– Bishop David Oyedepo on UNDERSTANDING THE WONDERS OF HIS RESURRECTION at Easter Miracle Banquet Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 31st March 2024 || First Sunday Service ||
Happy Easter Sunday to all Winners. Every grave of your life is opened today. Every choking experience comes to an end today. You are celebrating the victory of life over death, everything dead or dying in you comes back alive. We are celebrating the establishment of a better covenant based upon better promises, everything goes better in your life. Church Gist. Everything goes better in your family. No more shall you be found in the wrong places. Jesus rose and they could not find Him among the dead anymore, now you are raised together with Him. You will not be found among the dead any more.
He sent His Word and it healed them and delivered them out of their destruction. The resurrected Christ is here this morning and by His Word, your healing will be delivered. Church Gist. His Word will result in your rescue today and He will open new chapters to your life in the precious name of Jesus.
Lord Jesus, we are all gathered to celebrate your triumph over death and for giving us life in return. Receive our thanks in the name of Jesus. Church Gist. As we step into your Word, let resurrection power be released into our lives. Let each one leave here today with a renewed position in our work with you, in the name of Jesus Christ.
The name Easter Miracle Banquet is not an accolade, a fun or an adjective, it is an unveiling of the divine plan because Jesus appeared and showed himself to his disciples with many infallible proofs that began the same day. Church Gist. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Expect this Resurrection Miracle Banquet to deliver your own infallible miracle in your hand.
UNDERSTANDING THE WONDERS OF HIS RESURRECTION is the subject that we are looking at. The resurrection of Christ signifies the opening of the seal to the realm of the supernatural to all the children of God. Isaiah 8:18. There were no children of God in the Old Testament. It is a prophetic word concerning the mission of the Messiah who will raise sons unto glory. Church Gist. In John 3:8, we see this confirmed. Jesus came to fulfil Isaiah 8:18, turning us into signs and wonders among men. No wonder on arrival from the dead, he flagged off miracles, signs and wonders without number. They could not all be documented. It is a clean fulfilment of that Word. Acts 1:3. For forty days after the resurrection, it was miracles, signs and wonders without number. Church Gist. Resurrection as it were, triggered the eruption of signs and wonders without number. Job 9:10. John 20:30. From this service, there shall be signs and wonders without number in each one’s life.
There are 4 outstanding miracles that His resurrection brought about and because He is the same yesterday, today and forever, He continues to do them until this day. Hebrews 13:8.
1. The eye-opening miracle.
We saw the veil in the temple torn into twain from top to bottom. That signified unimpeded access to the treasures behind the veil by all the children of God. Before then it used to be the High Priest alone that entered into the Holy Place and not without blood and that was once a year. Church Gist. Now He has opened the door. His death opened the door, His resurrection kept the door open. So we have unimpeded access to the thing behind the veil which connotes the treasures of life.
If you watch very carefully in Hebrews 9, among the things behind the veil we have the golden pot with manna in it. You have the rod of Aaron that budded. Nothing dies by the veil. The veil is the chamber of life. Nothing dies behind the veil. You can’t access the treasures of the veil and be molested by death. Nothing dies behind the veil. The rod budded. Then, of course, the tables of the Covenant which puts the believer in command of the affairs of life. Church Gist. By lining up with the terms of those covenants we commit God’s integrity to make them happen. That is what resurrection made happen. If you check manna in the Old Testament, they gathered daily. So there is daily access to the bread of heaven. Daily access. May every eye be opened today to make the most of every treasure behind the veil.
2 Corinthians 3:14-18. Those treasures change our story from glory to glory. At the turning of the vein, we have access to the light that changes our story from glory to glory. The tearing of the veil is our access to the realm of from glory to glory in life. We are in the days of darkness and gross darkness (Isaiah 61:1), we are in the days of darkness and gloominess (Joel 2:1). Light becomes the greatest asset of every believer. Eye-opening miracle becomes the greatest asset of every believer. Church Gist. It has never been heard that darkness contended with the authority of light. Every time light steps in, darkness steps out. Beginning from this Easter Miracle Banquet, no power of darkness will torment your life anymore. Can darkness go to arrest light? Every assault of the powers of darkness on your life comes to an end finally.
The reason we have a lot of problems obeying God is because we can’t see what is in what He says we should do. Sometimes they look too simple to be true. Nobody can see the way out of his trouble and ignore it. Nobody can see the way out of their crisis and ignore it. Not being able to see it is what makes us passive and carefree. “This can’t be the solution to my problem. I just told you how big my problem is and you say I should confess. Confess what?” He can’t see it. When the spirit of death came to attempt our last daughter’s life, I sat on my chair and rolled and said “Jesus, there must be a way out.” There is no situation without a way out for God. It is just to locate it. It was so real that I didn’t have to go there. I sent the scriptures to be read to her and life came back. 1 Corinthians 10:13. Next to salvation, revelation is the greatest asset of every believer. Church Gist. If you are not saved, you perish and if you have no knowledge, you perish. It is the same cost. Proverbs 21:16. Lack of spiritual understanding makes no difference between you and an unbeliever. You struggle like they struggle. We need light, Jesus came to open the door to the realms of unlimited revelation with access to the things behind the veil.
