UNDERSTANDING HEALING WONDERS IN REDEMPTION 4C || Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr at Special Healing/ End Of The Month Thanksgiving Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 25th August 2024 || Third Sunday Service ||

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  • Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr on UNDERSTANDING HEALING WONDERS IN REDEMPTION 4C at Special Healing/ End Of The Month Thanksgiving Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 25th August 2024 || Third Sunday Service ||

Our line of teaching for this Month has been “UNDERSTANDING HEALING WONDERS IN REDEMPTION.”

  • The good news is that after this Service, sickness will never ever again be identified with you!

Now by way of introduction, it’s important for us to be reminded that every child of God is ordained a supernatural entity. Isaiah 8:18. Church Gist. So everyone that is a child of God is ordained by God as a supernatural entity. John 3:8. So every individual that is born again (that is a child of God) is ordained by God to operate in the supernatural.

In fact, we are made to see that the credential of the believer is the supernatural – our identity card. What makes us to be identified as authentic believers is the command of the supernatural. Church Gist. Mark 16:17…they won’t follow signs, signs will follow them. If they believe, signs will be found following after them.

So the supernatural is the identification of the believer. But the supernatural reality of the individual is determined by the mentality of that believer. Our mentality is what determines our reality. Proverbs 23:7. Church Gist. So, our reality is affected by our mentality. This is why a mentality of the supernatural is key to accessing the world of wonders.

If you are going to begin to see wonders manifested in your life, if I will see the wonders manifested in my life, then we need a mentality of the supernatural. So our thinking determines our living. Church Gist. And that’s why it becomes important for us to recognize that if anybody is going to experience the supernatural in his or her life, that individual must come to the point of being fully persuaded of the reality of the supernatural. You must become fully persuaded. Romans 4:17-21.

You see, the supernatural is determined by our full persuasion. We must come to the point where there is nothing that negates our confidence in the supernatural. Church Gist. That is what positions us to begin to experience its manifestation in our lives.

One cannot be boxed in natural thoughts and experience supernatural manifest actions. It will take the opening up…Isaiah 54:2-3. We are made to see very clearly, you cannot keep being boxed in by natural thinking and expect to experience supernatural living. Remember I said that your thinking is what determines your living. Church Gist. And that’s why we must begin to reorientate and recalibrate our thoughts and begin to operate at the supernatural frequency of thinking so that we can begin to experience supernatural order of living.

  • My prayer is that from this day onward, that supernatural seed in you and me will begin to find practical expression in the name of Jesus!

So we have the responsibility to ensure that we begin to repackage our thinking so that we can reposition our living.

  • I pray again for each one of us that that supernatural identity in us will begin to find practical expression!

That’s why today, our focus is principally going to be ‘The Healing Wonders In The Mind.’ Church Gist. As you and I begin to engage our thoughts, there are healing wonders that begin to flow in our direction.

Take note of this. Every battle against sickness must first be won in the mind. It is true that battles of life are spiritual but the battle place of life is mental. The devil is the one behind the battle but the location of the battle is largely in our minds. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6. Church Gist. You see the challenge with many people today is not what is afflicting their body but what they are thinking of in their mind.

We must come to recognize that the battlefield of life is the mind of man. That is the battlefield of life. This is why we are admonished in Scriptures to gird up the loins of our minds. Church Gist. We must put up a defense against infiltration of thoughts that have the capacity to deflate our faith. 1 Peter 1:13. Gird up! Don’t let anything infiltrate your thoughts.

The mind is the battlefield. That is why until you win the battle internally, you cannot secure the victory externally. It starts with the mind. I remember the story of a particular man who went to the hospital for a random check and by the time he got to the hospital, they told him “oh, sir, we are so sorry. We have carried out this test and this is the result of the test.” Church Gist. And they told him he had a terminal condition. He just went for a normal routine test. He didn’t have any feeling in his body, nothing was wrong. But he got there, they said, “we have checked and this is what we have found. You have this terminal condition and you have such and such number of days to live.” The man said, thank you. He carried the result and went home and suddenly…he went there – no symptoms. Suddenly after he heard that, as he was thinking of it, his body began to break down. First day, second day and third day, every symptom associated with that terminal condition began to manifest in his body from that day.

