UNCOVERING THE ROOT OF FAITH THAT WORKS PART 3 – Bishop David Oyedepo at Covenant Day of Settlement || First Sunday Service || Faith Tabernacle Canaanland

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–    Bishop David Oyedepo on “UNCOVERING THE ROOT OF FAITH THAT WORKS PART 3” at Covenant Day of Settlement || First Sunday Service || Faith Tabernacle Canaanland

In one of the testimonies read this morning, the testifier stated “No one serves God genuinely at a loss”. So testimonies are enlightening materials, they help to enlighten our hearts. No one serves God genuinely at a loss. Church Gist.  For everyone who has been engaging since the beginning of these prophetic weeks of harvest, the good news is that you have not served God at a loss. God who saw your engagement in secret has vowed to reward you openly. Except to be rewarded.

The second testifier talked about houses that they built and no one came to ask to rent them for 8 years.

–              Whatever the enemy may have tied down in your life, today in the name of Jesus they are declared loose.

Jesus turned those things loose in response to their engagement. Every area of your life that may have been tied down by the enemy is declared loose this morning.

Lord Jesus we are all looking up to you this morning, you said come unto me all that labour and I will give you rest. Learn of me and I will give you rest for your souls. Lord help to find what will result in rest for our souls. Church Gist. Let ups and downs be over in everyone’s life. Heal every sick individual this morning, release every captive soul today, open new chapters to everyone’s life. Let your name be glorified.

Good news! This mandate was delivered 1st – 2nd of May 1981. So Monday 1st of May marks 42 years and we shall be hosting our Annual Liberation Service. It is a Monday being a public holiday, Labour Day all around the world and the purpose is impartation, replication and multiplication of the graces of God upon this Commission into your lives. Church Gist. Don’t miss it for anything. It is going to be a prophetic mantle service. Jesus will transfer to you all his amazing grace that is reflective of this Commission today.


The Word of Faith is the core message of this mandate. God said to me “The hour has come to liberate the world from the operation of the devil through the preaching of the Word of Faith and I am sending you for this task”. So this is a faith house, this is a faith centre, every member of this family has an inheritance of faith in this place. In the name of Jesus, I decree that everyone’s faith comes alive so as to keep walking in victory and triumph. Church Gist. You never suffer any further defeat in your life. 1 John 5:4. This is the victory that overcomes the world (in spite of the devil) even our faith. So what we have been doing in our series of Sunday services is unravelling the roots of the faith that works. My prayer is that everyone will catch it this time and begin to enjoy the fruit thereof in the name of Jesus Christ.

First, we must recognize that the faith that works anchors on the Word. Romans 10:17. Faith comes by hearing and hearing to the point of understanding the Word of God. Simply put, faith comes by hearing and understanding the Word of God. Not just hearing. Proverbs 21:16. So it is not just hearing but understanding what you hear. We saw the story of a man by name, the Ethiopian Eunuch, he was reading from Isaiah 53 and Philip, by the Holy Ghost went to join him in his chariot and asked him “Do you understand what you are reading?” “How can I expect someone should guide me?”. Church Gist. Philip began from the same scripture and his eyes were opened. Here is water, why can’t I be baptized? He said if you believe you can be. He said I believe. You can’t understand any truth and doubt it. Our doubt is a function of our lack of understanding of such truth. There is nobody who wants to be a failure so if the Word tells you this is what it takes to be a success and you say you don’t agree, it means you don’t understand it. If you do, you won’t say No! Spiritual understanding is key to operating in faith. Colossians 1:9. Spiritual understanding is vital to operating in the faith that works.

Now, what is faith? Let’s try to do two or three of those definitions and then we move on.

1.            Faith is being fully persuaded of the truth, the prevailing circumstances notwithstanding until the truth triumphs.

Romans 4:17-21.

Standing strong, the prevailing circumstances notwithstanding because faith never returns from any battle defeated. Ephesians 6:16. Church Gist. Take the shield of faith and you quench all the fiery darts of the devil, you drop the shield of faith and you are defeated in any battle no matter how small the battle may be.

2.            Faith is a display of confidence in God until when the desired results are obtained.

Hebrews 10:35-36. A manifestation of confidence in God. Church Gist. Sustainable confidence in God until when the desired results are obtained.

3.            Faith is the answer to all impossible questions of life.

Faith is the answer to all impossible challenges of life. Mark 10:23.

Let’s now examine the kinds of faith that work.

1.            Prayer and Fasting Boosted Faith

Isaiah 58:6 . This is why I prescribed fasting among other things – to break and destroy every yoke. Isaiah 58:8. Fasting is a spiritual platform for the outbreak of revelation which is what stirs faith. Revelation is all about spiritual understanding of the truth, it is about being able to see what God is saying and fasting is ordained for the outbreak of spiritual revelation. Church Gist. So when we get into a fast among the blessings thereof is the outbreak of light from the Word. No one sees a thing and still doubts it even if you are Thomas. No one ever doubts what he sees. So fasting creates a platform that blasts the blindfold of the devil and gives us access to the light of the Word which stirs our faith to deliver.

