- Bishop David Oyedepo on “UNDERSTANDING HOW THE WORD HEALS AND DELIVERS FROM ALL MANNER OF SICKNESS AND DISEASE” at Liberation Hour Service || 30th July 2024 || Youth Chapel Canaanland ||
It’s your day! I have heard thee in the time appointed. The day of salvation I have succoured thee, behold now the accepted time and today is your day of salvation! Church Gist. Joseph said, God shall surely visit you and bring you out of this Land to the Land that He promised Abraham your father. God shall surely visit you!

God visited them by Moses. Today, He’s visiting us by Jesus Christ to bring us to our land of promise, to bring us to the fullness of the Gospel. Church Gist. You will not be left behind!
Two things are happening in this Service. First, every sickness and disease will dry off from the root. Church Gist. Jesus cursed the fig tree, within 24 hours, it dried off from the roots. All the leaves off.
- Within 24 hours from now, you will not know that disease again!
He is a God of this time tomorrow. There is hunger today, there is famine today but he said, ‘by this time tomorrow, there shall be surplus and it came to be.’
- In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I say beginning from now, within the 24 hours ahead, everybody will testify!
- You shall testify!
Unbelief is evil. The Bible calls it ‘the evil heart of unbelief.’ Hebrews 3:12. The enemy uses unbelief to torment his victims. Faith is the one way to resist him. 1 Peter 5:8-9…he knows that is your weapon against him. Church Gist. So he goes behind the scene to inject unbelief – ‘don’t mind that. He can’t be as simple as that. They don’t know what you are feeling.’
- I therefore curse the spirit of unbelief in your heart!
Because everything about redemption, the blessings thereof, they come through to us with simplicity. We live in a complex world – ‘you think that ordinary statement can set you free. This is a killer disease.’ Don’t mind what the World says. 2 Corinthians 11:3. Simplicity! Simple, not complex. ‘Jesus forgive my sins. Save my soul.’ He says, ‘Okay, you are saved.’ Church Gist. Ah! With all the things you have done? And then old things passed away and all things become new. Your outlook becomes new. Your taste becomes new by that simple act. It’s the same way with every provision of redemption. They come through to us with all simplicity.
God was concerned about the unbelief of His people. He said, “you have moved me to jealousy by your strange gods by envying those people that are in a far country.” ‘If I were in Japan, this kind of sickness, there are specialists – there are special areas. Church Gist. If I were in Canada, I would have been made whole longest time.’ Jeremiah 8:20-22. They don’t know who that balm is and they don’t know who that Physician is. (Singing in Yoruba) 🎵🎶🎼‘The great Physician now is here. The sympathizing Jesus. He speaks the broken heart to cheers. Oh, hear the voice of Jesus. Sweetest note in seraph song. Sweetest name on mortal tongue. Sweetest carol ever sung. Jesus, blessed Jesus.’
They knew not the balm neither did they know the great Physician. Then Jesus came and said, “they that are well need not a physician but they that are sick. Go and learn what this meaneth. I am that great Physician.” Church Gist. Matthew 9:12-13. And He showed this by His unlimited power to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. Mathew 4:23.
Matthew 8:16. He is not only our Saviour. He is also our Healer. He is our Fountain of health.
- He is showing up for you today!
God’s Word is the Balm in Gilead. Psalm 107:20…destruction of marital destiny – He delivers them. Business frustrations and failure – He delivered them. Marital trauma, crisis in homes – He delivered them. Church Gist. It’s the all-round Balm. It heals and delivers from all destruction. Luke 5:17, Luke 6:17-19.
- You have come to hear, may you hear!
- And as you hear, you will be healed!
Don’t therefore wait for time of prayer. The healing begins as you hear the Word. As you receive and believe it, your healing is effected. ‘Let him that have ears let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying.’ John 1:12. So when you receive and believe the Word, you are empowered to become what it says. Church Gist. So it’s not the hearing only but the receiving. A seed not received by the ground will never yield fruit. A word that is not sown into your heart will not produce. So receive the Word in your heart and believe it.
Now, the reception is in the heart. The believing is in the heart. Romans 10:10. I can’t lay hands on you to believe. Jesus laid hands on them (but) they were not healed and he marveled at their unbelief. Mark 6:5-6. Church Gist. No one can lay hands on you to believe. No! The just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:4. It’s to everyone according to his faith. Matthew 9:29. We mix it up many times.

