WALKING THE HIGHWAY OF HOLINESS PART 3A || Bishop David Oyedepo at Covenant Day Of Restoration Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || First Sunday Service|| 16th February 2025 ||

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on WALKING THE HIGHWAY OF HOLINESS PART 3A at Covenant Day Of Restoration Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || First Sunday Service|| 16th February 2025 ||

WALKING THE HIGHWAY OF HOLINESS. Which is God’s foundation for our glorious destiny in life. There are 4 categories of vessels in the Kingdom: we have the golden vessels, the silvers vessels, the wooden vessels and the earth or dust vessels (2 Timothy 2:19-21). Church Gist. That is God’s sure foundation for our glorious and enviable destiny. A future that is secure, built on a rock.

No matter how hard working an individual might be in an organisation, the day he steals all his hard work equals zero. He goes to the prison with all his hard work. They keep him there for as long as he needs to be there. Hard Work got him a place, lack of character caused him a clash. The foundation of God that secures a future is walking the highway of holiness. Church Gist. Obadiah 17. So it sets the pace for accessing our inheritance. So that goes on to revalidate the prophetic focus for the month MY INHERITANCE DEMANDS SANCTIFICATION FOR DELIVERY.

WALKING THE HIGHWAY OF HOLINESS. Isaiah 35:8. That highway demands a stand of purity for God. It keeps us from all hurts, keeps us triumphing where others are travailing. Church Gist. Psalm 96:9. We have been trying to examine how beautiful is holiness. Today, we will look at two of them.

  1. Holiness Secures Health And Vitality

Two instances in the ministry of Christ. Mark 2:1-12, in verse 5 in particular. They were bringing this man down and Jesus saw their faith and He said unto the sick man “Son, thy sin be forgiven thee.” Church Gist. So Jesus’ diagnosis of that situation was sin. Sin brought him to that sick bed for 8 years. Sin brought him there.

In John 5:1-4. We saw the impotent man at the Pool of Bethesda and that man had been there for 38 years. The mercy of Jesus found him and he was made whole. In verse 14, Jesus met him and said “Go and sin no more, lest a worse than this happens to you.” Some conditions in our lives require asking for forgiveness to be made whole. Sin causes damage. Damages our physical system, damages our mind. Church Gist. Sin is a damager. God Is our eternal forgiver. The only thing is that He will not forgive what you will not repent of. Acts 3:19. When forgiveness comes, refreshing comes along with it to validate it. Refreshing is a validation of genuine repentance. Refreshing from the presence of the Lord. Discharged and Acquitted. Get your freedom back. May every damage caused by sin be rooted out today as each one reaches out to say have mercy on me. He always does.

  1. It Ensures Profitable Giving

Malachi 3:1-4. Offerings in righteousness. It makes our offerings acceptable to God. Isaiah 61:8-9. Don’t steal and come and give God. It is an insult. God is not in need. God hates robberies for an offering. Don’t sell cocaine and come and give. You incur the wrath of God for damaging the lives of people for money sake. It takes integrity of heart to render acceptable offerings to God. Church Gist. You don’t have to cheat any man to scale the utmost heights. Truth will always triumph, it may take time but it will end up triumphing. He that laughs last, laughs best. That is how beautiful holiness is, it makes our giving profitable. Our seeds always come back with returns. That shall be our experience from now.

Matthew 5:23-24. It is the same truth. No hatred, no bitterness. Good will at all times makes our offerings go straight to Heaven.

  • Someone’s story has just changed.

You know something about God? He is never in need. Of His fullness have we all received. God is not waiting for you to bless Him. No! We bless Him in worship, He blesses in return in our giving. Church Gist. It’s a channel that He has established through which He releases blessings on our lives. God is never in need.

I have never begged on behalf of God. God never has problems. He’s out to solve our problems.

  • it’s a brand new day!
  • from today, your offerings shall be pure offerings, legitimate offerings. Offering from His blessings in your life in the name of Jesus!

There are controlling powers that make us do what we don’t want to do and if we don’t know what they are, we might fall cheap victims of them. Church Gist. What are some of the controlling powers that try to dominate God’s people and make them go against their will?

  1. The spirit of disobedience. It’s a spirit. “I don’t care”, it’s a spirit. I mean, “that’s God, me, I have my mind”. It’s a spirit. Ephesians 2:1-2. So, wherever the ear, it functions there. They call it the spirit of disobedience. Church Gist. It makes you flagrantly disregard God and whatever He says to do. You’ll hate the reading because He’s talking to you all the time on things that are wrong. The spirit of disobedience, it makes you go against the will and the Word of God not minding the consequences.

