UNLOCKING THE SUPERNATURAL 2 || Bishop David Oyedepo at September 2024 Week Of Spiritual Emphasis Day Two || LFC Canaanland || 5th September 2024.

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on UNLOCKING THE SUPERNATURAL 2 at September 2024 Week Of Spiritual Emphasis Day Two || LFC Canaanland || 5th September 2024.

Anytime you pull a rod from the Word concerning any issues of concern in your life, you gain supernatural command over it. Exodus 4:17. Miracles are no accidents, they are deliberate acts of God in commanding His Word on any issue of concern. No crying will break scriptures, no weeping will break scriptures. Church Gist. God’s integrity and the integrity of His Word has no respect for your views and my views. If you want to see His hand in action, whatever He tells you to do, do it. You have done quite a few things. He said “One thing thou lackest”. Show me one thing that I lack which I need to deal with that area of concern in my life. You are the answer to all human questions.

Again, the prophetic focus for the month is I AM REDEEMED A WONDER TO MY WORLD. Something about God is that every instruction matters. They were there speaking boldly and God was confirming openly. Whatever you cannot openly declare, God cannot publicly confirm. Acts 14:3. Church Gist. Saying it is not enough, how you say it is important. When Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego spoke boldly before the king, God confirmed the words of their mouth openly. The land shivered. The whole nation bowed to their God. Every time you have a right word from God declare it boldly and God will confirm it openly. It is one of the tips in training in the School Of The Supernatural.

We have been looking at UNLOCKING THE SUPERNATURAL, which suggests that it is inside you and me. We now need to learn how to unleash it, how to manifest it, how to operate in it. For tonight, let me start with these thoughts. We are in this world but we are not of the world. Church Gist. John 15:18-19. We need that mentality, I am only in the world, I am not of the world. I am redeemed and placed on a mission on the earth. I am only on a mission on the earth, heaven is my home. By redemption, we are now citizens of heaven and members of the household of God. We are members of His household. Isaiah 66:1. Ephesians 2:19, Philippians 3:20.

By redemption, we have been made to sit with Him in heavenly places. We have changed seats. We usedllllthe point that we lost our identity.

I was reading in my stories that In Maiduguri years ago, we had a member that had a dog and a goat. The goat and the dog were relating. They were friends. The goat began to eat excrete like the dog. So we have got so missed with the world that we have lost our heavenly identity. Church Gist. What can I do as a human being? Nothing. We are all suffering. All of us are suffering. Anybody claiming not to be suffering right now is a liar. It is a sheep walking about with the dog eating what the dog eats.

That explains the story Kenneth Hagin once told of a lion cub that was raised among the sheep. It began to eat what the sheep eats. It was then I understood it. It was the elder who was telling us not that somebody was telling us. He was the owner of both the dog and the goat. We have lost our identity, so we have lost command. So we fear what they fear. We flee from what they flee from. Anytime they went to the water trough and they saw a lion on the other side, both the sheep and the lion sheep ran away. Church Gist. “God, save my life oh”. One day he looked at the water and saw that it looked like that thing they normally ran away from, so when next the lion showed up on the other side and the sheep ran. He said no, I am not running. It crossed to the other side, they wagged their tails and brought them together. It is time to cross to the other side. It is time to cross to the other side.

You have heard me say one billion witches can’t take my life. How many have heard me say that before? You will keep hearing that because I am off their realm. Consciously so, spiritually so. Knowingly so, understandingly so. It is time to get back and cross over. Most people are fearing what the world fears. They are jittery and they are in church. That you are going to a mechanic’s workshop does not mean you know how to repair a car. You better train up and get it. Church Gist. This is why we are called a peculiar people, a different species of humans. This is why the Bible calls believers gods in the likeness of men. They are loaded with heavenly treasure in the person of Jesus, who came into your life and my life when we got saved. Revelation 3:20. That’s salvation! Then the Holy Spirit who now dwells in you and in me and He is the custodian of signs and wonders. The Word that teaches you and I how to operate in that realm. That’s what makes us peculiar.

There is no research institute on this earth that can unravel scientifically what goes on in this Commission. There is no research centre in the world. No matter how statistical or mathematical. That is a picture of your life and my life. John 3:8. Somebody asked how do you do so much and you are this relaxed? I am not doing so much. I am pressing the appropriate buttons that get things done. The Kingdom operates on keys, you get the appropriate key, you don’t suffer at the door. Matthew 16:19. It is when you lose your key, your temperature goes up. If by the end of this service your car key is missing, your temperature will rise small. As everybody leaves, it will rise higher. Church Gist. With the key, you will be smiling and greeting your friends. “Oh Goodbye, I hope you enjoyed the service? See you some other time.” When your key is lost and they are going home because they have to go home. The struggle is because you are keyless. You don’t have the key you struggle. You have the right key, not just the key. People quote scriptures like parrots but wrong scriptures. Matthew 4:4-6. Jesus made the devil surrender with the right word. That is why the wisdom of God is vital to operate in the supernatural. Mark 6:2. Behind the supernatural manifestation of Christ is the wisdom and power of God at work in Him. 1 Corinthians 1:24. Christ the wisdom of God and the power of God.

