QUALIFICATIONS FOR DIVINE WISDOM || Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche at Power Communion (Midweek) Service || Dunamis International Gospel Centre || The Glory Dome, Abuja.

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  • Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche on “QUALIFICATIONS FOR DIVINE WISDOM” || Power Communion (Midweek) Service || Dunamis International Gospel Centre || The Glory Dome, Abuja.

Hallelujah. Welcome tonight. I welcome everyone. The heavy rain of the whole day, despite that, many have come and anybody can stay at home because it rained but it takes people who really value the admonition, “do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together” and the admonition, “they go from strength to strength, everyone in Zion appeareth before God”, not appeareth before the television. Church Gist. Except of course when we are all gathered together and we’re connecting, that’s a different case. But, your love for God that makes nothing to stop you from coming, that love shall be rewarded in Jesus’ name. And for those who said, I’ll go anywhere except for transportation situation, may God make it easy for you in the name of Jesus.

We are going to look quickly at the subject, “QUALIFICATIONS FOR DIVINE WISDOM”. We are looking at those factors, that is, understanding the factors that facilitate access to divine wisdom. Church Gist. That’s what we’d like to understand tonight. It has been made very abundantly clear throughout this month that wisdom, divine wisdom is very critical for successful life and destiny. For one to live successfully, profitably, meaningfully, He said, wisdom is profitable to direct.

The question is, what are those factors that can undergird our quest for wisdom? The factors that make the spiritual ground fertile for access to wisdom. Church Gist. They are things we have seen before but we’d like to look at them in detail and tonight, we may just look at three factors.

  1. The fear of the Lord.
    Job 28:28. The fear of the Lord equals wisdom. We are going to see tonight how the fear of the Lord equals wisdom. Psalm 111:10. Church Gist. Nobody starts in the school of wisdom until they’re qualified with the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the entrance examination into the world and school of wisdom. Proverbs 1:7. Proverbs 9:10. Proverbs 15:33. The man, the woman who fears the Lord has settled for instructions in wisdom. Church Gist. The person who doesn’t fear the Lord cannot gain instructions in wisdom. Finally, you see the connection between the spirit of wisdom and the fear of the Lord in Isaiah 11:2. That spirit of the Lord is the same as the spirit of wisdom.
  • somebody say a loud Amen.
    So, in that last part, we see that the spirit of wisdom and the spirit of the fear of the Lord, they go together. Church Gist. Show me a man who has the spirit of the fear of the Lord, he will not need to beg for the spirit of wisdom separate. They’re together.

Now, what is the fear of the Lord about and how does it enhance wisdom? Two things I’ll say tonight.

1a. The fear of the Lord equals the possession of a healthy, lively conscience. It’s the possession of conscience that is alive and healthy. Church Gist. When you say this man fears God, it means, he has conscience that is alive and healthy because it is possible to come to Church and not have a conscience that is healthy or alive. It is possible even to be a pastor and not have a conscience that is alive. Acts 24:16. A conscience that is alive, a conscience that is awake and not asleep or mortuary-bound. A conscience that is not deadened and seared with a hot iron. A conscience that does a wrong thing and is aware that he has done wrong. Church Gist. You know the easiest way to kill the conscience is to do the wrong things repeatedly, excuse it repeatedly until the time comes when the conscience does not bother you anymore. Church Gist. The point where killers are, the points where addicts are, the points where the prostitute or the manstitute is. (Laughs). I don’t know, I’m sorry, because the prostitute must have a patronizer. Because we always talk of prostitutes, what of the man who patronizes? Church Gist. There’ll be no prostitution trade if there’s no patronage. If there’s no patronage, there’ll be no trade.