No matter how anointed a man is, he puts two hands on a man and squeezes it – ‘believe, receive!’ It won’t happen. A seed that will not be sown to the Earth, no anointed prayer can make it yield fruit. Church Gist. 🎼🎶🎵He speaks the broken heart to cheers. Oh, hear the voice of Jesus.’ He speaks to our change of story. When we receive and believe it, the story changes. I want to thank Christ Jesus, my Lord who never lies.
Somebody was online. She touched her back when she heard it online and Jesus set her free. She received and believed and was made whole. Somebody put his feet in water (we were doing Feet Washing Service) all the way in the US (United States) in the hospital. The full blood cancer was washed out and he was made whole. Church Gist. The water according to his testimony turned to something like palm wine. Jesus flushed it. He received and believed and was set free distance notwithstanding.
The Lord said concerning this Commission, He said, “a great house came down from Heaven and hit the ground and broke into splinter houses and the same fire on the altar of the main house was burning in all the altars of the splinter houses.” Church Gist. That’s why the Word here travels and travels swiftly. Now that you are here on ground, how can you miss it? It’s going from here to India to make whole, how can you sit down here and not get it?
- Today is your day!
When the light of the Word breaks forth into the heart of a believer, his health springs forth speedily. Isaiah 58:8. As light breaks forth, health springs forth speedily. As light penetrates a region, darkness vanishes instantly. Church Gist. Psalm 119:130. So when it actually enters, the forces of darkness surrender immediately.
- Every power of darkness tormenting anyone’s life, anyone’s brain, anyone’s eyes, anyone’s hearing, anyone’s abilities, as this light enters today, they clear off your life in the name of Jesus!
Proverbs 4:20-23. That’s the Balm. Matthew 9:28-29. Jesus is the Living Word. Do you believe that the Word is able to deliver what it says? Then receive according to your faith. No guesswork! No abracadabra! Church Gist. So our healing, our deliverance is according to our faith in the integrity of the Word of God. This is because the dominion of light over darkness is instant and unquestionable. It’s instant and unquestionable.
- Today your healing will be unquestionable!
- No power of darkness will succeed to stop it!
As you allow the Word to enter, light enters. When light enters, darkness must go. Begin to say right in your heart “every work of darkness in my life, you have no choice. The Word is gaining entrance right now. You have to go off. You have to get out. Church Gist. There is no hiding place for darkness in the midst of light. You must get out and get out now. I have seen the Balm in Gilead. I have seen God’s Word has power to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. You must get out.” Amen!
Job 33:21-25…We have this picture here. It’s a picture of terminal disease. There was a case (if you can put that on the screen – referring to the Media Team). Someone was brought here. He was like this (demonstrating), his picture was like that. The flesh was off. Church Gist. He looked like an eighty year old. Did you see him? See him in that condition. See him after he was delivered (referring to the picture on the screen). Can you compare the two?
- Every disfigured individual (speaks in tongues) today is your day!
Job 33:22-25. Jesus is our eternal Ransom from the plague of sickness and disease. Church Gist. ‘If there be a messenger who will help man to understand this mystery and the man believes’, God will command all the angels ‘stop him from going to the pit, I have found a ransom.’
- Today, the Ransom has come to show up in your case!
What Is In The Word That Heals?
- The Word is medicinal. We read that just now in Proverbs 4:20-22. A man came up and then had 17 years affliction – high blood pressure, hypertension and dizziness and he was an ordained minister of the Gospel. So he had a group of people that were praying along with him. They were praying and fasting – nothing changed for 17 years because it’s not prayer that God answers but the prayer of faith. Church Gist. Prayer that anchors on what God says that you believe. So he went to a bookstore and bought 3 books. One – ‘Authority of a Believer’ by Kenneth E. Hagin. Two – ‘How Faith Works’ by Frederick K.C. Price and 3 – ‘Keys to Divine Health.’ He read those books; light came. He declared a 3 day war according to his testimony and after that, he took communion – he said, following the instruction in your book. He said, ‘immediately, the 17 years bondage on me was broken.’ That’s the power in the Word. Now, all these ‘pray for me, pray for me’ is not the key. Without faith in your heart, prayer will not deliver. Jesus prayed, it didn’t happen. He marveled at their unbelief.