We have a sevenfold heritage in redemption and they deliver purely by covenant. Revelation 5:12. You can’t access power without a thirst. Isaiah 55:1. He was talking about the Holy Ghost. Church Gist. You can’t access power without a demand for it. John 7:38. You can’t access power without a heart to serve God, we are not empowered for show. We are empowered for service. Very simple things.
You can’t access your wealthy heritage without access to the covenant term of sowing and reaping, giving and receiving as a lifestyle and doing that rejoicing. They deliver based on the covenant. “I said I am poor and you said I should give.” That is how to get out of it. Give from your poverty, you will be out of it. Isn’t that wicked? Well, I didn’t write it. I was part of the system with ₦200 in a month. Our system. Don’t just sit down waiting for things to happen. Take steps. No one goes forward sitting down. Sitting down watching television, is that life? Wisdom, you ask, you learn and be open to counsel. You can’t flow in it unless you ask, Solomon asked. Church Gist. You learn, Solomon learnt but he was not open to counsel so he crashed. Strength, you feed on the Word. Without food, everybody will go off. Without food, your spiritual life will crash. You rejoice. Nehemiah 8:10. Coming to fellowship. Psalm 84:7. There is none of those packages that answers to “Oh God, I have power. Oh God, I have riches.” You are simply having fun. That’s Children’s Church Year 2. There are many mature Christians who are praying those kinds of prayers. Church Gist. “I must prosper this year.” Well done. “I must have dividends in that company this year” That is if you have investments. You can’t pray for dividends from a company where you have no investments. That is a decision between you among several others, you know that you are not waiting for things to happen. You are committed to making them happen by walking in line with the terms of the covenant. Receive your eye-opening miracle now. I command your spiritual eyes open. As far as your eyes can see unto you will I give it. So get ready for yours in the name of Jesus.
You don’t get honour, you earn honour. You don’t get respect, you earn respect. 1 Samuel 2:30. Ephesians 6:3. You don’t wait for honour, you sow the seed of honour to receive honour in return. Proverbs 14:28. They say move, you are not moving, Pray, you are not praying and then “God honour me.” How? I am not relevant to your course, how do you think you can be relevant to my agenda? If you are not committed to me, I can’t be committed to you. As I have cried and you did not hear, you will also cry and I will not hear. Zechariah 7:13. Some are on the mountains now crying like crybabies, they won’t do anything that God says. Church Gist. They just keep crying, “Oh God!” He comes back and he can’t speak again. He almost broke his throat there and Jesus will say “You don’t know what you are asking.” Well done! Come again. You don’t know what you are asking. Many go there without a Bible in their hands or a note, they just go there to cry. He says “I have a lot of music in heaven, different tones. This one is just one of them.” It is a new dawn for you.
2. The grave opening miracle.
Matthew 27:52-53. You are coming out. Every grave the devil has shut you into, you are coming out today. You are out of them today. Every choking situation of your life, you are walking out of them today. They came out of the grave and appeared to many. Those who thought your case is finished, you will soon appear. You are getting out of obscurity. Where the enemy has shut you up, you are coming out of it in the name of Jesus. This is more like a fulfilment of Ezekiel’s prophecy in Ezekiel 37:10-14. You are not just coming out an ordinary person, you are coming out an exceedingly great army. Church Gist. When Jesus showed up after resurrection, he opened the graves and He is still alive today. Every grave that has shut in anyone, Jesus is opening it today. Your grave is open today. Any attempt of the wicked to push you into it, they will fall into it themselves. The grave of your family is open today. No death recorded in your family this year. Only the aged shall be buried in your household. No one here will bury their children. No one will have their days cut short.
So expect every choking situation such as sickness, disease and all oppressions of the devil holding you captive to open up in this Easter Miracle Banquet Today. This is the most significant day of all days in Christendom. Church Gist. For if Christ did not rise from the dead, our faith is vain. We are still in our sins, there will be no eternity. It is the greatest of all days in Christian history. He will show up today in your life.
3. Empowerment to operate in the miraculous.
John 20:22. Receive ye the Holy Spirit, that is be empowered to operate in the realm of the supernatural. Luke 9:1. This is a clean demonstration of that scripture. The Holy Ghost is the custodian of signs, wonders and diverse miracles. Joel 2:30. Therefore I speak on His behalf, receive ye the Holy Ghost this morning. Church Gist. Please keep your faith alive. Nothing distinguishes a believer in this wicked world than the power of the supernatural at his disposal. They wanted to destroy Jesus, He disappeared from their midst. Supernatural! The sea wanted Him drowned several times, “Peace be still” authority! The supernatural. We can’t make it through without a solid root in the supernatural. We can’t make this thing through. The Word is the stirrer of the supernatural. John 5:4. That stirring angel is revelation.
