UNVEILING HEALING WONDERS OF REDEMPTION 4A || Bishop David Oyedepo at Special Healing/ End Of The Month Thanksgiving Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 25th August 2024 || First Sunday Service ||

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on UNVEILING HEALING WONDERS OF REDEMPTION 4A at Special Healing/ End Of The Month Thanksgiving Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 25th August 2024 || First Sunday Service ||

Every prophetic scripture is a covenant between God and His people. When we believe what He says, we have committed God to perform. God said “I will restore health unto you.” Whatever remains as a but on anyone’s health, today clears it off. It is not the prophetic word we receive that comes to pass but the one we believe. Blessed is she that believes…, not she that heareth. If you don’t believe what you hear, it adds nothing to your life. Luke 1:45. It is not the faith of the praying man that determines what you receive. Your faith is required to receive what a praying prophet is praying. Jesus, the Prophet of prophets prayed and ministered to them in Nazareth, He didn’t impart on them and He marveled at their unbelief. Church Gist. You can’t use my faith to win your victory. You can’t use my faith to win your battle. There are many professional preachers around who say all sorts of things. Without your faith, no value is added to your life. Habbakuk 2:4. Jesus with overflowing anointing touched them and He said “But you receive according to your faith.” He touched their eyes and said according to your faith, not my faith. Your faith! You better wake up! All this “I know God will do it someday.” You better come alive or nothing happens.

The Lord told me one day, He said go teach the people to walk in the supernatural. So it is a Commission I have. You need to know that God does not listen to your cries, only your faith moves God. Without faith, it is impossible to move God no matter how hard you cry. Come awake! That my son was homeless, he heard a testimony three weeks ago, engaged with it and got a job with accomodation. From a testimony! Somebody else is saying “We have heard it before”. When you heard it before, what did you do? What did you do when you heard it? This is a Do It Yourself Church. We teach you what God says, you go ahead to put it to work if you are interested. There is no magic here. No! Every miracle comes with “Whatever He tells you to do, do it.” Church Gist. That’s a miracle. People have escaped from air crash through the mantle. Will you crash under headache? The mad have recovered, so what is loss of memory? Somebody stark mad came back. Stroke was delivered within three days of the mantle in this Church. Stroke of four years. Epilepsy gone, after three years he testified that he had never had it again. Epilepsy disappeared. Today every evil spirit tormenting anyone’s life will be departed from you.

Prayers: Lord I believe, help my unbelief. Even your touch will make no meaning without my faith, help my unbelief.

You are going home with the key today that will get every devil off your territory in the name of Jesus. “I Will Restore Health Unto Thee” Church Gist. Who said that? God! “And Heal Thee Of All Thy Wounds”. Who said so? God. Is that the God you call your Father? Has He ever lied? Today is your day.


We have been going through that since the month began. We have seen strange things today (Luke 5:26). Healing wonders. Mark 2:12. This God specializes in doing strange things. Isaiah 28:21. We serve a God of strange works and strange acts. It is important for us to set ourselves for His strange works and strange acts. In 2015, I wrote this book, Set For Supernatural Advancement. January 2015! 2015 is our most prolific advancement experienced in this Commission that is still ongoing. You need to set yourself for supernatural manifestation. Church Gist. You don’t wish, you don’t sit down docile, you are actively awake to seeing this God of strange works and strange acts manifest Himself in your life. When I found the hitch free marriage mystery from scripture and started teaching it, people were winking their nose. It was strange. How dare you talk about hitch free? We manage issues in marriage. Brother David is not experienced and you know he is not married yet. So he has a problem. Strange works! Strange acts! Never had one prayer point to make marriage work. It is your spiritual understanding that determines your experience. You better wake up, there is nothing you will truly understand and doubt. Understanding is being able to see. Even Thomas when he saw Jesus his doubt died. You can’t see the truth and still doubt it.