Now, when the conscience is healthy, it is proof of a spirit that is healthy. A healthy spirit is the custodian of a healthy conscience. Church Gist. When we were dead in sin, we had no conscience. As we were dead, our conscience was dead but when we come to God and our spirits come alive, our consciences also come alive. Why is this important? It is important because the wisdom of God is principally communicated into the spirit of man – the spirit of man that is awake, alive and healthy. Job 32:8. Church Gist. Now, when that spirit in man is not awake, it can receive no communication of wisdom. When that spirit in man is not alive and healthy, it is like when you want to feed a child that is very sick and nauseous and anorexic, it’s not eating and it’s vomiting, no matter how good the food is, it cannot eat it, it doesn’t want to taste it, why? Church Gist. Because the spirit is sick and not healthy. That’s how it happens. When the spirit of man is sick or dead, when the spirit of man is not alive or healthy, it becomes impossible to receive the communications of wisdom and insight that is coming from Heaven. Am I communicating at all? Psalm 42:7. That is why a real unbeliever can never receive the communication of the wisdom of God. Church Gist. It’s important, if you’re looking for the wisdom of God, to keep your conscience alive, keep it awake and healthy. Keep your spirit alive, keep it awake and healthy, make no excuse for wrongdoings. Liberally ask for mercy when necessary. Church Gist. Ensure that the conscience remains tender and once that is in place, the spirit of wisdom can access that spirit.

  • somebody say the loudest Amen.
    The fear of the Lord equals the possession of a healthy, lively conscience and the woso is communicated through the spirit of man.

1b. The fear of the Lord equals the hatred of evil. When a man fears God, he just hates evil, he hates it. How many of you have ever been in a vehicle where the driver or somebody is being forced to give bribe at a roadblock? Church Gist. Have you been in such a place before where he just squeeze money into whoever is at the roadblock and he’s going. You know, one of the things that happens to any genuine child of God when you see such an operation, you may not be able to stop it but you hate it with a passion. Church Gist. There’s something in your, anywhere you see or hear about such a thing. When it appears normal to you, when such operation appears normal, when you hear that a girl was failed in school because she refused to compromise with a lecturer or any of those kind of things and your heart remains normal, there’s something wrong regarding the fear of God in your life. Church Gist. That is, you may not be in the position to stop that which is wrong but you hate it with a passion. Proverbs 8:13. That is, God is saying, “if you fear me, hate the things that I hate. Hate evil because me, I hate pride, I hate arrogance, I hate the evil way. If you fear me, you’ll hate the things I hate, you’ll love the things I love”.

Amos 3:3. He said: “If you hate the things that I hate…” That means: “Come let’s walk together!” And God is the Only Wise God, you cannot be the child and walk with the All Wise God and be the only foolish child. No! And so this is how the fear of God brings you into alignment with God who is the custodian of wisdom. Proverbs 13:20. To hate evil makes you to be able to walk with the All Wise God, the Only Wise God. Church Gist. “And he that walks with the wise shall be wise.” Straight line equation! If I have the fear of the Lord, I have a conscience that is alive, a spirit that is alive that receives the transmission of God’s wisdom. If I walk in the fear of the Lord I am hating what God hates that brings me into alignment with God, I am walking with Him and to walk with the wise is to be wise. The fear of the Lord is our first condition for accessing the wisdom of God and you just heard the mechanism by which the fear of the Lord makes you to access the wisdom of God.

  1. The life of humility
    The conditioning that must be in ground in order for wisdom to be transmitted is the life of humility. When you look at Solomon and how he got the wisdom that he got, humility was at the background of it. 1 Kings 3:7. That is the definition of humility. The absence of an exaggerated estimation of oneself. When you have an estimation of yourself that is not exaggerated. Church Gist. When you have an estimation of yourself that is in accordance with God’s purpose. James 1:5. Humility is the acceptance of your disqualification. The acceptance of your non-qualification, the acceptance of your ignorance. “Lord! I am not qualified enough, I am not where I should be, I am not who I’m meant to be. People may think I am something, I’ve not reached where I should reach.”

Three things that make humility very very essential to wisdom:
2a. The absence of humility brings disconnection and resistance from God.
When humility is absent, there is a disconnection from God as well as resistance from God. What made lucifer to leave the presence of God in Heaven among other things was pride. James 4:6. So there is a disconnection from God and a resistance from God where there is no humility. Where there is pride, it is not possible to be in the vicinity of God. Church Gist. If you are not in the vicinity of the river, what are you talking about swimming in the river? You are not in the vicinity of the river, what gives you access to talk about swimming in the river? If you are not in the vicinity of God, what makes it possible to access anything that only God can give? It’s a disconnection! People who have zero of humility are actually empty of God. I will come to that at the final point. So the absence of humility brings a disconnection and resistance from God and with a disconnection from God and a resistance from God, it is impossible to access that which only God gives.

