- Bishop David Oyedepo on UNDERSTANDING PATHWAYS TO SANCTIFICATION 3A at Covenant Day Of Escape Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 17th November 2024 || First Sunday Service.
This my daughter was out there serving God, 6 years and still counting. Her company started one year six months ago and see what has come out of it. Can I tell you this? Shiloh is going to be the beginning of days for you. Church Gist. Because God’s wisdom is not hanging somewhere in the sky, it is faith driven Word practice is what equals wisdom. Whosoever hears these sayings of mine and doeth them is a wise man. No circumstance or situation can stop His way forward. The storms may come, it won’t change it. So it is not common sense, it is heaven’s sense as packaged in scriptures.

There are people standing here today who don’t do anything about the Word. They are just crying to God “Oh God” wasting your life. Why call me Lord Lord without doing what I told you to do? The wisdom of God is in doing what He says believing. If you are not doing it, what are you wasting your life for? Church Gist. Don’t ever tell me the Word does not work. It only works for those who know how to put it to work. No situation has affected the economy of this church, nor my personal economy. Not one! It works above all circumstances. Stop explaining what is not true. The wind comes and the storm beats hard but that house is standing because it is built upon a rock. That’s wisdom.
Young lady, three awards at the same time. Just bought speakers for one million naira and the heavens opened. It is not a one day run. In the name of Jesus whatever is blocking anyone’s way forward, today Jesus will remove it. We are in the days of the manifold wisdom of God according to the eternal purpose which he purposed before the world began. Church Gist. So it is here! Where principalities and powers will be subject to our authority. They will flee, death and destruction will bow. That is where we are going. So get yourself ready, stop being a crying baby. There is no intellectual capacity under heaven that compares with the raw wisdom of God. It comes your way and opens up new chapters to your life and that is what is happening.
That man refocused his life on God and all the demons of lust left. They all vanished. It is not about carrying things about and claiming to be what you are not. When this God blesses, it is durable. “I, wisdom, I am in custody of durable riches.” Church Gist. You keep doing what I tell you to do, forget about the economy. What is the economy? “I will supply all your needs according to my riches in glory.” Not riches here. Riches in glory. You are getting somewhere.
Aren’t you glad to know that we have never begged in this Commission? We have never begged, we have never borrowed, we have never forced anyone to give.
- Today is marking a new dawn in your life.
We are on in our series of teachings, this is part 3 of it – UNDERSTANDING PATHWAYS TO SANCTIFICATION. Psalm 23. Following the path of righteousness commands goodness and mercy to keep following you and I all the days of our lives. He leads me. Psalm 119:105. Church Gist. You follow His leading, you will be fear free, goodness and mercy will not be what you are crying for, they are following you. You have created a magnetic field around your life that attracts goodness and mercy. Psalm 5:12. It is a field around him and that’s you.
- No one will have any reason to pity you anymore.
- God will turn your pities to envies.
Let’s start from the benefits. Matthew 11:28. Let’s know what is in sanctification, that qualifies for my investing time and resources to secure. Acts 20:32. Our inheritance demands sanctification for access. Let’s identify a few things here.
- Sanctification Secures Access To Revelation That Triggers Supernatural Breakthroughs.
Psalm 25:14. Light is what triggers supernatural breakthroughs. Isaiah 60:1-3, 8, 22. Today, by grace, First Generation, Second Generation, Third Generation Universities, they are all looking up to Covenant on how are you doing it. Light! Light! Light! People are just struggling about life. John 1:4-5. Church Gist. Every other form of knowledge informs, this knowledge transforms. There is life in it. There is no life in Chemistry or Biology. There is life in the Bible. “The words I have spoken to you, they are spirit and they are life” (John 6:63). There is no life in Geography, no life in Literature, no life in Law but there is life in the Bible.
Access is blocked to revelation when you make ungodliness your lifestyle. You are just reading the stories but what is revelation? He shows you the covenant. Church Gist. What you must do for His Word to come to pass in your life. That is covenant.
- Somebody is stepping into new realms of supernatural breakthroughs by light.
