God.

Remember, Christ, the bright and morning Star is our perfect example today. Luke 22:27, Hebrews 12:2…that’s our perfect example. Mark 9:35. It is the quality of our service that determines our placement…“and Servant of all and serves above all, then He shall be the First of all.” So it’s not a thing to pray for. Mary went to Jesus and tried to lobby Him to make one of her sons to be on His right side and the other one…He said “you don’t know what you are asking.” Church Gist. You don’t ask for placement, you serve your way to secure your placement in Christ.

“You gave me one and I have made 10 more” – “okay have thou authority over 10 cities.” You gave me one, I made 5 more – have thou authority over 5 cities. You don’t pray for it, we serve into it. You trace the servanthood of Christ as enumerated in Philippians 2:5-11…He humbled Himself, always opened to Heaven’s instructions, (directions) at all times. He was obedient unto death even the death of the cross – full (total) obedience (obedience to the end). It’s time to make yourself of no reputation. Church Gist. It’s time to make myself of no reputation in serving God. We have no reputation except the one that God gives us. We are where we are, we are who we are all by the grace of God.

– May that grace not be turned to disgrace!

Like I said before, until God says well-done, it’s not well-done yet.

– May each one earn God’s commendation this Month that will turn to our dramatic change of position in the name of Jesus!

Lift up your right hand and give God thanks. Thank you Jesus! Pray in the Spirit everyone. Lord help me to keep seeing this as business – as your number one business on the Earth entitles me to the highest rate of returns of my time, energy and resources. Church Gist. So help me Jesus. Help me Lord in Jesus name. Amen!

The Lord was showing me something recently that I think will be a lot of help to us. We have said it often and again, it’s not the truth that we know that changes us but what we do with what we know. Proverbs 23:23. It’s only what we are willing to buy that can add value to us. If you are not willing to pay for a 2 bedroom house, you can’t have it. Church Gist. You can’t wish to lease a property that you are not willing to pay for. Whatever adds value to anyone’s life is a function of what he is willing to buy (to pay for). “Buy the truth and sell it not.”

Every truth of Scripture is a treasure of the Kingdom. Matthew 13:44-46…“my God, this is it!” So he goes all out to buy it. This is what I have been looking for all my life, he goes all out for it. Church Gist. The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of treasures, treasures of inestimable value. But it cannot speak until we buy it. It cannot add value to us until we buy it.

Every truth of Scripture is a divine secret that makes stars. Deuteronomy 29:29…but we can’t access this secret without positioning ourselves for it. Psalm 25:14. So it’s not about studying the Word and quoting Scriptures. It’s about having the right heart  to qualify for access to Heaven’s secrets. Church Gist. One secret brought Daniel to the limelight. You know the story. Daniel 2:19,46. The secret of God brought the star in Job out. Job 29:4. So God’s secret makes stars.

Also, we should know that every truth of Scripture is relevant for life but applicable to whosoever believes. 1 Peter 1:23, Psalm 119:89, Matthew 24:35, John 1:12. Every truth of Scripture is relevant for all time. No civilization can make the Word of God of no effect. No new generation syndrome can make the Word of God of no effect. Church Gist. You don’t line up, it shows. You line up, it will show. Pilate asked the question “what is truth?” Jesus answered him, “thy Word is truth.” John 17:17. God’s Word is truth. John 14:6. God’s Word is the truth. John 8:32.

The truth of the Word includes the wisdom of Scriptures. Wisdom is about knowing the right way to go and going there to experience what God said He will do. Knowing the right step to take and taking it to experience what God said He will do. It’s so important. Church Gist. Ecclesiastes 10:10. Wisdom offers directions on the way out of any unwanted situation into what we desire. Matthew 7:24.

So, the wisdom of Scriptures (putting the Word to work), it includes spiritual understanding of Scripture. Mathew 13:23, Acts 8:30-31. Church Gist. So you are guided through the kind of teaching you are having, you are guided through the things you are reading and then you are guided by the Holy Spirit to understand them and then, instructions of scriptures.