I had read quite a few books on prosperity but I knew I had not found it. So I put up a three-day fast and gathered my mentors’ materials – Dr Copeland and his wife and my Bible. Lord show me the secret of Kingdom prosperity, on the third day light broke out. Heaven’s light broke through and God spoke to me from Deuteronomy 8:18: “My son David, my prosperity plan is not a promise, it has no respect for prayer and fasting. My prosperity plan is a covenant, until your part is played I am not committed.” My God! Faith came alive in me. Here it is! I have found it! Prayer and fasting platform provided that access. Outbreak of light! It came on the third day and it is still speaking today. That was March 22nd 1982.

You don’t wait for your faith to build itself. It is like a man waiting for his muscles to build themselves. Engage in relevant spiritual exercises to build your faith. For instance, your understanding is limited until you are committed to learning. Even Daniel, a most endowed man understood by books. Daniel 9:2. We were in a fast with some of my team members on September 6th 1983 and the Lord opened me up by an explosive insight to Psalm 34:5. He said “my son, you have two eyes, I said Yes Sir. Can you make one look up and the other down?” Church Gist. I tried it and I couldn’t. Any time you are looking up to man, never claim to be looking up to me but if you fix your eyes on me you will never be ashamed.” That shut my eyes to every man as my source for life including my person. If you don’t want to be ashamed, fix your eyes on me. I’m up to anything that you will ever demand in life. Keep your eyes on me. Light broke out from that simple innocent scripture. Prayer, fasting and searching is an asset in the school of faith.

I had some wonderful experience on October 1-4 1981. I called it a Mount of Transfiguration experience. Amazing things came. Among the wonders of that time is “I am going to bless you as I have promised you but thou shall not borrow”. I made a vow against borrowing in 1981, this is 2023. Church Gist. That was forty two years ago and God has been faithful. There are things you have not seen, others you have not seen clearly at all. You can engage the power of prayer, fasting and searching for an outbreak of light. So that by that revelation your faith can be stirred up.

2.            God confident boosted faith.

Joshua and Caleb stilled the people, “stop it, we are well able to take the land and possess it”. God was the strength of their stand. They were God-confident. All the other ten perished in the wilderness but Joshua and Caleb lived on. God confident faith makes an ever triumphant believer. You know what the three Hebrew boys said? “our God who will serve is able to deliver us and will deliver us”. Church Gist. God confident faith makes an ever triumphant believer. Philippians 3:3. Absolute confidence in God is what makes more than a conqueror in the kingdom. Philippians 4:13.

During the course of building this sanctuary, in July I was in Kano and we were going to dedicate this place in September. The roof was still not completed. Two months! The Lord showed me that morning from Genesis 1 that He created the entire world and the fullness thereof in six days. He will not need two months to finish an ordinary building. I screamed ‘two months, too much’. I came down home after that meeting and I made everybody start screaming ‘two months, too much’. For God who created the world in six days, two months too much to finish an ordinary building. Two months too much! He did it! Church Gist. We serve a God of strange works and strange acts. Isaiah 28:21-22. God is up to anything He says, don’t be found mocking God with your unbelief, it is a risk. I was here in July and rain fell, we were in an all-night meeting. I never left that rain. The rain was pouring on me, the centre was not done, other areas were done. Anybody could be mocking me if you like to but I knew the building was completed even though I was drenched in rain. Don’t be found mocking the ability of God. He is the omnipotent God. He is up to anything He says. He specializes in doing strange works and bringing to pass strange acts. Luke 5:26. That is what He does. So we must continue to engage our confidence in the God that can accomplish any feat within one week as he did at creation. Acts 13:44.

–              Next Sunday shall be awesome, the hand of God will do the unusual.

–              We are going to see the strange works of God and experience the strange acts of God.

On a self-same day, He brought out 3 million people out of Egypt. Awesome God! One day like we read in that epistle, He multiplied the Church 25 times. We must continue to build our confidence in God that can accomplish any agenda overnight. This time tomorrow there shall be a surplus of food and the man said you think we are dummies here, we are not religious bigots. Go and say that in Church, don’t say that in the palace. Tomorrow, how? He was just bragging. The prophet said you will see it but your mouth will not taste of it. Church Gist. 2 Kings 7:1-2, 20. He was trampled underfoot when food came in abundance, he never tasted it. He saw the abundance but never had it, beware of mocking the prophetic. This God can deliver any task in one hour. Revelation 18:10. In one hour, Babylon came down. The God of one hour intervention can make anything happen in one hour. Revelation 18:16-17. One hour, He can silence any enemy, He can silence any wicked force standing on your path in one hour. There are several one hours between now and next Sunday so the enemy will suffer torment.