An elderly man read the Book ‘Keys to Divine Health’ – 1986. We ran into him in Port Harcourt in 1996. The crowd was high but he lifted the letter I wrote in response to his testimony. ‘Sir, you sent me this letter, you sent me this’ – I said, ‘let him come.’ ‘I was the one that was healed in 1986 from page 20 of ‘Keys to Divine Health.’ He said, ‘I am still hale and hearty today.’ He read it on the hospital bed. He told them ‘I am going.’ Church Gist. They said, it’s risky. He said, ‘I’m going.’ What did he find in the Book? He said, ‘satan is not a gentleman.’ The daughter was a doctor in that hospital. He said, ‘I’m going home.’ That was the end of high blood pressure and hypertension in his life and he testified 10 years after. God’s Word is medicinal. Psalm 107:20.

- The Word is surgical. Genesis 2:18-22. God’s Word is surgical. John 1:1. He opened Adam up, took a rib out of him and formed a woman out of it. He still works on people today. We have seen fibroids come out of people. He still works on people today. I taught this in Uganda years ago. A woman was carried to that place that could not move because all the ribs of her body were broken in a ghastly accident where she was the only survivor. Church Gist. So she was like in a grave permanently – they just packaged her. I said, “the Master Surgeon will show up tonight while you sleep because God has not changed” – ‘I’m the Lord, I change not. I’m still that surgical God.’ She said the following day, “I saw a man in white and began to massage my chest and suddenly I found out, my bones were joined together, the pains disappeared.” The Master Surgeon is still at work.
- He will repair any damaged part of your body!
We were in an European Convention in London and this woman had a challenge for long. Her waist was held tight. I’m not sure whether she fell somewhere growing up. She heard the Message on the Master Surgeon. Church Gist. In the night, He showed up and began to pull out strands from her waist like spaghetti (yellowish) and when He was done, “what’s the time?” 5:30! Her eyes opened, 5:30. That was the end of it. (Singing in Yoruba) That’s the great Physician for you.
His Word is quick and powerful, sharper than any scalpels used in surgery. It’s able to divide and discern between the soul and the spirit and it’s a discerner of the hearts of men. Unlimited! Church Gist. There is no surgery that can discern the heart of man.
- The Word is creative. Whatever God said, God saw. And God said, let there be light and God saw the light. Genesis 1:1-31. What He says, He creates. If you cannot be healed, that part can be repaired by the Surgeon. If it’s beyond repaired, it can be replaced. So He creates. Church Gist. He creates. Ezekiel 37. ‘As I prophesied, the bones came together. As I beheld, flesh covered them and skin covered the flesh. As I prophesied, the wind came and there arose a mighty host of army.’ The creative power of the Word.
- May every irreparable part of your life be recreated today!
- The Word is prophetic. ‘He cannot deny Himself.’ 2 Timothy 2:13. No prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation. Isaiah 14:24. Church Gist. Every word you receive and believe commits God’s integrity to perform it. Every prophetic Scripture is ordained to come to pass in your life when you receive and believe them. 2 Peter 1:19-21.
- The Word quickens our mortal bodies. John 6:63. Church Gist. The Spirit of the Word is ordained to quicken our mortal bodies. Ezekiel 2:2. It quickens.
- Therefore be quickened!
- As you receive the Spirit of the Word today, be quickened!
Romans 8:11. Be quickened!
- Weakness is crushed!
- Feebleness is over!
- Dragging as an old man is over!
- It’s your turn!
You need 3 things and then we close. Receive the Word, Believe the Word and Declare the Word. John 1:12, 2 Corinthians 4:13, Romans 10:10. So you believe with the heart, declare with your mouth to secure your change of story. You can’t secure your change of story without declaring it. Church Gist. You prayed for someone here, somebody has heard the Word here by the time he got to the gate, nothing has happened. ‘I came the week before, I came the week before before, I’ve been coming even before they started’ – immediately, it burns off (what she has received).
- May the Lord set a guard over your mouth and bridle your tongue!
- May your tongue not keep you in trouble!
Psalm 81:10…say it boldly so they can mock you openly and God will show up openly. What you cannot declare boldly, God will never open it and make it happen openly. You say it openly and God confirms it openly. You say it boldly! Acts 14:3. So as you are getting out of here, “I’m healed, I’m free. Finally, finally, light has entered, darkness has gone. It’s over.” How are you now? Church Gist. “I’m fine. I’m great.” ‘Ehn’ – Oh, yes! Are you hearing now? ‘Of course, I can hear you.’ Are you seeing now? Clearly, as bright as the day. How’s the situation in your body now? God has done it. I’m free at last. How far with your waiting for the fruit of the womb? It happened this morning. It happened today. Jesus finally did it. He remembered me. He came down for me. I am free.
