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  • Bishop David Oyedepo at Special Midweek Communion Service || Canaanland What a night and it is your night. This night is your night. Every negative thing that might have come with any of you will not return with you. His presence always makes a difference. Access to His presence always makes a difference. If you came under any pressure, it will not go with you. The encounter of tonight you will remember for life.


No one can tell what is in obedience until he has obeyed. Obedience might be costly but the end result is priceless. You can’t tell what is in obedience until you have obeyed. I have never been to the pool in Siloam before. Good luck, stay with your blindness. I am a professional fisherman and there is no difference between the right and the left side. Okay, continue to stay on the wrong side where you are and then you catch no fish and die of frustration. John 21:6. Whatever He says, He creates. Church Gist. He has commanded all the fishes to go to the right side of the boat. You can’t tell what is in obedience until you have obeyed. Obedience is the only way to taste the goodness of the Lord contained in His word. What you don’t obey and won’t obey you won’t see it manifest in your life. God is no respecter of persons, He is a covenant-keeping God. Obedience of faith is the master key to the manifestation of His word. John 2:5.

The word of God is valid for all times but it is applicable only to those who believe. It is not whosoever is intelligent or learned, whosoever obeys. Obedience is what makes the word work. Valid for all times. It lives and abides forever. 1 Peter 1:23, Matthew 24:35. Whatever time we do what God commands in His word believing, we have committed Him to perform. Why? He cannot deny Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13
So it takes our faith to secure His commitment to perform His word in our lives.

Nothing is ever wrong with the word, things are always wrong with our faith. It is either our lack of faith, our weak faith, or our faith that refused to grow. God is always and forever right. If anything is wrong, check yourself, not God. He is a good God.

We go into Understanding the Power of Obedience 4. We serve a covenant-keeping God, not a Father Christmas God. You need a covenant mentality to make the most of our walk with God. No matter how hard we cry, until our part is played on any provision of scripture, God won’t lift a finger. Church Gist. No matter how hard we pray. No matter how long we fast, God is a covenant-keeping God, not a Father Christmas God.

1 Thessalonians 3:10. He doesn’t dash things. He is bound by His covenant with man. We need a covenant mentality to make the most of our life in the Kingdom. Jeremiah 33:20-21. God’s covenant is as binding as the covenant of the day and the night. If you can’t stop the covenant of the day then you can’t stop my covenant from delivering in the life of my children. No one working in a covenant with God ends up a failure. Church Gist. God will just keep showing up in our walk with God when anything concerns you as you walk in the covenant. As strong and reliable as the covenant is, until our part is played, God is not committed.

I had that landmark encounter in 1982 when God was unveiling to me the mystery of kingdom prosperity. He said, “My son David, my prosperity plan is not a promise so it has no respect for fasting and prayer. It is a covenant. Until your part is played, I am not committed”. That is God’s verdict on every provision of scriptures, until your part and my part is played, I am not committed. You can’t use weeping and wailing to get God committed. So let’s be awake to the realities of kingdom life. It answers to a quality covenant walk with God. No games.

Let’s listen to the following.

For example, one can never succeed in any endeavour without being diligent in his approach. Proverbs 22:29. They are many who claim to be in their business and their business means just idling about. Just sleep and wake up at 10. You don’t go anywhere. Without a diligent approach to life, one is sure to end up a failure. In every business concern and career endeavour, how active you are determines what impact you make. Proverbs 22:29. John 5:17. So the kingdom has no allowance for idle people. You wake up and just pass through the day, the day didn’t pass through you. When the Lord called me into full-time ministry, I said Jesus do you have enough jobs for me to do? Because I have found all these things before. No future for an idle man. He said I have got more for you to do than you can finish in your lifetime. Okay. That’s okay. Because I saw pastors just idling about. I don’t like this kind of life. Why won’t they loiter around? 41 years I have not knocked on anyone’s door till now. Many lazy people in the name of faith. Faith can’t get you into success without work. I must have hit some people now but that is okay. We are here for corrections.

