- Everyone is ordained for a supernatural change of story this year.
- Your own change of story will not be lost to carelessness.
- Stop counting years, start counting obedience!
Thank God for the Word if anything came across to you. Give God thanks for it. Give God thanks for the opportunity given to you and me to partner with Jesus in this ongoing revival. Thank God for the opportunity, thank God for grace to match!!! In Jesus precious name we have prayed.
God has not asked the seed of Jacob to seek Him in vain – Isaiah 45:19
Serving God is His platform for unleashing His blessings on our lives.
-May no one’s life be dry of God’s blessings.
-I pray that God’s blessings will continue to make a difference in your life.
Exodus 23:25
Thou shall serve, He shall bless.
Thou shall serve, He shall take sickness away from you.
Exodus 23:26
What a package
Job 36:11
I love the reference of that first Testifier, “stop counting years, start counting obedience.”
Stop counting years: “I have been in the Faith now for the past 40 years” – well done.
But He was obedient unto death even death of the cross, wherefore God has supernaturally changed His story – Philippians 2:8
Our change of story anchors on our obedience, not our experience, not our age, but on our obedience.
-My prayer is that no one here will sell his birthright for a morsel of meat.
Woe unto them that are at ease in Zion.
“I can only go at my pace.”
“I can’t. Tell somebody to come to Church? What for? Am I a Pastor? I’m not a Cell Minister.”
“All this pressure. I don’t like it. I hate pressure.”
He that liveth pleasure shall be a poor man. He that loves wine and oil shall not be rich. It is Scriptures. The Word of God!
You don’t feel like going to work to go Today, you don’t feel Tomorrow, you will feed on Oxygen, Nitrogen. It is free. You will be feeding… You don’t have to feel.
It is raining: you went. Thunder is striking, you are dodging, on your way.
Your car broke down, you jump on Okada: to get to work, because you won’t get paid, no matter your feeling, if you don’t get to work. This is how it plays out.
May we receive grace for unyielding obedience, sustainable obedience, obedience to the full and to the end in the name of Jesus.
Everyone is ordained for a supernatural change of story this year.
-Your own change of story will not be lost to carelessness.
-Our own change of story as a family, in our respective household shall not be lost to carelessness.
We have our WSF tomorrow, what role are you playing? What part are you playing to see the growth of the Cell, the Replication of the same?
Sunday is coming, there is free transportation: what role are you playing in bringing your invitees to Church, your new converts to Church?
Somebody was driving 30 minutes to give money to get him to come. You don’t need to give money to anybody, they can join at any point and come to Church for free.
What role are you playing?
What an opportunity for a change of story.
Take that grace from God. This week must be a week with a difference in my life. I am going to pray all my new converts to ensure they are in God’s presence for their change of story. I am going to go after my invitees to be sure they respond. I am going to be part of those who are bringing multitudes into the Kingdom so He can honour me back in return. Pray that prayer over your life.
Thank You Jesus. It is done and it is done forever. Blessed be Your name, in Jesus precious name.
Full scale engagement for one week is worth 10 years of hanging around in Church doing nothing. Full scale engagement for 1 month can be worth much more than 10 years of hanging around a Church doing nothing.
Genesis 8:22
You can wait and wait. You can’t wait and generate harvest without seed. The tiniest seed when sown grows up and throws out great branches. When not sown, it remains a decorative material on the shelf. Church Gist. Everybody’s story in this Commission is ordained for a dramatic change of story. Everybody! It is our year of Supernatural Turnaround.
-You will not miss your package.
Obedience is what triggers a Turnaround.
“Whatever He tells you to do, do it” – John 2:5
Now you have sweeter wine: all the pots were filled with wine, by obedience. It is your portion.
-Everything must answer in your favour this year in the name of Jesus.
Next Sunday is our Covenant Day of Restoration.
-All that you may have lost, all that your converts may have lost, all that your invitees may have lost shall be delivered for free.
Fliers: Ask the breath of the Holy Ghost upon these materials. Many have gone forth, many more are going forth. None shall return empty. They shall produce fruits. They are spiritual seeds and they shall produce fruits in the name of Jesus Christ. So shall it be.
Go in peace. Speak to your day, whatever you say, you will find.
This day must answer to you favourably in all dimensions.