UNVEILING HEALING WONDERS OF REDEMPTION 3A || Bishop David Oyedepo at AYAC 2024 Thanksgiving / Special Healing And Anointing Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 18th August 2024 || First Sunday Service ||

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on UNVEILING HEALING WONDERS OF REDEMPTION 3A at AYAC 2024 Thanksgiving / Special Healing And Anointing Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 18th August 2024 || First Sunday Service ||

One thing to note is that God’s Word is self anointed. “The words that I speak to you are spirit and life”. He sent His Word and it healed them. There is an anointing in it. God’s Word is self anointed to heal and set free. So constantly, diligently hearken to the voice of God from His Word, it is self anointed. Please carry that home. God’s Word is self anointed for my healing, my deliverance, my breakthrough. You have that self anointed package in your hand, seeking access to your heart. When it gets in there, the unusual happens. God’s Word is self anointed. Church Gist. That is why every genuine encounter with the Word brings you a refreshing, brings you an energization, you get quickened, your energy comes alive because God’s Word is self anointed. Arise, shine, when the Word enters, darkness gives way without struggle. That’s how anointed the Word is. He was teaching and the power of God was present from the Word and healed them. Luke 5:17, Luke 6:17-19. God’s Word is self anointed. Therefore by the Word of the Lord that said He Himself took your infirmities, be healed in the name of Jesus.

God never withdraws any statement. What has been written, has been written. He never withdraws His Word. He means everything He says and says everything He means. Therefore, He took… and that is the truth. It is impossible for Him to lie. The Bible calls Him God that cannot lie. If He said He took then He took, therefore in the name of Jesus, I decree a validation of that heavenly verdict in your life today. Church Gist. That he took your infirmities becomes a verdict in your life today. 🎵Rise and be healed in the name of Jesus. Let faith arise in your heart. Rise and be healed in the name of Jesus. He has healed and made you whole.🎵 Today is your day. Let faith arise in your heart, you are going home completely made whole from this service.


After healing that paralytic man, the people said “we have seen strange things today.” His healing and deliverance always comes on that strange order or frequency. Strange things today. Mark 2:12. Get set for your strange rescue today. Church Gist. The Word went forth and that my daughter got healed of a tumour growth that had been operated twice. The Word came with the anointing in the Word and got it off. Today, everyone that truly expects their full restoration of health, this hour is declared your hour in the name of Jesus.

We are looking at Healing Wonders In The Word. What is in this Word that triggers our healing and wholeness. Jesus introduced Himself about the Great Physician. Jeremiah 8:22. Matthew 9:13. The Word is the balm in Gilead and Jesus is the Great Physician there. He reveals His prescriptions in the Word. So we can lay hold of our healing and wholeness right in redemption. Jeremiah 8:20-22. You can’t lay hold on your healing and wholeness without recognizing who the Physician is and what His balm is. He revealed Himself as Jehovah Rapha (Exodus 15:26). Jesus came and paid the price that bought mankind out of the siege of sickness and diseases. Proverbs 4:20-22. In this balm lies our healing, health and wholeness. When the light of His Word breaks forth into the heart of any believer, his or her health springs forth speedily. Isaiah 58:6-8. Church Gist. Just like light enters into a room and darkness leaves without any argument. So when the light of God’s Word breaks forth, healing springs up and speedily. You turn on the light in your room, darkness flees. No tension, no debate, no argument. When the light of His Word breaks into your heart, your health springs forth speedily. As you believe that light, embrace that light, it empowers you to manifest what It says. John 1:12. As many as received Him to them gave He power to manifest as sons of God. He is talking about the Word.

This is because the dominion of light over darkness is instant and unquestionable. John 1:5. There is no darkness anywhere in the world that will stand in the way of light. Light steps in, darkness steps out. Therefore today, I see the darkness of sickness and diseases, of torment and torture flee off your life. Please follow this diligently because you are taking command today of your health. Job 33:21-25. That’s how terminal cases are reverted. As light breaks forth, terminal diseases are terminated. So today, c@ncer is terminated. HIV is terminated. “If there be a messenger.” He sent me to bring you out from the trauma of the Kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of life and grace. Church Gist. Today is your day. God manipulates no man, He leaves every man to His choice. Deuteronomy 30:19. If you don’t choose life, you have chosen the other one. God’s Word is not subject to man’s opinions. It is not subject to reviews. People are writing different kinds of translations, it doesn’t change the Word. Every man’s lot is his choice. “I don’t believe that.” Well done. “That can’t be true.” That’s okay. You are an assessor. You know we have external assessors that come to check whether what we are doing is okay. Church Gist. You are now the assessor of God. “I can’t believe that…” Be speaking grammar. The devil doesn’t know grammar, he only bows to light. If you are a professor of electrical engineering, specializing in lighting and you don’t have power, will your grammar turn darkness to light? “darkness I command you as a professor of electrical engineering and lighting specialist, darkness turn to light.” Darkness will say “I no gree. I don’t respond to grammar.” You better wake up and respond to light. Argument or no argument, you can do nothing against the truth but for the truth. Today is your day.

