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Wao! It’s fourteen years already and still seems like just yesterday. God has been awesomely faithful to us and we are grateful to Him.

Obim (my heart), you saw the raw me fifteen years ago when nothing but my vision and sense of pursuit were the only credentials I had. You agreed to come on this journey with me when the road seemed rough and uncertain. You shut your eyes and turned deaf ears to all those who tried to stop you from saying yes to me due to how I was and the many controversies around my life that time that people didn’t know the full details. You went with me to the one room I subleased from someone’s apartment in Mararaba after our wedding without complaints. I remember the days we had to jump on one motorcycle just to get by. I remember how we struggled to catch a bus each morning from Mararaba in Nasarawa to Area one in Abuja. I remember how we laughed through every phase of our lives journey. We have prayed, fasted, laughed and cried together. You were ready to leave a comfortable life we had in Enugu to an uncertain journey with me to the world through Owerri.

I just want to say thank you for believing in me!
I just want to say thank you for saying yes to me!
I just want to say thank you for being my wife!
I just want to say thank you for being the mother of my children.
I just want to say thank you for remaining steadfast in the journey thus far!
You are simply the best!
I love you now and always!
The Lord shall keep us alive and strong to celebrate fifty years and more together in Jesus name.

Don’t bother calling me today o! Just dey your dey!We are on a ‘retreat’

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