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This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Good Morning and
welcome to Morning Glow!
Trusting the Lord to bless you, impact you and touch your life. Trusting the Lord to really, really open your eyes to the things He has for you.

Heavenly Father we magnify you, we celebrate you, we make your name great. King of kings, Lord of lords, Adonai. Our God, our Saviour, our Master, the lover of our lives. The One who loves us, who washed us with His blood. Thank you for saving us, for delivering us, for making us your own.

Thank you for the privilege of our names written in the book of life. Thank you for forgiving us all our past and guaranteeing our future. Take the glory, take the honour, take the praise, take the adoration this morning in Jesus name.

Jesus this morning as we come before you, we receive all that you have for us. Make this day a beautiful day, an awesome day; let your hand be upon it, let you people experience your grace, your power in Jesus name. We thank you Lord in Jesus name.

We started sharing on victory and overcoming opposition yesterday. We started with victory over the wrong voices in your life and I believe God gave you a victory in Jesus name.

This morning I will like to encourage you from the book of Acts of the Apostle 27:13-44. We see the story of Paul when he was been carried to go and see Caesar. When he appealed to Caesar, when they brought false accusations against him and in the cause of the journey, Paul told the captain not to sail but the captain did not listen. Then there was a massive crisis. The sea became extremely boisterous and troubled, it was throwing them up and down.

Paul went though this with others but in the midst of it, God gave him victory. I believe God this morning and as He has laid it on my heart to lead a season of praying victory, God will cause you to be victorious in every area of life. Church Gist.Any battle you are facing, any challenge will be turnaround to be a testimony in Jesus name.

Life’s crisis come during a time of despair and some of these despairs can come because of different reasons:

  • Deception. Deception from somebody who deceived, who lied to us but God will cause you to be victorious.
  • Faulty belief. Faulty theology, when you have a faulty teaching given to you and you hold on to it so tight, it can increase your crisis.
  • Faulty advice. Bad advice; many of the challenges we face are often dependent on who we are listening to. Paul wrote in Acts 27:11 ‘But the Centurion instead of listening to what Paul said followed the advice of the pilot and the owner of the ship’. He didn’t listen to Paul, probably he belittles him. Paul spoke by the Spirit. He said I sensed there is going to be trouble and so they looked at Paul, they thought of their own commercial ship.

Many, many times some major, major challenges have happened because of what people think. The people listened to economics and not the man of God.

  • False security. ‘I am okay, I know well, I am so sure’. The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6 ‘trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your way acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.
  • A sense of disaster because we feel life is out of control (Acts 27:14).
  • A sense of desperation (Acts 27:20). It was in the middle of this that the angel of the Lord appeared to Paul and Paul now stood up in the boat and said gentlemen, I told you we shouldn’t have sailed from the beginning. Well, now we are in the middle of the crisis but there stood an angel of the Lord by me in the night and I want you to know that there shall be no loss of life.

He didn’t say there shall be no loss of anything, he said there shall be no loss of life (Acts 27:22) and truly the ship broke to pieces but they all got to the shore of Malta.

  • Some storms are caused by actions we take. Storms leads to desperation, desperation leads to a sense of hopelessness and it can lead to a point of giving up. When you face storms don’t give up on your God, hold on to Jesus, hold on to the Word, hold on to life, fix on your eyes on God. Tell yourself He can deliver from, He can deliver through. Whichever He does, His glory will be seen, my life will become a testimony.

God can deliver you from, God can deliver you through. He delivered some people from a battle, He make some people go through it and deliver them. The Hebrew men went through the fire but God delivered them. Daniel had to go through the lion’s den but God delivered him and there are some before they get there, He deliver them (2 Samuel 5:17). God Himself went there and scattered the enemies. Glory to God Almighty!

Life’s storms are times for you to make the right decisions. Prepare yourself to do the will of God. They are times for you to discard anything that weigh you down. When the storm became violent, they threw away every other load (Acts 27:18-19). When you reach a point of survival nothing else matters, but life, life, life, and you will survive. Your will beat coronavirus, you will beat the challenges of life. This will be your season of victory in the name of Jesus.

You will not make the wrong decisions. Acts 27:20 – that is a wrong decision. It is not over until God says it is over. It is not over until you win. Hold on to God, hold on to His word, hold on to victory, hold on to testimony, hold on to the grace of God, hold on to the hand of God, hold on to the ability of God to make a way for you in the name of Jesus.

Hold on to the grace of God that cannot lie. Hold on to the fact that God whom we serve is a God of victory, a God of testimony, the God of abilities. He is the God of power.