All my sons and daughters looking for a job, whatever your hand finds to do now start doing it. There is dignity in labour. You don’t need to settle with Corporate Affairs to sell yam or to sell tomatoes. One of our young men in Kaduna came back from the U.S. with a Masters in Mechanical Engineering and couldn’t find any job but he is used to a working life where he is coming from. So he went to Edo to find out how much they sell palm oil, came to Kaduna to find out also and became a supply merchant. With the little money he had, he started to buy palm oil from Edo into Kaduna and he built a house in G.R.A. You are just sitting idle, that is not life. Life is about the dignity of labour. You are with a proposal, which proposal are you carrying about. Church Gist. Ecclesiastes 9:10. The one that gave us our landed property in Liberia started as a shoe shiner. He heard me say that if you are not working you are dying without knowing and he used the little money he had to buy polish and brush. You have the creative mind of Christ, unlimited opportunities are everywhere. One of my sons told me that someone wants to start ministry and his budget is 22.5 million. He said God will never give you that if it is ministry you want to start. You will die if he gives you.

One can not enjoy a flourishing life walking around with vain persons. “There is nothing that can work in this country, all of them smiling are in pain inside”. You walk around with vain persons you sell off your birthright. Psalm 1:1-3. Walking around with vain persons will turn your destiny into vanity. “We are agemates, we are classmates”. The man is not going anywhere, his language is a killer language “you are still going to Church today? Na every day you dey go Church? You no go do other things. When will you watch news, are you like Papa that doesn’t watch news”. Church Gist. When I sneeze from here, it goes around the world. I am busy making news for the world. Like all those bandits and crazy people, they are jittery now. If I curse you in the name of the Lord, you are cursed. Those who make news don’t watch the news. You can’t be a fan and a player at the same time. Proverbs 13:20. Your success is not just about your diligence, you must also be careful about your association so you don’t destroy the works of your hand.

One cannot live a healthy life without feeding constantly on the word. Proverbs 4:20-22. Feeding on the word makes believers healthy. Jeremiah 15:16, Proverbs 17:22. The more you feed on the word, the more joyful and that means the more healthy. 2 Peter 1:4. As you feed on the word, your divine content increases and that content is immune to sickness and disease. The more you feed on the word the healthier you become. So it is not running around and saying “pray for me, pray for me”. You can get the devil out of your life by committing to what God asked you to do.

One cannot go from strength to strength without being regular in fellowship. Psalm 84:7. You can’t pull your shoulders “I have meetings every day, I just came back from a board meeting. I don’t think I can be in Church more than three times this year”. Good luck. You find yourself in a cult before you know it. There will be putting incisions on your body before you know it. “ah! I am a winner” which winner? There is no strength. Could anybody market cultism to me in this world even when I just got born again? For them to introduce it to you means there is no strength, no reflection of Christ. The board meeting is your disconnect? Church Gist. The Muslims who are in that meeting are they not praying five times a day. Now wearing a tie and be running about as if God needs you. Your car will be off the road if you don’t care about filling stations. You just bought a car but it will need fuel. You don’t go for fuel, it will stop you on the road. In Lagos, they don’t push cars for free, they will look at the size of your car to give you a prize. Are you ready to pay or not? You better believe in the service station so that you don’t get grounded on the highway.

My prayer is that you will understand this covenant concept and go for it. Nobody can obey for you. Nobody can be saved for you. According to your faith be it done unto you. Nobody needs to believe with you. All these looking for who to blame won’t work. Do you know why the enemy wants to disconnect people? The giants of the kingdom are all products of Zion. So he wants to keep you out of this. Every notable giant in the kingdom is a product of commitment to Zion. Psalm 110:1-3, 87:1-7. Obadiah 1:17,21. He hates you for coming to Zion. Church Gist. He also knows that so he wants to scare people from the Church. But Nigeria, the case is different. I can tell you that the devil will smell. His agents will smell. If you have children and they are being molested and molested. The enemy tormenting them will see your strength. They will see the strength of God like never before. They will beg for bread in this country. They will beg for clothes to wear in this kingdom. Zion is the power base in the kingdom. Commitment to Zion is being registered in the school of giants. The devil hates it so you better be ready.

