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  • Bishop David Oyedepo at Covenant Day of Exemption Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || First Sunday Service.

Since these wicked devils showed up in Nigeria, not once have they succeeded to do havoc in our Church. Not once! There is no madness that does not recognize fire. This is not by mouth, this is Jesus in the midst of His people. Can you imagine a dog going to rob a lion’s house? They say where are you going? He said I am a mad dog, I am going to deal with that lion today. Have you seen that before? They saw a banner and they said this is fire. Till Jesus returns, no demonic Fulani, no Islamites will enter our Church. If they don’t die at entry I am not sent by God. Church Gist. Under this covering, as ordained by God, come to Church and relax let me see that devil who will dare your coming in or going out. Look up, the lion is here. He will tear you to pieces. I am sent by God to rescue people from all kinds of oppressions including the Fulani mad people. Please place this ‘I am a Winner’ sticker on your door, let it be the one that carries my picture. God sent me. They know, the ones who sent them know.

  • You are carrying fire on your head today. Anyone that sees you will see the fire burning on your head.

I have never seen any madness that does not recognise fire, that is why they don’t push mad people away from fire. When he gets there, he knows this is fire. Fire by every mortal man, mad or unmad is recognized.

  • From now every evil will recognize you as a fireman and a firewoman.

Galatians 6:17. The Mark of exemption will come alive afresh. It will be on your head, it will be on your house and all that you own.

Father, honour your word this morning and let your name be glorified.

One cultist came here in 2001 and sat somewhere there, pressed all the machines he brought. He looked up and he saw fire on everyone’s head. When I made the altar call, He just came out. Because all the things he knew didn’t work. You carry fire and you don’t know. Just saying “I am a Winner” is enough. When David took cover under Samuel, they left him alone. When Saul pursued him, he was stripped naked. People don’t recognise the place of prophets in their generation. We have seen ritual killers begging members, “please tell him we didn’t touch you”. It is not language or grammar, it is not politics, it is power given by God. Church Gist. They were all baptized into Moses. That is what makes the difference for all Israelites. Some are just social members, they just walk around, hear grammar and go back home. You are not connected, you cannot be impacted. There is no way water can flow through a pipe that is not connected to the source. The jungle is matured, it is a new day. Fire for fire.

UNVEILING THE BREAKTHROUGH HERITAGE THAT WE HAVE AS CONTAINED IN THE WORD OF GOD. Our inheritance is locked up in the word and is only accessible by revelation. Acts 20:32, 2 Peter 1:3. Your calling is to glory and honour not to shame and reproach. As the Lord lives, the last reproach you knew is the last you will ever know in your life. Revelations are our keys to our inheritance in Christ. These things are storehouses you just need keys to access them. Luke 11:52. Revelation is key to accessing your inheritance in Christ. We can only take as far as our eyes can see. Church Gist. Some may never see healing as part of their redemption package so they go through sickness all their life. Some may never see prosperity, but it doesn’t mean they are not saved. They can’t see it so they go through poverty and penury all the days of their life. Some may never see the reality of exemption so they suffer what others suffer. We can only realize our inheritance as far as our eyes can see from His word. Look Northward – Genesis, eastward – Malachi, westward – Matthew and Southward – Revelation. All that you can see is all that you can get. Genesis 13:14-15. All you can is all you can get.

Now Let’s look at a few of these inheritances as packaged in scriptures.

Remember first that the word of God is a spiritual mirror that shows us what we are redeemed to be like.
James 1:22-25.
It is hearing and doing what your picture dictates that make it work. It is not enough to know what your picture in scripture looks like, do what it takes to look like it. The Lord said to me in 1984, there is a place for you on top if you are interested. The top didn’t look anywhere. Church Gist. I said I am interested and He said whatever I tell you to do, do it. Doing His bidding became my natural delight, much more than ever I knew. This thing works.