This generation hates instructions, Sir. They always want to express their view. Your views and my views are of no consequence to the Scriptures. They don’t fly. They can’t change it. ‘I don’t think soul winning is for everybody’. That’s what you think, that doesn’t change the truth. ‘I’m not a pastor’, then quit being a WSF (Winners Satellite Fellowship) minister. You are feeding the flock. Church Gist. What does a pastor do? Feed the flock like we were told in the last teaching. Instructions of scriptures. Proverbs 9:9. So, we will be under the instructions of scriptures for life. Proverbs 3:5-6. We will be under instruction till He comes. 1 Corinthians 13:12. We know in part, so, we keep knowing more and more so He can shine more and more. That’s the way it works.

But, it’s not enough to buy the truth, the treasure of the truth, we must go ahead trading such treasures by putting the Word to work as a lifestyle, trading. Matthew 25:16,17. Trading the treasure of the truth is what creates a future. Not keeping it in the napkin ‘When He comes, He’ll come and carry what He gave me’. Church Gist. Trading it is what enhances the value. Any treasure kept in your house will not add any value to you. Can you imagine someone keeping his money under his bed when dollar was 1 to 80? Are you following? What will be the worth of that money today? Nothing. ‘He went and traded’. Many (of you) have written so many treasures in your notes. Most of them are also in your heart, but you are not trading them. You just have a bank of it, but you are not trading them. Church Gist. They are kept in the napkin, they are not adding value. It’s time to come awake. Proverbs 23:23. Truth not traded, that is, not put to work, will turn to trash. It’s only a matter of time. That’s why the Word can be likened to a treasure chest of life.

A discovery of the Truth is what any level of investment will guarantee 10,000 percent interest returns. No match. He’s able to recover years. Someone lost his job 29 years ago, got it back. Church Gist. Another one, 20 years, he got it back. Someone barren for 18 years, He visited her. Someone ridden with cancer, set free. Unimaginable things by trading treasures of the scriptures.

So, we first labour in the Word to buy, gain access, discover the truth. But we also labour to trade, engage and put the truth to work. The 2 must go together, otherwise, nothing works.

– May this month be a month of trading the treasures of the Truth that have been revealed to us over the years.

You have documented them, they have not added value. Now, engage with them.

Soul winning is one of the foremost hidden treasures in the Kingdom. A saved soul is worth more than the wealth of the entire World put together in the sight of God. Matthew 16:26. That is to tell us the worth of a saved soul in the sight of God. Hidden treasure. Mathew 17:27. Church Gist. Eradicates shame and harassment, hidden treasure. They (the disciples) found a gold coin in the mouth (of the fish). There is always a coin in every fish caught. God is committed to paying for every fish you and I brought into the Kingdom. Get committed to it. Matthew 17:26-27…and you know we are fishers of men. Matthew 4:19. Nothing compares in value in stewardship like engagement in soul winning and soul abiding endeavours, nothing. 

When God honours a man, no devil can dishonour him.

– Before this month is over, each one will earn God’s honour.

Proverbs 14:28. 1 Samuel 2:30.

– No one will return empty.

– May every Sunday be a fruit bearing Sunday for each one of us in the name of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 6:33. I caught this jackpot of life. I saw my destiny tied to it. I saw my future tied to it and there are no private revelations in the  Scripture. Church Gist. Mark 13:37. ‘But seek ye first. I know there are many things calling for your attention, but seek ye first my Kingdom and watch how I will decorate your life’.

– It’s your turn to be decorated.

Now, pick this, very important. Delightsome obedience is the hardest of all currencies on Earth. Delightsome obedience to God and the instruction of His Word is the hardest currency on the face of the Earth with the highest purchasing power that secures the present, the future, posterity and eternity. Church Gist. Delightsome obedience secures the present. Psalm 112:1-2. When that happens, He times the coins on top of it, from Mark 10:28-30. ‘Whatever you invest into my Kingdom and for the Gospel, you have hundredfold returns and on top of it, eternal life’. So, obedience is the hardest of all currencies in the Kingdom, the hardest. All these ‘Forever prayers, forever fasting’ won’t change much about the story. Yes, we have to pray to access the light. Church Gist. We have to pray to receive grace to put the light to work, but begging God to change your story won’t change it. John 2:5. John 9:7. 2 Kings 5:10. Obedience!