- It Secures Answers To Prayers.
Psalm 66:18-19. Why? I have repented. So access is now open for answers to my prayers. Proverbs 28:13. Remember in the days of Hezekiah when a death sentence was passed from God on him, he said – Isaiah 38:3-5. Church Gist. Express answers to prayer demands sanctification. No gate crashing in the Kingdom, demands sanctification. Let’s clean up. Isaiah 59:1-2.
- In the name of Jesus, everything that is blocking your prayer access I command them off today!
- It secures access to fresh oil, fresh unction that destroys yokes and causes men to flourish like a palm tree: no dry season. Psalm 92:10-12. Fresh oil destroys the yoke of the wicked and causes our lives to flourish. Church Gist. But here is the condition: Proverbs 1:23. If you want fresh oil, turn. Luke 5:37-39. So it takes a renewal, a repositioning, to qualify for new oil.
- in the name of Jesus, I decree that everything blocking our access to fresh oil clears the way by the anointing today!
- Sanctification engenders divine health and wholeness: Mark 2:1-12. Please note: Not every sickness is a result of sin but many are. Some are oppressions of the devil, some are direct effect of sin. We saw another man in John 5 who had been sick for 38 years, Jesus had mercy on him and healed him, then he met him in verse 14 and said, John 5:14, that means, “come on board. Church Gist. This is where your problem came from, don’t get back there or a worse thing will hit you.” Sanctification secures health and wholeness. My prayer today is that through genuine repentance, may every physical breakdown that anyone may have suffered that is a result of sin be genuinely repented of! May each one here receive forgiveness today that will lead to your full restoration of health and vitality.
Some talk sickness so carelessly and they get sick so freely. Life and death are in the power of the tongue – Proverbs 18:21. “I don’t think I can make it. The report is horrible.” Church Gist. Then you have not made it. You have lost it. “Well, I know faith can do anything but this kind I’m facing, the kind of report I got, I don’t think so.” Then you go. Psalm 34:12.

- It engenders supernatural promotion: Daniel 1:8 – Daniel was a faithful man. There was no fault or error found in him. Daniel 6:3-4. Church Gist. Your story is changing! You never be held down at the same spot again! Your life will never suffer a setback again!
- It secures durable riches: Deuteronomy 8:18. Wealth came the way of Solomon and ungodliness wrecked him. After his death it was recorded that he was putting burdens on people to survive – heavy taxation. The flow ceased. He once loved the Lord – 1 Kings 3:3; 1 Kings 11:1. Durable riches demand sanctification. It will fly off as if it was never there. Church Gist. It was God who gave it to Solomon, by turning his back on God, God took it away. We don’t have the details here but, he was struggling for survival and God finished that by setting battles against him. So the little thing he had, he had to be selling it to fight wars until there was nothing more. There are too many ex this and ex that, you will not be counted among them. There are those who have seen money before but they will mistake sand now for money because they turned their back on the source, there was a disconnect. Proverbs 8:18. It is righteousness that makes riches durable. His blessings makes rich and adds no sorrow – Proverbs 10:22 – go and start carrying drugs, they will catch you in another man’s country and lock you up in a dungeon if you survive. Church Gist. Otherwise, they gun you down. But his blessings makes rich and adds no sorrow.
Somebody asked me, “how do you go through the market preaching the Gospel?” If you be follower of that which is good, who will harm you? It’s when you’re cheating people all around that anything you see you start checking. Church Gist. I walk through the market freely, I don’t have no problem, I’m just like them. You better wake up. All these kinds of things that you’re doing as if God is cheating you, you’re cheating yourself. Church Gist. Durable riches demand righteousness for sustenance. You can’t sustain durable riches by going off-course.
Will you like to hear this? This Church has never given bribe to anybody in this world – living or dead, White or Black? How? How are you going to get it? Which mouth are you going to use to ask for it? Church Gist. If you say my house is your house, take it. I have hundredfold accounts with God. Take it. Before you wake up in the morning, I have one hundred more. You better take it easy. You can’t go the way of the world and enjoy the best of Heaven. Whatever God cannot do, I’ve said, let it remain undone. Church Gist. Whatever God cannot give me, may I never have it. Wherever God cannot take me to, may I never get there. You better settle with God so He can settle your life. Durable riches and righteousness.