2b. The presence of humility gives access to grace.
There is an equation here; in case you are looking for grace, possess humility. James 4:6. The humble don’t need to beg for grace. Church Gist. The humble does not need to beg for grace, God gives grace to the humble.

-Somebody say a loud Amen!

Are you looking for grace? Any type of grace? Your doorway is humility.

-Lift up your right hand and say: Father! I access grace! Somebody say a loud Amen!

What is grace all about?
Grace is what redemption brings. Grace is called God’s riches at Christ’s expense. G: God’s; R: Riches; A: At; C: Christ’s; E: Expense. That is, whatever God has to offer man through Christ’s death is called grace. Am I communicating? Is anybody following me now? So if I have humility, I will have grace and if I have grace I will be able to have anything that Christ died to offer. That’s a big cheque. Is that a big cheque? If I have humility I will have grace and if I have grace, I will have access to anything that the death of Christ brings. John 1:17. Anything Jesus brought, anything the death of Christ brought is contained in grace and anything grace carries, I can access by humility. Is God speaking to somebody here at all? Church Gist. You don’t need to beg! Now! The principal thing that Christ came, that His grace came to give us is Salvation – rescue from sin, rescue from eternal damnation. The Bible says but there are things that accompany Salvation that Hebrews talked about. Revelation 5:12. This Wisdom we are talking about, if I am humble I connect grace, if I connect grace; I connect wisdom. Now I connect power, I connect riches, I connect strength, I connect honour, I connect glory, I connect the blessing. So can you see what arrogant people are depriving themselves of? They are depriving themselves of power, of riches, of wisdom, of strength, of honour, of glory, of blessing because they can’t be connected to grace and since they are not connected; because they are not humble and since they are not humble they cannot connect grace. And since they cannot connect grace, they cannot connect all of these. Is God speaking to somebody here?

-Look at your neighbour and say: Calm down! Say: Calm all the way down!

We have a lot of people who are raising shoulders for nothing. Proud over what? What do you have that you have not received? And if you have received it, what are you behaving like you haven’t received it. Church Gist. Proud over what? Hallelujah! This is how humility is giving me access to wisdom. Humility connects me with grace which is, whatever Jesus does to bring and grace connects me – the death of Jesus! The riches of Christ connect me with wisdom, connect me with power. Very very important!

  1. God increases in the lives of those who decrease in themselves.
    John 3:30. If God and everything God carries must increase in me, the condition is that I must decrease in myself. He increases in the lives… The increase of God means the increase of love because God is love. Church Gist. The increase of God in me is the increase in wisdom because He is the All Wise God, the Only Wise God. The increase of God in me is the increase of power because He is the Almighty God! If I ever want God and everything He carries to increase in me, I must decrease in myself. This is very, very key! I must decrease in myself.

In this regard, beloved brothers and sisters don’t let anybody clap you prematurely into obscurity. Don’t let any achievement take your shoulder up and make you become like Nebuchadnezzar who said: “See this Kingdom that I built by my might and my power” until God sent him to the bush. Church Gist. Don’t look down on people on account of anything that you possess because God will judge it as pride on your part. Hallelujah! What have you that you have not received? And if you have received it, why do you behave like you haven’t received it? This is how humility connects us with wisdom.

-I pray tonight that there will be the fresh release of the Spirit of Wisdom upon everyone here today in the name of Jesus! The fresh release of the Spirit of Wisdom.

You know that lucifer was a commander in charge in Heaven and all that power and glory was stripped. I don’t believe that God made any devil with horns, where did they get the horns from? Church Gist. Where did they get their evil look from? They got all of that as they disconnected from God. Disconnection from God brings degeneration to life. They began to degenerate until they began to look that way.

  • Your life will never be like that in the name of Jesus Christ.

So, the condition for wisdom, number one was the fear of the Lord and we saw the pathway. Number 2 is the life of humility.

3: The heart of meekness. What is the difference? We’ll look at it shortly. Psalm 25:9,12-14. Church Gist. Now, when we talk about wisdom, we also talk about the possession of secrets. The Meek will He teach, the Meek will He guide. Hallelujah!

