For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?
Luke 14:28
According to Bishop David Abioye, nothing lasts beyond the level of preparation even with God. Preparation is the womb where greatness is prepared and anyone can predict their future by their level of preparation today. If you want to see a good future, prepare for it. The choice between being a ruler or a servant is made by levels of preparation”.
Big Wahala for who no get plans for 2021. Double wahala for person when no surrender him plans to God. December is here, and within a few weeks, we will be ushering in another year. Christians have been given the greatest reason for living in the world. Yet, we so often live as the most directionless people. Many of us live without any contemplation about the direction God wants us to go in life or how He intends to help us get there. 2020 is almost coming to an end and it is paramount to start planning for the new year. This does not mean giving up on this year because a lot can still happen but while you are working to make the best of the remaining days of the year, it is also important to start making plans for next year.
Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Preparation is important for manifestation. At the beginning of every year, it has become a tradition for people to write the goals they want to achieve and swing into action towards achieving them. It is very important to have goals and also scriptural to write them down. Habbakkuk 2:2, but more importantly it is very necessary to pray to receive further instructions from God concerning the goals written. Proverbs 16:25, Proverbs 14:12 and to trust God for direction. Proverbs 3:5. None of us desire to be stagnant or to backslide. If we have learnt anything at all this year, it is the fact that man proposes, God disposes. 2020 came with several uncertainties that somehow, changed plans towards fulfilment of goals. This is a clear indication that God is the ultimate, a proof that we must always carry Him along with our plans. There were believers who testified that this year was their best year, despite the circumstances that surrounded the year. A believer does not plan the same way an unbeliever does. We have a supreme God who rules over the affairs of men. He is our guide and we must acknowledge Him and seek His ways.
In preparing for the new year, one of the best things to do is a deep reflection of everything that has happened in the last 12 months, be thankful, discuss the goals you have been able to achieve and the ones you have not, look into what you did right and the mistakes you made, and prayerfully consider the next steps to be taken. Ask yourself these questions..
How was my level of commitment to God?
What did I do that most contribute to my successes and failures?
What should I continue doing and what should I stop doing?
Who were the people worthy of my time and effort?
With whom did I spend time where I received no value?
In what ways did I not measure up to my potential?
What will I most fondly remember about 2020?
What are the areas I need to improve?
Who have I hurt and how can I rectify the situation?
Who and what are truly important and worthy of my dedicated attention in 2021?
A proper reflection will help you make certain decisions towards 2021. There are several aspects of life that we need to prepare for. Planning for these aspects of life makes an accomplished individual.
1) Spiritual Aspect. Psalms 127:1
This is the most important aspect of life to be taken seriously, as we all know that the spiritual controls the physical. We cannot achieve anything without God. The mistake that needs to be corrected by believers is telling God what we want instead of asking Him what He wants us to do for Him. It should be the other way, because we have a better success rate of meeting our goals that way. No one should ever feel like they have arrived when it comes to spiritual growth. We keep growing and growing in Him and a new year implies striving to be better. We cannot leave God out of our goals, else they will fail. We need step by step instructions on how to achieve them from Him. Your commitment to the things of God determines to a large extent, your level of achievement. In the new year, your spiritual life should be far better. It could be striving to read the Bible more, praying and fasting regularly and recurrently as it is written in I Thessalonians 5:17, winning more souls for God, serving God faithfully and steadfastly in your local church, giving more to the things of God, observing more quiet time, following the right people and growing with them etc.
Whatever it is, take it seriously. Do not put God in a box. Let him know your hopes and dreams and have faith in His Word. These questions can serve as guide to preparing:
How much time do you want to spend in your quiet time with God this year?
What is God’s word for you this year?
What spiritual disciplines do you need to focus on?
Who can I learn from or grow with?
What aspect of your spiritual life do you need to take very seriously?
What other books should you read?
2) Financial Aspect
He who is faithful in little is faithful in much. Luke 16:10. Preparing for the new year financially involves making it a priority to be good stewards over what God has given us. When we take the time to tell our money where to go, we don’t have to wonder where it went. This can be achieved by preparing a budget and keeping a proper record of financial activities. First of all, evaluate the successes and mistakes you made with your finances. One of the keys to financial freedom is giving and investment. When you give to God, you can never be stranded. When you also give to people, it comes back to you in multiple fold. Luke 6:38. Also, make plans to save and invest. Review the things that money is being spent on, invest in yourself so that you can give value,
Ask yourself these questions to help prepare:
How do you plan on increasing income and cutting expenses?
What are the areas that you can cut back, cut out, or in some cases add in?
What is your saving and investment plan?
What tracking method will you use to track your income and expenses?
3) Mental Aspect
How mentally prepared are you for the new year? Your mind is a powerful place. It is the seat of beliefs and where actions stem from. In order to mentally prepare yourself for your soon-to-be abundance, you need to:
Remember that God cares for you. Matthew 11:28. Trust in God and be assured in Him. This gives you peace.
Let go of the negativity and pray instead.
Surround yourself with positive people, especially people of the same faith who can encourage you.
Take time to relax and rejuvenate ourselves in order to avoid burnout and be happy and productive.
Have a daily game plan that takes you a step further to your goal.
Plan ahead.
You must also discipline yourself to plan each month, each week and each day of the year. So that you can be able to ensure all your actions are directed towards the accomplishment of your goals. Get a trusted friend or mentor to help keep you accountable for the accomplishment of your new goals.
Follow the guidelines above to always prepare effectively for a Happy New Year.
Happy New Year in Advance!!!