When I saw the mystery of church growth, I said forever there will be people outside no matter how big the church is. We are going to the ark, people will still sit outside. This sanctuary (Faith Tabernacle will become the overflow). So when you come late, you come here. Maybe we will have a computerized system that will just say ‘Seat Occupied, Move To The Other Side.’ His strange works and strange acts are provoked by our spiritual understanding of His ways. Isaiah 55:9. Church Gist. Something must break loose in your life today. God wrought special miracles by the hand of Paul. Acts 19:11-12. Special miracles! All your purported special problems will be overturned today by a special miracle. I was shouting on Saturday morning that no excuse against the truth flies with God. “You know I would have, if not…” If you don’t do what He says, you will be in the same spot.

A mentality of the supernatural is key to accessing a world of wonders. You need to possess it. If you don’t have that mentality, you can’t head for the Red Sea. You are not daft but you have a renewed mind. If God says go forward then I am going. The sea saw them and fled. Church Gist. For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). You can’t think within a natural box and experience a supernatural manifestation, it is not possible. Being fully persuaded of the reality of the supernatural is what secures the supernatural. You are fully persuaded that God is still doing strange works and strange acts today. God has the right of way to do whatever He wants at any time we believe Him.

  • That terminal disease is terminated today.

Romans 4:19-21. The mind of man is the battlefield of his life. Being fully persuaded in his mind. The mind has been renewed, he has heard from God. What he heard from God has renewed his mind against natural limitations and Isaac came. Until our minds are renewed by the truth, our lives cannot be transformed. Romans 12:2. We need renewal of the mind to experience transformation of life. It is the Word from God that renews our mind for triumphant living. You will agree with me, you need a renewed mind to believe that this building will be up and dedicated in one year. Why? God said it and I believe it, that settles it. One year, from foundation to finish. Why? Church Gist. Because He said it and your mind has been renewed by the truth that whatever God says, He is up to. God is up to anything He says. We need a renewed mind. Our mind is the battlefield where we win or lose the battles of life. Every battle is first won within before we experience the victory without. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Imagination is what sets the pace for your destination. Nothing ever works here, imagination, and it never works (destination). Can I just be healed by handkerchief? (Imagination) sickness continues (destination).

“You know that thing papa said about marriage, I have done it and it didn’t work.” You didn’t do it, you are a liar. Either you are lying or God is lying. I know God is not a liar, you are the liar who is not doing what you say you are doing. Can you love your wife as Christ loved the Church and still have crisis? No! You didn’t. You are using your wife. Can you submit yourself to your husband and still have crisis? No! You are the husband of your husband. Sit down examine yourself, you don’t need a laboratory. Examine yourself whether you are in the faith or not. Church Gist. Stop harassing God, you are wasting time. You can’t harass God. Those simple things I taught you is what I have been doing for 42 years running, no crack. It is time to tell yourself the truth. I love that motto of one of those ancient Christian universities, “To thyself be true.” Many are not true to themselves. They carry sledgehammer breaking their home and they are casting the devil out. Devil says you better cast yourself out. You are the one breaking your home.

Let the Word renew your mind against natural defilement, natural corruption and bring forth to the realm of the supernatural imaginations, every high thing or knowledge that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. High knowledge! “My doctor said I have only two more months to live. God I thank you.” High knowledge! “My doctor is a globally recognized specialist. If he says so, what can I say?” High thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Bringing into captivity every thought. “Thought come here. Stop that! I don’t believe that.” Thought of death, come down! I am dying no death. Disability, come down! That is not my portion. Bringing every thought into captivity and obedience of Christ. When you do these things you will dislodge all opposition. So it is a battle of the mind. God’s healing power is transmitted through your mind. Your mind must open up to it or you don’t get it. Church Gist. That woman said within herself, if I may but touch the hem of His garment, I shall be made whole. She programmed her victory on the inside and commanded it on the outside. Matthew 9:20-23. Everyone that heard that testimony renewed their mind by that testimony and as many that have touched him were made perfectly whole (Matthew 14:36). It is the replication of Matthew 9 that we saw in Matthew 14. We saw that this morning, that must son heard the testimony of that woman and her sons living in an uncompleted building but they engaged in Kingdom Advancement prayer in spite of their deplorable situation. Jesus stepped in, everything turned. A fully furnished apartment in a choice estate with a vehicle to match. When you enter into a new year with ₦100, you will say God go away, I will go my own way. She obeyed God and her story changed. You heard it yourself. It was testified on the altar.