I heard God say to me and I’ve said it to you before back in April 1984. He said ‘My son, there is a place for you on top if you are interested’. I said ‘Yes, Lord. I’m interested’. He said ‘Then whatever I tell you to do, do it’. Simple response, ‘Are you interested? Whatever I tell you to do, do it’. Are you interested in being on top? Then commit to turning many to righteousness. Church Gist. Are you interested in the honour that comes from God? Then commit to bringing in many more people into the Kingdom. Do you desire healthy living? Then commit to being an ambassador for Christ, reconciling the World back to God. Do you want to live in the realm of no lack? ‘Then be on the go for me, I’ll take care of you’. Very simple arithmetic.

– May the month of March be a month of new chapters for every one of us in the name of Jesus.

Whatever truth of the Word we will not buy into cannot add real value to our lives. Proverbs 13:11. All these ‘get rich in 10 minutes’ is the doorway to hell. Become a ‘millionaire in 10 seconds’ is an invitation to hell fire. ‘Whatever He tells you to do, do it’. Leave it to Him. Ecclesiastes 3:11. Don’t be tired of doing it and leave God to His Word.

– Thank you, Jesus.

I caught the treasure of Matthew 6:33 48 years ago, I am still trading it and it is still yielding returns. I caught the light of access to the voice of the Spirit 48 years ago, I am still hearing from God. I have been trading the covenant of abundance for 42 years back, it is still speaking today. Church Gist. Commit to trading the treasures of the Word at your disposal, it will secure your present, decorate your future, establish your posterity and secure for you eternal life. That is how wonderful it can be.

In conclusion, any truth we don’t receive and engage with will soon be lost. John 12:35-36. Work while the light is with you because after every daybreak comes a nightfall. Church Gist. Don’t let the nightfall on the truth before you respond to it, you may be looking for it and not find it any more. Don’t let it. I did something the other time on the lifespan of light, it is not forever. Any truth we don’t trade will soon be turned to trash, it is only a matter of time. To buy the truth simply implies to subscribe to the demands thereof. To trade the truth is to commit to putting it to work as a lifestyle.

Finally, we can always locate the reality of the truth through those who have proved it. Hebrews 6:12. Don’t be slothful. Look out for those who may have inherited what the Word says and line up with their steps, you get there. Jeremiah 6:16. “We will not walk in the ancient path,  we are smarter than that. It is a new generation.” He said, “Tell them I will bring evil upon them.” Church Gist. Studying the steps of those who are walking in the realm that you are looking forward to helps to reinforce your faith that this thing works. Hebrews 13:7. Whose faith follow considering the results that they command by putting the Word to work. It is your turn. You are stepping into the struggle free realm of life finally.

It is the gain we make, the results we obtain that secure God’s commendation.

As I reflected on my 55 short years of being in the faith. Here is my reflection: Get serious with God. Can I have you say “I must get serious with God.” For those who are on already, “I must stay serious with God.” The secret of men are in their stories. Get serious with God. Only a serious approach guarantees a glorious result. Get serious with God. Many believers today are part-time Christians but that never works. “Occupy till I come” that is the charge. Get serious with God, That is the only way to secure your glorious destiny. Christianity is a hobby to many.  Like children playing in the marketplace. Get serious with God. Don’t be deceived by activities. Get serious in your walk with God. Luke 7:31-33. Very few in the Kingdom see life as a race so they are not prepared for a prize. They just live their life to chance. Life in the Kingdom is a race. Only committed runners end up with a prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24. Life is a race, so run. Don’t watch. Don’t be a fan. Be very serious with God. Life is a race. Church Gist. Too many believers in the Church are too casual in their walk with God. Too casual. Well, you see… you know… It doesn’t make your life honourable. Judges 18:7. You saw how they invaded them and changed the name of that city? They wiped away their memory. They dwelt carelessly. Get serious with God. Zephaniah 2:15. Carelessly, no serious mindedness. Carelessness can be devastating, let’s get serious with God.

Many may not have had testimonies of the goodness of God in their lives because testimonies are essentially products of our obedience of faith. They are not free gifts. Whatever He tells you to do, do it and He confirms it. Go and they went and He was walking with them confirming the Word with signs following. Signs following don’t happen by you sitting down, it happens by you standing up to take responsibility. Let’s get serious with God. Luke 6:46. Young men, it is your season. 1 John 2:14. Get serious with God. From 16, I kept learning at the feet of Jesus and engaging with it. Church Gist. “It is good for a young man to bear his yoke in his youth. I caught that at the age of 16 and I prayed, “God let me bear my yoke while I am in my youth. So I won’t have to carry a burden when I am old.” No matter where you run to in the world, without a quality walk with God, you don’t have a future. The world is coming to a point where they have lost control of everything. Get serious with God.