- You’re going places!
- from this time on, your days of struggle are declared over!
Now, what are the pathways to righteousness?
1 Timothy 4:7-8. So, you don’t wait for it, you exercise yourself into it. You don’t wait to develop your muscles, you engage in required exercises to develop your muscles. 1 Timothy 4:8. Church Gist. Some people think that the promises of God are for Heaven, no. They’re both for here and Heaven. Abraham prospered here and prospered to Heaven. Jesus said he was sitting on a throne in Heaven. Church Gist. So, it’s a two-way blessing – Godliness. 1 Timothy 4:7. Acts 24:16. Exercise – working it out. Philippians 2:12.

What are the pathways?
- Engage the name of Jesus in battle against sin. Proverbs 18:10. Luke 10:17. We have said severally that behind the nature of sin are demonic activities. Church Gist. The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, the spirit of whoredom. You find all those things that are militating against our desire to please God but at the name of Jesus, every knee bows. So, when the devil launches an attack, “in the name of Jesus, I have victory. In the name of Jesus, get out of my way! Get out of my life!” Church Gist. And you know when you say that, you’re releasing the anointing on Christ against that uprising and no devil can stand that. So, engage the name of Jesus in battle against sin and we’ll overcome it. “In my name, you’ll cast out demons”. Everything that has a name bows to the name of Jesus. Church Gist. Whatever you engage His name for in this service to lose its grip off you will lose their grip on you. Can I hear your Amen?
Philippians 2:9. Romans 11:29. The gift of God at work in Elisha was still working in his dry bones. How much more in the ever living Christ? Philippians 2:9. Church Gist. So, till forever, that name remains above all names. So, “you spirit of whoredom, get out of my life in the name of Jesus! Spirit of pride, get out of my life in the name of Jesus! Spirit of covetousness, get out of my life in the name of Jesus!” And you’re free. Romans 11:29.
- Flee from all appearances of evil. When a house catches fire, you flee. You don’t try to explain, you flee. Church Gist. When you see fire on the roof, you flee. You don’t start looking for your certificate, you flee. Even though the certificate may perish there, you flee. When a house catches fire, wisdom demands that you flee. When you see fire on the roof of your house, you flee. 1 Thessalonians 5:22. 1 Corinthians 6:18. 1 Timothy 6:10-11. Church Gist. Flee the insatiable quest for money, “I must have it. I must make it by all means”. The devil will show you how to make it and unmake you at the end. Godliness with contentment is great gain. That’s how we got here today. From 4 to 6, 6 to 10, 10 to 15 in a storehouse that has no cross ventilation and then to a batcher built with grass in the City of Kaduna and then when we got enough prosperity, we put iron thing on top. Floor untarred, that’s how we got here. Church Gist. Now, estates around the world. You can be contented. No crave. I’ve never sat at anybody’s office door in my life. Say, “he’s coming, he’ll soon see you” me? To do what? I’m a messenger of the Most High God. Amen. Church Gist. You can’t find the child of the President of a Nation sitting down at the door of somebody’s house. No. Talking about the Most High God. Praise God.
- something is changing in your life!
- it’s your turn at last!
1 Timothy 4:8.
- The days of losses are over in your life!
Flee these things. What kills rats is the smell of the bait. Church Gist. It looks tasty but there’s death inside it. Flee!
- Be conscious to keep a godly company. Friendship is not by force, it’s by choice. Psalm 1:1-3. So the company you keep matters in defining your destiny. 1 Corinthians 15:33. You can’t walk about with a smoker without smelling smoke. When you appear in a place, you look like a smoker because you are coming from the midst of smokers. Church Gist. The smell of his smoke is all over you. Amnon was a prince and heir apparent of David but Amnon had a friend by name Jonadab, a son of belial and that’s where he met his waterloo. Be conscious to keep a godly company if you want to live a godly life. He taught him how to be ungodly and he got him caught down at the end. He was the one who reported to the father: “Amnon is dead.” Proverbs 13:20.