  1. We are redeemed to be a fruitful vine.
    We are redeemed as fruitful vines, not as barren figs. Hosea 4:6. What does it take to be a fruitful vine? We must be mindful of our roots, without a root no tree exists. Jesus is the root of David. Our seamless connectivity to Jesus and our addiction to the word is what defines our connectivity to the roots. Church Gist. John 15:1-5. Stay connected to the root. Jesus is the root, that root is the living word of God. Stay connected to the root and your fruit bearing will be natural. Deuteronomy 28:2. All these blessings will come to you and overtake you if you stay connected to the root.

We must be mindful of our association, no branch can be grafted into two trees at the same time. Every time you connect to this side, you have disconnected from the other side. You can’t serve two masters. 1 John 2:15. You better stay where you belong. Walking about with vain people makes life a vanity. Rough talking people, people without a heart for God and they are your best friends. Psalm 1:1-3. Very poor association or spiritual relationship will leave you barren. Friendship is not by force. If someone comes to your house and you don’t like what they are saying, you tell them not to come again. Church Gist. It is that simple. Friendship is by choice not by force. You hang around vain people, they will erode you of your inheritance, when they strip you naked, they leave you. They left the prodigal son. He didn’t even have their address. After they finished his money, he couldn’t find them anymore. Careless association leads to frustration. Be highly choosy about relationships. As little as it is, it can lead to frustration. 1 Corinthians 15:33.

Ammon was a son of David but had a friend by name Jonadab, a son of Belial. He led him to his grave. A number of people followed Absalom not knowing where they were going, they were destroyed together. Christianity is not socialization. It is a walk with God.

  1. We are redeemed as lively stones to command dominion

Jesus is the chief cornerstone and we are called His brethren. If Jesus is the chief cornerstone then we are redeemed as stones. 1 Peter 2:5. You know that Winner that they took out to kill and they shot at close range no answer, they used cutlass no way. They fled. You don’t cut a stone. You don’t shoot at a stone, if you are too close it will bounce back. Matthew 21:43-44. You are that stone.
Anyone that dares you will come down for you.
Any arrow shot at any of you and your family will go back to those who sent them.
In the same vein, anyone that comes against you without your knowledge.
That family was praying while the robbery was going on, they couldn’t branch there. They were praying. They robbed people, carried their car and everything but they couldn’t come near. When you become a lively stone. When you become conscious of the fact that you are a lively stone, that’s all. Till I go to heaven, no devil dares me and goes free. Church Gist. I don’t know how many may have died now. When I am sleeping, I am winning. A lion does not become a dog because it is asleep. You go there because the lion is asleep, it makes you free breakfast. One day I saw myself in a coffin and I replied instantly in my sleep, Satan you must be a dummy for there is no wisdom or counsel in the grave. No one sees himself in a coffin and remains there dummy devil. Every word received in your heart does not sleep. This is not a seminar or an inaugural lecture, this is life. When you see it and receive it you are empowered to manifest it. Many enemies will be ground to powder through you as you stand in your place.

Someone came to our children’s church and stole one of our children. He said he saw me at night with a sword pursuing after him. I was sleeping in my house. He came to me and said I know I will die, I said you will die. You made that family cry for two years and three months. He finished saying what he needed to say and we recorded it on video and he died. Don’t toy with anybody who knows these things. Don’t toy with them. Church Gist. The child was restored after 2 years and 3 months unhurt. Carried from here to Enugu unhurt. Protected! Shielded!

  • Every assault against your life from now on. I stand to decree that they be grounded to powder.

We must keep feeding the word into our lively stone so the stone can continue to be reinforced. The more of the word we imbibe the higher our divine content becomes and the more dangerous we are to the enemy. Church Gist. Keep feeding on the word. You are feeding your lively stone to do its job. Daniel 11:32.

