Give glory to God this morning. From the depth of your heart give quality thanks to God this morning. Celebrate Him for He is worthy of all the praise and all the glory.
Father we have come to thank You for all you have done, the testimonies are mighty evidences in our midst. We give you all the glory. This morning our eyes are upon you, we ask that you speak to us again and let your word transform us, in Jesus precious name we have prayed.
Our line of exhortation in our Covenant Hour of Prayer this week is captioned: WE DO NOT BEG FOR A TURNAROUND IN THE KINGDOM.
We have established from scriptures that we serve a covenant keeping God not a Father Christmas God
Psalms 89:34
That simply means that God operates based on covenant demands.
Hebrews 6:16-18
From this scripture we deduce that a covenant is a spiritual deal between God and man. This deal is based on very clear terms and is sealed by an oath. Church Gist. That simply means that the integrity of God is behind the covenant of God, when a man meets the conditions of the covenant, the integrity of God is committed to deliver it’s part. That is why our God is not a Father Christmas God, He does not operate by emotional movements, he operates by covenant engagements. It is those that engage themselves in covenant demand, that commit the hand of God to move on their behalf.
It is important for us to understand that you don’t beg God to move God, you engage with God to move God. You serve God to move God, your crying cannot secure the attention of God without engaging the covenant. God does not respond to emotions, God responds to engagement. That is why our stewardship must be well understood as a critical tool for engaging the hand of God on our behalf.
It is important that we understand this morning that begging does not work in the kingdom, it is serving that works in the kingdom. Church Gist. If things are going to turn on your behalf it is not because you have begged God, it is because you have served God.
Our commitment to serving God is the key to commanding our supernatural turnarounds.
Specifically, this morning we want to look at how we provoke turnaround in specific areas of our lives.
First of all let us take note of this – we do not beg to be honoured, we serve our way to honour. If honour is the target, begging is not the channel.
John 12:24-26
Honour does not go to everyone, it goes to him that serves. Church Gist. If Honour is the target then service is the channel. For anyone to secure the honour of God, service is the channel.
John 5:44
There is a type of honour that only God can give and you agree with me that when God honours you, man cannot dishonour you. The Honour of God is permanent it cannot be removed by the intentions of men.
- For someone here today, I see the honour of God locating you in this season.
Proverbs 14:28
Anyone who is a part of gathering the people to Him is bringing honour to Him and 1 Samuel 2:30 says “he that honours me, I will honour”. Church Gist. You can’t be bringing honour to God by partaking in advancing His kingdom and not be honoured. When the honour of God rest upon a man, that individual will become a wonder to behold.
- I pray that for you in this season you will serve your way into divine honour.
1 Timothy 5:17
It is our labour that secures honour and we can go from single honour to double honour.
- Somebody here you may have started tasting the honour of God but you are going to start tasting the double honour of God.
Secondly, we don’t beg for breakthroughs, we serve our way into breakthroughs.
Luke 5:1-8
Peter after toiling all night with no result got a breakthrough because he served Jesus with his boat.
I like us to understand this morning that when it comes to our divine breakthrough it is not by begging, it’s by serving. Peter was not begging “Master see how we have suffered”, No he simply offered his boat as an instrument of service and God multiplied him – breakthrough without suffering and crying.
- For somebody here, your tears are coming to an end.
Isaiah 45:1-3
When you look at this scripture you wonder what did Cyrus do that will position him for this kind of blessing and when you get to verse 13 and see what the Bible tells us. Church Gist. Cyrus entered breakthroughs because his heart was after service.
When serving God becomes your priority, breakthrough becomes your identity.
Lord, I receive grace from you this morning to serve you as a lifestyle. Let that grace be made available, receive that grace this morning in Jesus precious name we have prayed.
Take note of this as we conclude this morning: God is not looking for who to stress He is looking for who to make whole. Church Gist. As you keep serving Him, He will keep perfecting all that concerns you including your health, you will never be a victim of sickness again.
So that means that you and I have a responsibility to keep racing after God’s agenda – reaching out to souls, following after our converts, seeing to them been gathered in His Church. Church Gist. As you are doing that in secret God keeps rewarding you openly.
- You shall be rewarded openly in the Mighty name of Jesus
Speak to this Day
Pray and Speak to the Day with confidence within you right now.
Now thank Him from the depth of your heart.
- For you this day is blessed. All through the day there will be no regrets
- It shall be a productive day, it shall be a day of favour on all sides.
- The benefits of this day will not miss you.
Thank you Jesus.