One night I slept and I saw me in a coffin. Right in the sleep, I understand that the spirit of man does not sleep. I said ‘Satan you must be daft. For it is written there is no wisdom or knowledge nor counsel in the grave. No one sees himself in a coffin and stays there. Get lost.’ In the sleep. You better stuff the Word in your life against the day of attack. You don’t prepare for exams in the exam hall. Do you want to be approved for signs and wonders? Study. He approved Jesus with signs and wonders and diverse miracles and for you and me to be approved, He said study. Church Gist. 2 Timothy 2:15. Study! It is the Word in you that puts you on top of situations. You can’t be on top by struggle and by strength, it is by the Word. It is not the Word you hear, it is the Word you see. Until you see it, you have not found it. Until you see it, you have not heard it. It won’t work until you have seen it. What He hears the Father say and what He sees the Father does, that also did the Son. It is the hearing and the seeing that makes it work. I decree the opening of your spiritual ears to hear the voice of God.
The world is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. We are the hope of the world. The Church of Christ is the hope of the World. We are the breadwinners of the last days. Church Gist. Thou shall take this rod in thy hand wherewith thou shall do signs. Signs are not free. You trigger signs and wonders by the Word. They are not free.
The power of His resurrection is the ultimate source of His power. The blood is God’s last card in every battle. That is comparable to what the world calls nuclear power today. The power of His resurrection subdues principalities and powers for free, keeps them under our feet. That is the power that you are returning with. Romans 8:11. Church Gist. It is the quickening spirit of life. So everything dying or dead inside you shall be quickened back to life today. It is your day. It is also my day. That’s God’s ultimate power. So expect to be empowered today to operate in a higher realm in this Easter Miracle Banquet Service.
4. The breakthrough power.
Miracles galore including breakthrough miracles. Peter, in his confused state, went out and said “I go a-fishing.” He went out and laboured and nothing happened. John 21:3-5. Jesus showed up, “Children, have you any meat?” They said no. Church Gist. Cast your net on the right side and they did and they enclosed 153 fishes heavier than their net. Two miracles, the catch and the non breaking of the net.
Now, He gave them the communion and their eyes were opened and they knew Him. Luke 24:31. What purpose? To open their understanding that they might understand the scriptures (Luke 24:45). By the Communion today, in the name of the Lord Jesus who already paid the price for access, you are gaining full-scale access to the deep things of life. I can say like Paul by divine grace that the bulk of things I teach you I wasn’t taught by any man but by revelation of the Holy Spirit. I found me saying for the first time hitch-free marriage, it didn’t fly anywhere but I was busy saying it. I wasn’t married then. They called prosperity American Christianity. I said Jesus is not an American. Mockery without end but I saw it. I saw the anointing oil and all hell broke loose. You see the oil now round the world. One of my sons called it an intercontinental missile. It works everywhere. We started communion in those days in Kaduna and they said ‘Don’t go to that church, if you drink that blood you won’t leave that church. Don’t you hear him say that this is the blood of Jesus? Or you don’t understand English? He didn’t say this is like the blood, he said this is the blood. Don’t go there’ They all take communion today in their house, morning evening, night and in their churches. Church Gist. You better receive your eye-opening miracle and not sit down there with your intellectual prowess and capacity which has no access. A natural man receives not the things of God. A natural man cannot receive them, neither can he know them no matter his status. They are spiritually discerned. What is all these feet washing? It has rescued people from cancer. What is your problem? It has terminated three years pregnancy. May your eyes be opened. He said to Moses, “See! I have made these a god.” That changed Moses’ perspective. You are not permitted to suffer breakdowns. By reason of redemption, you are a breakthrough candidate. You are a light of the world, you are a salt of the earth, a city set upon the hill that cannot be hidden. So obscurity is not your portion. Failure is not your portion. Begging is not your portion. Frustration is not your portion.
What is it that brings us into breakthroughs? Revelation! Isaiah 60:1. It is trading the revelation of the truth that secures our supernatural breakthrough. Applied revelation is what produces supernatural breakthroughs. Supernatural breakthroughs are a product of applied revelation. Isaiah 60:1-3, 8. Flight in the Kingdom is powered by light. Church Gist. How much you commit to walking in the light determines how high you can fly. I heard A.W. Tozer said… God spoke to me through His book, “The harder you follow me, the higher you fly.” Many are just at ease. You don’t fly high at ease. Breakthrough is not free, it is a result of applied revelation. No more wasted labour for you. Therefore expect your encounter with the breakthrough power of Christ in this service today.
Lift your right hand to heaven and thank God for His resurrection power. Thank God for your eye-opening miracle. Thank Him for the grave-opening miracle that has terminated the threat of death in your life. Thank Him for the new realm of empowerment that will change your level of the supernatural. Church Gist. Thank Him for an end to frustration, stagnation, thank Him for opening a new chapter of breakthroughs to your life in all areas.