That’s the summary of the 7 spirits of God upon Christ. Isaiah 11:2. So you take might – physical strength, you take anointing – spiritual strength and then, the remaining five are wisdom connected – knowledge, understanding, counsel and the fear of the Lord. Out of 7, you have 5 of them that have to do with wisdom. So you can’t operate in the supernatural without the wisdom of God actively at work. What is wisdom? Matthew 7:24. Church Gist. You know what to do according to Scriptures and you engage with it, you have committed God to confirm it. That’s where training comes in. Proverbs 1:5; Proverbs 9:9 – that’s where training up in the supernatural is vital. So we need that training to operate effectively and sweatlessly in the supernatural.

We are redeemed to walk in the Supernatural – that’s correct but we must train up to operate in that realm. We serve a wonder working God and we are his wonder working children but we must train up. Galatians 4:1-2. One can be in Church for 50 years and not grow up. You can’t develop your muscles by being around somebody whose muscles are developed. You engage in what develops muscles to develop your muscles. Church Gist. Nobody’s muscles can be developed on your behalf. Each one that requires a muscle must develop it by appropriate nutrition and requisite exercises. Stop counting days o, it’s worth nothing! There are folks who have been gate men in some organisations – from the inception of that organisation till now. They have not left the gate. They are part and parcel of that organisation, they know everybody that works there room by room. “Hello”
“We want to see the GM.”
“Well, emm wait first. Some two people have just gone in now. Wait here.”
But he has been at the gate. Some have left that gate and have entered the office and are now management staff. They were in the gate together before. He has developed himself out of the gate. Church Gist. Stop looking ugly at a beautiful gate. Please! Do what is needed to leave the gate and move to your office building.

  • Somebody’s story is changing!

The world is waiting for the sons of God to take their place because we are the answer to the woes of this world. Church Gist. There are many people here who are ordained as coverings for hundreds of thousands of men by coming up on this platform to know what to do and to keep doing it.

One of the instructions for operating in the supernatural is prayer and fasting. That’s where many sold off their birthright. When you hear that Esau sold off his birthright for a pottage of …Ehhh poor Esau! (You say). Church Gist. There are many poor New Testament believers, they have sold off their birthright without knowing through (mimics eating). Matthew 17:20-21. Now, we need to look at the content of fasting that makes it productive – So important:

Since the supernatural is a simple confirmation of the Word revealed to us and fasting is a platform for outbreak of access to revelation and so, it becomes a certified platform for believers to operate in the supernatural. Isaiah 58:6, 8. People go into fasting for bread and butter instead of looking out for the rod that puts them in command of their situation. So they fast and fast and nothing is coming out of it. Church Gist. So fasting is a platform through which we take the appropriate rod from the Word to take command over the harassment of hell on our lives. So essentially if you look at that Scripture, Isaiah 58:6-14, two things stand out: the power and the light. The two combined puts you naturally in command. Please mind my word, “naturally.” You’re not coercing, you’re not guessing, you’re not bombarding Heaven. Power and light! Isaiah 58:6, 8, 14.

I was on Imo hill in Ilesha many years ago and going through the book of Ezekiel with a yearning, “Lord, show me the secret behind the powerful prophetic ministry of Ezekiel.” I was done and I was getting set to be on my way back, “Behold, I have touched your tongue with the coal of fire and from henceforth, as you say it, you see it.” I didn’t get it on the dining table – on the mountain. Power! I was in the book of Acts of the Apostles for 5 days waiting. “What is it that made these folks a wonder to their world?” You don’t need 5 days to read that book, it’s not that much – Acts of the Apostles. But I was going through a school in it. I got invited to a place to minister, I couldn’t tell how I left the front to the back, I was literally floating – power!

Fasting is ordained for our empowerment not request. Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit and every devil cleared! Luke 4:14.

  • I see devils clearing for us!

We landed in one nation, there was this notorious witch that was the consultant of many of those leaders and all kinds of pomp and pagentry to welcome her – all demonic music. So we landed after; we had no idea. As we checked to the hotel where she was, she fled. She fled out of the country unceremoniously – newspaper carried it. You find it in, “On Eagles’ Wings” it’s there if you read it.

Singing, power dey pass power.

You better know what you are talking about. You grow in power among others through the platform of prayer and fasting.