Young men, make God your focus for living. No devil can tamper with your future. The elderly among us stay focused on God. We must occupy until he comes. Young men get serious with God. Church Gist. Old men stay serious with God. Philippians 3:13-14. It applied to everyone. It is not enough to get serious, it is important to stay serious with God. 🎶This is my story, this is my song. Praising thy Saviour all that day long.🎶

I read ‘The Purpose of Pentecost’ in one sitting. I didn’t stand up from start to finish till the voice of God came alive. I have been building my own spiritual library without knowing I was doing so since I was 20. Get serious with God. It will always speak tomorrow. Don’t be casual in your walk with God, get serious with God. Leaving your life to chance, you don’t have a chance. Don’t leave your life to chance or you don’t have a chance. Live your life to purpose. Proverbs 29:18. Going for God’s plan as your way of life. I was 22 when I heard, “My son, your future is not in your plan. Your future is in my plan.” I became sold out to His plan. Lord, I want only your plan in my life. His plan brought me into ministry, it is not my plan. I didn’t have a plan to come into ministry. Get serious with God. Church Gist. Jumping from frying pan to fire, it won’t help you. No matter the economy where a man that walks with God is, He will reveal Himself to him. 2 Chronicles 16:9. Maintain a perfect heart. We are all going to perfection but maintain a perfect heart. It is the way to perfection. Your story is changing. Lift your right hand and receive grace to get serious and remain serious in your walk with God.

Begin to take serious steps from now. Don’t just write it down or quote it. I wrote that vow the same day I saw the light, I only brought my wife into it on the 12th of September 1976. When I saw the beauty of Matthew 6:33. I entered into a covenant to make it my lifestyle 48 years ago. 48 years later, it is still speaking because I have remained serious with that insight engraced by God. Church Gist. Get serious with God. I saw everything I will ever need provided for in that scripture. You may ask God when you meet Him when I last made a demand on him for something that is material. He is a covenant-keeping God. Get serious with God.

When I saw “thou shall not borrow.” I entered into a covenant that same day, 4th of October 1981, never to borrow. Get serious with God. Church Gist. Don’t find truth and trash it, tie your life to it. It is for your decoration, your beautification, your glorification, it is your turn.

According to biblical prophecies, the days of distress of nations are fast closing in on this generation. Luke 21:25. There is a time to go after the rescue of men from destruction, it is now. Distress of nations, many things not working across the nations. Church Gist.  Nowhere to run to. It is the time to pull people out of the fire into the Kingdom. Jude 1:22-23. It applies to all nations, wherever we are represented. For all the mainline churches, we must mobilize the WSF platform for implementation of the following at this time:

–              To create a welfare platform that addresses food, clothing and schooling of children.

–              To introduce food banks and free clothing racks for children who are wearing rags, mothers and parents who don’t have dresses on their backs.

–              To commit to children who have been withdrawn from school for lack of how to keep them there and they are on the streets. Church Gist. God forbid they become eaten up by the wolves.

–              In these hard times, we are also going to introduce covenant employment platforms. We have had it before, a job matching platform where those who are looking for jobs and those who have jobs available across our churches can register their interest and then people are deployed to be tested based on skill and required experience.

I heard a very humbling testimony last week. A very humbling one. When we had that in the old church, one of the chairmen of these great companies said to me that the best engineer in their company today came out of that platform. Full of integrity and capacity. What he earns in that company is about 2000 times what he started with. We are here to be our brothers’ keepers. We want to be part of it. Some are praying to have young men full of integrity in their system and others are praying so hard to get a job in the same family. No! We want to address that. That is why many more great entrepreneurs will rise to provide a succour. Church Gist. God’s people must not beg. I have been young and I am old, I have never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging for bread. No one here shall be a beggar. Details of this will be communicated to us in our various places. It is a serious business. When God introduces the Kingdom Care Covenant, it is supposed to be a holistic platform where we are able to minister to the needs of the people as they arise.