What is in the Word that heals?

  1. Recognize That The Word Is Medicinal
    Proverbs 4:20-22. Some translation says medicine to all their flesh. God’s Word is medicinal. He sent His Word and it healed them. It is medicinal. Psalm 107:20. We were in Port Harcourt year ago, in 1996 and this woman minister came. She had been suffering some plagues every time she slept. I said I was going to give her three tablets. She wondered if I had some pharmaceutical aids somewhere. I gave her three scriptures. He gives His beloved sleep and His gifts and callings are without repentance. The gift is real, so take it. Church Gist. The sleep of a hardworking man is sweet not disturbed, whether he eats little or much. You believe the Word, you are empowered to experience it. So go home it is over. Three tablets. Like a drama, the forces came in the night and the forces of the Word she received surged and the force was hanging in the air. Confidence built up in the name of Jesus, never again. Power!

Someone was insane and they were holding him bound and he was throwing them off. I said leave him and I shot at him Jude 1:6. “The angels that kept not their first estate but left their own habitation, they are shut up in darkness until the day of judgment, what are you doing here?” All the demons left. God’s Word is self anointed to heal and to deliver. Today is your day. Therefore every demonic torment that anyone may be going through, I engage the verdict of Jude 6. They are illegal, they should not be found on earth. Church Gist. The Bible said cast them out. They are illegal. Every demonic hold making life unbearable for you, they are already shut up in darkness bound with chains. They are not supposed to be found outside, they broke jail. They should be caught and sent back to where they belong. Therefore in the name of Jesus, every demonic torment on your life I command them off in the name of Jesus. Jude 1:6. Everlasting chains. It is life imprisonment. What are you doing here? That is where the authority of casting out devils comes from. “Have you come to torment us?” That’s where the torment comes from. No demon has a right to be on the loose. In the name of the Lord Jesus, every demonic stronghold that is after your death, I command them tormented right now and sent back to their everlasting chains.

  1. The Word Is Surgical
    We saw the first surgery in Genesis 2:21. The Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam (anesthesia). First surgery ever performed by the Great Physician, Jehovah Rapha. The Word of God is quick and sharper than any surgeon’s scalpel. It is able to go to the inside parts of our being and refix any damaged parts. Hebrews 4:12. God’s word is surgical. It removed that implanted metal from that pastor’s arm and closed it up. No water, no blood. Here is the metal implant, planted 2007 after a closed range gunshot on his arm. “Go to bed, I want to operate on you.” He is still operating on people today. He removed that thing and the pain of years ended. Church Gist. Every disorder in your system, the Master Surgeon will get them out today. I taught on the Master Surgeon at the European Convention and there was this daughter of Abraham that had a waist issue for years because she had a fall while she was a child and that was severe. The Master Surgeon showed up in the night, because I said “Watch out tonight, He will show up.” He showed up and began to pull out some strands from her waist, like spaghetti. Yellowish! Came with two nurses. Heaven is full of wonders. He said what time is it? 5:30. She opened her eyes at 5:30 and the pain was gone. He is able to get into the intent of the heart. He is able to divide the bones and the marrows. God’s Word is surgical.

I did that in Uganda some years back and this lady was involved in an accident, everybody died and only her remained but she was not dead and not alive. All the ribs were broken. She was fixed in the same place, no movement. Church Gist. They carried her like that to that meeting and I didn’t know anything about her. I said the Master Surgeon will show up and repair all damaged parts of your body. She slept and saw the man massaging her chest and all the bones came together. God’s Word is surgical. Tonight, every part of your being that may have been damaged shall be repaired.

  1. God’s Word Is Creative
    It is able to create any irreparable part of our body. And God said. And God said. God saw everything that God said. Genesis 1:1-31. God’s Word carries creative forces within it. The whole world came to life by the Word of the Lord. Church Gist. Hebrews 11:3. He creates whatever can not be repaired in our body. So I see new eyes created, new ear drums created, brand new kidneys created, brand new hearts created by the Word of the Lord. God’s Word is creative, He hasn’t changed. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
  2. The Word Is Prophetic

Whatever the Word declares, when you believe it. He brings them all to pass. Luke 1:45. Every Word of Scripture is defined as the more sure word of prophecy. God’s Word is prophetic, when you receive and believe it. You have committed God’s integrity to bring it to pass. “I will restore health unto you.” Who said? God! Church Gist. Is that information? It is prophetic. I will restore health to you and heal you of all your wounds. His Words are surer than the Word of the highest prophets in the Body of Christ. It lives and abides forever. Therefore everyone’s health is declared restored. Isaiah 34:16. Isaiah 14:24.

  1. The Word quickens our mortal bodies.
    John 6:63. They are ordained to quicken, make alive anything dead or dying in us. Ezekiel 2:2. Open your heart, there is life in the Word to every part of our body. Church Gist. The light of life that shatters the works of darkness in our body resides in the Word. John 1:5. Acts 10:38. When light comes the operation of darkness ceases.

