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10th August 2010: Church Gist Journalism vision. The direction is received to start Africa’s First Interdenominational Church History/ Christian Magazine. The Magazine began as ‘The Commander’ and metamorphosed into ‘Temple Digest’. It became Church Gist on Facebook on 4th May 2014.

10th August 2014: Assemblies of God Church concludes her 100 years Church anniversary celebration. The celebration included a Global Church Planting Summit and the meeting of the World Assemblies of God Congress held in Springfield, Missouri, United States.

10th August 1886: Joseph Medlicott Scriven goes to be with the Lord. He was a Canadian Hymn Writer who wrote the Hymn: “What a Friend we have in Jesus”. He was aged 66.

10th August 1815: Samuel Leigh arrives in Sydney, Australia for a Missionary work. This led to the establishment of the First Methodist Church in Australia. He was a Wesleyan Methodist Church Missionary in New South Wales and New Zealand, Australia.

10th August 1823: Hugh Stowell Brown is born. He was a Baptist Church Preacher and the President of The Baptist Union in 1878. He passed on to glory aged 63.



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