Again, one can’t enjoy honour from God without being a faithful servant. Malachi 3:17, He spares them that serve Him. John 12:26, honour is not free. Honour is earned.

  • It is your turn to be honoured.
    We don’t pray to be honoured, we serve to be honoured. It is the cup we have to drink to be honoured. We all know one cannot enjoy financial fortune without being a giver. There is no shortcut. There is no tenable excuse under heaven. You are not a giver? You end up a beggar. You are a giver today, you surely end up in abundance tomorrow. There is no shortcut. There is no prophetic declaration about it, you can wear rubber bands saying “I am prosperous” is not equal to prosperity. You can put it on two hands and it won’t make a difference.

We cannot expect answers to our prayers without praying according to the will of God. We have to find the will of God. 1 John 5:14. Prayer has to be according to the will of God that is why all your prayers are packed with scriptural references. To present that item to God it must be in line with His rounded will. Somebody’s cotton plantation refused to open up when it should. Church Gist. So he took his tithe cheque and spread it on the field, the devourer is not permitted to touch me, I am a tither. The following day, the cotton heard. Short prayer but covenant based prayer. You believe before you can have, you don’t believe you can’t have. Mark 11:24.

These are some covenant tips that will help us take spiritual responsibility in our walk with God. God is ever committed to advancing those who are committed to the advancement of His kingdom. We saw those folks in Jeremiah 30:19-21, He just changed their status because they were committed to advancing His kingdom. 1 Samuel 12:6. Anyone committed to advancing God’s kingdom. Church Gist. He turns nobles out of ordinary persons, He makes captains out of people without identity. You commit to advancing God’s kingdom, He is committed to advancing your destiny. So watch out there is an army of giants emerging from here. The kind the world has never known before by our commitment to advancing His kingdom.

Well, with that I think we have some rough ideas about what obedience carries. How we need to keep hunting for the instructions behind obedience and lining up with it. Everyone that will not be tired of seeing men come into the kingdom, no matter all the devils in hell will end up a star. If he will not be tired, he will end up a star. Now he is getting some returns, some testimonies, he will become the testimony. As of last Sunday, our team had brought in 17,000 converts into this Church. The journey began some time ago, you can’t jump to that level overnight. Our personal budget runs into millions on outreaches. It began a long time ago but not in millions. If You don’t stop, God won’t stop. He will keep changing your level little by little. As people keep insulting you “you are crazy, you don’t have a brain” you don’t have a brain but you are making gains, and changing levels. What do you think will happen? I was so sure because God never lies. What He says is that will happen. I was so sure. May you catch such assurance of faith. It is only when obedience stops that God’s blessings stop. King Asa stopped obeying God at 20 and he collapsed. Church Gist. He led a mighty revival but I think he started pulling his shoulders and God removed His hand off him, that was the end of it. He struck his feet with sickness, he died like that. King Saul was in obedience for 40 years and he broke the tie. He lost the throne. Uzziah went on till 52 and went off and God went off too. He died a leper. Please take grace tonight to keep going. Abraham continued for 100 years, we can keep going. He was called at 75 and he went to heaven at 175 without a question mark on his obedience. God’s blessings stop where our obedience stops. You will make it to the end.

We must maintain this covenant mentality as we go about our daily life. Let’s examine the obedience that works.