Our God is the God of all possibilities, we must engage our confidence in this God to see any prophetic agenda delivered. We are set for the best. 

3.            Kingdom Advancement driven faith.

Kingdom passionate driven faith. That was the Elijah kind of faith, he said “I have been very jealous for my God. They have turned down thy altar, they have slain thy prophets.” Kingdom-passionate faith will always deliver. You can’t be in love with God and the interest of His kingdom and not enjoy His backing that makes a believer a failure-proof entity. 1 Kings 18:23-29. Elijah prayed and the fire of the Lord fell, why? He was kingdom passionate for the land of Israel. He was a man of like passion, he prayed earnestly. Faith will always answer in the lives of such individuals.

We have examples like Nehemiah, Gideon, David, and Paul, they were all kingdom Advancement passionate individuals and we saw how their faith delivered.

Let me spice it up with a few of these testimonies. One of our pastors recently was attacked almost to the point of death and the wife kept saying “Lord let his service speak for him.”  That is kingdom Advancement driven faith. Church Gist. Every Saturday we were told he will be out for Jesus, witnessing and we are told of this attack of death. ‘Let his service speak for him’ and God heard. We saw him and his wife on this altar. I saw him last Sunday too. ”Let his service speak for him.” Exodus 23:25.

Somebody here was sick and he said “Jesus I have the following reasons for you why I cannot be sick – you said the labourers are few, I am one of your labourers.” Her service spoke for her and she was made whole. Church Gist. ‘Let his service speak for him’. Kingdom advancement-driven faith will always deliver. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

4.            Seed time and harvest driven faith.

Genesis 8:20-22. You are not permitted to reap what you don’t sow. If you don’t sow evil, you can’t reap evil. You can’t sow good and reap evil, if you sow evil, it is good you will reap. If you invest in carnal things you reap corruption, if you invest in spiritual things you reap life everlasting. Galatians 6:7-9. Spiritual investments will always return with a harvest of life, not things, life. Heaven order of life. Heaven on earth kind of lifestyle. You know whatever good thing a man does, the same he shall receive from the Lord. Seed time and harvest driven faith. Jeremiah 33:20-21. Church Gist. Be careful what kind of seed you sow because that determines what kind of harvest you will receive. God’s Word is a seed, He said that in the parable of the sower. So the more of the seed of the Word you engage with, the more life you reap in return. Keep increasing your word seed, it will enhance the quality of your life. Keep investing in kingdom advancement endeavours, it is a seed and you will reap honour in return.

5.            Authority conscious faith.

Authority cannot be achieved, it can only be conferred. They asked Jesus who gave you this authority. You can’t give yourself authority. Luke 9:1. Authority conscious faith is the kind of faith that works. They came in search of Elijah to arrest him. He called down fire and consumed 50 soldiers and their captain. Church Gist. The second came and was consumed. The third came and said “Sir, I beg you. I will never come to think of arresting you, I was sent. Please have mercy on me.” Authority conscious faith. Peter said, “Such as I have I give unto you”. Authority! Jesus said freely ye are given and freely give. Matthew 10:8. Acts 3:6-7. Authority conscious faith is the kind of faith that works.

In Acts 9:32, there was this man that was lame in his feet from his birth and Peter perceived that he had faith to be healed, he said “Aeneas, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole” and he arose immediately. Church Gist. No one will mess with you any more. Jesus Christ said I am giving you my name. Go in my authority, conquer every devil.

6.            Sacrifice prompted faith.

Psalm 50:5-6. He sits at the altar of sacrifice to declare His righteousness. The altar of sacrifice is a turnaround altar. Psalm 126:1-2. The altar of sacrifice is the altar of turnaround. Sacrifice prompted faith. That is the Holy Ghost prompting you to rear an altar of sacrifice. It is one kind of faith that delivers supernaturally. Church Gist. I was prompted to rear an altar of sacrifice at a time and the Lord said to me the same day, “My son David even if you don’t want to be rich it is too late.” The altar of sacrifice is a turnaround altar. When prompted by the Holy Ghost and you respond accordingly, It delivers supernaturally.

7.            Enough is Enough faith.

Violent faith is required to stop the mouth of lions and quench the furnace of fire. Matthew 11:12. The violent take it by the force of faith. Not energy of the flesh, the force of faith. Church Gist. Hebrews 11:33-35. Faith strengthens, faith strengthened Sarah to conceive. Violent faith is required to stop the enemy from molesting our lives.

Please note that God is committed to our settlement. 1 Peter 5:10. God is eager to settle you and me.

–              Today is declared your day of settlement in all unsettled areas of your life.