Every testimony has the capacity to reproduce itself in whosoever believes. You are in for something today. At the touch of faith of the prophetic mantle, everything concerning your faith will be dealt with. Acts 19:12. Hebrews 13:8. Church Gist. That is the lot of every God ordained apostle, they carry overflowing unction that throws down the things that touch them and anyone who touches it with faith gets what He said. Any demonic hold on anyone’s life and destiny is broken this morning in the name of Jesus.

Proverbs 23:7. You cannot be boxed in natural thoughts and experience supernatural manifestation. 2 Corinthians 11:3. “That is too simple to be true my friend. Don’t let anybody endanger your life. The reason we went to school is so we can do checks and balances.” What check and balance can you do to build this building in one year? No contractor will take it, how will you do it? Church Gist. My Lord knows the way through the wilderness, all I have to do is to follow. Just follow what He says believing and you have committed Him to perform it. He knows the way to anywhere He said He is taking you. God is saying this morning, with your faith in place, I am here to restore your health and heal you of all your wounds. I am here to get every devil off your life and set you free forever.

Stop asking God how, it is beyond you and me. Ecclesiastes 11:5. All that makes a baby, there is nothing bony there. So how did bones emerge? Ask God. Stop asking God how. Mary asked how shall these things be, He said wait a minute, the power of God. The power of God is the how of God. How will my kidney come back? The power of God. How will my liver be recovered? The power of God. How will the blood of my body be sanctified? The power of God. How can diabetes come out of my life? The power of God. How can my eyes see clearly? Church Gist. The power of God. The how of God is the power of God. What is in the mantle? The power of God. Psalm 133:1-3. What is in the oil? The power of God. What is in the garment? The power of God. What is in the mantle? The power of God. The question is can the power of God sort you out today? Can His power restore your kidney today? Can His power restore sound mind to you today? Glory to God! The devil is out completely. He is defeated completely. The how of God is the power of God. When He stretches forth His hand who can turn it back? So the barriers against anyone’s health are over today.

Every battle against sickness must first be won on the inside. So wake up! God responds much more to what goes on on our inside than what we are saying or doing. The heart of man is deep. It is truly wicked who can know it? I, the Lord, I search the heart and try the reins to give to every man according to the way he thinks in his heart. I respond to the ongoings in the heart of men rather than what they say with their mouth. Church Gist. So let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you oh God. It is time to pray that prayer. If you open up today, God will show up in your life. Mark 11:23-24. Matthew 9:21. What are you saying today? If I may touch this mantle that has raised the dead, not once, not twice, not three times I shall be made whole. If it can raise the dead, it can make my body whole. The power that can raise the dead can make my body whole. I am still breathing. I am still talking.

So guard the loins of your mind against satanic infiltration with the seed of unbelief. Shield your mind from being manipulated by the devil. What God says He will do, that is what He will do. Proverbs 4:23, Mark 7:21-23. Shield your heart from intellectual corruption. “You know I got a degree in Psychology.” Well done. I just finished my PhD in Psychology of Belief Systems. Church Gist. Well done. If you don’t believe what God says, all those things will not add anything to you. You can have a PhD in marriage and be fighting every day. PhD in Marriage Technology and divorced three times. You can’t believe the truth and not triumph. Somebody’s story is changing. So set yourself for what is about to happen in your life because God never lies. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. You can’t think disease and enjoy health. You can’t think death and experience life. Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. God’s Word is simple but powerful. Incontestably powerful. A virgin shall conceive, it happened. She shall bring forth a son, it happened. The how of God is the power of God.