(Referring to a location on the screen) That’s Maiduguri. Excited, excited people. Give the Lord the praise for Maiduguri and thank the Lord for them. The Pastor told us that materials and supplies that we took there, the distribution continued 2, 3 days later. They just continued distributing and with attendant ecstasy in the land. Church Gist. Give the Lord a big clap again that normalcy is restoring gradually to the place despite the ravaging. 70 per cent of the land, according to what we heard, was ravaged. They are very happy. Alright, they’re clapping. God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

Numbers 12:3. If you remember that Moses was the one who laid hands on Joshua and released upon him the Spirit of Wisdom. Deuteronomy 34:7. Joshua was filled with the Spirit of Wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. Church Gist. Where did Moses get this wisdom from? Numbers 12:3. Now, I just told you about humility, just knowing your level and the refusal to overestimate and exaggerate your own importance. Now. What is meekness? There are 4 things that meekness, we’ll have to deal with for tonight.

i: Meekness equals openness to learning. Meekness has to do with teachability, being teachable, openness to learning. Proverbs 1:5. It is openness to learning. There are people who are closed to learning. The mind is closed. They don’t think anybody can teach them. They are not open to anything. Beloved brothers and sisters, if you are going to be a wise person, everything must teach you, everything, everything. Not everybody, everything. Church Gist. You would have something to learn. Proverbs 24:30. Proverbs 6:6. So, this Man (Solomon) everything was teaching him including the ants. If the ant can teach (a) person, how much more your own child. So, there are people, they are closed, mind is closed, spirit is closed. They don’t think anybody and anything can teach them.

I have heard people boasted, “There are only 2 or 3 people that I can sit under that can teach me, teachers of the Word who really can teach, only 2 or 3 that can say something and I can learn something”. You know, many years ago, I was going to the Church where the good man, good Pastor, climate was the climate of worship, powerful, except that he didn’t have so much insight in the Word. Church Gist. What I did was that, while the teaching was going on, from the same passage the Man is teaching, I’ll begin to receive light. I would be writing and writing and writing from one or 2 things he said and then the other things that he hasn’t said but that same passage said it and I would step out of the service loaded, because I made up my mind that I would receive instructions. Meekness is openness to learning.

ii: Meekness equals eagerness to learn. Not only open, but eager. Church Gist. It is a situation where you know that there are things you don’t yet know. Eagerness. Hosea 6:3. There is such an eagerness.

iii: Meekness equals willingness to change. Willingness to change action, willingness to change course of action, willingness to change direction if need be. Willingness to change direction, willingness to change course of action where necessary. When God told Moses, “Pull your shoes, for where thou standest is holy ground”. Church Gist. The meaning of that is, “The next time you wear the shoe, I’m the One to tell you where to go. I’m the One to determine your direction. I’m the One to determine your movement”. There are people whose minds are so made up that nothing can change them when they’ve made up their minds.

Papa Oyedepo…you see, when you see people and you see them very, very bold and very audacious, until you go close to them, you don’t really know them. He said to the Church one day, he said, “Everything you see in this Church that is good, God did it. Anything you see that is not good, I did it, anything you see that you are not happy about” The young Man will be 70 years next week Friday. Church Gist. Hallelujah! “I did it” Hallelujah! They went to Ghana and planted Church in Kumasi long time and then later on, they went to Accra and planted Church. The Church in Accra is growing, the Church in Kumasi was not growing. “Lord, what is happening?” He said, “The Kumasi Church, you are the one who sent yourself. You went before I asked you to do Church planting”. He said because there was a lot of Ghanaians in the Church, so they said “Oh, why don’t we take Church to our country? Why don’t we plant Church in our place?” Church Gist. So, he followed their leading and the Church was struggling. I believe that at a point, he had to go down and close the Church and then came in afresh when God gave him the mission to go into Africa and then when that mission came, boom! The whole Church exploded in a short time, hundreds of Churches in one country alone.

After so much money had been spent in a construction site in Kaduna, after they left the Grass Cathedral in Angwan Rimi and they’re trying to look for a location, they got a big land and then built, spent money, over a 100 pillars in the ground. He said one day he went there and God said, “This place that you are, I didn’t send you” “What?” He said “Carry everything and leave here now” He did a U-turn. The people said “What shall we do?” He said “I don’t know. Church Gist. God said we should leave there” He left there before they went to the Garden of Faith, the current Garden of Faith in Barnawa, they got that almost cheaply. Later on, God told him, “You know that first place you went? If you had gone there, that would have been the end of your ministry” That is, the Ministry would have ended in that location. That is, you are in a location that has no divine connection, location without allocation. That is, you ushered your way out of God’s presence.