–              That includes transportation of worshippers including new converts and our contacts who don’t have the means to come on their own.

We trust God that this shall be a new dawn for every one of us. It is your turn. As you commit to caring for others, God shall take care of you. Church Gist. None of our children will be left out of school, they shall all be taken care of. They shall not become vagabonds, they will not be street boys or street girls.

Proverbs 28:17. Nothing is wasted in Kingdom advancement endeavours. As we open the food banks in our locations after the system has been set in place, if you have little modu of life, bring it there. Many have stopped bearing children but they have children’s materials stored in their houses to be inherited by who? Bring them out. Those who don’t have dresses on their backs can be supplied. There shall be no hungry person in this Church. Church Gist. No one will be allowed to go to bed hungry. No one will be caught stealing food. Together we are going to see the heavens come down. God will always respond when people are responding to the things that He says to do.

That is what gave the early Church their grounding. There was none of them that lacked. Everyone’s need was supplied for. Church Gist. No matter the heat in this world, members of the Winners Family shall be protected and through us many others shall be covered.

2 Samuel 7:10. We serve a God of definitions not probabilities. Get to know where you belong! If God has chosen this Place for you, abide here oo. Don’t be a wandering star. Abide there!! Your divinely appointed place is your place of security, your dignity, your honour, your prosperity. Abide there! “This is the Place,” He said to me when we came! See the beauty that followed. Church Gist. We had enough reasons not to come, it didn’t link up with anything that we claim to know, we know in part. He said to Abraham, take Isaac to a place I will show you. It took him three days to get there. He would have wasted Isaac if he stopped somewhere else. Genesis 22:4. He would have wasted Isaac and terminated the covenant but he walked through those three days as an old man to get there.

Mind your place in God. Deuteronomy 12:13-14. Mind your place in God. Proverbs 27:8. One of my sons shared a testimony, a very humbling one. He was coming to Church someday and then somebody brushed his car and he said: ‘No! I think I’m done, this Place is too far’! So things began to go down. He said: ‘What was happening’? He (God) said: ‘Go back to your root’! He came back and things turned like… the Heaven opened! Church Gist. The Heaven just opened wide! satan wants you shifted from your place, you better hold it fast my friend! Hold it fast!! I’m speaking to someone here today, hold it fast! ‘Situation is so tough, I can’t make it any more’. Okay! devil is looking for you! He won’t find occasion against you! When trouble hits, you run to people who can save you. Run to Jesus! Don’t run away from Him! Mind your God-appointed place.

-You will not be afflicted anymore!

He’s about just delivering your own desire, don’t step out of order. Thank You, Jesus!


-Lord, I pray today! That every grace You have granted me access to. Be freely delivered to these workmen, freely delivered to these workwomen. Let everyone here begin to flow under the same grace. Church Gist. Let the passion for Your Kingdom keep burning in the life of everyone. Move each one to the Fortune agenda you have for 2024. Let this month be the most serious month in our walk with you. Let no one miss their own target this time! In the name of Jesus!

-Now, I pray for grace over all our WSF ministers, grace to be a Kingdom carer of the flock! Receive it! Grace to be an example to the flock! Receive it! Grace to see the Cell grow and replicate, receive it! In the name of Jesus! Church Gist. This month of resurrection shall be a month of new beginning for you, a month of new beginning for every Cell, in the name of Jesus Christ! So shall it be!

How many believe that God is not a respecter of persons?

-Whatever answer to me in God by doing the things He enables me to do. Having prayed this over you and you choose to have it, begins to happen in your life!

-You will never know lack anymore in life. You will never suffer oppression of the devil anymore in life. Church Gist. Access to divine secrets is declared to you. I pray for grace to remain faithful! Receive it in the name of Jesus! And so shall it be!


We are in our resurrection month! Easter 2024 comes up at the end of this month. Therefore in partnership with the passion of Christ on the Cross and His resurrection that came along, we shall be engaging in active partnership with Christ to see all men drawn to Him. Church Gist. Therefore, the next two Saturdays, that is 9th March and 16th March 2024, we shall be embarking on corporate outreaches across our Churches worldwide. Details will be communicated to us. John 12:32. We shall receive details today across our Churches on what to look at as modalities for it in the name of Jesus! Thank You, Jesus!