We have blessings proclaimed in Deuteronomy 28:1-14 and then you find out in verse 15. Deuteronomy 28:15. Church Gist. That’s the damage that disobedience causes. The spirit of disobedience robs us of the blessing and brings us under the curses.

  • Now, in the name of Jesus, I cast out every activity of the spirit of disobedience in anyone’s life!

Sir, most of the encounters people have, they have it with their private time with God. Church Gist. So, you can pretend not to have it because of that spirit that’s at work. You have it just there. It always comes in a still small voice, you can ignore it.

That’s a very past story that happened many years ago. A young man was going somewhere and needed a car. He didn’t have a car, so, he got one of us to give him his car. Church Gist. But, when he was leaving, I had a nudging that that journey was not good. I said, “are you going?” I said no. I knew he was going with a car, so, I said, “which car are you going with?” He mentioned the name. I called the individual, I said, “that car must not move an inch”. He said, “but, I’ve given my word”. I said, “are your words immutable”. Church Gist. People over respect themselves sir. Your word. Sir, under two and a half hours, the young man was dead. The car rides off. The car owner whose word is as immutable as God’s Word was walking on foot for 8 years.

My daughter said, “the Holy Spirit told me to go back and take my oil”. She went back. She can say, “no no, I’m already anointed”. “Go back home, danger is coming”. Church Gist. In two and a half hours, “don’t go” and he went and he was gone. “That car must not move an inch”. Disobedience is a killer, you better watch it!

There are those who sit down in Church, there’s nothing you’ll say that matters to them, they have already made up their mind. Church Gist. They just made up their mind to keep doing their thing that has never worked. You come to Church in the morning, you won’t return home. As the head of the family, they’ll be looking for you. You’re not sick oh and then your wife is feeding you. I don’t understand. “If a man does not provide for his house, he has denied the faith, he’s worse than an infidel”. Church Gist. You’re not old, you’re not sick, what’s your problem? And they cook, you eat? You know, the Bible has standards for all these things, you can’t revise it, you can’t review it, yet you won’t to do it as as if you have your own heaven.

We just have one arithmetic book we call Larcombe. You know Larcombe? It has answer at the back. So, when you’re working there and it’s not working, you go to the back and work it towards the answer. Church Gist. They call it in my place, “wuru wuru” to the answer. They’ll say, “how did it equals?” “Oh, I saw the equal at the back, so I put the equal in it”. (Laughs) Amen.

  • somebody’s life is changing.
  • the good news is, your turnaround is now!
  • the spirit of disobedience is cast out of any life.
  • what God said to you in your private, you’ll put it to work as if you heard it in the open in the name of Jesus!
  • give the Lord a big hand of praise.

The remedy for the spirit of disobedience begins with a choice. Deuteronomy 30:19. It begins with a choice and empowered by the spirit of obedience. Ezekiel 35:27. Church Gist. Having made a choice to walk in delightsome obedience to God and His Word, you now pray to receive the spirit of obedience that will empower your choice to deliver under all circumstances. Without the help of that spirit, we’d have missed this place. I concluded it’s not possible for this to be the place to put a Church, no. We’re not putting a farm. Church Gist. And God said, “this is the place” and I told them there and then, “God just told me now, this is the place. Can we start buying?”. You have to lay down your reputation to secure your place with God. “You can’t be talking to me like that”. I’m not the one talking to you, the Word is talking to you. Church Gist. The Scriptures cannot be broken, God’s covenant is abiding for life. Psalm 89:34.

  • somebody’s life is changing.
    This thing works and it’ll work in your life.
  1. Lying spirit. It is the spirit of the devil. The Bible calls him the father of lies or the fountain of lies. John 8:44. He’s the one that unleashed that spirit to anyone who allows him. Church Gist. It’s a spirit of the devil, lying is a spirit of the devil. That will make you hate it. And what’s the ultimate? Revelation 21:8.
  • in the name of Jesus, no one shall miss his place in eternity!
    John 14:30.
  • I curse every identity of the devil hanging around anyone’s life including lying spirit in the name of Jesus!