Until you know how to talk, you can’t command the supernatural. Church Gist. It’s not deception. It’s the Word.
One of the instruments for our instant rescue is the oil. It’s a transgenerational spiritual force. Church Gist. Exodus 30:31…That means, as long as the Earth remains, this mystery will keep working, this mystery will keep commanding testimonies.
- Today, every siege of sickness and disease on your life shall be destroyed!
We announced last Tuesday that every Tuesday, come along with your bottles of oil. It will be blessed and God will turn it to the Holy Anointing Oil and then as you apply that to yourself, it’s fresh impact will secure your life from any torture of the wicked one. Church Gist. And I’m sure most of you did that today. Well if you don’t, maybe they have some of them at the book stand.
Now for those of us who are here for marital breakthrough, I’m glad to let you know you…such as marital delays, marital crisis are all raw oppressions of the devil. Matthew 13:27-30.
- The harvest time is here!
- Every planting of the devil in anyone’s life shall be rooted out today!
Ephesians 6:12. Today, all the powers resisting your marital destiny shall lose their grip off your life! Every child of God therefore that desires to be married has the God given right to be settled in marriage because it is our God that settles people in families. Church Gist. Psalm 68:6. So there are people whose marital destiny is bound with chains by spells and enchantments, diabolical curses.
- In the name of the Lord Jesus who came to set free the captives and open the prison door, I command the rescue of everyone bound with chains!
- Your marital destiny is released!
- Your days of waiting are over!
Marriage is a good thing and every good thing is our entitlement in Christ including a timely, peaceful, joyful, fruitful and settled married life. It’s our God given right. Genesis 2:18. God calls it good. Psalm 34:10, Proverbs 18:22. Redemption makes you and I a child of favour. We are redeemed of favour. Church Gist. We are encompassed by favour. So, marriage is part of the manifestations of our favour. We are brought into the Beloved. We are brought into a Kingdom of favour. Misfortune is not your portion.
- Therefore, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I decree every closed marital destiny be reopened!
Matthew 7:11. Every good thing is your right. For those on the line for miracle marriage, say from the depth of your heart “finally, He has settled me. Church Gist. Finally, I’m settled in marriage. Finally, favour has located me.”
But to actualize our glorious marital destiny, one must be saved and stay in love with God. John 3:3, Romans 8:28. Can I tell you this? I mean it’s a very thin line. Not everybody that claims to love God truly loves Him. They love what He does. They want what He does. They are in pursuit of God for what He does. That has to change. Church Gist. Romans 8:28…not them that love what God does. Them that love God, whose hearts are panting after God, whose lives anchor on God. All things work together for good.

Many people in this movement are craving after His miracles. Many are craving after God. 🎵🎶🎼‘As the deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after you. You alone are my heart’s desire and I long to worship you.’ My God! You better define your stand. Church Gist. You can’t miss good things running after God. But you may never catch up with every good thing pursuing after them.
Be born again and stay in love with God. John 14:21. ‘I don’t think I believe these things again. I can marry anybody, even if he has 4 wives. I will be number 5. You say, he’s not saved. He will be saved. The faith of the wife will sanctify the husband.’ You don’t love God. You know something Sir? Jesus has never offended me. I must have offended Him several times. Church Gist. For that something, I said, Jesus, this is your fault – it has never happened. What He does and does not do does not affect my craving after Him. So He keeps doing it. He keeps doing them. It’s a secret formula for sweatless triumph in our walk with God. 1 Corinthians 2:9.
Do you know why people complain and murmur? It is what they are looking for that they can’t get. Church Gist. Do you know why some will bless the Lord at all times? What He does or does not do does not affect them.
- It’s your turn!
Remain committed to Kingdom advancement endeavours. You seek the Kingdom, all these things including marriage things shall be added unto you.
Beware of pride. It destroys the future. How can you come to me for marriage? Have you ever been outside the Country? The two of us can’t match. There is a social gap. What did you study? History? History? Did I hear well? I’m sorry for you. Don’t make this mistake again. Go to the people of your size. Church Gist. In case you don’t know, I schooled in Connecticut for a first degree, Birmingham for the second degree, Japanese University for Ph.D. You have one degree (and) you are talking to me. I’m sorry for myself. Beware of pride. It has blocked the destiny of many.
