-Dr Jamal Bryant
IGOC 2021, KICC, Prayer City, UK
Day 3
Praise the Lord!
We are live in Atlanta Georgia and we are glad to be a part of the largest Christian Conference in Europe. We are so grateful to our honourable host, Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo. We thank you so very much, you are a General of the Gospel. You invited me to come and preach when I was just starting as a young preacher and I knew I have arrived because you heard me preach in that Conference, in that stadium with thousands of people with Bishop Eddie Long. I had no idea years later that God will bring me back to this same place. So when you talk about God’s extraordinary works, I know that God is going to do it. Thank you for your prophetic and apostolic insight to make that connection and to know what God was doing in the future.
Matthew 2:1
I want to talk tonight about God’s bakery. The global Olympic Games dates back to 1896 which was held in Athens Greece with 14 nations in attendance in the inaugural events, since then it’s been held in different countries around the world. Church Gist. Every two years, Cities around the world compete for the chance just to be able to be the host. The selection is usually made seven years before the game. Before the game even starts, the City is chosen 7 years prior. The International Olympic Committee bases its decision on who will host the Olympics; accommodation, a great crowd of journalists and others. A proper accomodation is a requirement, that cannot be compromised. The city must have an efficient transportation infrastructure that is organized to avoid delays since the Olympic Games are on a very strict schedule.
Also, there has to be ample security that will prevent any terroristic attacks on the athletes who have come from around the world. They must have all the venues necessary, they have to be up to date and build a high standard.
The question I’ve got to ask you is; if it is that rigorous to host the Olympics, I can only imagine what was the determining factor Yahweh used to determine what city Jesus would be born in. Why not host Him in the Holy City of Jerusalem?
In Luke chapter 1, an angel of the Lord visited Mary and announced that the Lord was with her and she shall bring forth a son and shall call His name Jesus. Church Gist. This evening, I want you to lay hands on yourself and make a declaration: “The Lord is with me”.
Mary travelled with her fiancé Joseph to a little place called Bethlehem. Mary was not living in Bethlehem but she had to end up in Bethlehem which is 80 miles from where she got the visitation. I want to ask you; how far are you from your call? something very critical that I need you to meditate on tonight – where God calls you is not necessarily where you will be delivered.
Micah 5:2
Why would Yahweh choose Bethlehem? He had to choose Bethlehem because God needed to model that He can shift the unimportant to the relevant. Before this moment, nobody paid attention to Bethlehem until Jesus was born there. The reason why I’m telling you that is because I don’t want you at this tick of the watch to confuse size with significance.
A lot of Preachers have called me around the world asking me, how do they do ministry when they’re not in a mega church? And I said to them as I am saying to you tonight as a reminder that Martin Luther King Jr. never pastored more than 300 people. Whatever City he was in, he was never in the lead Church but he was a 300- member pastor that changed the world. Don’t let your size confuse your significance. God chose an unlikely girl and a young man to usher in catastrophic significance.
Many of you are looking at your résumés as qualifiers for your assignment. Mary did nothing great but she was available. Joseph did nothing great but he crucified his ego. Many of you will never partner to birth something great because you can’t do either. Can you be a part of something in which you get no credit? Church Gist. Can you boost something that is not yours. Will you allow something to flow through you that will not be attached to you?
It is amazing that God chooses a fourteen year old girl whose parents are so non-described, that their pedigree is never mentioned. God is looking in this season for Bethlehemites, people who do not have the name, don’t have the background, pedigree but they are available to be used by God.
I believe I’m talking to somebody who doesn’t even understand that what makes me significant is that God added extra to my ordinary. The reason why people can’t figure out who is it that I am, because without Him, I am nothing. But when God steps into my life, everything around me shifts and that’s why a lot of people have problems with me, it because they can’t get pass my normalcy. They are irritated that I am regular, they don’t understand that I am just a Bethlehemites.
No General had ever come out of Bethlehem, no ruling Governor had ever come out of Bethlehem, but God used a nondescript place and use nondescript people to bring something into the world that will shift everything.
I don’t want you to be confused and think that the very first time that we find Bethlehem was when Jesus was born. Church Gist. The first time we find Bethlehem is in Genesis 35. Because of the unrelenting power of the Holy Ghost, there is nobody who can take your anointing. Whatever it is that God has for you, it doesn’t matter what the say, the traps they set up, the rumours they spread, it will be of no effect because what God has for you, it is for you.
- In the middle of the global pandemic, you will not die until you deliver. Everything that is in you, I don’t care how bumpy the road is, I speak over your life, you shall not die but you shall live to see the glory of the Lord. You’ve got to live to deliver
The next time we find Bethlehem, we saw that Bethlehem is the home town of a guy by the name Boaz. Church Gist. A drought had taken place in Bethlehem that is inordinate because people are dieing everywhere and yet Boaz has fields that are ripe. While other people are filing bankruptcy, Boaz is prospering in the middle of the drought. As a matter of fact, Boaz was given a nickname, the Kinsman redeemer (a family member in ancient times who could redeem or buy back family members who are in slavery). He was also a solution to his family
Elimelech is from Bethlehem but dies. His two sons are from Bethlehem, but dies. Why because they don’t have Boaz’s knowing. There are people who have confused their relationship with you, who think that because they know you from where you are from, they got the right to handle you in any kind of way. There is something special and unique that is upon your life.
Bethlehem means house of bread, Jesus was born in the house of bread. Bread is necessary for survival. God’s provision is always strength in bread; bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more.
John 6:35
Bread is not bread unless it goes in fire. I want you to know that whatever fire you’ve been in, it was a part of your process for you to develop into your call.
Matthew 14:18-19
Jesus took the bread, He blesses it, He thank God for it and He breaks it. He never touched the fish, He broke the bread but let the fish stay in place. The reason that’s important is because the bread is where He is from. So He says, I got to stop the sprit of poverty that is hovering where I live. It is not just about feeding people but whoever is connected to Me, who has been living in lack or want; I am breaking it in this season.
I got to show this evidence that after they had finished eating, He told them to collect the bread, never collect the fish because the fish will not be able to sustain you.
Lift up your hands.
Some many people have become sick of church because they are choking on stale bread. The bread from yesterday is not the bread for today. How many of you believe that fresh bread is coming? I want to pray for you tonight that you will receive His daily bread.
There are 54 citations of Bethlehem in the Bible and there is not one of those 54, can I ever find one instance of bread being purchased; the house where bread resides and I can’t find anybody buying bread. Why because they were raising bread. What God has for is not for sale. What God has for cannot be bought, minimized or rebated, it is too valuable a price for you to put on the call on your life. I want to challenge you, there is a drought in Bethlehem but Boaz was still planting. No rain but Boaz was still sowing. God is raising up marketplace millionaires in the body of Christ and He wants to bless you too.