What Is In The Prophetic Mantle?

First, the prophetic mantle is any clothing material taken from the body of any anointed one which carries with it the anointing upon such individuals. We have a root of this in Psalm 45, speaking about Jesus in prophecy beginning from verse 6. Psalm 45:6-8. Whatever clothing material that has a touch with the anointed carries the anointing upon the anointed along. Nobody anoints himself. How God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power (Acts 10:38). Those apostles are anointed by God not that they anointed themselves. What goes forth is the anointing of God upon them. Church Gist. Anointing means the power of God upon them. What is in the mantle? The power of God at work in His anointed to extend the impact of that anointing. I can’t stand here and lay hands and everybody, that will be overwhelming. We did that years ago, from morning till 10:20pm. Morning oh, I was like a wind at the end. This is God’s own system of extending the flow of His power to His people for whosoever believes.

One of those days they were having a Women’s Convention, a woman came to get my wife along for the meeting and while she was getting ready, she rolled herself on the carpet of our sitting room and she became pregnant after. Someone’s brother was mad and they couldn’t locate him in those days in the old church. He hid his name under my chair and they found him in Kano. They recovered him. Whatever touches the anointed, carries the anointing on him to be replicated in the life of whosoever believes. Today we are having Shiloh. Across the nations of the earth today, we are engaging the Shiloh mantle to impart Shiloh dominion anointing that will terminate that harassment on your health, that harassment on your family and children in the name of Jesus. Church Gist. So set yourself for it, you will testify. There shall be diverse instant testimonies in the name of Jesus. A mantle carries overflowing anointing upon the anointed. It is not a magic wand but an instrument of power transmission ordained to extend the impact of the anointed one to others that care to believe. As many as touched Him upon hearing the testimony of that woman was made perfectly whole.

How do I tap into the virtue from the prophetic mantle?

  1. Be born again and maintain a right heart.
    Simon was born again but his heart was not right before God. So he had no part or lot of the power of the Holy Ghost. Do you remember his story? He offered them money that whosoever he will lay his hand upon will be filled with the Holy Ghost. Acts 8:21. There are those who are born again but their heart is not right. This last week, I began reasoning with God and I came out with something very humbling. There are many unchurched people in Church. They are unchurched! Totally out but they are in service every day. There are many unchurched people in Church who just sit down being entertained, they can’t point to one thing in their lives. Church Gist. I was born inside church, I can’t remember one message they preached until when I got born again. There are many unchurched people in Church. Please don’t mistake church identification for new birth. Don’t mistake church activism for new birth. I was in the choir. It is time to examine oneself. Yes, I am born again. Is my heart right? What are you saying as the message is going on? “Enough, let’s go. I came here for the mantle, what is the teaching about?” Your heart is not right. If you carry the mantle away, it won’t work. Because your heart is not right. “You think I believe in all that Papa is saying? No! I just like this Church, that is why I came.” You won’t get anything.

I preached my first salvation message in 1970, so I am not a young man. Many of you were not born on this side and on that side. It is not a yesterday affair. I have a bit of understanding of how God works. Church Gist. If your heart is not right, you won’t get anything. “I have been in the mantle service many times and nothing happened. Even in Shiloh, nothing happened.” Then go out. Go to the toilet when we are doing it.

You better keep your heart with all diligence, out of it are the issues of life. Create in me a new heart oh Lord and a right spirit within me. You need a right spirit to connect with heaven. Lord renew a right spirit within me. Church Gist. All this upheavals up and down, it is not the way faith works. Faith is an orderly principle. Your heart must be right or nothing gets across. We have been emphasizing being born again, Simon was born again and his heart was not right, so let your heart be right. It will give value to your being born again.