- Recognize that without faith it is impossible to live a sanctified life.
God won’t say: “Be ye holy” in your energy and in my energy. He says that to know that this is what He has provided for us and it takes faith to actualize it in our lives. Hebrews 11:5-6. You say: “Be ye holy! I’m seeking to be, trusting in You to make it a reality.” It is impossible to please God without faith. Church Gist. So, it takes faith! The reason why people say it’s not possible is because they have not applied the faith factor. It is the faith factor that makes the impossible possible. Doctor has given you a death sentence and faith reverted it and they say it has not happened before. That’s what it is. It is not possible in the energy of the flesh to please God but when we engage the faith factor, the virtue of Heaven flows to make it as easy as breathing.
-In the name of Jesus, no one here will miss his place in Heaven.
Now, again, how many people believe there is Heaven? How many believe there is Heaven? If you do, please raise your hand. How many people believe that there are conditions to meet to make it? How many believe there are conditions to meet? Sir, some must make it. So why not you and me? And those that didn’t enter there, they didn’t enter because of unbelief. Church Gist. So, let’s come down to believe that the terms are within our reach to comply with. The terms of making Heaven are within our reach to comply with. With faith in Jesus, it makes it cheaper than breathing. Thank You Lord! How we need this today! No one can make it happen in the energy of the flesh. We must have to trust God for it.
Now as we close, cost of ungodliness.
What does it cost us to keep living an ungodly life?
- It blocks access to divine wisdom which holds the answer to all questions of life. Proverbs 9:10. That’s what qualifies us for access – the fear of the Lord and God’s wisdom among others creates solutions. We live in a problem-cumbered world, we need access to divine wisdom to find our way through. Church Gist. And the fear of the Lord is what secures our access to it. Joseph said: “And I fear God.” And we saw God’s wisdom came through a prisoner and they couldn’t find anyone as wise and discreet as he was in the whole land of Egypt. “But I fear God” was his testimony. Genesis 42:18. Ungodliness blocks access to divine wisdom which holds the answer to all the bugging questions of life.
- Ungodliness stirs shame and reproach.
You don’t want it, I don’t want it. Proverbs 14:34. We saw the reproach that Samson came through. The one man army of Israel, nations feared him but he ended his journey with shame and reproach because of ungodliness. Church Gist. Plucked out his two eyes without anaesthesia, flies all over the places, made him to grind at the mill in the prison, brought him out as a toy to display. He died in the land of his enemy in shame and reproach. You can’t know the cost and not want to avoid it.
-Nobody’s life here will end up with shame and reproach.
Judges 16:23-25.
- It stirs fear and dread.
Genesis 3:10. Sin is at the root of fear. Proverbs 28:1. Proverbs 29:25. Fear brings men into bondage. Ungodliness is a breeding ground for fear. Psalm 23:4. Church Gist. The good news is this: there is no unforgivable sin with God but He will not forgive any sin without genuine repentance. Jonah 3:6. Nineveh was delivered, Nineveh was saved because genuine repentance came on the line and God’s wrath was averted.
-I see many people today, averting the wrath of God on their lives by crying mightily to God in repentance.
2 Corinthians 7:10. Don’t say: “I’m sorry” smiling. No! Godly sorrow! When God landed a verdict on Ahab, one of the most wicked kings that ever lived. Church Gist. He walked softly before the Lord and covered himself with sack cloth and God said: “See how he humbled himself before Me, this evil is averted. 1 Kings 21:29. As wicked as he was, God wrote it off through genuine repentance.

-Somebody here this morning is genuinely repenting and God is turning His wrath away and bringing you back into favour.
I close with Ezekiel 18:21-23. That’s God’s compassion. It doesn’t matter how far you may have gone, you can choose to return today and you’ll be restored. Church Gist. You can choose to return, the thief on the right side, in his dying moment returned. He said: “Today, you’ll meet me in Paradise”. All the people he has killed, everything, written off.