Finally, divine nature that is immune to sickness and disease resides in the Word. The more Word we possess, the higher our divine nature content which defines our immunity to sickness and disease. Church Gist. 2 Peter 1:4. We partake of divine nature from the Word that keeps us away from the harassment of sickness and diseases.

Among the core prescriptions of the Word for our healing, health and wholeness is the anointing oil. If you don’t listen to the prescription of the doctor, meeting him is of no value. Among the prescriptions of the Great Physician for our healing, health and wholeness is the anointing oil. Mark 6:7-13. They anointed the sick with oil that He gave them and healed them. It is the prescription of the Great Physician. James 5:14-15. I don’t believe it, Good luck. What you don’t believe never imparts on your life. It takes faith to tap into the healing virtues in the Word.

Let’s get down to the foundation quickly before we close. This secret treasure was brought to light in Exodus 30:25-31. That is where God unveiled the mystery of the holy anointing oil. Revelation 5:10. This ministry also applies to the Tabernacle and all the vessels therein. Which implies the home where we live and our business places that you want to separate unto the Lord, our children, assets, name it. Church Gist. You find that listed in Exodus 30:25-31. Also because we are the temple of the Holy Ghost, our bodies can also be anointed for quickening, that is making alive. That also includes malfunctioning organs, both external and internal. We are the temple of the Holy Ghost. It is the reason why we take a shot of the oil to quicken every dying or dead part within our system.

What Is In The Anointing Oil That Heals And Makes Whole?

  1. The healing power of God that exempts believers from all plagues.
    I brought this book here this morning, Jesus Still Heals All Terminal Diseases Including Corona Virus. Church Gist. If you check page 93, you will see diverse healings and wholeness through the anointing oil. One of the instruments God used to humiliate Corona Virus. Isaiah 10:27.
  2. It Restores Our Health
    Joel 2:23-27.
  3. It is the oil of joy that engenders healing, health and wholeness.
  4. The mystery of the fan and the fire that destroys every plantings of the devil in our body resides in the oil.

This is the truth, take it or leave it.


Come on rejoice in the Lord. There are no small testimonies, no small sicknesses. To God be the glory.
Congratulations is what you will be hearing throughout the remaining parts of this year. Church Gist. You will be hearing that from all quartets, you will hear that at work, at home, in your place of business in the name of Jesus.

We are still in our month of I WILL RESTORE HEALTH UNTO YOU. We began on this covenant medication of the Holy Communion every night and it is still on. It is on till the end of the month. It is the prescription of the Great Physician. Everyone’s health shall be duly restored. “Deliver thyself from the bond of thy neck” so everybody has a duty to shake his feet off the dust and God has put today another mystery for our restoration, the anointing oil. Church Gist. In the same vein, anoint yourself every night before you go to bed. There are battles that require more than one weapon. He said put on the whole armour of God. Renew your knowledge on the mystery of the anointing oil. Among other things, He said you will become another man.

  • Before the month is over, God will turn you to a surprise to yourself.
  • Everything tormenting every area of your life shall be turned into a testimony.
  • The Spirit of God in the oil will liberate every single captive this month.

There was this woman here that was pregnant for 48 months and was applying all mysteries. As years went by and she could not deliver the child, they kept administering Kingdom mysteries except the anointing oil, she overcame a series of attacks to terminate the pregnancy. Church Gist. “In one of the services, the Holy Spirit instructed me to start administering the oil and I did that continuously. Lo and behold, after carrying my pregnancy for 48 months, God blessed me with a bouncing baby boy.” What the enemy does is to keep you away from where your answer is. Watch it, whatever has been kept bound in your life shall turn loose.

SS Turned AA. He turns people into other men by the anointing oil. Delivered From Stroke Through The Anointing Oil. “I got back home after the service and I wanted to take my drugs, my wife said no, take the anointing oil. Church Gist. To the glory of God, I realized that I was no longer paralyzed.” These are life stories, you will never get any fabrication on this altar until Jesus comes. They are as said by the individuals. You must tell your story this month.

Isaiah 52:1-2.
You are not meant to look ugly and suffer shame and reproach.

  • Everything that defiles your life must give way this time.
    That’s your responsibility, you are walking free this month. Don’t ever engage religiously, engage with these instructions believingly. Hundreds, thousands, maybe millions have been set free from what is coming from this altar. Church Gist. God is saying, I can’t reach you without your faith. I cannot break your will. Your will to obey is your will, I can’t go behind it. Your days of spending unendingly towards your health have come to an end. God hasn’t changed, it is man that keeps changing. Contend for the faith that was once delivered and you walk in triumph all the days of your life. Your era of health and wholeness is here.

Shiloh 2025 shall be held at the Ark. Glory to God. 29th November 2025 at 10am shall be the dedication of the Ark. The last Shiloh will hold at the Faith Tabernacle this year. Isn’t God awesome? God said it and He has done it.










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