I love these quotes:
Don’t fear for the future, God is already there.
Billy Graham says, I have read the last page of the Bible and everything works out in the end.
And I guess the bottom line is if you just want to think “you know I am going to have problems all my life and I don’t know if they would ever go away.” The good news is some day you’re going to be in heaven and you’re going to live with Him for eternity. So we would all like for our problems to go away but you know if they don’t we still have a pretty good future looking at us.
Stop worrying about what can go wrong and get excited about what can go right. Worry doesn’t empty tomorrow of its troubles but it empties today of its strength. If you think too much you would create a problem that was never there to start with. If you fill your head with worries, there wouldn’t be room for anything else. When you worry you use your imagination to create something that you don’t want.
First of all, it is totally useless. Worrying about a problem never changes it. All it does is make you miserable while you wait. Worry is more exhausting than a full day’s work.
You can spend a full day worrying and being stressed out over problems trying to figure out what you should do and especially if you had a full conversation talking about it. You can just be wiped out and exhausted and all that time that you put in did no good at all.
Worry is ‘dis-ease’ but it can create disease. Worry steals our joy. Worry is the opposite of trusting joy. Your time is to important to waste it worrying. And you may not like this one Romans 14:23, it’s a sin. Well where does the bible say that worry is a sin? Well, it says that whatever is not of faith is sin. So unless you can tell me that you are worrying by faith, then I think we might have to change our theme a little bit.
I have thought as a Bible teacher, you know, I deal with making an attempt not to worry when I have problems so I want to be sure that I tell people something’s going to work in their lives. So some times when you teach people, you tell people don’t worry, you almost feel like you’re teaching them something useless. So I have looked for ways to tell people why they shouldn’t worry. And I think that one of the things that has really helped me and I think that it should help you is just ‘remember it just doesn’t fix anything’.
I mean it just does not solve anything at all. And there really is a certain amount of pride involved in it because it really is us thinking that we can solve our own problems. I am not saying that you don’t think about the things going on in your life. I believe that we need to ponder things before the Lord. There is a difference in pondering something before the Lord and actually worrying about it.
Don’t let your heart be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also in Him. Believe that when you pray your answer is on the way. When I pray my answer is on the way. I love this scripture, Mark 11:24 “For this reason I am telling you whatever you ask for in prayer believe that it is granted to you and you will get it”.
First you believe, then you receive. And I don’t know, but it would be nice for me to believe for five minutes and then I would receive. Maybe I can handle that, but what if you had to be steadfast for five years or ten years? Well that’s when it gets challenging.
When you’re believing God and you can clearly see the promise in the Word but it’s just not happening for you yet, that’s when we have to remember that the bible says that we inherit the promises of God by faith and patience, not just faith.