Now, why do we sing songs? Why do we sing hymns in Church? We saw it has been reintroduced to our services right now. Why do we do that? 1 Peter 3:15. Matthew 26:30. Jesus and His disciples sang hymns. He’s our perfect example, if He did it, then we have that instruction by His example to do the same. Ephesians 5:19. Colossians 3:16. Church Gist. Remember, we are building upon the foundations of the Apostles, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone. Ephesians 2:20. If Jesus did it, the Apostles did it, then we have the instruction to do it. So, we are speaking to ourselves in hymns. Praise God!

Very importantly, the last but not the least. Why monthly thanksgiving service? We are commanded to respond quickly to the goodness of God in our lives. Jeremiah 13:15-17. God delivers new things every month to His people. Church Gist. You’ll say ‘what?’ No man is born in two months apart. So, every month has somebody’s birthday in it. Somebody’s past birthday is in it, somebody’s children’s birthday is in it. We are responding to the gift of life by giving God thanks. Can I hear your Amen?

We must not assume the blessings of God, we must remember and recount the blessings. Forget not all His benefits. Therefore, there can be no month without thanksgiving in your life. Church Gist. You slept, you awoke because He sustained you. For the gift of life, you owe Him thanks. Don’t come and say, “I don’t have anything to thank God for today”, you’re running dry, your life. Every last Sunday of the month, under any condition shall remain our thanksgiving service day. Church Gist. We have an understanding that you owe God thanks and I owe God thanks.

– no one’s life shall be cut short!

Your child is one year today, give God thanks. Amen? Your marriage is one year today, give God thanks. Church Gist. Your spouse’s birthday is today, give God thanks. So, we owe God thanks on monthly basis. Revelations 22:2.

Can I have you say with me, “I owe God thanks on monthly basis”. Why? Life is a gift. Let all that have breath, do what? Praise the Lord. Everybody owes God thanks. Church Gist. So, anytime you come into Church in the last Sunday of the month, come with a heart of gratitude, “I thank you again for sustaining the breath in my nostrils. I thank You for the gift of life. I thank You”. Just come in with a heart of gratitude. There’s something about you every month, watch out for it. Church Gist. There’s something about you, God’s grace speaking in your life every month, watch out for it.

– stand to your feet.

– somebody blessed today, give the Lord the biggest hand of praise.

We have Scriptural reasons behind the things we do. Church Gist. When your life is guided by Scripture, you secure a good future.

– There shall be no more thankless month in your life.

Can I tell you what to do? Always put one or two things down for which you’re thanking God at the end of the month’s thanksgiving service. Put it down. Church Gist. If you’re writing in an envelope, write it behind it, “I thank You for the gift of life”. Psalm 3:5. “I thank You for sustaining my breath” Psalm 150:6. “I thank You for protection”. No one can protect you like God. Amen? No one can protect me like God. We owe God thanks. Look away from what you don’t see, celebrate Him for what you see. Church Gist. You have seen far more than what you have not seen.

– lift up your two hands, give God thanks.


No one runs dry with thanksgiving, no one gets stranded with thanksgiving. No one remains at the same spot with thanksgiving.  I thank You, Jesus. In Jesus’ precious name we have prayed.

Now, go in peace!

– every Cell receives new fire!

– all of our components outreaches this month experiences massive influx of souls!

– every invitee to any of our Churches this month will find Christ!

– every challenged one will return with testimonies!

– every member that is being challenged now will become victorious

– this resurrection month, everyone is coming out of the grave

– every Winner is coming out of the grave!

– every Winner is coming to the limelight in the name of Jesus Christ!

– although nothing may seem to be working right now but as you keep celebrating Him and keep pursuing after Him, He will turn your story around!

– it’s your month of going to high places in Jesus’ name.

– every ministry throughout this month is declared blessed.

– every minister in the WCF is declared blessed!

– every house provider is declared blessed in the name of Jesus Christ!

– by the end of this month, we will have more than enough to give glory to God for in Jesus’ precious name.

– whatever your target may be for the month, I declare it delivered!

– everyone that subscribes to this Kingdom care agenda, it is your year of going forward!

– everything you do to help somebody else will lift you up further in Jesus’ precious name.

– it is done!







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