  1. We are redeemed as ambassadors of Christ to represent kingdom dignity.
    2 Corinthians 5:20.

Everyone that embraces his God given ministry of reconciliation of the world back to God, a soul winner, a soul winning prayer man is an ambassador for Christ and enjoys heavenly immunity. You can’t assault the ambassador of the nation. It will provoke the anger of his nation. It depends on the nation he is coming from. You know nations you don’t toy with. Imagine toying with somebody from heaven. You have provoked Angel Michael and Raphael, who has been on leave to come back. How do we become ambassadors of Christ? Church Gist. Be an addicted soul winner, be sold out to God and the interests of his kingdom. Partner with Jesus in reaping the harvest of lost souls into the kingdom. That is what makes an ambassador for Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. Acts 26:18. We are not theoretical ambassadors. We got into a nation for our mission and one notorious witch had arrived there earlier. We stepped into that nation and checked into the same hotel. She checked out immediately and left the nation unceremoniously. We are talking about Kingdom ambassadors.

We arrived in a nation where it had not rained for about three years. As our plane was touching the round it began to drizzle. Our ambassador in that nation said the prophet has arrived. We closed the meeting in that nation that night and it began to rain cats and dogs. That is not a Church title. That is going ambassadorial work for Jesus reconciling men to Jesus. My team has seen 17,000+ enter this Church for the first time in their life this year. Do you want to toy with that kind of person? God will open His red eye. I used to have one, 2,10,15. Church Gist. A time came when I began to have a thousand in a week. As a lifestyle. I slept one night and I saw myself making an altar call. The following day, I had some engagements, I came back from the trip and I said I must go out to make that call a reality. It is inside me. I am not a theoretical ambassador for Christ. If you are an agent of the devil go and try it out. There are many ambassadors for Christ in this place. Many! Many!.

So we must remain committed to reconciling the world back to God through soul winning and an effective kingdom advancement prayer altar. Whichever way, get involved.

  1. We are redeemed as seeds of Abraham for generational impact.
    We are seeds of Abraham ordained for generational impact. Genesis 22:18. Every seed of Abraham carries a seed of generational impact. Galatians 3:29. God swore the blessing. It’s a sworn blessing. If we are saved, we have been redeemed from the curse of the law into the blessing of Abraham. So you carry the potential for generational impact on your life.

How do I realize that? Stay in love with God. 1 Corinthians 2:9. Be in love with God. Continue to grow in your love for God. That global potential will start finding raw expression. Can anyone make me disown Jesus? Love is stronger than death. Songs of Solomon 8:7. I am not ashamed to be a child of God and a love slave of Jesus. I am serving a life-long term. There is no day I am going to come out of it. Just be in love and demonstrate your love by serving Him. Abraham my friend, Abraham my servant. Every instruction suits Abraham. No thinking up and down, prompt response. No checking pros and cons. You can’t access the blessings of Abraham without doing the works of Abraham. John 8:39.

That is how to manifest your generational impact potential. Stay in love, remain in service of your heavenly Father, show it by your prompt response to every instruction which is the characteristics of Abraham and before you know it you are there. I have said before that this platform will raise the highest concentration of giants since the world began. You are on the path because the love for God of the people here is palpable. It is not a new generation kind of worship but raw love for God. Malachi 3:18. People serve God here with utmost delight, with no pressure. It is not “🎶I love you more than anything in the world”. Prove your love by raw obedience and delight in what He delights in. Love is fake without proof.

To access our heritage in the word, please listen. 1 John 1:1. Discovery is the gateway to recovery. The Word of God is loaded with treasures, it is discovery that brings them to light. Thank God for revelation but thank God much more for discovery. Discovery makes revelation tangible. The Spirit of God searches all things, yea, the deep things of God and treasures are always in the deep. You don’t drill oil from your local well. You go down. We are in the age of discoveries where through the manifold wisdom of God, God will be teaching principalities and power lessons. Church Gist. Revelation may fail but what you handle can’t fail. Most of the things I refer to all my life are all discoveries that I made. Seek ye first the kingdom and you get all thing everyone is dying to get is not in that book, it is a discovery from the well of salvation. I can never be poor because I found something. Let’s go beyond revelation to discoveries. When you discover it your hand will handle it.