Towards the end of the week, they called him “Sir, we are so sorry we found out that the result we gave you is not your own. It’s somebody else’s own.” As soon as they told him it was not his result, it was somebody else’s own, his body started to get well again. You see, so the affliction had its foundation in the mind. 2 Corinthians 10:5-6…every thought brought to the obedience of Christ. “No! This is what Christ says. His Word says, by His stripes I am healed. Church Gist. His Word says that Himself took my infirmities, He bore my sicknesses. His Word says that He went everywhere doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. His Word says, be fruitful and multiply. You see, what are you doing? You are bringing those thoughts to the obedience of Christ.

  • I pray for somebody here today, whatever may have been ravaging your system, by the power of God’s Word today, I see your liberty instantly established in the name of Jesus Christ!

So the battle must be won from within and this is important because we discover that God responds much more to what we say within than what our mouth declares. Much more! What your heart is saying, God responds to it. What your heart is saying, He responds to it because the voice of your heart will always gain access to the ear of God. Church Gist. The voice of your heart! 1 Samuel 16:7, Jeremiah 17:10, Matthew 9:21-23…She said within herself, the voice of her heart connected with the power of the Highest and provoked the delivery of her miracle.

  • For somebody here today, God will hear the voice of your heart!

This is why only what we declare with our mouth without doubt in the heart will ever provoke a miracle. What we declare with our mouth without doubt in our heart, that’s the only one that produces results. That is why many people are making confessions but they are not seeing manifestations. Why? Their mouth is speaking but their heart is silent. Church Gist. Their heart is not in agreement with their mouth. It is possible for a person to be saying “by His stripes, I am healed” – his mouth is talking but the heart is saying the opposite. It is the voice of the heart in consonance with the voice of the mouth that produces results. When the heart and the mouth unites, God is committed – you provoke the manifestation of the supernatural.

  • Today, I see each one of us experiencing supernatural manifestations of our heart desires in the name of Jesus Christ!

Mark 11:23. So your heart must be in place. Your heart! You must ensure that the voice of your heart is connected to the voice of your mouth. In the year 2011, a woman came to meet me. They had been expecting and believing God for a child. She went to the hospital first, she was told “madam, you have fibroids.” Church Gist. As they were trying to handle that, suddenly they called her again, they said, “madam, we are sorry but we discover that you don’t have any ovaries so you cannot have a child.” So she came and told me this is what the doctor said and I took her to the Book of Romans 4. I said, the Bible tells us concerning Sarah, this Woman Sarah had a child when her womb was dead. The Bible says it has ceased to be with her after the manner of women. If Sarah can have a child and you can believe this Word, then you will have your child. You see it’s about what your heart is saying. As she left there, she said, “I just believed it in my heart.” And the same year, she got pregnant, the next year, she had her child without ovaries.

We must come to the point of recognizing that it is what our heart says. It is what our heart says. Some years ago, a friend of mine was talking to me. He said, Pastor David, the doctor said…I said, I have heard what the doctor said, what do you say? I have heard the doctor, the doctor has said his own. Church Gist. Your own, what do you say? I’m not talking about what you say with your mouth, I’m talking about what has emanated from your heart. That’s what ultimately makes the difference.

  • I pray for somebody here today, from this day onward, your heart will not betray your mouth again and your mouth will not betray your heart again!

