- Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr on THE WISDOM OF SCRIPTURE MAKES STARS || Shiloh 2024 – Day 4 Hour of Visitation || Word Session One || EVER WINNING WISDOM || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || 12th December 2024 ||
We’ll be looking this morning at this teaching that is captioned, “THE WISDOM OF SCRIPTURE MAKES STARS.” Isaiah 60:1-3,8,15,22. According to this Scripture therefore, there is an accelerated program with God for the rising of stars. In these last days, God is set to raise Kingdom stars. Church Gist. That is God’s program for the last days and this should not be strange because Jesus, Himself is described as the Bright and the Morning Star. Revelation 22:16.
This same Jesus is the Living Word of God that is, the Word in motion or action. John 1:1-3,14. So Jesus is revealed to us in Scriptures as the Word, Himself and the Word, Himself was described as the Bright and the Morning Star. Church Gist. When we look at the life of Jesus, we discover that Jesus’ life was characterized by engaging with the Word. John 20:21.
So if Jesus was the Word in action, then you and I are ordained to put the Word into action. It is in walking in the light of the Word that stars rise on the Earth. Please, hear this; no man can make himself great. Church Gist. Everyone’s greatness is a product of the making of God. But God makes men who follow His Word. Matthew 4:19.
- Somebody hearing my voice this morning, you are going to be the next to be made!
That’s why following the commandment of Scriptures is what secures one’s place in space. Deuteronomy 28:1. So our placement is a product of our obedience. Our commitment to following the commandment of Scriptures is what positions us in the high places of the Earth. Church Gist. Following the dictates, following the instructions, following the commandments – that’s what causes us to ride on the high places. Deuteronomy 32:9-14. So our place in space is a product of our commitment to the commandment of Scriptures.
- For somebody hearing my voice this morning, I see grace coming upon each one of us to commit to every command of Scriptures!
And that’s what we see in the example of Jesus. He was constantly and continuously committing Himself to every instruction that came from God. John 5:30. His commitment was to whatever God desired. Church Gist. Philippians 2:8-11. He was exalted because He was obedient. Our commitment to the commandment of God is what ultimately determines and defines our placement in the adventure of life.
- I see each one of us today receiving grace to get committed to every divine commandment in the name of Jesus Christ!
That’s what makes a man, makes a woman a wonder to his or her world. We saw it in the life of Jesus and it is the same with us. If we are going to end up as wonders to our world, then we must get committed to His Word. Church Gist. Whatever His Word dictates is what makes us wonders to our world. Committing ourselves to the dictates of the World is what turns each one of us to a wonder to our world.
Therefore, it becomes important that we beware of what we can refer to as over-wise syndrome. Ecclesiastes 7:16. Don’t make yourself over-wise. Here in Nigeria, there is something we call “I too know (I2K syndrome). I too know.” There are some people who carry themselves of haven acquired all, haven understood all, haven comprehended all. Church Gist. But here is something that I have discovered; in the adventure of life, the more you know, the more aware you are of how much you don’t know. In fact, the proof of ignorance is the assumption of knowledge. That’s the proof of ignorance. Even in the natural world, the higher you go in learning, the more narrow you are in learning.
In primary school, children take all manner of subjects. If you have a child in primary school and they bring their notebooks to you – subjects of every kind. There’s nothing they don’t study because primary school is primary knowledge, primary knowledge is general knowledge and general knowledge leaves you at a primary level. Church Gist. Then secondary school, the first three years of secondary school particularly here in Nigeria, you begin to take also still general knowledge. So they call it Junior Secondary that is, you have not yet attained unto proper secondary. When you go to the second batch of three years, they now break you into classes. Why? You are going higher in knowledge now, they are telling you, “look if you are in Science, you are in Science. If you are in Arts, you are in Arts. You cannot know everything. Be aware that there are too many things you don’t know.”
When you finish from secondary school and you enter into the university, then they give you a course. They now ask you what course are your studying? So he says, I am studying Economics, I’m studying Microbiology. When he goes to his Master’s, they further narrow it. Church Gist. When you go to the Ph.D level, it is further narrowed. What does that mean? A certificate is an identification of the point of knowledge and vastness of ignorance. That’s the purpose of a certificate.
When they say you know Engineering, what they mean is that you don’t know Medicine. What they mean is that you don’t know Veterinary Science. What they mean is that you don’t know any other area except Medicine. Church Gist. So a certification is actually an identification of the narrow point of knowledge and the vastness of ignorance. So for a man to think that he knows all is to prove he knows none. 1 Corinthians 8:2…that is the evidence.