The Church was 3,000, he went to Japan, he was preaching, while he was preaching, the anointing was so heavy that the interpreter was crying while preaching. He saw that as a leading to start a work in Japan and as he was contemplating starting, the Lord said to him, they had already gotten a building, gotten structure, the Lord said to him, “Even though there is a need here, you are not the one I am sending to handle this need”. “Really? Right-about-turn” Returned back home, forgot the building already rented. Church Gist. One day he heard a voice that was not the voice of God, when the Church in town, the place where they were before Canaanland, they were about 3,000 members, 3,000 and something, big Church at that time. The voice came and said, “Your world is waiting for you, your generation is waiting for you, stagnant water stinks”. The voice was so powerful. Summary, “Move now and begin to go everywhere around the World”. He went to God to receive instruction how to go about it. The Lord said, “I was not the One you heard”. “What? You are not the One? Who did I hear?” “You heard the voice of the enemy, not my voice”. “So, what do you want me to do?” “As for you, you will sit down here”. Church Gist. He sat down. The Church h grew from 3,000 to 10,000 within one year. It shifted from there to another 15,000. Before you can say “Praise the Lord”, on that venue, they already counted 50,000, before moving to Canaanland. The willingness to change direction, no matter how big you think you are, to change course.

We went and planted Church in Nyanya, that was our first Church planting. After about 6 weeks, God told me, “I did not send you there”. I sent to the Pastor, I said, “God said He didn’t send us there” He said, “What should I do?” I said “Come back”. Now, you know what it means? You are in the headquarters leading prayer, doing opening prayer, taking testimony, you have been posted to be ‘oga’ somewhere, (You were a member of that Church, that Nyanya Church) and I now say return back to the base. Church Gist. He didn’t find it funny, he said “what should I do?” I said come back. “What of the equipment?” I said “Look for a nearby Church there, give all of it to them”. Yes. “What of the chairs?” “Dash it to any other Church there” “What of the members, those who cannot come and follow us to town?” I said they should find nearby Churches there”. Under 6 weeks, he returned back and we waited until God said “Now, it is time. Move” and then when we went to plant it, eruption. The Maraba Church now, the central Church of Maraba, they may show it to us, it has Maraba 1, Maraba 2, Maraba 3, Maraba 4 and then the Maraba 1 also has their own ‘Marabites, Marablets’ and then the Maraba Central itself gave birth to Masaka, Kabayi. Church Gist. Now, Masaka 1, Masaka 2, Masaka 3, Kabayi 1, Kabayi 2, Kabayi 3. From that location alone, now, they may be up to a 100 churches or more in that axis. when God says go, it is time.

Papa Oyedepo was prayed for to step out by Pastor E. A. Adeboye and everybody concluded, including himself, they were releasing to go and start ministry in Jos. Church Gist. That was in 1983 commissioning. He’s going to Jos, everybody, they have all prayed. Jos was already prepared, staff already gone ahead, location has already been found. He went to God to say, “thank you Lord for this commissioning and because of the starting of the Ministry” and the Lord said, “you’re going to no Jos”. He said, “what? Is it not Jos that I had the leading to go”. Church Gist. He said, “no. What you call leading to go to Jos was not from me. You remember one time in 1974 you were in Jos, you were playing table tennis. In your heart, you wish that in future if there’s an opportunity of where to live, Jos is where you’ll like to live. That is the vision you heard”. You know what he said? He said, “how do I come and tell the people who witnessed the commissioning service that I missed it? How do I come and tell the people now and I’ve told them already that God has sent me to Jos and now I have to come back..” he had to come back and tell everybody, “God said, I missed it. God said it was not him I heard, that we should remain in Ilorin here”. Church Gist. “Yes Sir”. You see the secret of people? There are people who would rather die in that Jos than to agree that they missed it. The pride and the arrogance will not allow them to agree that, “I missed it, I missed God”. And see the glory of it today.

