-Pastor E A Adeboye on “Complete in Him” at the RCCG Special Holy Ghost Service || July Edition|| 30thJune2022.|| Day 1.
Whether some people believe it or not, pentecostal are going to be many in Heaven because Heaven is a noisy place, the angels are always crying Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty. John the Revelator said, I heard a sound like thunder. ChurchGist. Tonight we are standing at a boundary, the first half of this year is gone, we are about to enter into a new season, it will be a new season of victory, a new season of completeness, the only thing standing between us and that new season is the wall of Jericho, let somebody shout Hallelujah!
🎼🎼We give you all the glory.
We give you honour. (X2) 🎼🎼
Father, Almighty, we give you all the glory, honour and adoration, accept our worship in Jesus name, tonight just take all the glory and make us complete, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.
Let me hear another shout of Hallelujah.
Colossians 2:9-10. Our Lord is the head of all principalities and powers, He’s the head of all demons, angels, Boko Haram, the head of all evil forces and we are complete in Him, the devil cannot do anything without getting permission from our God, he couldn’t touch Job until he got permission and the permission he got was limited, you can go this far but no further, that’s what our God said. ChurchGist. Therefore there is no reason whatsoever why a child of God should be afraid, we are not powerless, all power in Heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus, nobody dies without God’s permission. ChurchGist. As the Lord lives, as the one who is called the resurrection and the life lives, none of you will die before your time. Don’t let anybody frighten you, we are more than conquerors. So, every mountain, every wall of Jericho, every murderer, every evil force that may be hibernating anywhere, today as the Lord of hosts lives the fire of God will consume them.
Jesus is the head of all the principalities and powers, why? He made all things, all things were made by him, He said I am the one who made wasters to destroy, not to destroy my children but to destroy their enemies, as God lives before whom I stand every plot against the Church of God will be consumed by fire. ChurchGist. From now on in the name that is above every other name, every kidnapper, every terrorist, all their supporters, will never be able to rest again. The blood running in their veins will turn to fire. The air they breathe will turn to fire. The ground they walk upon will turn to fire. The bed they sleep upon will turn to fire. When they wake up they will be waking in fire, when they sleep, they will be dreaming of fire. As long as Jesus lives, as long as the name of the God I serve is the consuming fire, every force trying to plot against the Church of God, the fire of God will consume them.
Now, we want to talk on complete in Him as we take the Holy Communion this evening, it is great to be healed, God will heal tonight, He will heal even the incurable, but according to Luke 17: 11-19, just saying thank you after Jesus has healed you can make you whole. So, when you take the body, 1st Corinthians 11:23-24, when you take the bread, believe Him, because by His stripes, by His broken body you were healed. Oh, there might be symptoms trying to tell you that you’re not healed, tell the symptoms; the just shall live by faith. ChurchGist. We are not moved by what we see, we are moved by our faith in God, because of that faith in the most high God, I hereby decree, every sickness and disease in everybody’s life today the fire of the Lord will consume them. So, the bread is very important, but what about the blood, the wine that is symbolic of His blood? The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sins, 1st John 1:7 and once our sins are washed away by the blood there is no more hindrance to our prayers, Isaiah 59:1-2, once that sin is gone by the blood, no more hindrance to our prayers. So, by the special grace of the almighty God, even before you leave here tonight, there will be signs that your prayers are already answered.
Revelation 12:10-11. You have the Blood, why should you be afraid of Satan? The same blood, according to Hebrews 10:19-22, gives us access to the holiest, we can go into God’s bedroom by the blood of the lamb. ChurchGist. There are places in any man’s house that very few people can enter.