What is the covenant remedy for lying spirit? The Spirit of Truth. John 14:16-17. The Spirit of the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Truth and He comes to dwell in us forever, thereby exposing lies and getting it off our lives. The Spirit of Truth. John 15:26. That is the remedy for the lying spirit. Church Gist. The Spirit of Truth is the cure for the lying spirit. When the Word of Truth dwells in us richly, lies have no space. Light and darkness cannot coexist in the same space. “Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth; deliver me from the trap of lying spirit forever. I trust you as my helper to walk in the truth all the days of my life, Amen.”

  1. The spirit of pride.
    Pride is an evil spirit and its mission is to destroy. The crash of satan from Heaven was orchestrated by pride. Isaiah 14:12-15. Church Gist. So, pride has its origin in the devil. The demon of pride comes from the devil. Pride is one of the demons, the enemy sent to destroy a great destiny.

-No one here shall be destroyed.

We are in our turnaround season and one of the greatest temptations of supernatural turnaround is pride. Like we saw in the case of Uzziah, there was such a massive turnaround in his life by following after God and suddenly when he was strong, his heart was lifted up within himself, his fame was all over the earth. Please, caution! Turnaround has that challenge. Church Gist. The greatest challenge of a massive turnaround is pride, it has to be tamed lest it tear the individuals. 2 Chronicles 26:3-15. That was his destruction. He went to the Temple to offer sacrifice. They said: “No! You don’t have the right to.” He was angry! As he lifted up his hand to offer the sacrifice, he became leprous and he died a leper. After 52 years of walking in humility, satan became envious, he stirred pride in him and he crashed like a pack of cards. He died a leper. 2 Chronicles 26:16-20. After following the Lord for 52 years, pride cut him short. After amazing turnaround experiences, pride brought him down.

Hezekiah experienced such a massive visitation from God and had supernatural victory against the King of Assyria, the terror of the World and after that something went wrong. 2 Chronicles 32:25-26. He quickly discovered: “Hey! Things are crashing, God help me, I’m sorry! I’ve been posing as if I did it.” You didn’t do it, He sent an angel, that Angel cut down the mighty men of Assyria. Church Gist. He didn’t do anything but that massive turnaround stirred pride in him and wrath answered from Heaven almost immediately. “Hey God! Sorry! You did it.” He humbled himself. Some may have been crawling over the years because of: “Yeah, I did it. I know how much I paid for this thing, I know by capacity, naturally, we are the main ones in Nigeria and in Africa and then right now, I think the World is already reckoning with us.” Caution!

-You are going places!

Matthew 5:5. Just like satan had those controlling powers, God also has conquering controlling powers at our disposal. For instance:

  1. The Holy Spirit is the quickening spirit that quenches all notions of sin in our flesh. John 6:63. There are some people in here today, that by a word from the Lord, you just got free from one thing or another. Quickly! Romans 8:13. So the Holy Spirit is a quickening spirit that destroys the notions of the flesh in our body. Praise God! And that’s where we all need the baptism in the Holy Ghost. I want to recommend for anyone who is not yet baptized in the Holy Spirit to make himself available on Saturday at the Believers’ Foundation Class, there is always a class to minister Holy Ghost baptism to everyone. Church Gist. It will be our defence against the wrath of the spirit of defilement. It has the power to mortify the deeds of the flesh when engaged. No medication has effects on your body (while) on your shelf, you take it in. You have to engage with this to deliver. In the same vein, you engage the Holy Spirit: “Come, Holy Spirit, mortify the deeds of the flesh in my body. Mortify the notions of the flesh in my body. (Speaking in tongues). The Lord knows I’m helpless without You (Holy Spirit), come to my help and destroy the notions of the flesh in my body. Then He will show up. Can I hear your Amen? There are many things we have but we don’t engage them, they will not deliver without engaging them. We have the Holy Spirit at our disposal. Thank You Lord!

And then, the Spirit of dedication which keeps us going after godliness in season and out of season. What those three Hebrew boys demonstrated in Babylon was not natural, they were sold out to God, fiery furnace was not a scare or a terror to them. They will rather die than bow to a graven image. They were totally dead to self and alive to God. Church Gist. It keeps the believer going after godliness in season and out of season. According to Isaiah 42, it empowers us not to faint nor be discouraged in the pursuit of God. Isaiah 42:4. It’s the Spirit of dedication that keeps you going in season and out of season after God. “I have put my Spirit within him, he shall not fail nor be discouraged. He’ll be on God’s side no matter what goes on here. He’ll remain on God’s side steadfastly, solidly, unshakable”.

