Monday Motivation Pastor Michael Akor

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It is possible to have ears and not hear neither perceive what God is doing in your life.
A lot of us make decisions based on our skills. You need one who can exist forever knowing the end from the beginning and can tell you where to go. He (God) speaks to every/any situation and they respond.

Access to the voice of God is one of the valuable assets a child of God can have. There are so many voices on the face of the Earth. Everything is trying to catch your attention. Which voice will you listen to? The voice you listen to determines your destination.You can never get to a place where you outgrow God’s voice! Can you hear anything God is saying about you?

An ear that hears should be a desperate prayer of every believer. Hebrews 5:7, 1 Kings 13:4
People are there and will always be there to give you visions that God never gave to you. It’s not everybody that gives you advice that gives you good advice. You’ll end up paying for it.

God is always speaking, but the question is, “Can you hear Him?. Like a sheep who don’t have any defence mechanism its safety is in the voice of its shepherd, he needs the shepherd to guide and give instructions per time, it’s the same way we are with God.

We need to hear His voice for our safety and progress in life, anyone who cannot hear the voice of God will certainly be heading for destruction. There is a way that seems right but the end thereof is destruction. Let God lead you by His Spirit even as He speaks to you.

The Holy Spirit takes from the Father and gives to you. If it’s not revealed to you, you’ll walk in darkness. Listen to Him. He is a complete package!! If you’re on a particular thing and haven’t heard anything from God, stay there until you hear something. Stay there!! Your greatest advantage and best friend is The Holy Spirit. Human reasoning can take us off. Do you have an ear that hears? Your safety is in HIS voice.


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