I have told you the story of one of my sons, when he was very little, he will come to my prayer room. For those of you who have visited open heavens house, you would have seen my bedroom and then you will see a little room adjourning that bedroom, that’s my prayer room, if you have ever been there you will know that there is no facility to make it comfortable and it was built like that because I don’t want to go there and fall asleep, most of the time when I go in there to pray I go in there naked, there is nothing you want to hide from the one who made you anyway, particularly when I want to discuss some very serious issues with God and I will lay down there naked, crying to God and my little boy will come in, of course he can come in, he was so little, nobody can stop him, while I’m praying to God about something big, may be Convention or other things, he will come to me and say: daddy I want cookies, you have heard the story before and I’ll tell him to leave me alone, go to your mother, he’ll continue his cries, daddy I want cookies, the worst thing I can do is to shout at him and then he will begin to cry and prayer will be disrupted, so I learnt my lesson, anytime I’m going there I take cookies along. ChurchGist. So as soon as he comes before he can ask, I’ll answer. When you have that kind of access to the most high God, there is nothing you ask that you don’t get and you have that access by the Blood of the Lamb, you’re going to enter into the holiest by the Blood of the Lamb and you’ll ask whatever you want until your joy is complete, if you believe that as you drink the blood today, you’ll get into the holiest of the almighty God and you will get all your prayers answered, shout Hallelujah.
Ephesians 1:19-23. We are talking of this place that is far above principalities and powers, through the Blood of the Lamb, you’ll get to that place that is far above principalities and powers, that’s why I get irritated when I see children of God begin to shake at the threat of unbelievers, it seems you don’t even know who you’re, you’re far above principalities, above powers, you’re far above Witches, above Wizards, above Boko Haram, above Herbalist, above Terrorists, let me hear you shout Hallelujah. ChurchGist. 2nd Kings 1:9-12. Elijah was sitting on a hill far above the enemies and the enemies came and said man of God come down, you’re under arrest, he said me, you know I am a man of God and you’re asking me to come down, he said it’s fire that will come down and fire came down.
I wasn’t in, I just came back from a journey and I was told that some people said that Children of God shouldn’t come to Church for 3 months or so and I said in this Nation of mine. ChurchGist. I’ll tell you a story, those of you who are shaking after prayers, you better go and check your salvation. When we came to this camp, this very camp, I was going for a walk at night, it was jungle all the way then, when I go for evening prayer, antelope and others kinds of animal will also be going for their own walk, I never bothered them because they were not bothering me, one night as I was going out, I saw a tree near the very first auditorium and fire was burning on top of the tree, so I thought one of my children who was working around here made fire to cook something and forgot to put it out, the following morning I looked on top of the tree all the leaves were green, I told myself, I saw fire on top of this tree.
So, when I spoke about it to the chief carpenter, he said he didn’t want to tell me, he said every evening we hear noise inside the tree, we hear the pounding of yam. ChurchGist. I said in that case, this tree is coming down today, light and darkness can’t dwell together, all those who are beginning to threaten the Church, they have overstepped their bounds. ChurchGist. So, I got the boys who were in the Bible college then. I told them to gather together, we want to cut down this tree today and every evil tree in your life will be down tonight.
So, the boys got their cutlasses and within the first 5 minutes of cutting, all the villagers gathered as if someone summoned them, they asked what are you doing? You’re cutting a holy/ special tree? I said yes. ChurchGist.They told me to stop, I said ok, they said if we don’t stop, as soon as the tree hits the ground all those who cut it will die and the tree will get up again, I said really. ChurchGist. I said we will cut down the tree, if that tree gets up, I will no longer serve Jesus Christ, if any of my boys dies because we cut down this tree, I will stop wasting my time calling myself a Christian, we cut down that tree, we cut it to pieces and used it to cook, my boys are still here. Every evil tree in your life, in your home, in your place of work, in Nigeria shall be consumed by fire. We’re complete in Him. The only fellow who should be shaking now is those who are pretending to be Christians and are not, you don’t know Jesus Christ and you’re pretending that you know Him, then when the devil speaks you should shake because you belong to him and you should shake because very soon, every enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ, every enemy of the Church of God, they shall be tormented by fire day and night. So, Incase you’re around and you’ve not given your life to Jesus Christ, you have an opportunity to do so tonight, an opportunity to join the winning side.
(Altar call)
Prayer point
Tell God to turn every fluid in your body into poison for the enemy. If anybody tries to touch you, they’ll come in contact with the consuming fire.
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