- It’s your turn! It’s your turn!
One of the Gang Leaders around here got saved in one of our meetings and he’s now an Evangelist. Church Gist. There is no recounting the evil he has done before, but he’s now burning for Jesus. God wrote off his past and restored him to dignity.
- Somebody is here, your story is changing in the name of Jesus!
Repentance will qualify any believer for forgiveness at any time.
Very quickly, today is our Covenant Day Of Recovery.
- Whatever has been lost to you in the course of the battle of life, they shall be recovered today!
Question: Recovery Of What?
All that we have lost before our salvation. All that we may have lost before our salvation. Church Gist. Acts 17:30. So, we are entitled to recovery of all that were lost on the other side of Jordan.
- So, I see your health restored.
- I see your destiny restored back to colour.
- I see the defeat of your life turned to victory in the name of Jesus.
John 10:10. New birth entitles you and I to fullscale recovery of what belongs to us in redemption.
Recovery from what?
All that we may have lost to carelessness since we came to Christ. At a point in the land of Judah, there was no true God nor a teaching Priest. Church Gist. Everybody did whatever they felt like doing and then there was crisis everywhere, great vexations of souls and when the Word came, they returned and God restored and gave them rest round about.
- I see your round about rest restored today!
Through carelessness, David took his army, they went to war and left the City unguarded. The enemy came from behind and captured their sons, their daughters, their wives, took them as prisoners of war. David returned from battle to discover that the City had become desolate. Church Gist. Everybody was crying for their daughters, for their sons. They thought of stoning David. David said, “Well, God, shall I pursue them?” David’s two wives too were taken away. “Shall I overtake, shall I recover?” 1 Samuel 30:1-9,17,18. Carelessness led to the losses, but God’s mercies led to the recovery.
- Whatever anyone may have lost to carelessness, may they be recovered today!
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God” “I don’t believe in that”. That’s why you are struggling. What you don’t believe only affects you, it doesn’t affects God. “Bring ye all the tithes into the Storehouse”. “No, no, no. That’s Old Testament” Now, well done. Deuteronomy 28 is not Old Testament, is New. “The Lord will bless my going out and my coming in. Church Gist. The Lord will open the windows of Heaven” Is that New Testament? People just deceive themselves. God told me in person. I heard Him, I believed Him from His Word. I am sweatlessly prosperous, no cutting corners. Life! Carelessness, careless Christian life. God shows you something in your private devotion, in your own private devotion, not that anybody is preaching to you. You flip the Bible, “No, I don’t like this one” Go and rewrite it. Life, careless living. You can’t treat God’s Word with levity and expect Him to treat you with dignity. Deuteronomy 28:1. Church Gist. It is you that needs change of story. God doesn’t need change of story. Carelessness! Many, many Christians are victims of spiritual carelessness. They just think that the Bible is for you to have your opinion. Opinion is irrelevant, it will never count. His truth is settled in Heaven forever. You want to settle your life? Then settle with the Word.
- Somebody’s story is changing. Thank you Jesus.
But what are the things that belong to us in Christ that we need to recover?
- All things that make for life and godliness. Can I have you say that with me? That is, all things that life will ever demand and all things that godliness offers. All things. 2 Peter 1:3.
- Our seven redemptive inheritance in Christ which includes power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessings as listed in Revelation 5:12. Those are the things we are out to recover.
- and in the name of Jesus, your power line will never get disconnected.
- God’s agenda to enrich you will never be scuttled by the devil.
- The wisdom you and I would need to navigate through this wicked World, we’ll never lack it.
- The strength we require to command exploits, we’ll never miss it.
- We’ll never suffer dishonour.
- We’ll never suffer shame anymore.
- and our lives will never run dry of blessings.
Those are the things He obtained for us at resurrection. Church Gist. He rose and obtained for us power, riches, wisdom, strength, glory, honour and blessings. Thank you, Jesus!

Covenant Steps To Our Desired Recovery.
