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Hi Saints,
Would you be kind to pray for me for about 30 minutes – 1 hour, declaring God’s word over my life & family ?
On the 27th of August ?

  1. Thanksgiving . Please offer to God hearthfelt Thanksgiving on my behalf. For the salvation of my soul. For His grace and mercy in my life. For keeping me, my family and loved ones and for the things He has done and still doing through me. Psalm 92:1-4
  2. Pray that I be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and increase in spiritual understanding. Walk worthy of the Lord, pleasing Him and fruitful in every good work. Colossians 1:9-13
  3. Pray that I stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. In other words, that no aspect of God’s will for my life will go unfulfilled. Col 4:12
  4. Pray that I increase in wisdom, stature and in favour with God and Man. Ask for Wisdom to properly steward every area of my life such that no one area suffers.
  5. Pray that my one desire would always be to know HIM. To seek and enquire in His temple, beholding the beauty of His presence. (Phil 3:10, psalm 27:4)That His fire will never go out in my life. Ask for fresh oil and unction.
  6. Pray that the Spirit of God that inspires Man (Job 32:8), will blow afresh on me, causing a new sound to flow through me. That sounds of heaven, and the word of the Lord will never be lacking in my mouth.
  7. Pray that I’m delivered from evil. And that as I go from place to place, His anointed shall not be touched. And No weapon formed against me will prosper, every tongue rising against me be condemned. Also declare that the enemy shall not exact upon me, neither shall the son of wickedness afflict me. Psalm 89:22, Isaiah 54:17, Psalm 105:13-15
  8. Declare that this new year marks a new level of GRACE in my life. That it shall be one of Grace upon Grace. John 1:16 AMP.
  9. Declare that I enjoy the blessing of long life. Pray that my health shall not fail. And that God renews my youth like the eagle’s. Psalm 91:16, Isaiah 40:31.
  10. Declare that The one who keeps us from falling, keeps and helps me walk before Him in Holiness and humility of heart. Jude 1:24

I’m grateful saints !



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