But it requires the ‘enough is enough’ faith to secure a verdict of enough is enough from God. Church Gist. Every day is God’s day but the day we are set to take delivery of our inheritance is our day. 2 Corinthians 6:2. Behold now is the accepted time. When? NOW!

–              You are walking free from this service.

–              From every captivity of hell, you are walking free.

–              From every generational curse, you are walking free.

–              From every spell of the wicked you are walking free.

Proverbs 3:27-28.

Does God have the answer to that question of your life? Will He now ask you to come back tomorrow for it? You are getting it today. Just target that issue that is an embarrassment in your life. Enough is enough! Today na today! My God is up to it any day, any moment. Now I am ready for Him, it must happen today. The paralytic man was settled by his faith, he had to go through the roof and God established the verdict of enough is enough on his behalf. Church Gist. Mark 2:5-12. That man said “Today na today, no access through the door, there must be access through the roof. I must get there.” He returned home a free man. Bartimaeus’ faith was on the line. He cried his heart out JESUS! They said shut up! Shut what? JESUS!! What was he saying? ‘Today na today, enough is enough!’ Mark 10:46-52. Then the woman of Canaan came with great faith. ‘Have mercy on my son.’ Jesus said I am not sent to the Gentiles, it is not proper to cast the food of the dogs to the children. She said ‘But can dogs not also eat the crumbs that fall from the table?’ Great is thy faith and her son was made whole the same day.

You can make today your day. God is eager to settle you. So bring up your violent enough is enough faith and God will respond to it. Remember our God is ever willing, that leprous man said “If thou will, thou can make me whole”. He said “I will, be thou clean” and immediately leprosy left him. Matthew 8:1-3. He is ever willing, He is ever able. Church Gist. Mark 10:27. Our God is ever ready. Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation. Ever ready. God wants all our concerns turned into testimonies. Whatever anyone is set for today, God is set to turn them into testimonies.

–              It is your hour of settlement. It is your moment of settlement.

–              You must return with testimonies.


–              Before we arrive here on Sunday, you will be singing a new song.

It is so sweet to walk with Jesus. It is so sweet but the taste of the pudding is in the eating. Psalm 34:8. If somebody is sick and caught up with a fever. They gave you medication that you need to use for three days before you see any effect. You use it for one day, you are only nursing a fever. It won’t go until three days. Church Gist. Engage this week like never before and watch how the decorator of destiny will decorate your life. Watch! We don’t beg for a turnaround in the Kingdom, we serve to secure a turnaround.

Lift your two hands and give expression to that issue that must receive enough is enough verdict from God this morning.

Just one week and the Lord created the earth and the fullness thereof.

–              Between now and next Sunday, you are singing your new song.

–              That issue of concern is turned into a testimony.

–              A new chapter is opened to your life today in the name of Jesus. A new chapter opens to your family today.

–              A new chapter is opened to your marital destiny today.

–              A new chapter opens to your children today in the name of Jesus Christ.

–              May this week be a most fruitful week in everyone’s life both on the prayer altar and in expanding your coast of reaching out to the unsaved.

We have a special flier for Next Sunday’s service. Wonder Sunday Service. The highlight of this service is coming forth with your point of contact for areas of your life where you require divine intervention. There shall be diverse healings and deliverances. There shall be explosive manifestations of signs and wonders in our midst. Come prepared for it. Come with points of contact for your miracle babies. Jesus will breathe on it, it is a most fruitful ground. Whatever touches this ground on Sunday shall become as fruitful as the land on which you are standing. Church Gist. Come with your desired marital settlement dates, Jesus will confirm it. Come prepared for Sunday, it is your service. God shall be releasing rewards on every engaging believer including 11th hour labourers this coming Sunday. The fact that you are serving God everyone around you will take note of it because things around you will start turning around.

Revelation 22:17.

–              Everyone you say come to this coming Sunday will follow you. 

–              We shall see wonders on Sunday. Unprecedented multitudes will gather here on Sunday.

–              Wonders without numbers will take place on Sunday. Church Gist. Some will be arriving here and get healed as they come. Some will cross the gate and get healed as they come.

–              Your package is waiting. Your reward from heaven is waiting.

–              We shall all be alive and well.

–              No mishap this week, this emergency calls this week. No distractions this week.

–              Only good news this week, for you and your family, good news only.

–              For your children, good news only.

Unusual things will happen. I have followed this path for a number of years, It works like fire. There are no struggles around me, no stress, no strain. His presence makes all the difference. He keeps showing you the part as you go on. Church Gist. The greatest benefit of running after heaven’s agenda is divine presence. You are after him, He is after you.

– your days of defeat are over, from now it is from triumph to triumph and glory to glory.

– The week is declared a blessed week for you, a blessed week for your family, a blessed week for your business, a blessed week for the works of the kingdom.

Blessing all the way shall be your portion.







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