John 10:17-18. So, there is a power to lay down the impossible that is available to us. Amen? He’ll pour down the Spirit of dedication, dedication to God and to His demands. At all times, you’re on, you’re just on. Amen. Church Gist. It is by the help of God we continue not by anything. Acts 26:22.

  • May the help that keeps us going in season and out of season come upon our lives today in a new and living way in the name of Jesus Christ.

John 12:24-26. “It falls to the ground and die.” Dedication is about deadly commitment to a cause. Church Gist. “It falls to the ground and die and it brings forth much fruit.”
-Your fruitful season is here in the name of Jesus.

As we have said all through the teaching series, holiness is not a state of perfection, but an undying hunger and thirst after righteousness. Matthew 5:6. Church Gist. It’s not a destination, it’s an adventure. However, we must take spiritual responsibility to ensure we do not go back from where we have already attained. Philippians 3:12-14,16.

  • No backward movement anymore!
  • You’re going forward from now.
  • We’re going forward till each one of us becomes filled with all the fullness of God, till we come to the fullness of the stature of Christ, so we’re going forward!
  • Can I have you say with me; “I’m going forward.” Say it loud, “I’m going forward.”

We must know that repentance is the only way to secure forgiveness from God whenever one is out of the way. No short cut, genuine repentance. Proverbs 28:13. Genuine repentance. Church Gist. 2 Corinthians 7:1,10. If you’re not sorry about the wrong, you’ll never turn your back on them.
-Whatever is blocking your access to your inheritance in Christ, blocking your access to securing a seat for yourself in eternity, they are cleared off this time in Jesus name.


  • It is settled.
  • Nothing will block your access to your inheritance.
  • Your turnaround package shall be fully delivered.
  • God will make you to laugh this year.
  • Like a dream of the night, everything is turning around in your favour.


  • It is settled.
  • Nothing will block your access to your inheritance.
  • Your turnaround package shall be fully delivered.
  • God will make you to laugh this year.
  • Like a dream of the night, everything is turning around in your favour.

Today is our Covenant Day Of Restoration. We serve a Restorer God. Jeremiah 30:17. “I will restore health, you are a laughing stock, I will turn you into an envy. Church Gist. I will restore health to you and heal you of all thy wounds. I will level out all the damages in your life. I will restore beauty and colour back to you.” and when this God stretches forth His hand, who can turn it back?

  • Therefore, today is declared your day of restoration.

The mission of the Holy Ghost among others is to restore double for our shame. Church Gist. Isaiah 61:7.
-For whatever you may have lost, you are getting double of them back.

That’s the mission of the Holy Ghost, that’s His mission in this end time. Jesus was referencing that, Isaiah 61 and when He got to verse 2a, He closed the Book. Church Gist. So, the next chapter opens from 2b, “and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all that mourn.”
-Now, every source of your affliction will be jugded today.
-Every source of your affliction shall be jugded today.
-Every source of the challenges in your life shall be judged today.
-Isaiah 61:2. God is turning your mourning to dancing today.
-Isaiah 61:3. God is turning your ashes to beauty, the oil of joy for mourning, it is your day of breaking forth in joy and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. God is wiping off every trace of depression off your life and they shall build the old waste. Your status is changing. Beggers are now turned to builders.

That’s the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the end time. It’s restoration of beauty, restoration of colour, of dignity to the Church.
-In the name of Jesus, this day shall be in your record as the day of restoration.
-Joel 2:23-25. Your lost years shall be restored!

Last Sunday, that family came down here from UK with 3 boys who refused to leave the Altar. After waiting for 12 years, Jesus came down and gave them triplets at a time. He’s a restorer of years. Church Gist. So, instead of pregnancy 9, 9 months, they had one pregnancy 9 months and 3 boys, meaning 3 months only for each one. Awesome God! Somebody lost a job here by the scheming of the devil for 19 years, he got it back, they paid him all his dues. Only this God restores years.

  • Lost years shall be restored today!
  • Joel 2:26…so scarcity is over!
  • Patching is over!
  • Now listen, no trace of shame will be identified with anyone under the sound of my voice today!
  • For your shame, God is visiting you with double! Joel 2:27.
  • Now, the days of shame are over!
  • The days of reproach in your life, they are over!
  • As the Lord lives, nobody will ask you again, where is your God?
  • You will sing a new song!