3d. meekness equals yieldedness to correction. “Here am I, I am yielded to your correction”. Yieldedness to correction. “Lord, I don’t claim to be expert in this matter”. When God was talking to Samuel. When he said, “surely, this is the Lord’s anointed”. He said, “no. You missed it”. “Sorry Lord. Eliab?” “You still missed it” “Shammah?” “You still missed it”. Church Gist. Look at the story in 1 Samuel 16:1-13. This is that meekness that makes people access the wisdom of God. This is that meekness that makes people to take the steps that must be taken.

This is what makes God comfortable to talk to you and to show you His mind because He knows He’s not wasting His time. He knows you won’t argue it. Church Gist. He knows you won’t die with your position rather than change position. When God confirms that this is possible, then you can easily become the candidate for the wisdom of God.

In conclusion. 2 Kings 4:4. Anybody who is full of his own knowledge and his own wisdom and full of himself is easily set aside by God. God deals with empty not full. Even if you think you are full, empty yourself before God and let Him know: “Lord! I don’t know as I should. I am still in need.” In the Wedding in Cana of Galilee, He said: “Go for empty vessels!” Empty! Completely empty! “Pots that are empty, fill them with water.” The Earth was without form and void means the Earth was empty, shapeless! Church Gist. That was when God could move. You want God to move in your life, you want God to pour wisdom, pour instruction, pour direction into your life; empty yourself! Don’t even pretend that you know. Have you ever talked to some people before? Before you can drop one word, they drop three. “I was reading the Bible the other day and I got a light in John 3:16.” That is, I know the passage you’re talking about. When you say half, they finish it for you. Before you can talk, they keep on talking and that blocks the flow. Just block your own flow.

I had a guy in the University like that, it is impossible for you and him to talk and he does not dominate the talk. You might start off with him and at the end of the day, he would have 90 percent of the conversation. Even if you’re the one who had it in mind to talk to him, it’s like verbal diarrhea. He moves at the frequency of the flow of a pipe. Church Gist. Unfortunately that guy’s life today is nothing to write home about. Today! Do you understand what I’m saying? See! God gave us one mouth and two ears, so hearing should be more than talking. That’s, you listen; if possible twice than you talk. If He had given us three mouths (can you picture it? It’s ugly to start with) and one ear, then you are permitted to talk more. Do you understand? So, it’s important that we bring ourselves, even if it is a child talking, listen first, let them land. I’ve learnt from my children, I’ve taken notes while they were talking. Church Gist. I had to run to my room one day when one of my children was talking, I ran to the room, brought my note to jot down the wisdom that came out from the mouth of the child and when I asked later, she didn’t even know what she was saying, but it was a wisdom, it was a light, it was an insight.

  • Somebody, say Amen!

That insight gave me an idea of what happened to the man that Jesus blocked his eyes with mud and asked him to go to the Pool of Siloam to wash. Man is blind, you blinded him further and then you’re asking him to go to the pool to wash. If he can go and wash in the pool by himself, would he come to you to ask for prayer? The light that that little child said that day gave me an insight to that mystery. Hallelujah!

  • It’s a new day!

Have you made any mistakes? Have you taken steps that you were not meant to take? Ask the Lord, “Lord, I recognize that I took the wrong steps and I am sorry. I’m ready to make a U-turn. I’m ready to change the course of action. I cannot die in the wrong direction. I am open to your counsel. I am open to your wisdom” Are you in the wrong relationship? Some will say, “What will people say? The last relationship did not work, the other one didn’t work and then this one would not work again. Church Gist. Let me just manage this one and let’s marry”. Manage to marry? Manage? Not so. When was the last time you came to Zaria and you’re trying to travel to Maiduguri, instead of going through the road to Kano, then you took the road to Sokoto and you kept on going until you come to Gusua and you still kept on going until you went to Talata Mafara, going closer and closer to Sokoto until you realized that this is road to Sokoto and they said you have missed the road. You say let me just reach. Is that how you do it? Reach to go and do what? To go and see who? You make a U-turn, even if you have to sleep many times on the road to reach where you are originally going. Church Gist. That is how life is wired to be. You don’t dive headed for the wrong direction, you make a U-turn and once God knows that you are such a person and you won’t be ashamed to admit that you did wrong or that you took the wrong step, then God will lead you.









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