So genuine knowledge identifies the reality of vast ignorance. That is why the wise are the ever learning because they recognize that there is too much that they know. God’s Servant has said it this way; “God is so deep that only shallow men think they know enough of Him.” So deep! Church Gist. So we must beware of over-wise syndrome. “I’ve been born again for a long time. I’ve been walking with God for a long time” – there is too much to know in God that you know now. Romans 11:33.
Whatever you found out is a minute part of what is available in Him. What should that do in you and I? Church Gist. It should create a more hunger for more knowledge, a hunger for more discovery, a hunger for more depth, a hunger for more insight, a hunger for more revelation.
But it is important that we also recognize that what makes stars is not just knowing or the discovery of the light but walking in the light; following the dictates not just knowing the dictates. That means that what decorates our lives is how much we do with how much we know. Church Gist. That’s what shows us as wonders to our world. How much we do with how much we know. And that’s why if you look through Scriptures, you will discover that the wise man is described as one who does not only know but that does.
Matthew 7:24-25. He does not just hear it but he does it. So wisdom is more about application than acquisition. It’s more about application than acquisition. Church Gist. And if you check all through Scriptures, you will discover that so many giants of Scriptures were made out of the virtue of wisdom. We’ll highlight a few of them quickly for the purpose of this teaching.
- Isaac: Yesterday, we were exposed to how that Isaac was a man that engaged the practice and mystery of meditation. Genesis 24:63…Isaac went and meditated in the field in the evening time and as a result of engaging with that mystery, wisdom was provoked inside of him that brought the giant in him out. Within one year, Isaac went from a nonentity to a celebrity. Church Gist. Genesis 26:1-3,12-14…Isaac became the envy of the Philistines within one year. Why? Because the wisdom of God was provoked as he heard what said and he did what God said.
- Joseph: We have talked about Joseph so much also at Shiloh here. Joseph was a man that engaged and operated with the wisdom of God and wisdom promoted his star. Church Gist. Joseph was brought out of the prison by his gift but Joseph was placed on the throne by wisdom. The star in Joseph was provoked to shine on the basis of wisdom.
- Daniel: Daniel was a captive in the Land of Babylon. But by the wisdom of God at work in Daniel, he was catapulted to unmatchable relevance. In Daniel 1:17,21, we see how that God gave them wisdom among other things. Church Gist. And Daniel began to display that wisdom in Daniel 2:16-19 and by Daniel 2:46, the Bible tells us how that Nebuchadnezzar bowed down his face and worshipped him.
- Like was prophesied yesterday, we are coming to this era where the kings of the World will be bowing to the wisdom of the children of God!
So the star of Daniel was catapulted on the basis of wisdom.
- Job: Job was the greatest of all men in the East. Job 1:1-3. And what made Job? Divine secrets – call it divine wisdom. Job 29:4. Church Gist. Operating in divine secrets was what catapulted Job to the realm of supernatural relevance.
- Paul, the Apostle: Paul was a man operating in strange frequency of wisdom. 2 Peter 3:15-16. Church Gist. He was operating at a complex level of wisdom and that dimension of wisdom catapulted him to the top.
- Somebody hearing my voice this morning, you are the next star that will be catapulted by wisdom in the name of Jesus Christ!
But like we said, wisdom is not just acquisition of knowledge but application of knowledge. Church Gist. However, that means that wisdom begins with the access one has to the secrets of God.
How Can We Access Divine Secrets?
- By the fear of the Lord. Psalm 25:14. We must come to recognize that when we talk about the secret of God, the wisdom of God, the Bible says that it is hidden in a mystery. 1 Corinthians 2:6-8. This wisdom cannot be accessed by the natural or carnal man. Church Gist. 1 Corinthians 2:14. And one of the vital qualifiers to make a man gain access to the secret of God is the qualifier of the fear of God.
Quickly this morning, what is the fear of God?
- It is to hate evil. Proverbs 8:13. So, it is important that we recognize that when it comes to walking in the fear of God, the man who truly fears God hates evil. Proverbs 16:6. You cannot claim to fear God and be part of evil. So, the fear of God has to do with our reaction to evil. Church Gist. It is when a man hates evil, that that man can truly be said to fear God. That means, if one has tolerance for sin, it is an indicator of the lack of the fear of God. Ephesians 5:11. Hate evil, react against evil. That is one of the evidences of genuine access to the fear of God. Church Gist. So, you can’t claim to fear God if you accommodate sin. There are some people who say “I don’t do anything bad”. But you’re around many things bad that means, you have accommodation capacity for evil. That is a demonstration of the lack of the fear of God. The fear of God is to hate evil.