I was on a mountain that I called my kind of mount of transfiguration for 5 days and there, light broke out on fundamentals that help to define my destiny. I’ve not designed life for ups and downs but for ups and ups. Proverbs 4:18. I heard it on that mountain.

  1. I heard from him on that mountain: you don’t need to know anyone to scale the utmost height in life; just know me. Daniel 11:32 – not those who do know men, who do know who is who, but those who do know their God.
  2. For your God blesses you as he has promised you, you shall lend to many nations but thou shall not borrow. What??? Deuteronomy 15:6. I said, why? A borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7. What’s going on? Matthew 6:24 – you either subscribe to the lender or subscribe to the supplier. So I wrote a vow against indebtedness in any form – 1981 October 4. Free indeed; free forever! Nothing has ever happened that made me think an option is to borrow. Outbreak of light!

Can you imagine what God is doing in our ministry without a dime indebtedness? Light from an ordinary five day wait and so, those treasures came down. Since I won’t borrow, I can’t lead the Church to borrow – No! That’s why we built a grass cathedral in a city – little by little. He said, when you borrow you’re saying I am too slow for you or I don’t know your worth. “How can I be riding this kind of car?” Go and collect another one.

One of my sons in the faith he was telling me a story – he is a professor in one of the universities. He said in those days he ran away from fellowship so as not to push my car because that car always needs somebody to help it. …And I will talk after the fellowship to, you know, counsel people and all that. He said, o boy, let’s go. If you don’t want to push a car, let’s go. Laughs! What a good God we serve!

  1. That’s where I heard, you’re absolutely responsible for the outcome of your life. Isn’t that a word? Isaiah 51:2. Many get lost in a group o.
    “O boy come, what do you think we should do?”
    “Let’s jump to America.”
    “How do we go?”
    I know somebody.” He will give you a fake visa. They will catch you when you get there and lock you up in prison. Your parents will think you are in America. You’re in prison in one place that has no name. There is no group impact – have you ever heard that? “The organisation is very impactful” – no no no, only men make impact. They initiate any organisation that makes impact. They drive it to make impact. So nobody has anybody to blame for where he finds himself. We’re going places o!

And then we were in a fast and God opened up the growth destiny of this Church. “Why is this Church not growing? But did you not call me? You called me, I heard”. Church Gist. He says, “now, well done. What are you looking for? Church is not growing, find out from me how it grows”. So, I put up a 3-day fasting and prayer with only two of my co-workers. On the third day, light came down from Heaven. God came down, not light, He said, “rise up. Stand up and follow me”. Hot afternoon oh. There’s power in fasting. Church Gist. And I followed Him. We got to a point, He said, “turn back here”. Sir, I heard Him, I turned him. Then He opened my eyes and I saw a layer of thick darkness on the roof of the Church. He said, “that’s the blindfolding weapon the devil uses to misinterpret what I, Jesus, is doing in this Church”. He then stood, “now, boy, deal with it”. I said, “you foul spirit of darkness, there’s a light that shines in darkness, darkness cannot handle it. Get off that roof in the name of Jesus!” Church Gist. And I saw it rolled away like a carpet. He said, “now, wait. When I came to the world, someone had to tell someone else, ‘come and see’. Now, go to town and tell them to come and see what I, Jesus, is doing in this Church”. Sir, in the centre of this Church is Jesus oh. Don’t think it’s an organization. In the centre of this Church is Jesus. Church Gist. So, there’s where the ‘Come and See’ came oh, from John 1:40-49.

He now said, number three, keep sowing the seed, as the grass grows, the sheep will come for it. I mean, keep teaching life applicable Word. Church Gist. Four, and keep the grass green and the sheep will lie down there. That’s why you’re lying down. Now, check any google, you won’t find this message there. It’s fresh, it just came. Church Gist. I stood before Him, He was teaching me.

  • somebody’s story is changing.

There are too many spiritually lazy people in Church. Too many. “I know God will do it”, He won’t do anything. He said, “whatever He tells you to do, you do it, then you have committed Him”. Church Gist. You don’t wait to become a pilot, you train. Do you wait to become a doctor? Medical doctor? You can only be a native doctor. Chartered with lies. (Laughs). Church Gist. Grind charcoal, give to people and call it elephant teeth, like the boy from China. No shortcuts Sir.

“Why are you disciples not fasting?” Ah. He said, “can you make the children of the bridegroom to fast while the bridegroom is still with them? For the day comes when the bride groom will be taken away from them, then shall they fast”. Church Gist. So, we’re in the fasting era of the Church. Matthew 9:15. Mark 2:20. The Bridegroom went up on Mount Olive about 2,000 years ago, we entered the fasting era of the Church. Mark 2:20. Matthew 17:19-21. For your faith to come alive, you need light, get into fasting. For you to encounter power, get into a fast. Church Gist. I’m sure somebody heard me. Stop blaming Esau, look at yourself.

