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13th August 2022: Bishop David Oyedepo rebukes pastors who ask members to buy into the anointing. In his words: ‘Moving offering buckets to the front of the Church and people dropping money during the Message to buy into the anointing is not from the Bible. It is a joke that people that did not come to Church with Bible or are not taking notes want to use money to buy anointing’.

13th August 1943: Billy Graham marries Ruth Bell at Montreat Presbyterian Church Montreat, North Carolina U.S.A. He was an American Evangelist and an ordained Southern Baptist Minister.

13th August 2022: Blessed Uzochikwa marries Mercy Chinwo. He is the Resident Pastor at The Water Brook Church, Lekki, Lagos State Nigeria and Mercy Chinwo is a Gospel Music Minister. Their union is blessed with a son, Charis Nduka Blessed.

13th August 1908: Ira David Sankey goes to be with the Lord. He was a Gospel Singer, Compiler and Editor of the Hymn Collection: ‘Sacred Songs and Solos’. He was also known for his association with Evangelist Dwight L. Moody in song ministrations during revival campaigns in America and Britain.

13th August 1919: Rex Humbard is born in Arkansas, United States of America. He was the Founder of The Cathedral of Tomorrow Church and the First Evangelist to have a weekly nationwide television program in the United States of America.

13th August 662: Maximus the Confessor goes to be with the Lord. He was a Monk, Theologian and Scholar known for his stand against the heresy of Monothelitism, a doctrine that portrays Jesus Christ as having one nature.

13th August 1943: Jakob Gapp goes to be with the Lord. He was a Roman Catholic Priest known for his preaching against the errors of Nazism and how it was incompatible with fundamental Christian ethics.



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