But it is important to know that until our mind is renewed with the truth of Scriptures, our lives cannot be transformed. So this supernatural way of thinking is programmed by the Word. The Word of God is what reprograms our thinking and positions us to begin to operate in the realm of the supernatural. If you heard the testimony that was read to us, that sister said, when she was brought to the provincial pastor, the Pastor loaded her with Scriptures. Church Gist. What was that to do? To reprogram her. When you have any hardware that is misbehaving, you need to many times redownload the software. To do what? To reprogram it for better performance. When you want to recalibrate your system, you must reprogram it with the Word of God.

God’s Word is what reframes us. It’s what repackages us. So we must get addicted to the Word of God because it is the platform for the renewal of our mind and when our minds are renewed, our lives are transformed. Romans 12:2. So you need to begin to download the mind of God, the software of God’s mindset and it is loaded inside the Scriptures. Church Gist. The Bible says that “who can say that he knows the mind of God?” He said, “but we have the mind of Christ.” So we can download the content of His mind so that we begin to think His thoughts. This is so important.

So one cannot be thinking disease and enjoy health. One cannot be thinking death and experience life. But what determines your thinking is actually the infusion of the Word. Many of us have heard over the years, God’s Servant, our Father has said over and over again “I can never be sick.” What is it that is driving that degree of confidence in utterance? Church Gist. It is the discovery of the truth that Himself took my infirmities. He took it. If He took it, I cannot have it. So he keeps boldly declaring “I can never be sick.” And we see him boisterous with energy.

So we must begin to renew our mind with the Word of God. Let God’s Word dwell richly in our hearts. Colossians 3:16. We must load ourselves continuously with God’s Word until it begins to influence the way we think, the way we talk and the way we act. This is so important. Church Gist. So we must begin to renew our minds with the Word of God to the point that you come to a level that anything contrary to God’s Word cannot be imagined in your mind. Because your mind is totally submitted to the authority of the Word of God.

  • That will be somebody’s experience from now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

This is why it is important to know that if we are going to experience healing, health and wholeness, then we must renew our thinking pattern in line with God’s Word. Settle down with the Word of God. Church Gist. I don’t mean just memorize it, I mean meditate on it. Meditate on it until it enters into your spirit man and you come to a point where it begins to dictate the way you think that certain thoughts cannot enter your mind by reason of the infiltration of God’s Word.

  • From this day onward, I see each one of us walking in unusual victory in the name of Jesus!

Proverbs 4:20-23. So everyone’s life is dictated by that person’s heart and what determines whether your heart can produce what you desire in your life is whether or not the Word of God is hidden in your heart. Church Gist. So we must get committed to loading ourselves daily with God’s Word, consistently with God’s Word, continuously with God’s Word. Because in doing so, we are fortifying ourselves against the assault of sickness and disease.

  • From now on, sickness, disease, pain and discomfort will never be located in your life again!

Now today, God has brought us into His presence in this Special Service for the administration of the prophetic mantle. Church Gist. And it’s important we have an unveiling of the mystery behind the prophetic mantle because it is understanding that makes anything outstanding.

When we look at the prophetic mantle, what is it?

It is any clothing material that is taken from the hand of an anointed one and carries with it the anointing upon such an individual. Any clothing material taken from an anointed individual that carries on it the anointing of that individual and this is absolutely Scripture. Church Gist. Psalm 45:6-8…the garment there represents every material that is in touch with them. It now carries the same oil, the same unction that is working or at work in such individuals.

If you remember the testimony of the Woman with the issue of blood, she didn’t touch Jesus, she touched His garment. But inside the garment was the unction that was inside the person. Church Gist. You see, prophetic vessels are unction carriers and the unction they carry is distributed among others through the instrumentality of the prophetic mantle. Acts 19:10-12. Handkerchiefs were taken from him and by those instruments, God began to manifest wherever those materials went.

  • The good news is that after you depart from this Service today, as you take that mantle with you, God will manifest wherever that mantle is used!