- Be born again. We can’t but keep emphasizing that. Be born again. Romans 8:29,30. That is God’s agenda for the redeemed. Church Gist. So, when you are born again, you are born again to be glorified, to live a glorious life, an enviable life. That’s what He offers us in redemption. Romans 6:23…life that begins from here and continues there.
- Recognize that your recovery is the will of God. Can I have you say that with me? “My recovery is the will of God.” Jeremiah 30:17. Church Gist. Your recovery and my recovery is the will of God and when we pray according to His will, He hears us. So, I see your recovery today! Joel 2:23-25…only God restores years.
- It’s your turn!
Joel 2:26-27. Among your recovery today is recovery of your glory in Christ that will terminate shame and reproach in all areas of your life! Thank you Jesus! Church Gist. And that’s kept for the last days which we are in now. We are in the last days and we are having the latter rain falling and under that latter rain, shame is not permitted.
- Therefore, expect every issue of shame around your life to clear the way finally today!
- Get your faith on the line for your recovery. John 1:12. Believe the Word of God concerning your recovery. Believe! When you believe, He stretches forth His hand to make it happen. Isaiah 53:1. Church Gist. Believe God to reveal His hand in reverting the issue of shame in your life to glory and it will happen. Mark 9:23.
Someone stood here, 20 years that he lost his job, he got it back with full pay and benefits. Church Gist. 20 years after! Only God can restore lost years.
- Whatever you have lost to the devil, you will recover it supernaturally!
- Walk in the fear of God to secure your recovery. Isaiah 3:10-11. When you walk in the fear of God, it is commanded to be well with you. Church Gist. So whatever you have lost, you are getting it back! Psalm 37:18-19.
- You are the one God is talking about!
- You will not beg to eat in this time!
- You will not beg for clothes to wear this time!
- Your business will not shut down at this time!
- You won’t sell your means of livelihood!
- Engage the blood of Jesus to enforce your recovery. This is the missing link sir. Church Gist. Engage the blood of Jesus to enforce your recovery. Zechariah 9:9-15.
- Every choking situation in your life, God is bringing you out of it today!
The blood is our stronghold in battle. So double recovery by the blood of Jesus. Now wait a minute; you are in a choking pity – by the blood of Jesus, I’m out of this pit. Church Gist. By the blood of Jesus, the blood of the everlasting covenant, I’m out of this pit. People have forgotten the blood. Let’s get back to the blood. Revelation 12:11. It’s a weapon in our heavenly battle.
Revelation 12:7…and we are now in heavenly places. Church Gist. So we win this battle in heavenly places among others by invoking the blood of Jesus, our stronghold to bring us out of our choking situations.
- Somebody is out today!
- Can I have you say before the Lord? By the blood of Jesus, I’m out of every choking pit of life. By the blood of Jesus l, I’m out of every choking pit of sin. Church Gist. By the blood of Jesus, I’m out of every choking pit of carelessness. I’m free at last by the blood of Jesus!
Now, throughout this week, don’t do any prayer without invoking the blood. The victory you have long waited for will come! Church Gist. The thing sitting on your business and career will clear by the blood of Jesus. By the blood of Jesus, it is our stronghold in battle!
- By the blood of Jesus, the incursion of sickness and disease in your family is over!
- By the blood of Jesus, waywardness is over in the lives of your children!
- By the blood of Jesus, your business is no longer going to crawl but will begin to grow!
- By the blood of Jesus, you will no longer be pitied anymore, you will be envied from henceforth!
- Remain committed to serving God and the interest of His Kingdom. It’s one platform that guarantees recovery. Church Gist. We have countless testimonies in this Church of those who subscribed to Matthew 6:33 and things turned around for them.
- You are the next in line!
So today, among others, we are going to be receiving the anointing for recovery.
- By this anointing, everything you may have lost in the cause of the battles of life shall be duly restored in the name of Jesus!
- God shall be restoring to His people lost years, lost health, lost business and career!
- You shall begin to eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord and we shall never be ashamed!
Joel 2:23-26. God has ordained to restore by the anointing whatever may have been lost to us and everything contrary to our glorious destiny in Christ shall be restored today in the name of Jesus Christ!