Let me tell you some things I got recently, does anybody need encouragement to eat, to drink water, to wear clothes, any moment you discover what is the right thing to do, you engage it with utmost delight. You don’t need encouragement to go to the toilet. Find out what is important for your spiritual life and do it with delight. Find out what it takes to make the most of your kingdom adventure. This discovery answers to demand. Jeremiah 33:3. Don’t sit down, go and find out things. Proverbs 24:14. Discovery can’t lack results. Discovery you engage with can’t lack results. I found out about hitch-free marriage by enquiring from God. Inquiries are the pathway to discovery. I knew when I found it. No philosophy could destabilize me. I knew when I found the secret of kingdom prosperity. Yeah! I can never be poor. The secret of what you have found is joy and rejoicing. Revelation refreshes but discovery stirs joy and rejoicing in the individual. When I found Matthew 8:17 in Kenneth Hagin’s book Seven Keys to Divine Healing, I screamed Yea! I can never be sick – August 30th 1980. Discoveries are recoveries.

  • May you remain committed to making enquiries about our heritage in Christ.

To make discoveries:

  1. one must continue to walk in the spirit.

Galatians 5:25. Walk in the spirit. When Jesus called me into full-time ministry, I said who pays me? Someone say Inquiry. Begging is not part of my nature in the natural. Now I am a child of God, a child of the king doesn’t beg around. Who pays me Jesus? That took about two weeks. I saw Luke 17. I read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John complete the first three months of my salvation but I didn’t see many things. He said you are in my employment and you are on my payroll just stay on your job. He has never failed to pay me once all these years. Church Gist. I have never had to beg once or visit any friend and say “can you help, you know we are in ministry and ministry is quite challenging. He told me who pays me and what to do to stay on His payroll and I stayed. He pays me handsomely, practically and truly. Never prayed once for food, never prayed once for clothes to wear. Discoveries are great, pay the price of walking in the spirit to get it.

He revealed the secret of hitch-free marriage to me in a vehicle, a commercial vehicle. I had been asking, I had read a few books. Young people don’t go into marriage blindfolded, invest in materials by proven authors. Don’t marry today and divorce tomorrow because you don’t have any light.

  1. One must be committed to being guided by the Spirit

No believer will ever outgrow divine direction. Do you want to secure your inheritance? Stay on course with divine guidance. Our future is in His plan for our lives not in our plans. Jealously guard His plans for your life. Seek for it. God said to me, I am committed to leading you if you are committed to following me. God doesn’t lead Jack and Harry, He leads people that are committed to following. Jealously guard his leadings, you can’t realize your full potential without following His leadings. Church Gist. Proverbs 14:16. Death is not part of your inheritance in Christ. Serving God guarantees a full old age. Untimely death is not your portion. They thirsted not when He led them. Isaiah 48:21. There is always a gushing when we follow His leading. Don’t embark on a journey on your own, it can be very costly. Imagine Jesus saying to us this is the place and at the time nothing like life here. Complete forest. See what God has done today. By following His leading, you take delivery of His agenda. It is what makes it work.

Prayers – God has the answer to all questions, and receive grace to make enquiries about the issues of your life.

Today is our Covenant Day of Exemption. Listen carefully as this scriptural light begins to break forth. God who exempted the Israelites from all the plagues in Egypt is still the same God today. Let’s look at these three instances.

Exodus 8:22. God takes pleasure in exempting His people from the plague of the hour. Flies connote stench, decadence. No matter how many things decay around you, it will be without you. Exodus 9:4 is another example. Psalm 91:7.

  • A thousand businesses may collapse on your right, ten thousand on your left but they shall not come near you.

God exempted His people when all the cattle of Egypt died. In the same way, God is exempting your Church. No economic heat that this nation felt has affected this Church in 41 years.

  • That same God will exempt you.

Exodus 10:21-23.
In a state of confusion, despondency, and despair, people don’t know what to do. That is the God you serve, the God of exemption.