To Secure Our Heritage Of Restoration:

  1. One must be born again. That’s our access to everything that was lost in the first Adam. Romans 8:29-30. Until one is born again, he is not a candidate for restoration. Jesus came to give us life and give us life back more abundantly. John 10:10, Revelation 5:12…These are the things that were restored back to us in redemption. Church Gist. So we can resist anything that wants to say no to it because He already obtained it for us. Your name is on it as a child of God. So you are not to be molested by the powers of the wicked. Luke 10:19.

You must be conscious of the fact that you have been empowered above the hurt of the wicked. He obtained for us power to live a triumphant life, riches to live a dignified life, wisdom to reign, strength for exploits. Church Gist. All these things are ours in Christ. So new birth is not just “I’m born again.” It’s, you have become a child of the King. The dignity of royalty must be seen in your life.

  • Whatever is robbing you of that must clear the way today!
  • By this anointing in this service, everything resisting your inheritance of glory in Christ shall be cleared off!
  1. One must receive and believe the word concerning his restoration. Zephaniah 3:17-20.
  • Everyone that won’t let you go must clear the way today!
  • Everyone resisting your way forward must clear the way today!
  • Everyone holding any aspect of your life bound must lose its grip today!
  • Every of your shame will be turned to envy!
  • Every shame around your life today will be turned to envy!
  • Before April 27th, you are walking in the reality of this restoration!
  • You are the one God is talking to!
  • They may not know you on your street, hear what He said,….I am bringing out your global content into the World!

He never lies. Isaiah 9:8. He never lies.

  • In the precious name of Jesus, this day is declared your day of supernatural restoration!
  • David recovered all. You shall recover all!

They wept and wept until there was no more strength to weep. But in a moment, they recovered all and they saw heavy spoils and they called it, these be the spoils of David. Church Gist. Their sorrow was turned to joy overnight by the power of restoration.

  • In the name of Jesus, in the same vein, whatever you may have lost in all areas of your life shall be fully recovered!
  • John 10:10. You have lost a job, you will get a job minimum twice the one you lost!
  • They threw you out unjustifiably from a job, they will call you back and honour you!
  • The business you have lost will be recovered double back in the name of Jesus!

We must receive and believe the word concerning our restoration. When your light comes, the glory of the Lord will come. The gentiles will come to your light and their kings to the brightness of your rising. Church Gist. Don’t toy with the Word. God’s Word is that you have a heritage of restoration for anything you may have lost in Christ. And the light has come today, it will not be turned to darkness!

  1. We must be committed to serving God and the interest of His Kingdom as the people of Judah did in the days of King Asa. Nothing was working, everything was upside down. Church Gist. 2 Chronicles 15:3-15…it was a massive restoration and that lasted for 20 years as long as they remained in the covenant.
  • The remaining days of your life, you won’t suffer a setback anymore in the name of Jesus!
  • Dramatic change of story! Supernatural restoration of peace and order. He gave them rest round about. That’s your new level!
  • You won’t know unrest anymore in your life in the name of Jesus!
  1. We must engage the blood of the covenant against all satanic resistance to enforce our restoration. Church Gist. Zechariah 9:11-12. So the blood of Jesus is against all your assailants.
  • Everyone holding back what belongs to you comes under the dagger of the blood this morning!

“I will render double.” So He restores double by the power of the blood. Revelation 12:11.

  • Every devil holding back what belongs to you in redemption, right now, the blood of Jesus is against those sources!
  1. As we begin to pray for the well being of others, it remains well with us. We must be committed therefore to praying for the well being of others. Job 42:10. So take delight in praying for challenged individuals around you. Take delight in praying for them without having to announce that you are praying for them and pray for them with expectations of turnaround testimonies in their life. Church Gist. As you are doing that, God is turning your stories around. Ephesians 6:8. Whatever good thing any man does, the same shall he receive from the Lord. It is your turn. These are vital keys to securing the heritage of restoration in Christ. You have it already.

You pray for somebody’s healing, your healing will be restored. Your health will be restored. Church Gist. You pray for someone’s breakthrough, you have your own breakthrough in return. There is no good seed you sow that you will not reap in Jesus Name.

Well, today is our special Anointing Service day and the anointing oil is one of the mysteries of the Kingdom for the liberation of mankind from all satanic oppressions. Isaiah 10:27. And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. Church Gist. Today, every yoke of the wicked in your neck, every anointing, every burden, every weight of the devil on your shoulder shall be destroyed.

What is in the anointing oil. Say with me, the Healing Power of God. He gave them power against unclean Spirits and to heal diseases. Mark 6:7. And He went forth and anointed with oil all that were sick and healed them. Church Gist. Who gave them the oil? Jesus. What did he call it? Power. There is healing virtue in the oil. As this oil comes on your head today, your healing, health and wholeness is delivered.