There came a time, three case came again Judah and they didn’t know what to do. 2 Chronicles 20:3-14. Jehoshaphat called a fast to know what to do. “If we go like this they’ll destroy us completely, what do we do to escape?” Church Gist. And then a Prophetic Word came, “don’t mind them. You won’t need to fight in this battle, just watch me. You set yourself in praise, watch me manifest myself”. And as they began to sing and to praise, they knew the way out, they went the way to go and they came back victorious. Church Gist. If you read down from 2 Chronicles 20:17-24, and they were all smitten and not one of them escaped, by knowing the way to go. 2 Chronicles 20:12,14,17. To know what to do. So, fasting among other things is to know what to do, the right thing to do, not what to do. Ezra 8:21-23. Church Gist. “There are armed robbers and kidnappers on the way, we need a right way. I’m ashamed to ask of the King for help for we have told him our God is more than enough. So we are here to look up to you to seek the right way and so we fasted”.

Fasting is to get to know the right way out. Bring out the rod from the Word and deal with the issue. So, it’s far beyond bread and butter. Church Gist. That’s how we got addicted to prayer and fasting as a Church, from that revelation of Church growth. So, we don’t allow any cloud of darkness to stay on the roof. Darkness, go, you have no business here.

You know, the devil is a scapegoat, he doesn’t only come once, he comes once and again. He left Jesus for a season and He came back again. Church Gist. He’s always coming back. If you go to a village market, you hit a goat, break the leg, he will carry the remaining leg to the market the following days. That’s the devil. He’s a scapegoat. No matter what you do with him, he will carry the remaining wounded body to come. So, every week, we say, “no way. No vacancy, nowhere to hang”. Church Gist. Thank you Jesus. Then, we have these 3-day shockers once a month, not here.

  • somebody’s life is settled.

Sir, you can’t have the light and be locked up. Whenever light breaks forth, the person’s gate gets opened. Church Gist. Light showed up in the prison and the foundation of the prison was shaking and every one’s bands was loosed and the people that were assaulting them began to say, “Sir, what shall we do?”

  • I see all your enemies bowing to you in the name of Jesus.

Nothing of value is free. You can’t operate in the supernatural with this chocolate faith. You can’t. Church Gist. You’ll be playing games after a while, making it look like it’s working when it’s not working. 3 days, I took command over poverty. 3 days. I’ve been reading the book before, it didn’t open oh. I’ve read those books about four times, it didn’t open to me but when I got into a fast, “my son, David…”. Third day oh, not first day or second day. “.. my prosperity is not a promise, it does not answer to prayers. It’s not a promise, it has no respect for fasting. My prosperity plan is a covenant – until your part is played, I am not committed”. Church Gist. Now, I fasted my way to it but fasting is not the answer, it is walking that way that is the answer. Can I hear your Amen?

  • lift up your right hand.
  • would you thank God for showing you the right way to go, to operate in the supernatural.

—Prayers and Altar Call—

Shall we all rise please? Hallelujah! What a night. Has somebody gotten the key tonight? Have you laid hold on a key that will lead to your next level? As you partake of this table (communion), grace to put to work the things you have heard shall be imparted to us. Church Gist. John 8:29. And we partake of the communion to live like Him, like Jesus. John 6:57. I’ll like you to take this communion tonight with a desperation. “I want to be doing what pleases you at all times, Jesus. I partake of this to live like you. Church Gist. To walk in obedience like you. To operate in the supernatural like you”. Lift up your two hands and pray that prayer.


Now, we receive the table set tonight both here at the Youth Chapel and across our various zonal fellowship centres, as the flesh and the Blood of Jesus. Church Gist. This also covers those who are hooked on to this service around the world today, the bread and the drink in your hand is declared the flesh and the blood of Jesus.

  • Everyone that partakes of this in faith changes level supernaturally.
  • Let this bring an eye opening miracle for you!
  • Doing the will of God will come like eating food in your life!
  • John 4:34. May obeying God become like meat to each one of us. So shall it be!
  • same time, I curse every hand of the wicked on anyone’s life! Whatever could not hold Christ to ransom is broken off your life.
  • whatever cannot be found in Christ is not permitted in your life!
  • For any sore thing around your life, by the power in the Blood in this communion, I command your victory.
  • End of nightmares! End of assaults in the night in the name of Jesus! So shall it be!
  • Every demonic hold on anyone’s life is broken in Jesus’ precious name. So shall it be in the name of Jesus.
  • Whatever you desire as a person is released as a miracle.
    Give the Lord a big hand and take your seat.







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