THE WAY TO INCREASE AND STAY RELEVANT IS TO CONTINUE TO GIVE GOD THE GLORY -Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo at COZA Tuesday in preparation for 7 Days of Glory

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*God doesn’t give glory to someone He has not given the grace to carry it.

*If you remove glory from Christianity, there is nothing else.

  • God doesn’t just want to give us glory, He wants us to move from glory to glory.
  • If you are not a surprise to yourself, you are not seeing God’s hands upon yourself.

Father, let the meditations of our hearts and the words from our mouth be pleasing to you tonight. Father we humbly come before you and we present ourselves to you, and we say Lord, check our lives, is there anything we need to know? Tell us, anything we need to do, tell us, show us the way. The Bible says you will show us the path of life. Thank you Lord, because in your presence, there is fullness of joy and at your right hand, there are pleasures forevermore. We give you the praise because no one under the sound of my voice remains the same, COZA celebrates you, Halleluyah!

Deuteronomy 28: 13

Look at your neighbour and say ‘God is a maker’, say ‘If that thing doesn’t exist, God can make it’. If they were already the head, why will they be saying that God will make them, so if you are seated here, no matter how bad your economy is, no matter how bad your circumstance is, I don’t care about that because God is not even afraid of death, He is resurrection. ChurchGist. So, when you die and people put a full stop and say it has ended, God comes and raises you up again. I just like that phrase ‘Above Only’ and not beneath.

When we talk about glory, I can beat my hands to my chest and say 98% of Christians don’t understand what the glory is. When we were worshipping, a dimension of the glory was stirred up but I tell you the truth, glory is beyond all of that. Glory brings forth things, glory preserves, glory adds beauty, glory imparts royalty, glory makes your past stop, glory stops decadence, glory is the guarantee that you will outlast your adversaries.

In 1999, I went to see a mentor of mine in the City of Ilorin, and when I got to his office, they told him, they said the generator had a fault. He said ‘Did Mikano not bring a proposal here?’ They said ‘Yeah, they brought it’. He said ‘Go and bring it’. They mentioned the amount of money, he just signed the cheque, he said ‘Go and pick it up’. They mentioned several other things and he said ’Go and buy it, go and buy it’, and I sat in front of him and we did not have 25,000 naira amplifier, ChurchGist. One, we did not have, we were renting. One of the people renting to us is one of my leaders now, he can bear witness. And, I sat down there, when everybody left, I said ‘Sir, how do these things happen? Could it be that I am not called?’ The man laughed, he said ‘You will get there’. I said ‘This is what I desire’. I desire that everything we need for our assignment comes without stress. Listen to me guys, that is what the glory does for you, you may not have money stacked in the bank, you may look at your account and not have up to ten million but when the project of a billion comes, you will not see rain, you will not see wind, it just happens.

What is it about the glory that God holds back? That He just doesn’t want to throw it at you. Because it is dangerous, what God gives to you to promote you may be the same thing the devil twists to destroy. There is a weight of glory, it is weighty. It is for those that God has propped up in grace. Moses had to be taught for 80 years on how to carry the glory. The first 40 years, he tried to do it on his own strength, the next 40 years was a wilderness experience for him and the last phase of his life was when, God gave the testimony that he was the meekest. ChurchGist. In spite of that, He was told to strike the rock once, he struck it twice and he said to the people ‘Must we…’, God said “How many of us are the ‘we’?” God said ‘You didn’t honour me before the people’, you must be deliberate with honouring God before people, those things make us last.

Before the glory, there is a test. You must be very careful about accolades. Everyone who fell in the Bible, the people pushed them, look at Saul, the people pushed him. You don’t touch some things. What do you have that you did not receive, you have no reason to be cocky about anything, do not fall into that trap. If you want to be above only, if you want to continue to rise, you must not touch the glory. Anything you do, give God the glory. No one touches God’s glory and is spared, he/she will fall in some kind of trouble.

God doesn’t just want to give us glory, He wants us to move from glory to glory. When God wants to work, what you have doesn’t matter, so that the excellency won’t be of you, but of God. Romans 1: 21. Anytime you find out that you are perfect, please, go and submit to those that will not just monitor what you do, but also monitor your pride, else you will be in trouble. Ezekiel 28: 7 – 18, Satan that we all know now, has lost his covering that is why he needs to possess people to operate on the surface of the earth. ChurchGist. God had only 3 anointed cherubs and he did that to one that touched his glory, now, God has 8 billion people on earth, please guys, watch out for it. The way that the kingdom has designed for us to increase and continue to stay relevant is that we continue give glory to God.

We saw one person get it right in the Bible, He was not perfect but he got it. God said ‘I miss the tabernacle of David’. The tabernacle of David was just a tent, Acts 15: 16. What was in the tabernacle of David? He hired people to be giving glory to God 24 hours. He himself, 5 times a day, would be leaving his throne to just go there and dance and go back to the throne. Don’t let your status, where God took you to, affect your relationship with God.

1Chronicles 29: 11-17. 2Samuel 7: 18-22

You want to be above only, don’t touch His glory, it doesn’t belong to you.




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