God’s Servant shared this testimony many times. He said, years ago, he was working in a particular office and he came and saw that the boss in the office had written a requisition concerning a trip that they made and he knew that that trip was not made. Meaning that there are some allowances that should come for the journey. Church Gist. He said he was outside there in the Secretary’s office when he saw the paper and started shouting they didn’t go anywhere, this paper must not go. The man was inside the office there and he was outside his office. That was the boss, but to hate evil is to fear God.
You see, so many people have tolerance for things that are evil and they claim to fear God. That’s why the fountain of wisdom seems to dry up. Church Gist. When there is no fear for God, the wisdom of God dries up in the life of man. It dries up. So, there must be a hatred for evil. Psalm 101:7. To hate evil, that is what it means to fear God.
- The fear of the Lord is reverence for God. That is, living one’s life in honour, in reverence, in respect for God. When you are taking decisions, ask yourself, “how does God feel?” When you are taking actions, ask yourself, “how will God feel about the things that I’m doing, about the things that I’m saying, even about the things that I am thinking?” Because evil starts from the heart. It is living in reverence for God. Church Gist. Hebrews 12:28. It is reverence for God. 1 Corinthians 10:31. That is, everything should be about honoring God. Yes, we live in a corrupt, a crooked world, but the Bible says we are to shine as light. Philippians 2:15. So, in a midst of a perverse, a crooked generation, we are ordained to live and shine as light. Matthew 5:16. Titus 2:14. Passionate about honoring God, passionate about reverencing God.
- Shout hallelujah!
That’s what it means to fear God and when one registers for the fear of God, that person becomes a custodian of the secrets of God. Psalm 25:14.
Number 2 access that we have to the secret of God is prayer of enquiries. Jeremiah 33:3. So, God responds to our enquiries. Matthew 7:7,8. It is important to note that those who don’t ask questions are not entitled to answers. Church Gist. If we are going to make much out of our adventure with God, we must learn to engage with prayers of enquiries.
Years ago with God’s Servant at a particular location and in the morning, he will come out and while we share together, he will share the things that God told him. In the evening again, we’ll gather and he will share the things that God told him again between morning and evening and by the next day again, we’ll gather and something again has been said. Church Gist. So, I went back, I said “Lord, every time we come, Oh, the Lord just said, the Lord said, the Lord said. Why are you speaking to him all the time?” Because everyone of us are children of God. Is that not true? Everybody that is born again is a child of God, but how come you are talking to him all the time and I got an answer I will never forget. He said, “because he asks me questions”. You see, most of us walk by assumptions, instead of asking questions. Church Gist. We walk by calculations, instead of asking questions, we walk by permutations, instead of asking questions, we even walk by suggestions, instead of asking questions. You are not entitled to an answer if you are not asking a question.
Exodus 19:19,20. Moses spake. He requested something and God answered him with a voice. Church Gist. It is those who ask questions that are qualified for answers.
Let’s take note that God is not in the business of heaping up our prayers, but giving answers to our prayers. Psalm 65:5. So, He is interested in answering our prayers. So, we must learn to engage with prayers of enquiries and like we were taught this morning at the Shiloh Prayer Hour, even your thought, God responds to it. Church Gist. So, you carry your question in your heart and all through the day, as you’re walking through the day, the question before the Lord, “Lord, this is the area where I require your direction”. It is going on in your heart and God responds with a voice.
- For somebody, even before you depart from Shiloh, the clear voice of the Lord will sound in your direction.
But to secure answers to our enquires;
- Be specific. We must be specific in our demands. David was specific. 1 Samuel 30:6-8. Should I pursue, will I overtake? And the Lord answered specifically to a specific question, “Pursue, you will surely overtake and without fail, you will recover all”.
- We must be in the Spirit. Revelation 1:10. We must be in the Spirit.
- We must be loaded with the Word. Colossians 3:16. Why is it important that it’s (the Word) dwelling richly in you? So that it can give you access to all wisdom. Psalm 29:1-4. What are the waters? The waters are the Word. Ephesians 5:26. So, when the Word is loaded in your heart, the voice is louder in your spirit. Church Gist. “The voice of the Lord is upon the waters” So, keep loading your spirit man with God’s Word. As God’s Word dwells richly in you, His voice sounds louder to you. So, our access to answers in prayers of enquiry requires that we’re loaded with the Word.
- We must approach God with expectation. Proverbs 23:18.