No one returns with any sickness and disease from this service. God who said I will restore health to you will confirm His Word in your life today. James 5:14. Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. So expect your rising up. You are not going back with any pain or ache. Jesus will set you free supernaturally.

Not just the symptoms, but doctors will confirm that that evil siege is no longer there. Today, what they have called incurable will be destroyed. Church Gist. HIV/AIDS will be flushed out. Sickle Cell Anaemia will be gone. Every damages organ in anyone’s body shall be restored back to order.

What is in the anointing oil is the breakthrough power of God. Isaiah 45:1-3. Church Gist. Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut. I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron and I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.

Now, by this anointing today, you are breaking through into the next level. It shall be by the hand of God. That breakthrough will come by the hand of God. Don’t ever count yourself out, God called Abraham out at 75. He called Moses out at 80. He does such wonderful things among his people. He called David forth as a teenager. Church Gist. Every age group is covered. By the anointing today, you are breaking forth into the next level. Jesus returned in the power of His Spirit and His fame exploded. You will get your place in your various vacation this time.

The resurrection power of God is in the oil. When Saul was anointed, he said, as you depart from me today, you will hear that the asses you are looking for have been found. By this anointing, anything missing in your life, you will know that they have returned. Church Gist. Everything you have been searching for all your life, it will be clear that it has been delivered.

1 Samuel 10:1-3. Remember we read in Joel 2, I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. How? Under the movement of the latter rain. Church Gist. In the precious Name of Jesus, the restoration power of the oil will speak loud in your life. So inside this oil, we have the healing power of God, breakthrough power of God, restoration power of God.

Now watch, your Spiritual dignity shall be restored. Through you, without speaking, many will come to know the Lord. Your chaste behaviour will convict sinners to turn to the Lord. Church Gist. Your new level of prayer life will cause a stir in your community. Your spirituality will dignify your journey in the Name of Jesus.

We have 3 things we are hunting for this morning.

  1. The healing power of God is in this oil so your head shall be fully restored.
  2. The breakthrough power of God is in this oil so you won’t have to cut corners. Jesus will visit you and open new chapters to your endeavours.
  3. This breakthrough covers your miracle jobs, business expansion, new level of breakthrough in your business and career in the Name of Jesus. And today, shattered homes shall be restored. Runaway sons and daughters shall be restored. Church Gist. Somebody’s dignity shall be fully restored. No more shame around anyone’s life in the Name of Jesus. Lift up your right hand everyone and give God thanks.

Serving God I’d the most rewarding of all endeavours of man. But why do men that are serving God not experience the blessings.

3 things to note that make stewardship profitable. It is this gap that robs many of us of access.

  1. The godliness gap.
    Depart from me, I know ye not, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:21-23. Church Gist. We have to hold it tight for our labour but to be in vain in the vineyard.
  2. The faithfulness gap is required that a man be found faithful. Let’s stop posing to be doing what we are not doing. It doesn’t count with God. Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities. Church Gist. Be faithful in your engagement, only the faithful can be fruitful. Where no one sees you, be faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:2 and Luke 19:12-13 and 17-19.
  3. The joyfulness factor. Don’t serve God as a burden. Nothing will come out of it. Deuteronomy 28:47. Because thou servest not the Lord thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things, therefore shall thou serve thy enemies. Church Gist. Serve Him as a privilege, serve Him as a privilege, serve him with delight. If you close upon these 3 gaps, you are going places.

These 3 months will answer to you beyond your wildest imagination. Close the godliness gap, the faithful gap and the joyfulness gap. Church Gist and you will be flying. Paul said, Ye I will rejoice. Yes, I am being massacred. I am being told against, ye, I will rejoice. The Gospel is preached. You can’t do this thing with joy and not return with fruits.

The 2 weeks are gone, remaining 2 and a half months. May each one be awake enough to make the most of this season. Many will have authority over 10 cities. Many will have authority over 10 nations. Church Gist. This engagement will open strange doors of favour to each one of us. May you be awake enough to take your place in it.

For all those who have been on the harvest field, in their prayer closets. Be openly rewarded. All those who have brought in men and women to meet with Jesus in this service, be openly rewarded. Church Gist.Those who have paid the way for many to be here, be openly rewarded. The good news is, the Obededom order of blessings that provoke the envy of Kings will come your way this time.








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