You found a man saying, “I just married you, you are not my status. My status? No, no! I think I made a mistake. You are not sociable. The way you greet people is uncivilized and I have tried to educate you over but you still don’t understand. I am sorry for you. Church Gist. I apologize for marrying you.” He will lose the marriage straight and will never get married again. 1 Peter 5:5. Caution! Caution!
Engage the power of faith. It will quench all fiery darts of the enemy. Let your faith come alive. Church Gist. I’m redeemed an overcomer. I’m not redeemed for defeat. I’m redeemed for triumph.
Finally, we must make God our only source of expectation not looking here and there. Psalm 62:5, James 1:8,7. After this fiery faith teaching, you still go to kneel down before one man somewhere or one woman somewhere ‘what is God saying?’ ‘Hmmm, I can’t talk to you now. Come back tomorrow. Church Gist. Between now and tomorrow don’t go out o. Put off the light in your room.’ You know why? You have not found a root in Christ. And that’s why many people’s testimonies are far-fetched. They are looking here and there. So God leaves them to themselves.
- God won’t leave you!
- When God leaves you, nothing works again. Church Gist. You are free!
- For anyone who will connect with the things spoken today, as the Lord lives whose I am and whom I serve, who sent me on this Liberation Mandate for the wiping away of the tears of mankind, I declared you married this year!
For with our God, nothing shall be impossible. Abraham’s servant prayed, “give me speed today.”
- I decree your speedy marital settlement!
Before he was done speaking, Rebecca showed up. (Speaks in tongues) Today is Tuesday, before Sunday, your Rebecca will show up! Your Isaac will connect with you as you believe! Church Gist. (Speaks in tongues) We have seen quite a number that Jesus connected supernaturally without a human connection. (Speaks in tongues) He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
- Therefore, I decree your supernatural connection in Jesus name!
People think your case is over. Jesus said, if you believe, you will see the glory of God. Church Gist. People think that your marital destiny is already stinking, Jesus said, if you believe you will see the glory of God.

- No matter how impossible your conditions may appear (speaks in tongues), I decree you (are) supernaturally settled!
- As the oil is blessed and touches your forehead, every marital yoke is declared destroyed!
- For all those online, get your bottles of oil in front of you, when it’s time to bless it, I will ask you to get it out.
Every sickness and disease…the Great Physician prescribed the oil. He gave them the oil when they were going out. Mark 6:7,11-12, James 5:14-15. Church Gist. So it was in the Old Testament, Jesus took it up in the New Testament, the Apostles carried it out and we are in it today and it’s for all generations.
- Today, the mystery of the anointing oil will answer in your life in the name of Jesus!
- By this anointing, favour will locate you in marriage!
- The aroma of favour will announce you!
- There shall be strange order of connections!
- The power of God will show up for you in the name of Jesus!
It’s time to administer the forces of the Spirit to enable the saints take up their inheritance in Christ. Church Gist. The Lord told me and among the mysteries He unveiled is the mystery of the shot of the oil. It’s the reason why we said you should come with your bottles of oil.
- As you take the shot of the oil today, every planting of the wicked on your inside shall be burnt to ashes!
- Today, your kidney will bounce back!
- Your liver will be restored!
- Your heart will start pumping correctly!
- Every hormonal imbalance shall be over in the name of Jesus!
It’s based on this. Matthew 3:11-12. The Word says so. You can’t sweep a building from outside. You sweep it from inside. As we send the Spirit of God inside, it will sweep off every debris in your life and burn them with unquestionable fire. Church Gist. Someone took this shot of oil in 1996 in Jos and got home, excreted a long winding serpent. She cried from the toilet, the husband rushed in – the siege is over.
- In the name of Jesus, everything moving around your body disconveniencing your life, bringing discomfort and pain, the fire will burn them off!
A family was held by ritual killers – the mother, a child on the back, a toddler in the hand. The mother took the oil from the bag, splashed it on the floor – fire. ‘Please, open the door, let her go, let her go. We can’t get to the door.’ She took her mantle, waved it towards the door, the door opened. Church Gist. The toddler boy was shouting “Holy Ghost fire, Holy Ghost fire.” That’s how much power is in this.

- Now in the name of Jesus, as you take the shot of this oil, I decree your own total liberty!
- All the ones online connect!
- All that believes, take a shot of this. Thank you Jesus! Praise God! Amen!