From a dear sister from
AKWA Ibom State
She said on the 30th when Mummy D Ministered, it was a remarkable service of dancing and rejoicing before the Lord. Then Mummy gave prophetic instructions that it should be done throughout the day. So after the morning session, she went to the clinic to check her BP, and it was still very high, at 150/100. She got worried and said God, this ought to have been over, she has danced and rejoiced in your presence. while she repeated this, she heard Mummy Ds voice in her heart, that said look, you have received a garment of praise for all forms of mourning, so put in that garment.
She said she consistently rejoiced throughout the day, she did this for a couple of hours, then went back for her test. Behold, there was already a turnaround, as soon as she stepped on that machine, she tested and her Blood pressure normalized. She was asked how she did it, and she told them she has on her the garment of praise that brought her healing.