  1. Believe in the person and the ministry of the carrier of such unction.
    You want to partake of any virtue? Believe in the carrier of that virtue. The prophet you don’t believe, His ministry cannot prosper your life. The prophet you malign cannot prosper your life. He that receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward. Jesus got down to Nazareth and they couldn’t partake of what He carried. He marveled at their unbelief. Is this not Jesus, Joseph the Carpenter’s boy? Who taught him how to preach? What is he preaching after all? Matthew 10:41. You can’t access what a prophet carries without believing in the person and the ministry of that prophet.
  2. Recognize that individual occupies a higher place than you are in the realm of the Spirit.
    Water never flows uphill, water flows downhill. Without all contradiction, the less is blessed of the better (Hebrews 7:7). We live in a very arrogant generation where no one is above you in your mind. Where you are above everybody in your mind. There is no year that hands are not laid on me by those who are placed above me. There is no year where I don’t have hands laid on me twice, three times, four times. No stream flows uphill, every stream flows downhill. Without accepting a higher person above you, nothing from him flows to you. Humbling! Jesus said a prophet is not honoured by his people. That is why nothing is flowing to you. You are not only at the same level with you, you are above me. So there is no way they could get anything from him. Church Gist. That also is a matter of the mind. Your mind must settle down that this one not by experience but by calling, you are not tapping in his gifts. You are tapping into the gifts of God upon his life. Every good and perfect gift comes from above. Not perfect person, perfect gift. You better wake up. I am yet to see one thing wrong in Hagin. I am not blind, I am not daft but I am yet to pick one error in Hagin’s ministry. Is he 99 per cent perfect? No! I have not seen the imperfection because I am not looking for it. I am looking for the perfect gift of God upon his life and I am glad he is in heaven today.

If you don’t understand it, just take the mantle and rub it on your face, nothing will happen. You need to understand how it works. Honour him or her in your heart, whosoever that may be. That is the only way to tap into the virtue, crave for what he carries. Because every transmission of power answers to a thirst and a longing. Isaiah 55:1. This water is coming from God, you crave for it. Jesus, if by the voice of this man or this woman, the dead have come back to life. Church Gist. I am carrying this mantle today, let my dead brain come back to life. Let my dead liver come back to life, let my dead lungs come back to life. Let my dying kidneys come back to life. Elisha said as the Lord lives I won’t let you go, I know what I am looking for. 2 Kings 2:4. It is our sense of value that determines the flow of virtue. If you want it, crave for it. He said to the Apostles, “freely you are given, freely give.” So every gift of God upon any man is freely available to whosoever cares to access it. Matthew 10:8, Luke 8:46. By that touch power will go forth into your life today in the name of Jesus.

While a crave is our covenant access to the flow of virtue, connectivity of one’s spirit to the spirit of the carrier is the channel for securing the flow. Proverbs 27:19. Jesus left and they took knowledge of Peter, James and John that they had been with Christ. Spiritual connectivity is an asset in connecting with the flow of virtue. Church Gist. Get connected, it is for your good. It is for your change of story. Therefore today, the floor is open. It is a banquet, take as much as you want in the name of Jesus. I want to believe that everyone is set for an encounter of a lifetime and you will have it.

This man said “I came for the service which was a mantle impartation service and was helped to the bus and subsequently to the church. Church Gist. Lo and behold, after the impartation, the affliction of stroke for four years ended and I could walk again.” Strange works, strange acts.

10 Years of Epilepsy Gone
“Since the day I received my healing through the prophetic mantle, the affliction has not occurred again.”
Two years after. Epilepsy gone.

Evil spirits went out of them. In the name of Jesus, whatever evil spirits came with you must find their way out.

Dead Baby Jerked Back To Life
They placed the mantle upon the dead child and as soon as the mother did, “My baby jerked back to life. I give God all the glory.”

  • Something is breaking forth in your life and it is happening today.

Healed Of Insanity By The Mantle
Just concluded NYSC and got off and then met someone in a taxi who introduced him to what is happening in church. Church Gist. Took him to a provincial pastor who said he loaded him with scriptures. He went home and struck the mentally deranged sister and Jesus set her free, she is back to work.









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