So the mantle is a clothing material that is taken from an anointed individual and carries on it, the anointing on that personality. Church Gist. It’s important to know that the prophetic mantle is not a magic wand but it’s an instrument of power that is ordained to extend the impact of an anointed person to others. It’s an instrument of power. It’s not a magic wand but it’s an instrument of power.

When they took the mantles from Paul, they took it round of all of Asia. The Bible said, “all Asia heard the Word of the Lord and God began to do wonders in all those places as the mantles were taken.” Church Gist. The mantles from this Commission have been going round the entire Globe. Everywhere, miracles happened there. Much more now you who are here.

  • Today as the mantle reaches out to you, your miracle shall be established!

Don’t let the devil deceive you with the simplicity of the Gospel. 2 Corinthians 11:3. The Gospel is utterly simple but unlimited in power. Please hear this and hear very well, don’t let your mind begin to calculate “so if I just touch this cloth, are you saying now that just like that I will be healed?” Church Gist. Hear this and hear very well, God’s power is sufficient to tackle any matter and when God tells you this is the approach to take, inside that approach is His power.

So the mantle is a power conductor. It is a conductor of the power of God to everyone that reaches out to it in faith. So let your faith come alive this morning. That as this mantle reaches out to me, it is sufficient to terminate every affliction in my body. Don’t get confused. Church Gist. Don’t let intellectualism paralyze your access to the power of God. The power is available. What is required is your faith and my faith.

You say, “Pastor but I can’t see the power…” Listen to me. Nobody sees electricity but it is dangerous to doubt electricity. If you see a wire and say, I can’t see anything moving through this wire. The wire is just looking normal. Nothing is moving through the wire. Okay! Church Gist. When you touch it, you will have evidence that something was going through the wire. When that mantle reaches out to you, have an understanding that inside of it is the power of God.

God’s Servant made a statement so striking in the first Service. He said, the how of God is the power of God. The how! Oh, how will this thing happen? The how of God is the power of God. Luke 1:34-35. Church Gist. When the power of God is involved, natural protocols are dissolved. So I would like you to take note today because this very moment, when the mantle reaches out to you, what are the natural protocols for healing will be dissolved on the spot!

  • Growth will disappear on the spot!
  • Everything that is afflicting you will be checked out on the spot!

How Do You Tap Into The Virtue From The Prophetic Mantle?

  1. Be born again and maintain a right heart. Acts 8:21. So you must be born again, that is step one. Then you must also have a right heart. Church Gist. You must have a right heart. You know there are people who are born again, but their heart is not right before God – so many people in Church.

I remember some years ago, right, I think it was our Shiloh. On Shiloh ground, God’s Servant called forth and said everybody that has any charm or anything in their hand and so forth, you come to the Honour Entrance after the Service and drop them there. Church Gist. After the Service, people who came to Service had their charm in their pocket and went to the Honour Entrance, many of them there dropping their charm. Attending Church but not with a right heart.

You see it’s not enough just to be born again, it is vital to be right with God. David said, “renew in me, a right spirit.” We need to have a right heart. Church Gist. So many people today are going around the World, their hearts are not right. The things that displease God are still found with them.

Years ago, somebody came to meet me after a Service. She said, “Pastor, pray – I’m believing God for the fruit of the womb” and my spirit was agitating. I said, “where is your husband?” She said, he’s not here. I said, where is he? Why is he not here? Church Gist. And I saw she was a bit uncomfortable with the question so I continued to press. “Explain to me why your husband is not here.” Long and short of it, she had come for prayer to have the fruit of the womb but the person that she wants to have the baby with is somebody else’s husband. The heart is not right.

There are so many people today around the World that claim to be identified with Christ and their lives are not like Christ. Church Gist. Now listen to me very carefully, to see the mantle delivered on your behalf, you have to have a right heart. It’s not enough just to do the right thing, your heart must be right before the Lord.