Heavenly father we give you glory this morning, we bless you. We thank you for past victories, we thank you for past testimonies for what you have done in our lives. How you’ve stretched your hands, how you have saved us, you have delivered us. You’ve done awesome things in our lives. You have proven yourself as God in our lives at different times. Take the glory, take the honour, take the adoration.

Thank you Jesus. Be glorified. Be honoured. We praise you, we magnify you, we celebrate you, we make great your name in the name of Jesus.


  • (Deuteronomy 20:4) Lord we bless you because you are our God. We thank you because you are the captain of our salvation. You are Jehovah Sabbaoth, the One who leads the battle. The mighty warrior of heaven. The One who draws His sword and everything else bows.Church Gist. You conquered for the children of Israel, you showed up at the gate of Jericho to push down the walls man cannot push down. Take the praise this morning, take the glory this morning.

We stand upon your word and we declare victory against every enemy strategy. Victory against every enemy’s lie. Victory against every thing that has made itself enemy of your people, enemy of their joy and enemy of their progress in the mighty name of Jesus.

I speak victory this morning. Victory in every sphere. The areas that have trouble you shall become the places of testimony. The areas that have trouble you shall become the places of glory, the places of power, the places of honour in the name of Jesus.

  • (1 Corinthians 10:13) I speak into your life this morning; no matter what the test is you will overcome it.Church Gist. God will make a way out of the situation you have found yourself in the name of Jesus.
  • (John 16:33) Lord in your victory we find our victory. In your testimony we find our testimony. In your overcoming we find our overcoming. Everyone within the reach of my voice this morning, I speak into your life; you have overcome! According to the Word of the Lord to you today, no matter the intensity of the battle, the gravity of the challenge, you have overcome in the name of Jesus.

I see a revelation of someone who was invited to a, it looks like an interview or to come and take on a business and you got to the gate and somebody has brought down the gate.Church Gist. There is a gatekeeper or they made themselves a gatekeeper and will not let you in and the people who have the blessings are waiting for you and this small thing, this person who has no significant position is the one standing between you and the lofty things you are about to receive.

Every demonic entity, every satanic power, every false spirit that wants to arrogate its self against you, I cast them down this morning, I pull down every stronghold, I cast down every lie of hell. Every embargo that has been place before you fall for you this morning. That gate, we tear it down in the name of Jesus.

He has broken the gates of brass and torn the bars of iron in sunder – we tear ever satanic embargo in the name of Jesus.

It shall not be the month the enemy has whispered into your ears to wait, it shall be faster, quicker. It shall be faster and quicker in the name of Jesus. There is going to be a turnaround that the Lord will cause to happen faster, quicker in the name of Jesus.

  • (1 Peter 3:18) Everything Christ died for that you have not yet obtained; His blood is the credit card that went to heaven and paid before the invoice was raised. Church Gist. Everything that Christ died for, I declare a manifestation of it in your life. He died for your health, receive healing this morning on this platform in the name of Jesus.

I see a person who have a terrible migraine on one side of your head, I lay a hand of faith on you and I command your healing in the name of Jesus.

I see someone who coughed all night and it was so bad and you are worried. Receive your healing right now in the name of Jesus. I hear the Word of the Lord: worry not, you will not die but live in Jesus name.

We burst every dark cloud, evil cloud, demonic and satanic cloud in the name of Jesus.

  • (2 Peter 3:9) Father let there be an uncommon testimony. Somebody who thinks the delay is too much, let their delay turnaround into a testimony in Jesus.

Listen, God knows you and understands you. Don’t worry, don’t think of maybe I am doing the wrong thing, I feel terrible in this delay. Church Gist. Even Abraham went to God and say: you promised me a son but time is going, timing is going God. People are laughing at me when I tell them that I’m still going to have a child. They thought I’m mad, they think I drank too much drinks or smoke shisha and God said I am the One that spoke, I will keep my words.

The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise. This morning I declare into your life, the God who is not slow, the God who is not going to forget, the God who is going to keep His promise; in every area you consider a delay, it shall delay no more, it shall delay no more, it shall delay no more in the name of Jesus.

I declare and decree that your favour of this season shall delay no more, your testimony shall delay no more, your breakthrough shall delay no more, your glory shall delay no more. There will be a manifestation in the name of Jesus.Church Gist

  • (Psalm 3:8) May the blessing of the Lord truly rest on you. Every area you have known battle and the battles keep going on and you are wondering what is this? I speak this morning, a divine turnaround, a divine change in the name of Jesus.
  • (1 John 5:4) This is your new spiritual nature. You have the DNA of God. I speak into your life today, you will overcome in the name of Jesus.

I am sure you are blessed this morning and the hand of the Lord has touched you and your life will never be the same.

The Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace in Jesus name.

Glory be to God!





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