  1. Good conscience-based obedience
    Don’t fake it, God knows when we are faking it. 2 Chronicles 25:2. 1 Timothy 1:19. 2 Corinthians 4:1-2.
  2. Hope driven obedience
    You are not obeying as obeying a taskmaster. You know what lies at the end of your obedience. Romans 4:18. Abraham hoped against hope and Isaac came because his hope was kept alive. See your future through the eyes of the scriptures. They are as real as the day. 1 Peter 1:3. You have a living hope, not a dead one. Your hope is a spiritual reality, all you need is to just see it and hold tight to it. Ecclesiastes 9:4. No believer ever gets to a hopeless end of life.
    We have the example of Job. Job 13:15, 14:14, 19:25. He kept hope alive and we saw the end of it. He lived 140 years more to enjoy his restoration by keeping hope alive. Church Gist. The good news is that you are not permitted to come to a dead-end on any issue of life. That thing that looks dead, forget it. It is the Devil’s lie. Jesus will reopen it. John 11:25. When Jesus comes, every dead thing resurrects. “Lazarus come out” and came out after four days. John 11:25-44. You can’t have a closed case not as long as you are joined to the God of hope. You are joined to Jesus, your case is never closed. That is travelling through the journey of Job. So every Job-like experience here, that you are hearing this word means it is your turn to experience a turnaround.

You are a covenant child, you have to have serious undying respect for the terms of the covenant on every provision of the kingdom. Let your obedience be completely aligned.

In Chapter 23 of Matthew, Jesus was woe-ing the Pharisees and Sadducees verse by verse because they were standing in the way of the gospel. Read Isaiah 49:24-26. That is what He does. He will rise to do that verbatim in Nigeria. Your children won’t go to school and you are apprehensive whether they will come back or not. You won’t get on a plane and not be sure whether somebody is there to bomb it. These senseless evils, their end has come. We don’t prophesy FOR all the time, sometimes you prophesy AGAINST. There is power in the Church, the Church is not using its power that is why people think the Church is powerless. The Church is not using its power. “The God of Oyedepo ” and they dropped their guns and ran away, they said “stop mentioning that name”. Church Gist. You better get hooked to this prophetic covering and save your life against all these devils which are hovering all around town. Psalm 7:10-13. God is angry with the wicked every day. God is angry with them, you can’t be happy with somebody killing your children. He will vent His anger within seven days. You can’t trample upon the Church, how dare you. That is God speaking. You need the spirit of Christ to command dominion.

Prayers: Lift your hands and ask God for an impartation of the lifestyle of Jesus that will stop any devil from resisting the break forth of His word. Nigeria must have rest. Every human being is made by God whether saved or unsaved and some power-drunk people are killing many. Church Gist. Pray for the downfall of these people without any human feelings. Pray for the downfall of this evil regime. The throne of the wicked is destroyed. Downfall tonight. A fall that will never rise again.

Decree a covering over anyone called by the name of the Lord across the length and breadth of Nigeria and over every Church facility that from now. The judgment seat will be around every home and every church and every person that dares anything will die on the spot.

Hear what David, a man after God’s heart said in Psalm 139:21-22. God’s love permits hatred of evil people. Hatred against them that hate God. You must be a dummy believer to have your child killed and you are smiling with the killer. God is not a dummy God. He showed them pepper in Egypt, He will do that again here. Don’t toy with God. All the persecutors of the Church in Nigeria their end has come. There are big money bags sponsoring all these evil, they will smell. God is humorous, He showed me all these 1992, May 22. He showed me how they were shooting in the Church. I told one of the past presidents. I prayed against it to ensure that people’s lives are preserved. Church Gist. I hosted the first prayer for this nation, 3 days dry fast in 1979. I am not just a newcomer. I have been one of the custodians of God’s agenda for this nation before these people who call themselves politicians ever knew where they were going. He confides in me about what happens in this nation. We are on the verge of the unthinkable. I will let the cat out of the bag very soon but I know for the sake of the elect, these days shall be shortened. Everyone behind the insecurity of this nation their end has finally come. Woe unto them and their children.

  • As for you, no evil shall scratch you. You are not part of it.

Apart from God’s judgment, no evil had access to the Church in the wilderness under the prophetic calling of Moses. Hosea 12:13. There is no single soul that is in this commission that will suffer a loss. I am saying that on the authority of the word of God, too many testimonies that back up the validity of the word of God. Church Gist. They are strange and they are acts of God. Saul could not reach David because he was under the prophetic covering of Samuel. You can’t be plucked out under a prophetic covering. You saw how much trouble we have given to kidnappers and ritual killers all over this nation in this commission.

Thank God for the judgment that has come upon the wicked in the land.






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