  • May the Lord grant us understanding in the name of Jesus!
  1. Believe in the person and ministry of the carrier of that unction. Matthew 10:41. You must believe in the person and ministry of that prophet.
  2. Recognize that he occupies a higher place than you in the realm of the Spirit. Why? The less is blessed of the better. Hebrews 7:7. Recognize that he occupies a higher place than you in the realm of the Spirit. Please hear this, water will only flow downward not upward. Church Gist. If you are going to experience the flow of grace from a vessel of God, you must see yourself as being under that individual in spiritual capacity and level.

It’s very important and more important particularly in our days where there is so much infiltration of arrogance and pride that makes people think that everybody is the same. Church Gist. Everybody is not the same. In this journey, there are levels. God gave me a Scripture many years ago when I stepped into Ministry and it has stayed with me. Exodus 4:16…that is, “I will tell you what I want to say. You will tell him what he ought to say and when he says it, it will happen like he has heard directly from me.” Why? Simply because this individual must recognize…now listen, Aaron was the Senior Brother of Moses but God said if I want to say anything, I will talk to Moses, Moses will talk to Aaron and Aaron will talk to the people.

This issue is not just in age, it is in place. When I saw that, it changed my orientation. I said, no! As I receive anything from God’s Servant and I transmit it, it will answer the same way. One day, I saw it practically. I spoke to somebody who was possessed and the person instantly said, “why did you report me to Bishop Oyedepo?” Church Gist. When he heard my voice, it was his voice that they heard. I saw this Scripture practically. You know why? Because I recognized that this thing is in levels. It is true that we are all children of God but the children of God are in classes.

He says “God doesn’t have any grandchildren.” It is true. No argument with that. But the children of God are placed in various classes and categories. Even in ministry, ministers are in classes. He said, He sets in the Church first, apostles and then prophets. Church Gist. He sets them in the order. Don’t confuse yourself because nothing will flow if you don’t stoop. It will take a stooping before they can be a flowing.

  • May God help our understanding!
  1. Honour him in your heart. Honour is from the heart. Haven’t you seen people before act as if they are honouring a person? You know we live in…those of us who are around Lagos and so forth, you know. People don’t have a problem hailing people, particularly area boys. “Hey, yeah, Sir, shun.” As soon as you pass, “stupid man.” Church Gist. The honour is not in the heart. True? They hail you and inside the hailing is an intention and when the intention is not meant, they insult the same person they are hailing “stupid man, useless.”

So it’s not just what you are doing as an act, there are many people who act honour but they don’t have honour. Honour is from the heart. Jesus said, “a prophet is not without honour except in his own house and among his people.” Church Gist. You see many times, you can take things for granted. That’s why, we must particularly all of us who are privileged to be here in Canaanland, we see God’s Servant everyday, all the time. Every Sunday, you are here, he is here. Even when you are not here, you connect online, he is still here. Everywhere, he is here. Everyday, he is here. Don’t take it for granted. Don’t let proximity breed contempt. Don’t get too used to it. Always maintain honour in your heart. That’s one key to seeing the flow.

  1. Crave the transference of what he carries. Crave it! 2 Kings 2:4-15…as soon as Elijah was taken up, the Spirit of Elijah came upon Elisha and he began to manifest in that same order.
  • That will be somebody’s experience from now in the name of Jesus Christ!
  1. Our sense of value is what determines the flow of virtue. Church Gist. So have a sense of value for the unction that is made available to you and to me and then the virtue will begin to flow in an unusual dimension.

As we conclude, take note that the connectivity of ones spirit to the spirit of the carrier is a vital requirement to secure the flow. Your spirit must be connected. That’s what determines the flow. “As in water, face answers to face. So the heart of man answers to the other.” Proverbs 27:19. Church Gist. Heart to heart, spirit to spirit – when that connectivity is there, the flow takes place. So it’s not enough just to be here physically, it’s not enough to just have access to the mantle, make sure your spirit is connected. That’s the difference maker.

  • Somebody here is taking their miracle today!









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