  • The whole world may be confused but you never know confusion.
    Our church knew no confusion of Coro. All those multitudes coming for Shiloh. They go back free. Not one Coro case. He planted 5,000 churches in the year of Coro. 20,000 churches the year Coro increased. Exemption. Many businesses here blossomed in the year of Coro. Confusion on the earth but not with His people. That is why they call you a peculiar people. Church Gist. 1 Peter 2:9. You are ordained to live a marvellous life in the midst of trauma. Spiritual battles are essentially of the mind. You need to renew your mind. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. Spiritual warfare is based on the mind. I serve a God of exemption who has vowed to exempt His people from generation to generation.

Every believer has a blood mark on his life. We saw that picture in Exodus 12:22. You are God’s building. 1 Corinthians 3:9. Hebrews 12:22-24. We have been bought with a price so we have the price mark on our head. That mark is renewed day by day. There is a sprinkling going on now in the spiritual realm. That is why the farther you are from Church, the more vulnerable you become. Some fellows during the lockdown because they locked themselves down. In our Church, there is no basis for locking yourself down. Church Gist. Our meetings were going on in various cells. Because they locked themselves, some are drunkards now. The mark has dried off. It is in Zion He sprinkles the blood so you go out with a fresh mark on your head. No wonder he said upon Mount Zion there shall be deliverance. There is a blood price on everyone’s head. Exodus 12:23-24. 1 Corinthians 5:7.

Galatians 6:17. It is the blood mark we are talking about there which is one every believer. Romans 5:7.

How do I realize this?

  1. We must have a revelation of our exemption right in Christ.
    You are God’s candidate for exemption through your redemption in Christ. Colossians 1:13. We are not just here like natural men, we are seated in heavenly places with Christ. What buffets them is not permitted in our lives.
  • From henceforth you never know again, any operation of the devil on your life.

What is in the anointing oil?
Exodus 30:31. The anointing establishes our priesthood on earth. It is a transgenerational revelation. It will be there forever. What is in the anointing oil? Psalm 105:14-15. There’s an exemption seal in the anointing oil. Ephesians 1:13. There is a shield in the anointing against every evil occurrence, against all arrows of the wicked. Church Gist. 1 Samuel 16:13. It is not just oil after it is blessed it becomes a carrier of the presence of God. After the anointing came upon David, he silenced Goliath from bragging against the people of God as a teenager. Light is light, it is not about age.

  • As this oil comes on your head today, your enemies are silenced. You will not hear their sound again.

I like you to go from here today with a touch not mentality. You are carrying the touch not oil on your head. Anyone that dares you, dares the apple of God’s eyes and when He opens the red eyes on anyone or any group, they are finished. So go from here with full assurance of faith that you are carrying the mark of exemption. I am carrying oil of touch not upon my head and the order is “come not near any man upon whom there is the mark”. Upon your life today, no devil comes near anymore. You never hear evil tidings all through this year and beyond. From your children and grandchildren no evil report from anywhere. From your business endeavours, no evil report from anywhere. All business and career men should take cover under that exemption right. Your business will not die. Consecrate your business to God and you are secure. You think the devil wants us to be having what we are having, consecrate your business to God and rest. Psalm 2:4. There are people you call their name, you just have migraine on the spot. You have to repent on the spot. From now, wherever your name is called for evil, God’s judgment will strike in the name of Jesus.

The healing power of God is in the oil.

  • If you carry any sickness upon your body it is over today.
    The breakthrough anointing is in the oil
  • You won’t suffer any breakthroughs anymore.

Nigeria needs healing, we have never been as sick as we are in the history of this nation. This is the greatest misfortune that has ever befallen our nation. Remember Nigeria on your prayer altars. Jesus can turn it around.

  • From this day, no more nightmares.
  • No more assault of spiritual husband and wife.
  • Not one person under your roof shall be a victim of kidnappers.
  • Not one person connected to you and you shall be a victim of these mad crazy bandits.
  • Any robber that dares your dwelling place will die on the spot.

Put ‘I am a Winner’ boldly on your door. You are the owner of the door.

  • Every gang up against your well being will fall back on the head of those people.
  • The mention of your name for evil will bring judgment into the camp of the enemy.
  • God will mess up High blood pressure, mess up diabetes, mess up Hypertension. He will write cancer off your life. Free forever.






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