- We must be saturated with appreciation, praise and worship. Be saturated. There is an environment that is conducive for God and that’s the environment of appreciation, praise and worship. Philippians 4:6. If you check it, when you’re making enquiries from God, when your heart is saturated with worship, with praise, suddenly, there is an opening to pick what God is saying. Church Gist. There’s an opening, you can receive your answers to your enquiries. So, saturate your spirit man with praise, with worship and when that’s the case, it will be flowing out of you ceaseleasly, in words, in songs, you are just glorifying God, even in action. You sit down and then your hands are just waving to Heaven sometimes. Why? Adoring Him, celebrating Him. Church Gist. It’s an outflow of your spirit man and that’s what causes us to be able to pick the answers to our enquiries. If you want to pick, then you must ensure that you position appropriately. Psalm 16:11.
We have heard the testimony before, God’s Servant was coming from Town, Raji Oba, our Church in Town, coming to Canaanland, with another Man of God inside the car and from when they drove to when they got here, by the time they got here, the Man of God looked at him and said, “Sir, from when we left to when we got here, you have said thank you Jesus, Glory to God, hallelujah, 72 times”. Church Gist. It was not that he was trying to do it, it was that it was flowing from his spirit. You see, when a man is full of complaints, he will be full of complication. Instead of finding solutions and answers, he’ll be finding confusion and devastation. But when you are full of appreciation, you will not be lacking of answers.
Please, hear this. Anytime you come to a crossroad, don’t complain, appreciate. The Bible said in everything, give thanks. Why? Is it so that you can remain in that thing? No, so that you can turn that thing. Church Gist. At the corner of the road, Yes, “Lord, what direction do I go?” But then just switch and begin to give God glory, you will see the channel of Heaven opened on your direction!
- I see that becoming someone’s experience from now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Number 3 key to accessing secrets from above is, engage the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Custodian of the deep things of God. 1 Corinthians 2:10. So, if you are looking for a secret that will enhance your value and your pursuit on the Earth, engage His help. He teaches us beyond what anyone can teach. Now, listen carefully. Church Gist. Even when a man is teaching you, watch out for what the Holy Ghost will be showing you, because inside the teaching, there is a teaching for you, there is something He’s saying to you. Isaiah 30:20,21. Your teacher is in front, but there is a voice behind, that’s the Holy Ghost there teaching you beyond what the man is saying. Teaching you, that’s the ministry of the Holy Ghost, the Teacher, the One showing you what you need to hear.
Many of us, for example, inside Shiloh, we came with certain request, I know that’s been my own experience. Certain things that…trusting God for direction, for clarity, for instruction and in the midst of a teaching, (clarity comes), in the midst of a teaching. Church Gist. One of the teachings here God’s Servant was teaching and in the midst of the teaching (clarity came). It wasn’t something he said, but it was the voice of the Spirit using what he said to show me what I was asking for in a flash. So, engage the help of the Holy Ghost. Listen, never approach the Word without His help. The secret of God is beyond the intellect of man so, engage His help so that He can open you up. Church Gist. 2 Corinthians 3:18. So, it’s the Holy Ghost that opens us up to the secrets of God that catapults us to the height of life. So, we engage His help. We engage His help, He will open the deep things of God, escavate them and pull the treasures out on our behalf.
I likened the Holy Spirit to a rig. If you’re going to pull out oil from the depth of the Sea, you will need a rig. The oil is there, the treasures are there, but they’re beyond your ability to pull them out until the rig is engaged. Church Gist. You see, the Lord has deep things inside of Him, the rig to gain is the Holy Ghost. “Holy Spirit, teach me. Holy Spirit, show me” and then, He begins to escavate the treasures of Scriptures, the treasures of God and download them into your spirit man.
- That will become somebody’s experience from now.
Finally, number 4 key to accessing the secrets of God is, searching the Scriptures. Daniel 9:2. 2 Timothy 2:15. Church Gist. There is no matter you cannot settle in the Word. Hello? There is no matter. Let’s settle down with God’s Word.
I’ve shared this before, years ago, when my son was very young, at a point, one day, he just started to stammer very heavily, stammering very heavily. So, I got to God’s Word and saw how Jesus touched the tongue of a man and the tongue was loosed. I touched his tongue and I said I command you to be loosed. He was still stammering. Church Gist. I said, Lord, what’s going on? I went back to the Word and it said “If you say to this mountain be removed, be cast into the Sea, if you doubt not in your heart, you will have whatsoever you say”. I said I already commanded the tongue to be loosed, so why is it not loosed? He said, “If you say to this mountain”. I was searching the Scriptures, “If you say, you will have what you say”. Suddenly, the Holy Ghost opened my eyes, He said “are you the one stammering?” I said no. Church Gist. “Who is stammering?” I said he’s my son. “Tell him now to begin to say, I can speak clearly”. He started saying it, the tongue loosed. There is no trace of stammering. Search the Scriptures, you can settle any matter.
- I see somebody here experiencing the rising of his or her star!