2nd February 1961: T. L. Osborn sends a handwritten note to young Benson Idahosa which read, “Brother Benson Idahosa, I am happy to hear from you and to know you as a young Preacher. If there’s anything I can do to help you tell the world about Jesus, please let me know and I’ll be glad to help you” in response to Benson Idahosa’s request to him to write more Christian tracts. This response marked the beginning of a life-long relationship between the duo.

2nd February 1967: Andrew (Andy) Osakwe, Founder and Senior Pastor of Summit Bible Church and President, Andy Osakwe Ministries International is born.

2nd February 2020: Pastor E. A. Adeboye leads members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God to embark on a nationwide prayer walk aimed at offering prayers and supplications unto God to save Nigeria from being consumed by insurgents, terrorists, bandits and kidnappers across the country.

2nd February 1738: George Whitefield departs for Georgia, intending to become a permanent missionary to the American colony. His ministry in America was greatly blessed by God and helped to spearhead the Great Awakening.

2nd February 1745: Hannah More is born in Bristol. She was a popular British religious writer, philanthropist and poet who renounced the social life and concentrated on religious efforts, such as setting up Sunday schools to teach the Bible.
